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Loredana Isis

"I hate holidays."

0 · 303 views · located in Lutetia Catacombs

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by AppleSauce


Loredana Isis

"Looks can be deceiving."


Basic Information

Full Name
Loredana Isis


Physical Age

Actual Age

December 25th 1821

Hair Colour
Midnight Brown

Eye Colour


"I'm a bit...greedy."

Mental & Psychological Information

Moral Alignment
Chaotic Neutral

Loredana can be quite humble, but there's a side of her that can stick quite close to tradition as she may be rude to those who do not respect her. Towards those who serve her, she can be quite alluring and most of the time does not need to raise her voice or use violence to command those loyal to her. Amongst Humans she is sarcastic, blunt, witty and sly. She loves toying with people, watching them foolishly put themselves in danger or hurt themselves, she finds it amazing how naive some people are. But she also really enjoys intelligent conversation and talking about things she's never heard of or never knew. Loredana loves to learn, knowledge is something she feeds off as much as Humans.
She is not the type to excuse herself at all in any way for the murder of many people, she see's nothing wrong with it as Humans see nothing wrong with feeding off animals even when not starving, simply for enjoyment, for perhaps to pass the time or have something to eat while doing an activity. It is survival, all do what they can to survive and in all honesty she finds many Humans more barbaric than herself. Although she is not cocky and isn't the type to underestimate someone, she's still quite fearless and not the type to hesitate, once she's made up her mind, that's that. She won't change it.
At times, Loredana likes to mix her feeding with pleasure, from time to time unlucky Humans, male or female, may be easily hypnotised by her without her even trying, easy targets indeed. So she gives them what they want, a bit of pleasure, with a minor sacrifice of their lives, or if they're lucky, they're spared and used to hide her whereabouts, to drive people away, point them in the wrong direction, makes things a lot easier. Sometimes they even bring her people to feed on which is rather nice. However she hasn't found herself ever taking any creature seriously enough for a relationship, no she does not like to mix serious things like that into her rather structured, life. Doesn't want to go through the drama or possibility of being found out, letting her guard down, being deceived, perhaps accidentally killing her love, or getting them killed, too much of a hassle.
When she is angered or been tricked, all know of her rage as she may seem quite calm on the outside, but one step closer and most are found dead. Lives fly around, being tossed out the window like they're nothing around her. Perhaps the whole definition and concept of living has been lost to her since she has lived for so many years, seen so many things, learned a lot, evolved, changed.
Although she does not follow the rules of others, she expects others to follow her rules.

✔ Feeding
✔ Knowledge
✔ The unknown
✔ Reading
✔ Playing with her food

✖ Disrespect
✖ Disloyal people
✖ Ignorance
✖ Boring conversation
✖ Deception

"Why would I openly discuss this?"
- Dying with regrets
- Being out witted
- Weaknesses.
- People who are too positive, they must be messed up in her opinion.

If she were to grow attached to someone or something, they'd be the only thing that would matter to her.
She really enjoys games, physical and board games.
When it comes to compliments, she does not know how to react to them and gets quite embarrassed.


Outlook on Life
Life? She has lost track of what it truly means to live. Without really a purpose except to survive living feels aimless, meaningless, almost redundant.

Loredana was via Vampire parents, her mum and Dad both very strong Vampires, but despite their strength, they suddenly passed away. Back around the time she was born, although it was quite easy in her opinion to hunt, there were also a few towns that occasionally had a Hunter to protect them, and unfortunately her parents fell to one of the Hunters. She was not too young to the point she could not look after herself, but she was still quite young in the sense she had a lot to learn. But she was smart, and for the amount of time her parents were alive, they taught her well and to think things through, to think of the consequences. But she did keep track of this Hunter though, when she found she was strong enough, she killed him and some girl he seemed to be quite fond of. She didn't even drink his blood, the killing of him was simply for revenge.
After that incident the town was quite afraid that they were doomed with their Hunter gone. But she didn't bother sticking around to watch them scramble. She in fact, went out exploring, moving from different town to town, to other countries and states. She wanted to learn more about the world and the Humans that overrun it. Along her travels however, when she was about to feed on a man who had foolishly gone out camping, he woke up. But he did not scream or cry for help, he simply looked at her, took in all her little details. When she asked if he was going to scream, he simply called her beautiful. A simple word was what made her decide not to kill the man as it had never been said to her by any mere Human. After she left the scene, she kept running into him to the point where she realised this guy was purposely trying to be found by her and trying to follow her. Eventually she gave him the time, finding herself still unable to kill the man, a weakness of hers. The talked and talked, many days and nights they would meet up and simply talk. He would teach her about things she did not know about amongst the Humans, and she would teach him things he did not know about the Vampires. Inevitably she fell in love with the man, and he too fell in love with her. They were planning on spending the rest of their lives together, but a lot of complications got in the way of such plans.
One day when they met up, a curious villager had seemed to follow him, return to the town and tell everyone of the man's mingling with a Vampire. When he returned, they thought of him as something evil, evil enough to speak with her, they saw him as a Demon, a source of evil. And back then, the way the dealt with these things was by burning at the stake, and that is exactly what they did to him. She had waited for him, at the usual time and meeting place, at first she thought he was mad at her or even did not wish to be with her any more for not turning up. But then it dawned on her that something was not right. At that night, she went to the village, careful not to be seen and found out the ugly truth of what had really happened to him. It was clear she thought, that they would be planning a trap at this point, aware of her presence, if she was not careful she too could die. And so she left, she would come back another day, when she was no longer grieving so much, when she was strong enough to rip the town apart. After many years, she returned to the village, threat after threat, bloodshed after bloodshed, she found the man who had told the town of this, killed him, did not drink his blood. Of course many were spared at this town, but a majority that got in the way or tried to harm her were slain.

After these events however, she has grown quite bitter, she cannot bring herself to ever love anyone again like she did him and doesn't want to fall in love either. She thinks that having loved one's is a weakness for her, caring constantly about their safety could cost her not only their life but her own. It brings too much grief and she does not want that, she wants to be as strong as she can and have nothing stopping her from doing what she decides on doing.

Physical Information



65 kg - She's heavier than she looks because her bones are much stronger and heavier than a Humans.




- Golden earings

Miscellaneous Items

Skills & Abilities

+ Major Skill 1 -
+ Major Skill 2 -
+ Major Skill 3 -
- Minor Skill 1 -
- Minor Skill 2 -
- Minor Skill 3 -
Legendary Skill

Race Abilities

Other Information


Main Theme
Sixx: A.M. - This is Gonna Hurt
Ash Riser - Waiting For You
Ken Ashcorp - Crazy Chicks
Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft

Emotional Themes
I'll Never Smile Again - Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra
Doris Day - I'll Never Stop Loving You

Artist found here

So begins...

Loredana Isis's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis Character Portrait: Kristan Lessard
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Loredana was such a curious kind of person. She always had a thirst for knowledge, but thankfully she was smart about it. She wasn't the type to go aimlessly into foreign ground just to find out what the History of the place was. Not much. Okay maybe today would be an exception. She did hesitate to enter the sullen catacombs, not because it really scared her but because she had no idea what was down there. Of course many dead people yeah sure, but what else could possibly be down there. Perhaps something still lingered down there, something dead with a thirst for revenge? She had no clue, perhaps that was too cliché though. Nonetheless, pushing her usual ways behind her, she had entered the dank place, no that she could tell if it was particularly cold or not, it just looked like it would be. As he eyes scanned the eerie environment, she couldn't see how Humans would so carelessly enter such a place (if they ever did) without being able to see in the dark. And not that all humans were defenceless but, a majority were, surely she'd find a fresh body or two in the place. "Eugh, smells worse than mangy trolls covered in their own faeces."

As she moved further into the catacombs, it dawned on her how awfully quiet the place was, it made her feel so, vulnerable, as if everything knew she was there and could here her, but she couldn't see them. It really wasn't the most comfortable feeling along with the stench. Loredana stopped walking however, not only because she had foolishly stepped in a large puddle she thought was smaller than what it was, but because she heard voice. "I'm not that mad." She reassured herself as she began to wonder if the voices were echoes from someone ahead of herself or if she was hearing things. Better play it safe she thought as she cautiously moved on ahead, her footsteps becoming one with the silence. If whoever may be in the catacombs heard her walking, they would hear it no longer.

Continuing further up, she faintly spotted two people in the distance. She could also smell them. Tempting but no, she would not attack. Simply she followed them, watched them, studied them. Before long she was not too far behind them and their figures came perfectly into sight. A man and a woman, what could they possibly be doing down here?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis Character Portrait: Kristan Lessard
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"He doesn't go too far, so we should be able to get him before it runs out..." mumbled the blonde, walking very closely behind Kristan. She held the bag of salt so tightly to herself. Her lifeline.

As they kept going, she carefully stepped over a fallen body, biting her lip behind her collar. "Eugh..." she gulped, suppressing a shudder.

She reached out to grab the back of her companion's shirt before they went further. She took in a shaky, frightened breath. That breath the girl took in the movies before something popped up and screamed at them.

"What's that?" she whispered, pointing at a dark shadow ahead of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis Character Portrait: Kristan Lessard
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
(I just realized that we've been tagging Kristan Lessard instead of Kristan Veillon. Kristan Lessard was the first name I chose not to use and forgot to abandon. XD)

"I don't know," he mumbled, holding out the lighter as far ahead of him as possible to try and bathe light over the dark shadow that Oriane seemed so concerned with. Kristan held his breath, but tried to remain composed and brave, if only for her sake. He moved forward, step after step crunching through the gravel ground, until the dim light revealed it to be nothing.

"Well, that got us worked up over nothing," he grinned a little, as he tapped one of the walls with his knuckles, causing a slight echo. When he paused, however, his grin completely disappeared. Something didn't feel right... An itching at the back of his mind, a sudden shiver up his spine, a feeling of unease and possibly dread. The instinct that something was watching him.

"Is something behind us?" He asked, before spinning around as fast as he could to look down the path behind Oriane, directly where Lordena would be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Loredana watched as the two seemed to think there was something in front of them. They were both quite scared, but something felt odd, she couldn't quite tell what exactly the male was. Was he Human? He certainly looked Human but... Something was telling her other wise. Anyway, she became quite amused by the two and watched as the male decided to play Hero only to find there was nothing there, oh how it was hard not to laugh.

Well, jokes on her as the male turned around to look behind the two and carelessly she was standing there confidently in the open. "Oh. Well this is embarrassing." She commented, remaining where she stood. Her right arm folded, hugging her side loosely as he left elbow leaned on her arm, she lazily cupped her chin with her index finger and thumb as she started to study the two, looking them up and down. Now that she could get a better look at them from the front. Loredana was a bit lost for words, she stood there looking so confident in her self and yet, she had failed to do something so simple, got distracted so easily and became so careless of what she was doing. "I'm not usually like this I can assure you." As if they were now judging her on some sort of stalking performance, oh no hopefully she didn't get 4 out of 10, that would be dreadful. How silly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Oriane's knees quivered like they'd experienced an earthquake. Her gloved hand dug into the bag of salt, but she halted, deciding not to pull any out just yet.

"W-who are you? Did you just wander down here, too?" she asked the woman that was now in front of them. "It's... it's not safe down here, you know! There's... necromancers and corpses and rats..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"This is too weird to be a coincidence," Kristan said as he held out his pen-knife, somewhat pathetically he was sure she thought. "She must have followed us down here.. Or found us.. Which meant she was down here already. But why?" He kept it held as steady as he possibly could, but definitely wasn't a stalwart warrior with a big, muscular arm to act like rock.

"What are you doing down here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Loredana brushed off any dust that may have formed on her clothing and adjusted the large collared cloak of sorts. A small grin formed on her face as she looked the blonde female in the eyes with her own red eyes, tilting her head to the side as she asked many questions. And also stated how it wasn't safe and that there were necromancers, corpses, rats "and Vampires perhaps." She was teasing now. She didn't know why but seeing a Human look so uptight and frightened gave her a rush of energy, perhaps it was that instinct in her.

"What am I doing down here? Sweetie what are YOU doing down here." She returned the question. Surely it was a bit cliché to encounter a Vampire in such a place, she would go off that. But to find a Human or two down here, not very likely. "What business would a beautiful, young lady and a handsome young man have in a place like this hm?" As her eyes continued to study the two in the dim light, not that light mattered, she began to think of the possibilities for the two being down in a place full of dead. "Oh please if I was down here for you two I would have attacked you a while ago. I'm simply exploring. Perhaps the two of you are doing the same? Although this isn't exactly a number one tourist attraction now is it?" Loredana began studying her surroundings a bit more now, listening out for any other movements, she felt there were more beings down here than the three of them. "I guess you might say I got a little curious as to where the two of you were heading. Or maybe you're both just into dead things hm? Is it exciting to go into spooky places that are dark?" She was mocking them now, or at least mocking the Human cliché of wandering into scary places for the fun of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Oriane squeaked. Her whole body stiffened, her eyes grew wide, one hand flew up to her mouth. She suddenly became so pale she might as well have been a fresh corpse in the catacombs.

"We... we... looking for my brother," she stuttered, voice quite a few octaves higher than it had been before. "He... he's lost in the catacombs... have you seen him? I..."

She backed up toward Kristan, the hand pressed against her sternum visibly shaking. If only she had known what Loredana was- she might have fainted! "I don't know... why a vampire would be down here, though..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"Like she said, we're looking for her brother. He's lost down here, or something," Kristan said, brushing long hair back behind his ears and narrowing an eye at the mysterious lady stood down the tunnel. She seemed quite the femme fatale, but mostly friendly. Besides, there were two of them and one of her and if she did try something, they would be able to overpower her in all likeliness. He pondered the situation for a moment, knowing that the addition of another lovely lady would make his day a little brighter.

He wasn't exactly a big womaniser, but he couldn't deny their effect on him. "You can come with us, if you like," he offered, before he realized exactly what he was saying.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Loredana could almost see the female's heart beating so hard against her chest from where she stood, she was most certainly afraid. Hm, she had thought people were used to this kind of thing, perhaps she had to remind herself not everyone had been living as long as her. She did make a good point though, a Vampire wouldn't exactly need to be in such a place, there would rarely be any people to feed off, guess it could be a place to hide from enemies, it was a labyrinth of death after all. "Ah I see. Your brother huh? I assume he has similar qualities to you then, shouldn't be hard to spot in a place like this. What a foolish boy to wander down here though." Then again, he could be anywhere, although he would stand out, where would they even begin to look? Would aimlessly calling out his name even be helpful or would it just attract unwanted foes that could be lurking. She tapped her index finger lightly on her lips as she began to think, continuing to study the two more.

"Hm, yes I think I will accompany you both. I will still get to explore unfamiliar grounds and also see if you both end up finding this boy, or man. However surely a man wouldn't be so daft to enter this kind of place." Loredana was simply assuming now based on general knowledge that this brother was a younger brother, a young boy perhaps. She did need some people to trust her in a place she had never been to before, it was better to make friends than foes, although she wasn't very good with people she'd have to try. At least she was convinced she would be quite a big help on their little quest to find this younger brother in such a dark place. She obviously had different strengths than a Human. "So, what's this brother of your's name?" Her crimson eyes shifted to gaze at the blonde as she questioned her. Although she didn't really think much of it, she was surprised how calmly the male spoke and acted towards her, and also how casually he seemed to have offered her to accompany them. Perhaps he was one to take people like her lightly and not react so shocked, maybe encountering someone such as herself was common in these parts.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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Orianne shot Kristan an incredulous gape. He didn't seem to fear this woman at all! She was so... sketchy! So... unpleasant in a way. Even so, Oriane couldn't be rude.

Defeated, she nodded. "The catacombs aren't the best place to get familiar with. I don't think anyone can navigate the whole place by memory. It's too big," she told Loredana. "But... but yes, perhaps another pair of eyes would be good. H-his name is Ruben. He's a bit younger than me. Seventeen, perhaps... not hard to spot. And... I'm Oriane."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"Well, I suppose we should get going then, yes?" Kristan asked, turning on his heel and continuing slowly down the passage they were originally walking, so that the other two wouldn't suddenly be left behind. "He can't be too far ahead now, we've been walking for quite a while, haven't we Oriane? Surely there's some chamber nearby in which he is hiding, or exploring."

He kept his eye out for doorways or spaces in the walls that could lead to just such rooms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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0.00 INK

"I don't know. I haven't been down this far," said Oriane, tentatively stepping over a fallen corpse. She clasped her arms around herself. "Do you two know which way we came from, again?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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"What lovely names you both have. Oriane, suits you very well." Loredana purred before giving the male a short nod. That was when she realised he had not yet given his name, how interesting. Perhaps he wished to hurry along and find the boy and get the hell out of the Catacombs, who wouldn't? "I'm Loredana, pleasure meeting you both." At least now the formality greetings were out of the way she could move on through the rather ghastly place without interruptions, hopefully. But she did intend to actually help the two also.

Her eyes looked around the dark place with ease and so far she could not see any sign of life as they walked. Casually she stepped over bodies here and there, she found them so pitiful looking, so frail and worthless, as if they didn't belong to someone once alive, moving and breathing. "Hmm... This will be more difficult than I thought, it seems so far your brother is probably lost in this place." Loredana commented bluntly and honestly, looking around behind them from time to time. "Yes the exit is quite clear, for me anyway. For now." It would be possible for her to get lost in this place, it was really large after all, she'd need to pay attention to where she was going and where she came from. "Why in the world would this ah- what was his name again... Ruben! Yes Ruben, why in the world would he come down here? Are you sure he'd even be down here? Have you not looked everywhere else first?" She questioned the two curiously, still unsure as to why a frail young boy would be down here. "Perhaps you both already looked everywhere, why else would you come down here. Apologies on my ignorance just now." Loredana always sounded so calm and composed, and rather intellectual. It was almost exciting though to be down in such unfamiliar ground, looking for this young brother, Ruben, it was a mystery where he might be and she loved mysteries.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
"We found a personal belonging of his outside the entrance. Like a breadcrumb trail, if you think about it. Just... We haven't been able to find any more crumbs yet, so we'll just keep moving until we find something," Kristan explained, keeping himself as alert as he could. He found it a little easier to see in the dark than he thought it would be; yellow eyes scanning the bodies on the floor and walls so he could manoeuvre himself around them without tripping.

"But honestly, these catacombs are huge and completely maze-like. We could be going in the complete wrong way and won't even know it until starvation or thirst forces us to give up."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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"I'm not sure I'd keep us walking to this point. My brother is... extremely... apt at exploring the catacombs," she said, a tinge of annoyance in her voice. "We did search up ahead. There's no where else my brother would be going. I don't know his obsession with this place."

At some point, as they rounded a corner, she stopped. Her eyes narrowed as she brought one hand up to her ear. "Do you hear that? Is it just me? It sounds like humming..."

Indeed, it was there. A humming, like a chorus all in unison, in the distance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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"Well if such dramatic hypothetical circumstances ever arise I will not need to worry so much about starvation nor thirst." Although it was a joke, it was also true, and she didn't exactly change the tone of her voice to make it clear she was kidding. She didn't give much thought how they'd react either.

"Hmm... How strange. An obsession with a place like this? Perhaps there is more behind it than a simple interest in the place." Loredana began thinking of different scenarios, was he being lured or controlled or something? There were quite a lot of possibilities. Suddenly, Oriane seemed to stop walking. Hear something? Loredana also stopped, looking around curiously and cautiously, listening carefully (that's a lot of c words). Yes she could hear it, the humming, how strange. "Yes I hear it too. How eerie." It felt quite unnerving to hear such humming in a place full of dead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis
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#, as written by Nevan
"Ruben! Is that you?!" Called out Kristan, giving- excuse my french- no fucks as to whether it was friend, foe or innocent passerby. The humming, in all likeliness, was Oriane's brother. Who else could it be? What else? He had yet to see the dead walk down in these catacombs (not realizing Loredana's nature) and they were already quite deep, leading him into what could possibly be a false sense of security.

"Your sister is looking for you!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis Character Portrait: Ruben Gesataia
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A light lit up in the long tunnel up ahead. Oriane's eyes widened. "Ruben?" she called out, stepping forward ahead of her companions.

A long shadow painted across the wall on the end of the hallway. Oriane couldn't tell what it was, but it was twitching and walking strangely, as though its legs were turned the wrong way. Contorted. It seemed thin, but the way the shadows played on the walls-

"What are you doing here?"

The girl nearly screamed as she reeled around. That had been a voice behind them.

He had sneaked up on them so quietly. Why, even anything enhanced by Loredana's vampiric nature would not have picked it up. The young man had a striking resemblance to Oriane, even to the point of sharing her attractiveness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristan Veillon Character Portrait: Oriane Gesataia Character Portrait: Loredana Isis Character Portrait: Ruben Gesataia
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Loredana simply stood there, listening and watching intently, this was a most interesting situation and she found that she was actually enjoying herself, it was exciting. As the two seemed to be, conversing with the eerie humming, calling out to Oriane's brother, hoping it was him she found herself caught off guard by the sudden unfamiliar voice that came from behind them. She too, turned around to see what seemed to be, Oriane's brother, well he looked an awful lot like her, so surely it was him. Still Loredana felt uneasy as she realised this young man had easily sneaked up behind them without her even noticing. "How strange..." Loredana spoke out loud to herself as she curiously began studying the young male, looking him up and down. Human, he seemed very human, how could she have not sensed him? Perhaps there was something more behind him.

"Well then, looks like your problem is solved. However I am curious as to why such a fragile creature would linger around these parts hm?" Her crimson eyes were locked onto Ruben's, hoping to find some sort of secret behind those eyes. Loredana did not like being in the dark about anything, after all, she was one who had a strong thirst for knowledge.