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Maamoon Mortlocke

The mysterious witch.

0 · 600 views · located in Wing City Gardens (Northeast)

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Baby, as played by RolePlayGateway



Age: 26

Height: 5'0

Maamoon typically wears a short blue dress that stops mid thigh, with blue sandals. Under her dress she wears blue boy shorts.

Maamoon is a witch that can either write or say her spells. Her magic extends from creationism and curses, to healing and enhancements. Her spells are usually activated by one word but on occasion Maamoon has to rhyme in order to execute a spell.


Maamoon is a woman who is very calm and soft spoken. Though she almost never smiles, she can be quite friendly. She is also compliant, willing to do things that others ask of her, if she feels bored enough. Maamoon is also willing to get her hands dirty to get what she wants. Filled with vices and virtues, anyone could say there is definitely something strange about Maamoon.


Maamoon sports a magic blue parasol that is usually open. The umbrella can turn into a shield, a sword or a long barrel shot gun. Maamoon also carries a small blue notebook that has a matching blue pen inside.


No one knows much about the mysterious Maamoon, she just showed up one night on a full moon. Those who ask about her background usually gets the cold shoulder, which takes awhile to melt.

So begins...

Maamoon Mortlocke's Story

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#, as written by Baby
“So how is it Moon? Did I do you good?” Maamoon bit into her sandwich and found it to be quite bland. She never really cared for food and her taste buds were mostly dead due to a magic spell that went wrong. But, to satisfy her new found crush, she smiled at him and nodded.

"Very delicious! I thank you maa.." Maamoon leaned over and kissed Valentine on the cheek, though she wasn't embracing the gift, she found it sweet that he paid for her. She noticed from the corner of her eye a tall, burly man stumbling down the road. She noticed this man from a previous encounter and sighed. She wouldn't hide her face, it would be difficult for someone to not notice a blue woman.

"Hey Moon sweetheart. Why'd you run away from me last week?" Maamoon heard him as the red head stood uncomfortably close to her. This man was Knives, who was interested in Maamoon when he first saw her. Maamoon felt like she should learn her lesson, she started to like Knives the same way she was liking Valentine, because he gave her gifts. But Knives was different from Valentine. He was much more violent.

"And who the hell is this guy?" Knives said while pushing Maamoon out of the way. She was knocked into a pole, which didn't hurt but it annoyed her. Knives sneered at Valentine, apparently he didn't like him already.

"None of your business, Knives."

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#, as written by Baby
To be blunt, Maamoon hated Knives. He was a relationship gone terribly wrong. Apropos to his hair, Knives was a pyro. And he was terrible when angry, Maamoon still had the burns to prove it.

“My name is Valentine and who exactly are you? Besides a man who abuses females?” Maamoon didn't realize until now that Valentine was standing up for her, something that made her smile. But the smile faded when she was roughly grabbed by the wrist.

"I don't abuse females. I put them in their place. Now back off, me and my girl ain't got the time to be sitting here with you." Maamoon grabbed her notebook out of her pocket and started to draw her transporter circle. While being dragged away, the white circle appeared on the ground behind Valentine. "Let go of me!" Maamoon shouted, the tip of her parasol was shaped into a blade and she stabbed Knives in the hand. It was hard enough to draw blood, which would buy her time. She ran towards Valentine and tackled him, using her weight to make him stumble on the circle behind him.

When the two were transported, they were in a different part of the gardens. Maamoon cursed, she couldn't teleport far distances for some strange reason. "Sorry Valentine. Crazy fiance..."

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
~ 7 months later ~

Maamoon was laying on the grass next to Valentine. For the past few months, the two have gotten much closer to each other and it was blissful. For the first time since Knives proposed to her, Maamoon was happy to be on Earth. There were some bumps here and there, but Maamoon came to understand Valentine a whole lot better during their time together. And she herself, had become much more physical than she thought she would. She was teased before as being called 'clingy' but Maamoon thought it was more so addiction. Clingy seemed more negative, well at least in Maamoon's eyes.

Stopping her intensive glare at the moon, Maamoon rolled over and grabbed on to Valentine's chest. "Kiss me Valentine, or you do not love me." Maamoon teased, smiling at him to show she didn't mean it. But if he didn't kiss her, then she would have to seek revenge.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Valentine continued to stare into the sky, pretending not to hear Maamoon. Maamoon's nose twitched in irritation, there was no outside noise to stifle Valentine's hearing. She rolled on top of him and pouted, sure to get his attention now. "Valentine, I said kiss me. Don't ignore me." Maamoon grabbed both sides of Valentine's face to make him look at her. Now he was teasing her, and Maamoon hated not having the upper hand.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Still, Valentine ignored her. Maamoon's face flushed blue, now Valentine was being a bully. "Come on...Kiss me.." Maamoon pressed. Maamoon bite Valentine's bottom lip, desperate now for his attention. Not able to take Valentine ignoring her, Maamoon threw a fit. She grabbed his shoulders and started rolling around, which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't on top of a hill. "Love me!" A little too much to the left and they were tumbling down the hill, which wasn't too steep. The couple slowly stopped rolling right at the edge of a lake.

"That was close..." Maamoon said, staring at the water that was only a few inches from her and Valentine's body. "Now kiss me!" Maamoon crawled back on top of Valentine and gave him a slight head butt.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Valentine finally relieved Maamoon with a small kiss on the lips. “You know Maamoon this is near where we first met.” And yet treated her again with a more passionate kiss. One that made her feel on top of the world. "Is it? Maybe you could jog my memory.." Maamoon said, leaning in to kiss Valentine. She wanted this one to last longer so she held his face in case he tried to escape. After a very long kiss, she let go, sated for a few seconds. "I love kissing you Valentine. You make me feel so blue." Maamoon sighed and looked around. This was indeed where they first met, in the gardens.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Maamoon worried about a lot of things. And right now, her main concern was being clingy. At the time, she wanted all of Valentine's attention. Though she is constantly with him, Maamoon has no friends and her family is forbidden to see or speak to her. Her life on Venus was filled with physical touch and love. Even when Maamoon was fully grown she would jump on her father and cuddle, just because she felt like it. Now that she was exiled, her life on earth was a bitter contrast. No one really understanding her, or even caring to know. Maamoon decided to use her magical abilities to help people and gain friends, but after trusting people and telling them her story, they laughed because they did not believe her. And that's what happened to Maamoon's so called 'friends' on earth.

Then, her life started to brighten with the emergence of Knives. Knives was passionate and very protective. He also showered Maamoon in gifts, knowing exactly what she wanted; things that were shiny, girly and blue. Knives also didn't mind her being clingy. Maamoon would hug him for hours and he wouldn't have a care in the world, as long as Maamoon had her arms around him only. But things were too perfect to be true, if Maamoon even so much as looked at another man, Knives' jealous streak would flare and Maamoon would get burned, but luckily it was nothing compared to what he did to the man who happened to have been in Maamoon's eyesight for a second. Not able to take being lonely again, Maamoon stayed with Knives, and for a period of time, walked around blindfolded, but Knives didn't let that act live long. The only thing that made Maamoon leave the abusive relationship was when Knives almost killed her in a jealous rampage. Maamoon figured it would be better to live and be lonely than to die by Knives' hands.

Then after a week of no hugs or kisses or even a simple 'Hello' Maamoon realized that loneliness hurts worse than pain. On the brink of going back to her deranged lover, she met Vale

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
she met Valentine. They didn't hit off too well, but they worked each other out, and now Maamoon couldn't be happier. But it was the same bliss that she felt with Knives and she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Not wanting to worry Valentine, Maamoon smiled at him and rolled off of his chest. Now she was writing a spell in her notebook, just a small precaution, just in case.

"Valentine...Am I clingy maa?" Maamoon asked, her back facing him. She didn't really want to hear the answer, but she had to know. She could hold off the constant kissing, if it meant keeping him. She could hold off just about everything, if it mean't keeping Valentine.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
“Well I would say that you are but...", Maamoon was hurt. In that one second she felt like jumping in the lake and escaping. "...I enjoy the fact that you are clingy Moon. It makes me never want to be out of your presence ever because I wouldn’t feel whole anymore. I am Saturn and you are my rings.” But that would be irrational. Because Valentine didn't care about her being clingy!

“Moon is something wrong?” Maamoon didn't answer him, instead she stashed away her notebook into her shorts, hiding her spell. Shortly after, she was being lifted up into a sitting position, now facing Valentine. “Maamoon you have nothing to worry about at all because I won’t ever let anyone harm you.” Valentine reached into his pocket and held something with both of his hands. Maamoon leaned in closer, wanting to see the surprise he had in store for her. She hoped it was something blue, that would really lift her spirits. When Valentine finally opened his hands wide enough, Maamoon saw that it was a ring. I would have needed to have a ring to give to you before I requested your hand. That flashbulb memory appeared in her head as the sound of Valentine's voice seemed to echo. “Maamoon Mortelocke will you marry me?”

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Maamoon screamed letting Valentine put the ring on her marriage finger. She screamed again, admiring it's beauty. It had the most marvelous hues of blue she had ever seen, and she almost couldn't take her eyes off of it. Maamoon couldn't let out all of her excitement fast enough, she ran around in circles screaming and laughing. She tackled Valentine again, this time falling into the lake. But Maamoon didn't care, her parasol was on the floor and her notebook was water proof. All she wanted was to hold Valentine forever. When the two resurfaced to the water top, Maamoon straddled Valentine with her legs, her usually lazy eyes wide with rapture. "Kiss me Valentine! I'm engaged! I'm engaged to you! You are my fiancé maaaa!" Too excited to wait for

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Too excited to wait for Valentine to kiss her, Maamoon did the honors herself, kissing him with such a force, it brought them back underwater.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
After drying off, Maamoon was now happily walking with Valentine, her fiancé. The night was still young so they decided to go for a walk. "You know maa love, I never told you why I was exiled from Venus. Now that we are getting married, I figured I shouldn't keep secrets from you." Maamoon trailed, trying to prepare herself for the story. Her attention was soon to be diverted by a young girl walking in their direction. Her blonde hair was long and curly, and her green eyes were big and round like the moon. Her green eyes were focused on Valentine, something that made Maamoon a little uneasy.

"Valentine!" The soft, feminine voice rung in Maamoon's ears, something in Maamoon awakened, and she wasn't exactly sure what. The girl opened her arms to hug Valentine, pushing Maamoon out of the picture. Maamoon decided to wait at the side to see what was going on, watching to make sure Valentine's hands stayed at the girl's back.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
“Moon this is uh…Mirage…I saved her a few years ago.” Maamoon faked a smile at the girl, who in turn completely ignored her. "Val, I have been looking for you! I really appreciate what you did for me and you know...I wanted to make it up to you.." Mirage said while caressing the side of Valentine's face. Maamoon tapped her foot angrily, wondering why this Mirage woman was being so physical. For a moment, Maamoon was afraid that Valentine would like the girl. Maamoon was already insecure that she was three years older than Valentine, but now this young and beautiful woman was holding Valentine like he belonged to her.

Maamoon poked Mirage with the end of her parasol, catching her attention. "Excuse me, Mirage..But...Valentine is engaged. We are getting married. So the only way you could make 'it' up to him would be to pay for the wedding." With a push tinged with jealous, Maamoon used her parasol to knock Mirage off of Valentine. Strolling back to Valentine, Maamoon gave him a long kiss, and made sure to add plenty of tongue. That should be enough for Mirage to back off.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Maamoon was relieved when Valentine smiled at her, she was assured that he still loved her. But soon after, she was being pushed apart from Valentine by Mirage. The girl began to hold her body against Valentine, as if claiming him as her own. "Listen brat, you get off!" Maamoon yelled, her jealousy taking over. She grabbed Mirage by her long locks and pulled her away from Valentine. Maamoon held Valentine's hand and pointed it towards Mirage. "Go and electrocute her, maa!"

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Maamoon was upset when Valentine refused to shock Mirage. She was harmless too when he decided to shock her into paralysis, but now this younger woman is too innocent. Bullshit! Maamoon didn't hear what Valentine said to Mirage, but it obviously was good enough to reward him with a kiss. Seeing Mirage walk away, Maamoon's face was turning a deleterious shade of blue.

"You are cheating on me MAA?!" Maamoon screamed, a small tear escaping her eye. "It's because I'm old, isn't it?!" Maamoon yelled at Valentine again, lifting her hand at him. "Wind!" A large gust of wind repelled both her and Valentine. On Maamoon's end, it sent her flying straight into the air, with her parasol slowing the fall. Maamoon slid her ring off of her fingers and threw it directly at Valentine's head, fuming with anger. "I hate earth..." Maamoon grumbled, wiping a tear from her eye as she floated away.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
“Maamoon wait! You have it all wrong!” Maamoon heard Valentine shout from below, and decided to ignore him. If she could give Knives credit, at least he didn't cheat on her. For awhile, Maamoon was confused, wondering why Knives refused to let her even speak to another man, but now it was clear. Being cheated on hurts, and Maamoon would be wiser the next time around.

"Go away, Valentine." Maamoon said blankly, not wanting to show Valentine how hurt she was.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
“Maamoon! Please, just come down so I can talk to you.” Maamoon was now over a small lake, probably the same one from earlier, when she heard Valentine call out to her again. He seemed to be pained, and though Maamoon was hurt, she couldn't ignore him any longer. She collapsed her parasol and started to dive into the water. Coming back up to the surface of the water, Maamoon walked to the edge opposite of where Valentine was, and took her clothes off and dropped her parasol. She dived back into the water, waiting for Valentine to join her. At least when she was naked, could he focus on her body and not lying.

"You will tell me the truth."

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Maamoon felt her body being pushed up against Valentine's, it was a warmth that was unrivaled. She put her arms on his shoulders to distance themselves slightly, trying to show some sort of resistance. She listened to his story and decided he was telling the truth, besides, it would be hard for her to resist him for much longer. She was already addicted to his presence.

"Fine, I believe you. But only if you tell me that you love me. And you will not cheat on me!" Maamoon said, ducking her head so Valentine could not see her smiling. She let go of her hold on Valentine's shoulders, allowing for their bodies to be extremely close to each other. Even though it was the middle of the night in the cold lake with no clothes on, Maamoon was extremely warm with Valentine's arms around her.

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Character Portrait: Maamoon Mortlocke
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#, as written by Baby
Maamoon was a little disheartened when Valentine left her, but happy again when he came back, she was already missing his warmth. Seeing him hold the ring in his hand made Maamoon feel ashamed. She was about to throw their love away for stupid jealousy. Maamoon couldn't look as Valentine put the ring back on her finger, making her feel complete.

“Moon earlier you were saying something about your past. What was that?” Maamoon had almost forgot that she was going to tell Valentine her secret. She folded her arms across her chest and looked away. "I'm not telling you anything maa. You are ugly." Maamoon stuck out her blue tongue at Valentine, growing more childish by the second.