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Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul

Purity of the storm, Purity of mankind, Purity of my liquor!

0 · 1,731 views · located in Sol: Deep Space

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lil_kreen


Given Title: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul
Race: Ascended hairworm, satellite being.
Age: Physiologically her human parts remain at 22 indefinitely as long as she periodically returns to the Altar of Myrkul
Gender: Female, equipped to carry mankind. Produces only more Mada.
Eye color: Black
Overbeing/Faction: Myrkul's Vein
Birthplace: Outer storm within Darkavien's construct.
Religion: Apatheist
Physical Condition: Excellent, the helm insulates her from hostile native influences.
Languages: Common, English, Draconic
Current residence: Itinerant
Occupation: Diviner

Identifying characteristics: Their ferroplasm helm and shadow lantern are their most obvious feature if not for that their shroud is a physical construct of ferroplasm weave and serves as armor. Only the diaphanous base of the creature is unarmored. When the ferroplasm armor is removed and their lower half reconstituted Mada is shown to have an extremely human morphology underneath.

Personality: Mada have the most human-like intelligence as they're the only part of Myrkul with the remnants of Netherese lineage. Their body is part human and part mote in organization the sheer suffusing of psionic energies in their bodies are balanced by the very human interaction with normal minds. They can be placid if playful but Mada don't feel any duty to share custody of future Mada with the humans that sire them. They like to eat but their bodies do not age like conventional humans do. Their souls simply burn out if they are too long away from the Altar of Myrkul so they develop a profound homesickness after years away serving Myrkul's aims.

Background:These creatures are born with the intent to locate new points to the Way that will last instead of the impromptu way gates of the Jinhai. As such they must be more suited to traverse the domain of Mankind. This end was the object of the Fallen emperor that created the first Psi-seed that could withstand a human soul and be able to procreate itself to preserve concordancy of soul unique to bred creatures and largely denied most Ascended hairworm. Myrkul found it in the holy city upon destroying the traitor caring for it dutifully until it was cable of mobilizing the creature. Options for making more Mada were few and far between and Myrkul destroyed the unworthy. Few Mada exist and only several generations have occurred since that first psi-seed was created. This Mada is incredibly excited to interact with the human world again.

  • Ferroplasm Shroud - This shroud is made of careful threads of shadowstuff and ferroplasm. It is extremely resilient to corruption or negative energy that would diminish her human half. The helmet causes extreme feedback to hostile psionic minds attempting to penetrate it. Her gauntlets have a similar resonant effect to wield her lantern to shred the stuff of umbralkind and etherealkind. She's capable of interacting with ethereal beings as if they were solid so they cannot pass through the armor without first penetrating it. Under the effect of her lantern that will prove to be difficult for them. While she can dismiss it into the haversack she cannot be totally separated from it as it remains an extension of her body.
  • Lantern of Mankind's Light - This ferroplasm and silver Censer is equipped to burn away the mental poisons of mankind. Pisons nearby can use it to sear some of the taint away the warp brings by coming in from the cold as it were. It very much feels like a warm campfire well hidden in the dark. As it works that scent of ash, blood, and fire is the purifying incense that maintains a bane to shadowkind and other ethereal beings. In Mada's presence she can open the censer upon them to make them touchable by Mankind and notably their weapons. In close proximity to the lantern that same light that burns taint away can be used as a flail to sear the soul of the ethereal.
  • Haversack - The haversack at her hip outside the armor is a extradimensional supply largely containing human things such as her clothes, posessions, and other medical supplies for mankind. Most are considerably dated and mundane though as a human hybrid she is capable of using magical items so Myrkul creates them for her. It is nevertheless taxing for Jinhai to produce these things so her supplies are not inexhaustible. As long as mada's armored shroud persists the haversack can eventually reconstitute damage to regain access.

Limitations: Unlike Jinhai she has to eat and breathe though the nature of her body means she won't ever bleed out from her wounds. She can drink but doesn't stay drunk for very long. She can still die however which would disperse the Psi-seed so Jinhai are extremely protective of Mada. She likens them more to big brothers. If Psionics are suppressed in some way she will be profoundly unhealthy as some of her biological processes are impaired. Spent long enough in such a place and she may begin to risk organ failure and death. This same nature of her body also means she cannot fly but only hover over the ground from the motes in her lower half supporting her weight.

  1. Siren - Mada can howl for the attention of mankind as a sort of psionic scream alerting humans or the otherwise psionic-sensitive within 50 meters of her position the number and nature of her enemies. She can also channel and sing over her lantern to cause human suffering such as disease or injury to dissipate through pain. If the targets can take the pain her melodic tongue can bind the wounds or purge their ills. Otherwise they may die. Those humans not otherwise tainted that hear her voice are very likely to find it fetching but to Xeno or those tained by demonkind the psionic force behind it is very much a painful driving force.
  2. Levitator - The microscopic creatures composing Mada's lower half are largely bound to gravity. She can levitate easily a few feet above the ground through mid-air without apparent lift.
  3. All-consuming - While Mada are part human their digestive process is still very much like Jinhai. As Mada is generally always solid underneath she can eat pretty much anything she can fit in her mouth. As such when riled she bites. Her teeth are strong enough to crush stone and tear off soft metals.

So begins...

Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akio the Wanderer Character Portrait: Ean Falcor Character Portrait: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul
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Ean smiled at the young man and nodded, offering him again the drink he had poured. "We never truly lose our way, Akio. We just sometimes forget which path we are on, that's all.'

Shortly after they would have their drink however, Ean would make his way back to the bridge, addressing the helmswoman with a tilt of his hat. "Emily, update." He says, taking his seat.

The woman nods and gestures to a handful of screens. "We're currently located just within the Sol system, sufficiently far enough from Terra that it's unlikely they'll find us out here just yet. Even so, I've plotted a course that'll take us through an Asteroid field, where we can gather up some raw material to do repairs. After that, a quick spin past a gas giant to siphon off some fuel, and then on to the delivery."

"A sound plan, Child. As you were." Was the captains response, removing his hat and laying back in his seat. "Our employer hasn't woken up yet, but when she does I'll be sure we get the drop off point from her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akio the Wanderer Character Portrait: Ean Falcor Character Portrait: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul
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Plinth's head pounded against aches in hard angles where someone stitched her meninges and several brain vessels back together. The force required to drag that chaos marine took more from her than she wanted to admit but every exposure would become easier. As her eyes opened some of the view reorganized itself by duplicates with her head clearing them off slowly. It took a minute to realize she was looking at the ceiling as Jinhai raced telepathically toward her mind excitedly to make sure she was healthy. Happiness wasn't something Jinhai were capable of but they did have a well-curated interest in her well being.

The lithe monochrome woman brushed her grey hair as the washed out dark red eyes to clear out the cobwebs. Closer to her person she looked around and saw the IV sticking out of her arm long enough for her immunology to alert and chew off the offending spears. Red bled out the hole for a moment then the void entirely vanished in a puff of black mist. She could feel her body eating the metal bit in her arm until it was gone a few moments later. Though her balance was off she was stable enough upright to flex introspectively as another IV fell away from the other, needle sheared off clean. Her interior biology aggressively purging out sedation left her breath harsh and medicinal.

In standing up her form fitting pants creaked at the real tops with her wobble using the bed for stability ready to set out to her duty. She removed her Censer from the haversack at her hip where the Jinhai left it. There were some suffering from corruption-induced sepsis. Her senses slowly whined at the darkness there and duty to Humankind came first.

Compliant feet stumbled over to the worst of the tainted as she used their bed to stabilize herself for the work. Chain wrapped around her hand she rose the censer high ignoring the personnel working on cases less hopeless. Faint singing came from somewhere out of space as golden threads rained from her censer. Their faint smell of citronella purged from the patients the dark black lines of sepsis from the body as it purged Chaos's corruption from the soul. Her hands shook at the strain but the thin singing remained strong.


Jinhai were making their way with psistone cases of preserved organs up toward the medical bay. In tow several naked patchwork human beings holding their heads clouded in a dim stupor. Rekindled humankind assembled from the piles of the broken. Every so often Jinhai corrall the individuals in a temporary fugue forward like wayward sheep. They pile in a elevator with a worried technician at the back of a naked groggy throng as a Jinhai presses the button to get them to the Medical bay.

The setting changes from Sol: Deep Space to The Wastelands


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jinhai Character Portrait: Myrkul's Vein Character Portrait: Akio the Wanderer Character Portrait: Ean Falcor Character Portrait: Feidlimid Constans Character Portrait: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul
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A great emerald beam of light suddenly shot towards the sky and made contact with Sol,
coming from somewhere deep within the Collenham Mountains, elsewhere on Aslund.

Sol and Terra seemed tethered together by a thin, bright, green string.

The setting changes from The Wastelands to Sol: Deep Space


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akio the Wanderer Character Portrait: Ean Falcor Character Portrait: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul Character Portrait: Tiffany Amed'dali
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0.00 INK

In the medical bay, a young woman woke from a nightmare in which the whole of the world was collapsing... and it was all her fault.

"NO!" she screamed, leaping up from the bed and scaring the bejesus out of the nurse who had been attending her.

"oh dear lord!" The nurse jumped and grasped his heart. "Don't.... don't do that please, Man that got me."

The woman was still frantic, her eyes jumping around as she tried to make sense of where she was. She thought to climb out of bed but the orderly saw the idea cross her face. He leaped forward and gently, but firmly, pushed her back down onto the pillows "Whoa whoa, easy there, calm down now. Your safe, everything is okay, you don't have to worry."

Still frantic and terrified, Tiffany Amed'dali allowed herself to be pushed back, as her body was still weak. She plied the nurse with questions however. "The, the city. The arch and those people. Is... did I.."

"None of that now, your safe and that's what matters right now okay. So just calm down and relax." The orderly said, grasping her shoulder with gentle reassurance. "everything is going to be okay, just relax."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Imperial Taiyou Navy Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: C.O.R.e Character Portrait: Mada 'Plinth' Myrkul Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Detective Dee
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0.25 INK

A literal handful of electronics debris spit out from the Shadow Phoenix and floated in a scatter off into space. Immediately after, the warp drives engaged.