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Lochlyn Haley

A man of few words and of many secrets. He is the leader of the Jupiter Corporation terrorist group

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saarai



Conqueror. Physical god. Destroyer of worlds.

Real Name: Lochlyn L. Haley.
Title(s): N/A.
Alias(es): None.
Age: Exact age unknown.
Birth Date: 1970 - 1975
Zodiac: Unknown.
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Race: Caucasian. English.
Species: Unknown.
Occupation: Terrorist.
Place of Birth: Somewhere in England.
Hometown: See above.
- Current: Jupiter Corporation terrorist group.
- Prior: N/A.


Like all people, the man known as Lochlyn Haley does have a history. One longer than most people have. It's the details that have never really come to light. The official story is that Lochlyn Haley is an English businessman who found himself going down the path of supervillain. Maybe for greed. Maybe for power. Maybe out of anger. No one really knows.

Lochlyn and his Jupiter Corporation made a sudden appearance in London, England in the year 1991. They suddenly had holdings in Africa, America, Europe and eventually other planets and dimensions. Their intense devotion to philanthropy betrayed what lay beneath the surface of the Jupiter Corporation and Lochlyn Haley.

Horrific experiments and a private army were eventually exposed. While many of Haley's lieutenants were jailed, Haley himself disappeared without a trace.


Lochlyn demonstrates the ability to fly, an somewhat uncommon trait in many non-winged beings. It's implied that he doesn't actually fly as much as exert so much force when he jumps that it could be seen as flight. He also heals instantaneously from any damage he sustains, if he takes any at all. The limits of his healing abilities have never been properly tested by the general populace. Only Lochlyn knows how far he can go.

Listed below are his more unique abilities:

- The First Circle: This ability allows Lochlyn to use just the sound of his voice to make people feel no passion, no emotion and at times no hope. Making them slow and sluggish or even just a liabilty to themselves. For fighters and warriors they'll fight without passion, seeing no point. Entertainers will not entertain as they should, feeling as if it was waste of time.

- The Second Circle: With this ability Lochlyn taps into the most carnal desires of those around him. Lust takes over their bodies and clouds their judgement, taking their mind off of a fight or whatever else is going on around them in favor of their lust taking control. For some they cling to the nearest person, for others they'll try to seek out a lover.

- The Third Circle: This ability causes people to give in to their addictions when used by Lochlyn. Sometimes it's an overindulgence of food and drink, other times it's an addiction to drugs. Few people are able to help it once it takes control of them.

- The Fourth Circle: Lochlyn causes people to give in to their desire for material things. They give in to their greed with dangerous results. Some are even incited to violence because of this man's ability.

- The Fifth Circle: With this ability Lochlyn can cause a being's anger and wrath to come to the surface. Many times it can become irrational and not be aimed at anyone or anything in particular. Other times it can be very specific anger, causing fights amongst close friends and family or people who otherwise would not become violent.

So begins...

Lochlyn Haley's Story


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#, as written by Saarai
"No. I'm a businessman." Lochlyn told Jackie, "My company makes things that helps people." The man said, glancing back towards the exit for a moment.

"What do you do?" He asked, "What's your ability?"


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#, as written by Saarai
"I wasn't always a man in business." Lochlyn informed Jackie. There was a time when Lochlyn Haley didn't exist, at least not by that name.

"You can make them remember things?" He asked, "What do you mean? Can you show me?" Lochlyn asked Jackie, curious as to how her ability worked.


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#, as written by Saarai
"I won't tell anyone." Lochlyn said, raising a finger to his lips.

"Your secret is safe with me. You have nothing to worry about."


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#, as written by Saarai
Lochlyn found himself lost in the memory. It seemed so real, he hadn't expected Jackie to use her ability on him. He let his guard down, but this action allowed for him to see what she was capable of.

The fact that he had been away from Terra helped him fight through the facade that had been painted onto the canvas of his mind to speak to Jackie.

"You're good. I admit that you almost got me." He told her, "How would you like to go somewhere else? Somewhere better? Nicer? I can... help you learn how to use your ability much better, not to mention I have a lot of money."

"I have kids of my own, they've grown up, but the basics are all the same."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"Who's going to stop us?" Lochlyn asked Jackie, "I have abilities of my own, that's why I'm here. I'm searching for others like me so that I can help them."

"How about this? I'll come see you tomorrow, you decide if you really want to stay here in this... jail or come with me and be free?" Lochlyn asked, "You'll like being able to do what you want."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You'll like it where I live. It's a bit hot sometimes, but it's a nice place to live." Lochlyn told Jackie, "Grab your things. Whatever you want to bring. I'm going to go... talk to the staff."

Lochlyn stood up, eyes glancing to the drawing once more before he made his way out of the room.


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"Alright. Let's go." Lochlyn said, holding a hand out for Jackie to take. Several men and women clad in blue paramilitary uniforms bursting in through the front door.

"We should go. Now."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You'll make some new friends, get your own room, nice clothes." Lochlyn told Jackie as he led her outside to his dark blue limousine.

"We'll grab the others, Mr. Haley." A suited man told Lochlyn as he opened a limo door for him and the child. "Don't hurt them." Lochlyn told the man.


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"They're still around?" Lochlyn asked as he climbed into the limo. "Do you know if they live in this city? I can probably find them. It might take awhile."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"I'll find them for you." Lochlyn told Jackie. He wasn't sure if he was lying or not, Jackie had a request. A reasonable one.

"I'll look for them. I'll find them. I'm good at finding people."


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"I don't know." Lochlyn said simply, "I don't know them, I don't know what kind of people they are. What do you remember about them?"


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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The vehicle began down the street towards the eastern gate, the silence cutting the air and even freaking out the limo's driver. Lochlyn never spoke much when in the limo anyways, but this silence right now seemed awkward.

"I'm going to turn on the radio..." The driver.

The setting changes from Terra to Hade's Labyrinth

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
The elevator Lochlyn stood in began it's descent, the man's blue eyes watching the people who had elected him their de factor leader. Somewhere in his head he thought about how his actions would probably make many of them hate him, but he also thought about those he would inspire. Those he would protect.

It was all for the greater good. It was all for his sons, his daughters, his friends, his dead loves and any future loves he would find.

The elevator doors opened on the hospital floor, Lochlyn stepping off and immediately heading for the receptionist. "Which room?" He asked, "Right down that hall." The receptionist said, pointing Lochlyn towards Yanni's room.

The man nooded, making his way towards the room. Yanni wouldn't be happy to see him, her couldn't blame her. He did kidnap her, he caused her pain. Hopefully it was enough to get the point across.

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"Feeling okay?" Lochlyn asked Yanni, "That's a rhetorical question, a bad question, really." He said, grabbing a chair and pulling it close to Yanni's bed.

"I gave you your chances. You didn't take them. Sadly, it's come to this." Lochlyn told Yanni as he sat down, "You're strong. You're a fighter, but you do more running than fighting. Justify it any way you want. Protecting the Irishman, the kid."

Lochlyn stopped speaking for a moment. "You ran."

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#, as written by Saarai
"You say you weren't strong enough because I made you feel that you weren't." Lochlyn told the young woman, "But, you are. It's why you're here. It's why I came to you. It's why I chose you." He said.

"Hate me. I know you will, I know you do. I hate me. My daughters, my sons, they hate me. Use that hate and turn it into a cause. Meaning." Lochlyn told Yanni, leaning in close to her.

"Think about what you hate, then think about all that you love and use it to give your cause a heartbeat."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You seem to have missed everything I've ever said. Or, maybe, you've forgotten. I don't want to die. I'm not suicidal." Lochlyn noted, "But, I must die. Every cause needs a martyr or two."

"People ignore the pain and suffering caused by violent men and their wars. Their greed. They just let it happen as long as it's not happening to them." Lochlyn continued, "To the universe to pay attention I must grab their attention, I can get around and do a million speeches and hope to get them to listen." The man said.

"But, I can have them all ears with a single moment of mass death at the hands of big bad men with guns. Funny how that works, right, Yanni?

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"No." Lochlyn said simply, "It'll always go back to normal. Sentient beings, human, Martian, whatever, they all tend to think in similar ways. You have your psychopaths, your misanthropes, cynics, assholes, thinkers." Lochlyn began, clearing his throat.

"I'll be what Hitler was to the world after World War 2. A lesson. A warning. A reason why people must respect their laws of war, why they must go out of their way to protect those who need it, why they must learn to share this universe." The man explained, "It won't last forever. All things die."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"If you can't fight for what you love without being forced to go mad you don't really love them." Lochlyn told Yanni.

"I'm going to experiment on you, yes. I'm going to take your gyms, but I will not give you any further abilities. No, such power is dangerous in the hands of those like you." He said to Yanni, "You're raw. You aren't in control."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"You had your chance to cooperate in full. Whatever happens once they're removed is your fault for not taking my offer." Lochlyn informed Yanni, getting to his feet slowly.

"I'm not going to feed you any bullshit. I was patient, but my patience wore thin. I'm truly sorry, but I'm not going back on my word." Lochlyn said, "I told you that I would find you, I would take your gems and it will hurt you."

"I told you."

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Character Portrait: Lochlyn Haley
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#, as written by Saarai
"I thought more of you, Yanni. I do hope this is some ploy. Maybe a front to look tough." Lochlyn said with a shrug, turning to head towards the room's door.

"I'd much rather you see the Irishman die first. You're going back to Terra. I know you'll try to warn him. You'll try to save him. But, I will see to his death personally." Lochlyn told the woman.

"I will destroy you before I kill you. If you have nothing to live for then you won't fight much when we work."