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Marchog Ridder

"I see you have taken an interest in my armor, that is fine, My armor is quite interesting"

0 · 452 views · located in Side Alley

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Dr. Nikolai


"A Knight like no other, I do not pride myself on strength, but on the tactical awareness that I have in my brain, for that is what truly wins the battle, not to say that strength doesn't help, it truly does"

Marchog Ridder


So begins...

Marchog Ridder's Story


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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The soft clanking of metal sounded from the street near the bar, trailing along the patting of rain as it hit the concrete. Normally one wouldn't hear that kind of sound over the words being spoken inside the bar if you were there at the right time of day, but this time, the patrons would hear it. The clanking got closer to the bar before the door opened slowly, an armored, somewhat tall, but more average figure made it's way into the establishment. On the back of the figure was a shield, one that had a sun on the face of it, with what looked like a face inside the sun, one with a gentle expression, something soft.

The figure gazed around the bar, it's hand on the sheathe for the sword it also had in it's possession. It then let out a soft resounding groan, and clanked it's way over to a bar stool, planting it's rear onto it. It then gazed around once more, taking in the patrons of the bar, fulfilling curiosities it had.

"How art everyone on this rainy but overall plain day?" the figure inquired of the patrons inside the establishment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder Character Portrait: Akio Suzuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
It had been a long time since she returned to the very place that was her stomping ground as a child. It seemed odd to walk down the same street that she once played in against her parents’ wishes, but it was something that had to be done if she wanted to actually get to the bar. Well, not a long time ago, but she hadn’t made her presence known since the incident with the assassin that had murdered her mother and nearly killed her baby sister. Renée had jumped in front of Gabrielle in order to save her life, taking the shot that was meant for her. The two had shared a sweet final moment and Gabby had buried Renée since she thought the older girl was dead. Waking up in a coffin wasn’t pleasant, but luckily it was pretty easy to get out of. Despite how badly it looked; Renée hadn’t died, but she did pass out for a little bit. Whether it was her stubborn nature or something supernatural, or even luck, none of her vital organs were hit. Deciding it wise to remain incognito, she kept an eye on Gabrielle from afar and had meant to meet up with the girl near the bar, but seeing her father completely messed that up. Learning he gave Gabby the bar, she opted to remain in the shadows for the time until things were up and running.

Sweeping her raven hair behind her shoulders, the eighteen year old adjusted the sunglasses on her face. The red lenses covered up her very unnatural red eyes; something she obtained from her father's side of the gene pool. Releasing a deep sigh, she shoved open the door to Gambit's and walked inside. Her blue metallic jacket covered her clothing and weapons, but still allowed her access to them if necessary. Beneath the jacket was a black pair of pants, black boots that went up to her thighs, and a silky black shirt with a leopard face screened onto the front. Her eyes took in the familiar scene and without a word, she made her way over towards the bar, sliding up on an abandoned stool far away from the others, especially the individuals in armor. She hoped to spot her sis, but at the moment, the only familiar individual was Cryoface, but whether he would recognize her was a completely different story.


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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The eyes traveled over to the male as he made his way into the bar, and then the figure let out a hearty laugh, one filled with joy and humor. It then moved it's hand out to the male, "Good, good, it art better to be in both then to be in only one. Some danger makes the day much more pleasant, I have to say for myself at least" it spoke in a firm but friendly tone of voice. "Where are my name is Marchog Ridder, Knight for all, haven't found a kingdom I have wished to stay at for a long time yet, still searching though!" he added doing a little bow to be courteous. He then gazed over to the woman entering the bar, and he waved to her. "Hello madam!" he said in a loud tone to her, and then looked back at the man.

"Might I request a name from thee sir?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

Winter looked up to Cryoface with an emotionless look. The Snow man again.. he seemed to be an employee of this restaurant. "I suppose that you're going to ask me to disarm myself again?" She asked completely ignoring the comment of the night terror. "Well unfortunately I cannot follow your rule, it is physically impossible for me" she said closing her crimson eyes.

She really had no qualms with the snowman or the rules of his establishment. However she hadn't slept in a few days and her patience grew thin. It probably wouldn't be wise to keep pushing the no weapons rule.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
When the one in armor with a shield and sword said hello to her, she couldn’t help but arch a brow. He spoke in a different manner than she was used to and wonder if he came from a time period where knights were prevalent. Not wanting to get involved in asking him, she just waved a hand up him before returning her attention towards the bar. She motioned for the waiter and ordered a pitcher of her favorite drink; the Kamikaze and returned to gazing around the room. When the door opened again, she glanced over at the figure walking in and upon realizing she didn’t recognize him, returned back to look at the wood of the counter. Sighing, she shifted her gaze over at the stranger as he sat down a few stools away from her.

He didn’t speak to her and by the way he placed his head down on his arms, he looked sleepy. Who came to the bar to sleep? Sliding off her stool, she moved down beside him and prodded a single digit into his ribs. The waiter by then had placed her pitcher and a glass in front of her and she slid back onto the new stool, watching the strange male with curious covered eyes. If he didn’t respond, she would poke him a few more times before leaving him alone. Leaning close, after taking a huge swig of her drink, she swallowed and parted her lips to speak.

“Pssst… dis be a bar, not a hotel. De hotel is above, yenno…?”


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He raised a brow as the man spoke about his name and how he wouldn't remember it. He got a little bit agitated as he assumed that the man thought he was just a brute. "And why would I forget your name Suzuki Akio? I assume you think I am just some typical brutish knight with no brain, you are gravely mistaken" he said in a somewhat harsh tone of voice. He then nodded his head at the woman as she waved back at him. His eyes then moved away from Akio, ignoring his last question as he was angered somewhat. His gaze traveled over to the one who had fallen asleep and was being prodded by the woman he waved at.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
Chen watched as the place began to fill up. "Miss I have a solution, just place your weapons on the counter their in reach of you and him and just keep them an arms length away." He said with a smile. He had only been here a few times but those were rough. He preferred to talk things out and avoid a conflict plus this woman for some reason peaked his interest. She looked tired a bit like himself but also concerned with something.


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He decided to put his little pouty session away, and then he turned back to the man, "Good, cause I may not be brutish, but I can be pretty nasty if you get on this knight's bad-side" he scolded the man in a harsh tone, as if he was a child. He then decided to answer the previous question, "I travel, doing jobs along the way and heard this was a pretty interesting place to be, so here I am" he said with a nod, and chuckled once more. He then leaned to the man's ear to whisper something quietly. "You know, you aren't half bad looking, and don't worry about pissing me off, I've had worse insults, besides, as I said, someone like you can insult me all they want" He then leaned back, acting as if he didn't whisper anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

Winter looked over to the man, a slight look of annoyance flashed across her face for a moment. "Again that would be Impossible for me to do so" she said closing her eyes again. Her head hurt, was it lack of sleep? Or something else completely? Her memories were not returning and the physical as well as the mental exhaustion was getting to her. She didn't show any of this however, her pretty face remained ever emotionless.

She opened her eyes and took a small sip of her water "It is a Ludicrous rule anyway, what should happen if this bar gets attacked and no one can defend themselves?" She asked


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He all but slept through the pokes, only stirring when the woman gave voice. "So?" He asked, lifting his head just enough to speak clearly. "I can't afford the hotel and I'm not washing dishes. I'll just sleep here instead."

He gave her one glance, just to see who he was looking upon, then dropped his head again with a slight thud. The woman looked quite a lot like Gabrielle and even spoke like her, but looked a little older. She was definitely an adult, unlike the girl herself. She was probably some sort of sibling, or cousin, but had no interest in asking her in family banter.

Sephyt looked like he had been in some trouble. His coat was torn at the arm down to the sleeve, though there was no cut on his arm or stains of blood expect on the clothing itself.


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He swore under his breath, chuckling a little, "Oh come on back here, It was a joke, I ain't gonna force you to do anything you don't want to, at least let me buy you a drink or something" the knight remarked with a friendly and saddened tone of voice, looking at the man under his helmet, wondering if he would indeed come back or if he had scared off that lovely looking man for good.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"The bar has hired security, Ive seen them fight they are very good at what they do." He said with a smile. "I'm Chen by the way." He said offering the irritated woman a smile. After seeing a good portion of the city flattened the other day he could see why anybody would be wary but he had also seen this places staff take many threats head on placing their lives on the line for the patrons of this very bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
Frowning, Renée went back to poking at him. She didn't want him to sleep on the bar because it wasn't safe. He might fall off or something. If he was going to doze, then it would be best to do so in a booth. At least that might be a little more comfortable. Sipping more of her drink, she poked and prodded the man, her nose crumpled up something. From the sight of the man, he had been in a scuffle, but she wasn't about to ask what had happened. No, bringing attention to herself wasn't exactly what needed to happen right now.

"So, dis ain't a hotel. Go sleep in de booth if yer gonna sleep. Dat don't look comfy. Also, if ya want, I can get ya a room and ya won't hafta do dishes."


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He swore under his breath once more, "Alright how about you choose the drink or food, and I will pay for it, and I won't be anywhere need your food or drink, swear on my heavenly soul that I will stick to my words, you need not doubt the word of mine" he spoke in a very firm tone of voice. "I will not manipulate you in anyway unless you wish me to" he added, staying where he was. "Song and dance? Oh, so you used to be a hooker didn't you? I did not know that, makes sense why you don't trust me".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He opened his eyes at her sudden offer and turned to look at her and gauge her intentions. "You would buy me a room? For what price? What would you get out of it?" He asked cautiously, having never really believed that people had charitable intentions. In his mind, even truly 'good' deeds were paid with gratitude, position and self-filling highs. It was all eventually selfish.

"You have no idea who I am, we've yet to even meet and you have no idea what type of person I might be. I could easily use you in a variety of ways if I wanted, especially since you make it so easy to do so."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

"Winter" She said in a short tone. "Relying on others to fight for you is no better than running away and hiding." She said pulling her red scarf up to her nose "In the end, the only power you can rely on is your own" she said looking back towards Chen with those deep crimson eyes. "Wouldn't you agree?"

She shook her head and let go of her scarf "Besides it's assuming everyone who enters here wielding a weapon is going to kill someone" She said in her emotionless tone "The owner of this bar seems like a coward to me if they are not even willing to defend it themselves, or is it a manner of double standards? How does the security handle threats if there are no weapons allowed in this bar?" She asked. Normally Winter was not one to rant in frustration, but nothing about this situation was normal in the slightest. Then again what in her life was?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Faithy
"Pissing my sister off is reason enough for me." Renée grinned widely for a moment before finally just shrugging.

"I know what it's like to be without and I know that it won't matter to my sis as long as it's being paid for. I don't want anything in return, except maybe some company or something. I don't advise you to attempt to use me though, because I'm not really someone to mess around with. But, if you genuinely need a place to sleep, then there's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to do so. Not for a long time, but for a few days maybe?" Whether or not he realized she was slipping in and out of her accent didn't really matter, but she really hoped he hadn't noticed. Shrugging again, she finished off her pitcher of kamikaze, motioning for another. The waiter nodded and after fulfilling her order, went around to get everyone else's order.


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Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

He then punched himself in the chest as the man walked out the bar. The knight got up and made his way outside the bar to speak with him. He did not mean to offend the young man, he just didn't say the right words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cryoface Character Portrait: Renée LeBeau Character Portrait: Sephyt Character Portrait: Winter Elysium Character Portrait: Chen Saikgan Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
"The security has weapons and ah unique abilities I believe." He said with a nod. "Personally I prefer to trust my self and those around me over just myself. Going it alone in my opinion is crazy trust me tried it the other day and it did not go too well." He said shaking his head remembering the giant beasts if he had the entire republic city force with him things would have turned out much more differently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marchog Ridder Character Portrait: Megan Moonhart Character Portrait: Akio Suzuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rawrful
Megan, having been doing her normal eavesdropping on the assorted conversations, set down her half finished coffee and followed the knight and the young man outside. She had seen enough to make some quick judgements, and was well aware that once through the door the bar's security would likely take no notice. As she exited the bar she looked both way to find what had become of the two.