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A newer, improved AI designed by Graystone Industries.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by barney_fife


The Divine Order of the United Aschen Empire

ATTENTION: The Following Information is classified A-1

Given Name: Lunatea
Project Name: Selene

Archetype: Improved Omniscient AI

Manufacturer: Graystone Industries

Origin: United Aschen Empire

Processor: Omniscient Linked Calx-Meta Cognitive Processor

Capabilities: Designed from the Aiyanna platform, Project Selene boasts improved hacking capabilities, seamless integrated isomorphic AI code, in addition to an improved Gynoid body.

Function: Data Allocation, and Espionage

So begins...

Lunatea's Story


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Lunatea stared at Sadir with a blank expression, tilting her head slightly in confusion. "Generalized Confirmations of the realities of this Universe, Einstein's theory is incorrect, from my understanding of how he presented his general relativity theory. According to Aschen understanding, superluminal travel is possible through the use of a space-time localized distortion wave, theorized by Harren Kess, in the third age." She said, nodding. "The Black hole is an interesting phenomena, and was considered as a means for early superluminal travel." She said, shrugging. "Polyverse Network, unfortunately I cannot find the name suggested in any of our databases."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea smiled. "Ah, similar to the Bifrost." She said, smiling. "The Bifrost is a system that was developed by Daniel Graystone and Miles Hagan, and the University of Minos in Tauron. It utilizes a stable wormhole to transport goods, and even living beings across the stars, the furthest Bifrost travel ever attained was three point seven million light years to the Taiyou capital world of Niihama." She said with a quick nod.

"However, the Bifrost was quickly seized by the Military for use that is otherwise classified and cannot be divulged."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea shrugged. "It's not a matter of capability, it's a matter of coordinate computation, the further the target is, the more complex the coordinates are, in addition to the precision they have to be computed with, It is like firing a bullet at the head of a needle hundreds of miles away, the precision is quite astonishing." The figure said.

"So tell me, where do you hail from?"


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea shook her head. "You are incorrect, our computrons coordinate the location of something to be Bifrosted too based on X, Y, and Z Coordinates, in addition to a point of origin. The Coordinates have to be very specific, with a mere integer off, you might transport someone into the sun. You have a very rudimentary understanding of this manner of travel, though I commend you, being more intelligent than most outside of our sphere of influence." She said.

"You always need to have knowledge and numerical coordinates to your location, otherwise the mathematics you presented will present variables based on the stellar drift in space-time." She said with a smile.

"This interaction amuses me."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea shrugged slightly. "Distance will always be relevant despite how advanced the method of transit is, I would like to study and understand your manner of transportation, I am certain it is much different than our understanding. Perhaps in your universe, things function as you mentioned them, however. We exist in a nexus of multiple dimensions. I assure you, this is not the Earth you originated from." She said, crossing her arms.

"Regardless, you must always know the location you plan to achieve by bending time and space, and you must have a solid mathematical formula to determine where the wormhole will open. We merely simplified what would be a complex formula into a simple set of XYZ Coordinates. I would certainly like you to attempt transportation of something through your system to Niihama, with 100 percent accuracy."

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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0.00 INK

The young woman was silently walking to a small patio bistro lined up on Main street. She was under the alias Selene Taylor, with a complete history worked up and uploaded into her mind by the Aschen. She had papers proving her alias as well as documents going back from before the Tripartite alliance. The bleached blonde blue eyed woman was clad in form fitting jeans, and a loose sweater to combat the chilly Wing city day. She looked to Kianna, and then she nodded. "You sure this will work?" She said, accessing and collating information in her mind about her surroundings, accessing cameras to give her complete situational awareness.

She even had a an excuse why empaths or psionics couldn't read her mind, all lined up by the LDA.


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea smiled and then extended her hand. "Please, call me Selene." She said, grasping Ethan's in a firm handshake. "I've heard a lot about you and the Militia, certainly a much needed boon in a place without any modicum of civility." She said, smiling and sitting down, as the waiter approached. "I'll have a tea, please, and maybe a sandwich." She said, and the Waiter nodded. She then turned to Kianna, and offered a soft smile, for all intents and purposes the AI passed off as completely and utterly human, even the subtle mannerisms such as breathing could be noticed. Of course, the Aschen went through painstaking efforts to make her seem as human as possible.

"Kianna here has told me much about the Militia, i'm excited to be a part of it."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea made a face, and then she looked down to the table. "When I was six..." She said, a tear streaking down the side of her face. "Aschen soldiers came to my city." She said, clearing her throat and stifling a sniffle, looking to Ethan with teary eyes. "They shot my entire family for heresy right in front of me, while I hid from them. I... I want to join the Militia, to protect others from those atrocities. I want to protect the community and the people around me, so they don't have to suffer as we have." She said, shaking her head. "I want to make Terra safe, I want to be able to do something about the suffering around me." Despite the emotional show, Ethan would find himself unable to get a read on her.


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea paused and tried to regain her composure. "I have a rare neurological condition, basically my mind is, insulated from outside influences?" She said, sniffling and shrugging. "I don't know how it works, I just know it works, had a run in with a demon, couldn't possess me because of my condition." She took a breath, and sipped her tea as she regarded Ethan a moment, watching him closely, and offering a soft smile. "It's not much of a special ability, but I'm sure it could help the Militia in certain situations." She said, nodding.

"Orphanages? I could help with that. I could help with the homeless, I even helped an elderly woman across the street yesterday."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea shrugged. "I can't really recall.. I've led a fairly quiet life, trying was to stay out of trouble." She was frantically searching, combing the records and databases for something, something she could go off as a crowning achievement. "I like to tinker with machines, though. I'd say my best achievement was building a water purification system for my house, since the water in my homeland is not the cleanest. No thanks to the Aschen." She said, shrugging. "What was rolling fields and pristine springs is choked with ash and mud from the glassing."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea nodded. "I've had to defend myself, but.. i was too young to protect my family." She then stood up, already she had worked on a very convincing scar on her abdomen, so she was now standing, and grabbing the bottom of her shirt, raising it up slowly to reveal a sleek toned midsection. Just above her naval was a horrific burn scar, which looked like it had healed some time ago." I got this from protecting my caretaker from the Empire's death squads. They shot him, but I jumped in the way, and he was able to run away." She said, turning around, showing the exit wound, as if the bolt had gone through her.

"It hurt a lot.. I thought I was going to die." She said, lowering her shirt and slowly sitting down. The skin and her body flawlessly constructed, the only thing that could possibly give her away were the very fine print around her irises, the logo of Graystone Industries, and a barcode.


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea thought for a moment. "Well, what is it the Militia requires? I'm certain I can adapt to whatever they may need from me." She said, looking to him. Her ocean blue eyes regarding him.

"Whatever the Militia requires, I'm sure I can probably help with. I'm a jack of all trades afterall." She said. "And a quick study, give me a book, and I can learn from it."


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Character Portrait: Lunatea
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Lunatea offered a smile. "Thank you, it is an honor." She said, offering a smile and extending her hand. "I won't let you down." She said, smiling before she turned away, grinning to herself, before she sent a bitstream message to an unverifiable source.

"I'm in." The text message broadcast from the confines of her mind. Through several proxies, then through the internet until it inevitably wound up on a cell phone somewhere in Caprica City.

However she simply stared at the badge, and then she looked back to Ethan. Smiling. "Keep me posted on anything I need to be aware of. I'm excited to meet the others!"

The setting changes from Main Street to Wing City Plaza


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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Valorie perked up as Cynthia explained. "Oh! Oh... O-Of course." she said, mildly embarrassed by her inability to recognize what was apparently rather obvious. Now she knew why Cynthia had expected her to know. "Yeah... It's a pretty nice place to come from." she remarked in return, honestly not quite understanding what Cynthia had meant to begin with by the comment on her skin color.

At first Valorie couldn't tell what pepper was, but then she made the connection--or at least kind of sort of. "Oh--Um... Well. No... I was just enjoying this smoothie. I have friends to protect me though. ...Maybe I could protect you." she said, offering that last part in a slightly awkward, at least mildly shy manner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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0.00 INK

Lunatea made her way through the Streets of Wing City on foot, and towards the plaza itself. It seemed there were some other people here, and Lunatea, or rather Selene let a smile slightly grace her face as she moved through the sunlit plaza. "Interaction, good I can increase and improve my interpersonal skillset." She said, sliding her hands into jean pockets as she moved.

"I need to get involved more with Militia happenings, learn more about them and how they work. It just seems the attentions aren't in the right place." Lunatea said to herself, stopping on the corner of the plaza, and surveying the architecture and the foliage that decorated this large space.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
It was above the Plaza that the miltia's other android - and only, as far as they knew - was hovering. Aiedail's eyes swept down over the populace public space as she completed her circuit of the city for the umpteenth time that day. It had been a relatively uneventful one, as far as days in Wing City went. Only one attempted murderous rampage!

As she scanned over the plaza, her eyes locked onto Lunatea in recognition. She'd been informed of the identities of the other militia members upon her induction. Lowering herself through the air, Aiedail came into land a short distance away from Lunatea.

"Hi there!" she exclaimed brightly in greeting, waving her hand, "You are Selene, unless I am mistaken! It is a pleasure to meet you, fellow militia member! My name is Aiedail!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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"I... uh..." Cynthia shook her head, and gave a brisk pat to the top of Valorie's hand. "It's okay. I've been protecting myself for a while now. Best if friends don't get caught up in the crossfire."

And she couldn't help but grin at the notion of Valorie protecting her.

"That's nice of you, though. The thought, at least. You're not so bad, Val. Hey - if you ever need anything ..."

She dipped into her jacket pocket and came back up with a card. It had all the makings of a business card, but only with 3 blocks of lettering on the front.


"The bottom is my personal."

Her eyes flitted upwards as she passed the card to the girl, and she gave a cursory glance to the two white-haired women. Her head shot down again and her eyes averted to Valorie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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0.00 INK

Lunatea smiled up at the other android. However Selene had altered her appearance from that of her typical Silver haired android. Lunatea in fact appeared as a bleach blonde woman with icy blue eyes. She watched the Android lower herself, and she analyzed the being that was standing before her. "Hey! So you're that Android that's in the Militia! I've heard about you and now I've got the chance to meet with you!" She said with a wide smile, turning her attention to the others in the Plaza. "Looks like we have company." She said, nodding.

"What brings you here to the City? No Murderous rampages? No Aschen Glassings? No bank robberies?" She said, extending her hand.

"Let me formally introduce myself, I'm Selene, Selene Taylor."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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0.00 INK

Valorie was patted and smiled slightly, apparently not all that insulted by the gesture. As long as she could forget that she was an adult, she didn't mind being treated like a child. The other gave her an offer and a number--Two numbers. She'd have to figure out how to use a terran phone later. "I--...Thank you." she responded in a grateful tone. "I just feel bad--Er..." she said, stopping herself as she noticed they had company. Valorie's reaction? She leaned over and gave Cynthia a brief but affectionate side hug. It might not be immediately clear why she had done that, but she now turned her attention to Luna and Aiedail quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Ryder Character Portrait: Aiedail Character Portrait: Lunatea Character Portrait: Cynthia Lang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
"It would appear that today is a relatively quiet day!" Aiedail said, smiling. "There was a small riot last night, so perhaps all the troublemakers burned themselves out then."

The android tilted her head, as her various systems habitually scanned Lunatea in various ways. Impolite, perhaps, but Aiedail wasn't the most up to date on social graces, and it was practical! "Oh!" she said after a moment, "I had not realised that you were also synthetic!" That hadn't been on the file! "I haven't encountered many other synthetic intelligences!"

Aiedail wasn't entirely sure what the situation called for. It wasn't like androids automatically had much in common. Still, it was nice not being the odd one out! The android's thoughts remained innocently trusting for the time being - she was sure it was just an oversight that Selene's synthetic nature hadn't been part of her provided description.