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Logan Chase

0 · 624 views · located in The Ruins

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Symphony


[.:|General Information|:.]
Full Name: Logan Chase
Alias: Logan
Title: None
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years old (Appears to be in his early twenties in human form)
Species: Human
Breed: Shape-shifter (Human / Cougar)
Personality: Pending
Description: Pending

[.:|Outside Relationships|:.]
Occupation: Rogue
Position: Nomadic
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Companion/Pet: None
Owner/Master: None
Mentor: None
Apprentice: None
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Marital Status: Single
Offspring: None

[.:|Heath + Skills|:.]
[-]Subjected to change
[-]Subjected to change

So begins...

Logan Chase's Story


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While the world was beginning to grow light, the dam musky air within the bar stayed as dark as night. Though, with the casual lamp to light the establishment, the darkened windows and thick walls prevented from much light entering. Causing an evident shadow in most corners, where anything could lurk. However, now it was a large cat that lurked in the damp shadows, bright golden eyes the only light as the gazed out at the bar's inhabitants.

The swift brown-tipped tail would flash from side to side, in and out of the shadows, while the feline at question paced just at the edge of the lurking shadows. Strong claws would click heavily as he moved from side to side, head low to the ground and ears back, shoulders moving with each step.



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Golden eyes became even more visible as the large, stealthy feline stepped out from the shadows, moving with such purpose, if one was to look at him, it would be hard to look away. He moved with delicacy, each step forward moving in one destination, blood. The red liquid was flowing through the woman's fingers, coating the black garment she wore. A long pink tongue flickered out to rasp along his upper lip, giving anyone looking a clean view of those razor sharp teeth. Fearless.

But, before the feline could make his move, another man stepped forward, flashing some sort of technology from his wrist, and going on about how he could 'help' the gal. A harsh growl issued from his throat, claws sliding out as he advanced even further onto his prey.

His mind-set was solely focused on finding something to eat, someone to satisfy his need for food. Though, a small portion of his brain, that little sliver of human in him, told him to not attack. To let this girl be on her way, and to let her be healed by the man whom stood in front of her. But of course, his animalistic tendencies would win in the end, and as always, it was to assure that this kill was his, that he was Alpha. The growl slowly faded, but his steps did not, slowly making his way closer and closer to the young gal, golden orbs locked on her wounded shoulder.


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The cougar continued to stalk forward until he was only a few yards away from the woman. The hair on the back of his neck rose from the sight of the sword. He released a hiss, which shortly turned into a snarl, pacing back and forth, though no longer making any advances toward her. His claws had yet to slide out, ebony daggers that remained hidden until the first attack, keeping his steps light, and almost silent. He bared his teeth at her, wanting her to get a good look at him before he made his advance. Oh, this was going to be far too much fun. Even though, that small sliver of human left in him, was totally against this, in his animal form, his mind was swirling with one thing, and one thing only. Survive.


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Logan looked the bird-man up and down, another growl rising in his throat, as his maw moved awkwardly to pronounce the words.
Should you not be helping me?! This will be a feast we will both enjoy!
he growled, taking another step forward, and looking the vulture up and down, while trying to get a better look at his kill. His claws slid out, clicking along the hard ground as he paced back and forth, tail lashing from side to side.

I suggest you move.
his words were simple, direct, and gave no room for argument. His voice was more of a mixture of growls, with words hardly audible unless you were looking for them. His tail lashed from side to side, before he crouch down in front of the vulture-man, his hind-legs bunching up as he prepared to launch himself at the man, or the gal. For, to him, it didn't matter. He would be eating today, one way or the other.

A hiss slid from his open maw, baring large canines at the both of them as prepared his muscles to launch him into the air. He would wait till the vulture-man moved, and if he inclined that he wasn't going to, well then he would just have to save some more for later then, wouldn't he?


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Muscle's bunched n preparation, a growl would be heard before both of the doors to Gambit's opened with a feline's paws to be the cause. The cougar launched himself into the establishment, landing with hardly a noise, besides the heavy slam as the doors hit the walls they were attached to, before slamming shut. Though, upon noticing several small children wandering around the bar, the large feline moved off to the side, toward the shadows as the doors shut behind him, swinging back and forth several times before settling.

Logan moved through the shadows with ease, despite the large amount of sunshine now in the bar, as he circled the children, his golden eyes peering out of the darkness. Interesting. He had never been fond of another's cubs, but these small rats for children seemed to have caught his attention. These cubs seemed to be motherless, without any parents insight, and one of them was crying. The sight of the small girl, tears streaming down her face, was a sight to be seen. The large cat released a soft whimper, head low as he tilted it off to the side, the animalistic nature in him not knowing what to make of this. Should he attack them and eat them? Should he protect them? So, instead of making any advances, he sat down in the shadows, his tail flickering from side to side in the light, as golden eyes peered at the girl in question, Bethany Jane.


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The cougar moved with ease, taking a step forward, head low and shoulders high and bunched, stepping out of the shadows and toward the little girl before him. He licked his chaps, ears drawn back as he watched the cub's chat. Though, once the cat had taken only a few steps, he sat back down, curling his tail around his paws as he did so, golden eyes intent and never wavering from the girl in question. 'Why is she crying?' the thought ran through his head, the human sliver of his mind trying to break through and find some form of compassion in the animalistic nature in his body.

The large cat continued to sit there, watching. He tilted his head off to the side, ears perking up as he moved his head forward, golden eyes searching the girl's features. Though, far too many people were around. It was ridiculous! He stood up, looking at the girl one more time, dipping his head low and letting out a soft whimper, golden orbs locked on the small girl's own eyes. He then walked back into the shadows, laying down not to far away from the cub's, but far enough away to not get in the way and to stay away from the large amount of people near the girl, comforting her.


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Logan Chase followed behind the girl intently, stalking her through the shadows, never too far that he couldn't see her. He moved with the ease of years behind each step, not making a sound as he moved around tables and under chairs, never touching anyone. His tail flickered behind him as he stopped where she did, moving out of the shadows to walk along behind her, head low as he made sure that she made it to where-ever she was going without being harmed. Wait.

Was he worried for the gal? Did he care for her? She seemed to be innocent in nature, and adorable in looks. As he saw Parson come up along side her, he growled, coming along to her other side, looking the girl up and down, making sure that his head was lower than hers as he glared at Parson. This gal was going to be his, and his alone.


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Logan turned to anyone near Bethany and snarled. Though, his expression turned serene as he turned back to Bethany, sniffing at the girl's hair, a deep rumbling purr coming from his chest as he darted out a tongue and attempted to lick her cheek. He would then turn back to the people around her. He stood up, still under the table as he crouched in front of her, shielding her from Parson, and from Belesandra. He growled at both of them, turning back to Bethany frequently to make sure that she was okay. 'No more tears? Thats good..' the thought ran through his head as he laid down in front of her, ears perked forward as he watched her, using his body as a shield to prevent anyone from touching her.


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Logan kept his eyes locked on Bethany, until Parson began to try and coax her out. He turned to the boy, a snarl rising in his throat as he bared his teeth at the boy, his tail lashing from side to side as he placed his large paw gently in Bethany's lap, as if to say even more Mine. He lowered his head, curling his back legs around the girl as he continued to stare Parson down, teeth bared.

Golden orb's would stay locked on Parson while Bethany pet him, his large paw in her lap having its claw's retracted, while on the other paw, his claws dug into the wood-planks of Gambits with ease. Bethany was his now, and no one else could stop him from making sure that stayed true. Once the cougar had his mind set on something, he rarely dropped it. Having a master. It was something that his kind was fond of finding, of finding a purpose in life other than killing, killing, and surviving of course.


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Logan turned back toward Bethany, putting his head in her lap with a sigh, closing his eyes as he let out a purr. He looked up at her as she tried to give him a name, though he lifted his head up, letting out a soft laugh, that sounded more like a growl.
the word formed strangely while using his maw, though that was all he said as he laid his head back in her lap, which could be rather heavy for her to handle.

Then, he would lift his head up the slightest bit, sniffing at her hair and around the back of her neck before sniffing down the side of her arm, and putting his nose in her hand. She smelt wonderful to him. Something he could protect, something he could put his animalistic natures to besides doing the one thing he had done all of his life, survive.


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When Bethany talked to something besides him, he turned on the scarf that had edged its way around his paw. Now surely the scarf was moving, wasn't it? He lifted up his paw, claws extended as he slammed his paw down on the scarf quickly, hoping to capture it there, as he attempted to dig his claws passed the scarf and into the floor boards, not allowing the scarf to move. His tail lashed from side to side, growling as he moved his head off of the gal's lap to sniff the moving scarf.

Why couldn't they just realize that Bethany was his? He huffed as he sniffed the scarf, waiting for it to do something stupid and give him a reason to start chewing on it.


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Logan Chase whimpered as he was scolded by Bethany. He made his way out from under the table and toward 'Fluffy', who seemed to have holes in him. He huffed, looking the boy up and down, and stood behind Bethany, knowing that his immediate instinct was to, of course, kill and eat the bloodied thing. He sat down, continuing to stare at the blood, while his head was down and his ears pulled back. He had no form of healing to be known to this date, and as such, could in no way or form help the poor lad. But, he had it coming to him. Big cats don't play.


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Logan loved on Bethany for the moment she wrapped her arms around his neck. He looked at Parson as he walked in, and picked up his paw, cleaning off the blood that had appeared after the 'Cushion' had changed shapes. His golden orbs stayed locked on Bethany though, nuzzling into her back and then placing said paw around her back, almost hugging her.

He looked over at Cristina as she came near Bethany. Logan let out a snarl, along with sending one in Parson's way and standing up to move to block Bethany from the two of them, putting himself between Bethany and anything that could hurt her. He held his head high, ears pulled back as he glared at the two who had dared to come near hid Bethany.


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Logan looked between Bethany and Parson. He huffed, rolling his eyes and stepping back a bit so that he was standing next to Bethany. He glared at Parson, but did nothing more, besides offer a small nod. His tail lashed from side to side however, not happy that he was going to have to let Bethany so near him. When she was his, plain and simple. He wrapped his tail around the back of her waist, glaring at the Red Cub that had appeared, and could, at any state, be a threat to his gall.


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Logan looked Parson up and down, and offered out his paw for the boy to take
Logan. If only for the girls sake.
his voice was deep and gruff, his maw moving awkwardly to form the words before he removed his paw from Parson's hand and moved swiftly to nuzzle under Bethany's chin.

He would then tilt his head to the side, leaning down near the ground and using his tail to pull Bethany closer to him, almost as if offering her a ride.


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Logan leaned down further and then nudged himself up against Bethany's side, hoping to push her over enough so that she would hold onto him, before he would use his head to push her up and onto his back, even if she was just sort of hanging there, surely he had to be comfortable, and once she got herself situated, he figured she would be fine. He then stood back up to his normal height, looking over at Parson with a stern look.

His golden orbs looked over to the small tiger cub, ears pulling back. He never really had liked other, actual, cubs. He rolled his eyes at it before looking over Parson's shoulder at the purple glowing thing behind him. He huffed, figuring that all he had to do was protect Bethany. Other than that, and hunting, nothing much else mattered to him.


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Logan Chase followed diligently behind Parson, hardly moving the girl who lay on his back as he began to purr softly, hoping that it would lull her to sleep.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Dark Woods


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A soft purr could be heard coming from the throat of the cougar that stalked through the woods, looking for the small girl that over the last few days, he had fallen quite hard for. His master, his owner. Though, the relationship between the two could be considered protection, and just having fun. Playing around all day, keeping each other company. Along with the fact that no one could come near the small gal with him around. No one would take her from him, especially not in his feral form. Dominance ruled his mind in this form, almost all the time, and as he padded through the woods, protecting her was the sol thing on his mind.

He kept his head low, sniffing the ground as to where the small girl had went. The night sky shinned above, stars twinkling down at the two who were currently in the woods, tall trees looming above. He knew where she was, as he always would, but that didn't mean he was going to find her right away! This was a game after all, a game of hide and seek. She, of course, was hiding. While he searched for her, even if he was just walking pretty much around in circles.

Logan sauntered up to a tree, reaching up on his back paws and placing his front ones on the rough bark, pretending to be looking in the tree for her. Oh, where had she gotten off to now? While this game could be fun for the little girl, the cougar had his ears perked and his nose smelling the air at all times, worried about what else besides the docile cougar lurked behind the tall grass and stiff trees. He would not have her getting hurt on his watch. Nope, not happening.


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Logan fell back down onto all fours, crouching down in the grass as he moved toward her, eyes glowing yellow in the moonlight as he moved like a snake through the tall grass, coming closer and closer to the shrubbery that the girl lurked under.

He stayed still for some time, however his obnoxious purring clearly giving him away. Though soon enough, he launched himself into the air and landed on the shrubbery, putting two paws on top of it while he looked down at her, his back legs behind her and his tail lashing from side to side. Though in doing this, he made sure that he didn't land on her, but rather his paws were on either side of her, leaving plenty room for her to run.

He meowed, rather than roaring, the purr still remaining as his tail lashed from side to side, having tons of fun playing with her. Hopefully things could stay like this, it was far too much fun, and he hoped that when, or rather if, she grew older, she wouldn't want to leave him. He wouldn't know where he would be without his Master.


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The large cat fell back on all fours as she began to hug him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He leaning his head over her shoulder and rubbed her back softly before licking the side of her face, moving her hair away from her eyes. He then leaned back, looking at her and tilting his head off to the side, as if the notion of him getting hurt was something he didn't comprehend.

With slow movement his tail moved from side to side before the cat moved his head toward his back, motioning for her to get on with a purr. He dug his claws into the ground, planning on taking her out of the woods and through the plains that were near by, to show her the stars that lurked above.

Such a thing he was sure she would love, and if that seemed to bore her, there was always a stream nearby that he could show her, as such things twirled through the lands in a mess of webs that all connected to one another. The only thing was, if he could get her there, and home in time for the sun to come up. He hated that she couldn't run around and play in the sun like a normal cub could. Oh! The joys he could show her if she could run around in the sun! But, in the night, he had to be careful. Cubs were fragile things, and she was a cub. Thus, he had to take care of her. Right?