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Margot Merlot Munroe

I'm ready for my close-up~

0 · 487 views · located in The Hidden Glen

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by CrashQueen



Margot Merlot Munroe was meant for the pictures. Born of the union of a lonely paleontologist and a beautiful tyranid named Melinda, Margot (real name Martin) made the best use of his unusual looks, starring in his first film as the monster in a friend's student film that made it to the local film fest circuit. A talent scout found ths raptorboy and brought him into the lucrative world of fetish film, where he was not feared for his dinosaurian visage, but revered and adored.

Though still playing the monster, there were plenty of teratophiles that loved to tune into his atudio's Youtube channel to watch Margot do his thing with all the flourish of an actor; whether it be chasing down schoolgirls, or stomping tiny cities Godzilla style. If there's a kink, he's done it, including some that are a little more than illegal in Wing City (but you should totally ask him about it.)

So Margot is famous but not famous at the same time. Either way, he takes to altering his appearance slightly to avoid being harrassed by a fan or a mother of a fan who found his dirty smut in their daughter's bedroom. Most likely he'll be wearing a scarf and sunglasses.

And ladies (and gentleman); he is SIIIIIINGLLLLLLE

[[Note, despite the photo, he does wear clothes. He's just pretty patterned. And he has junk. But you know. No pornographic images ]]

So begins...

Margot Merlot Munroe's Story


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Margot strolled into the bar, his claws clicking on the floor, he was dressed in a nondescript black hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses. Nobody would find him here, he was certain. Or else he'd have to give those stalkers credit.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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Margot observed this new patron discreetly, the tint of his sunglasses effectively hiding his golden gaze. He leaned forward and ordered a manhattan, before giving into his curiosity about Mose's arm. "What happened there? Or is it not my place to ask?"


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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Margot presented a clawed hand, his nails finely manicured and currently painted pink. "Call me Margot," he purred. "Mar-gow." He emphasized.
"Sorry about your accident, I hope it's easy to adjust to- though I hear science works miracles these days." He swished his tail, fanning the feathers at the end of it.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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"It makes you unique despite the tragedy," Margot nodded before taking a sip of his drink. "You should really look into films. You know there's people out there with amputee fetishes? And yer pretty as is- could make a good bit of income to cover those medical expenses I'm sure you have."


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"Well I gave you some advice. Use your situation to your advantage." Margot shrugged and continued to drink, leaning back in his stool.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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"You are talking to the lovechild of a dinosaur and a man, I think I understand what you're getting at when you say you feel 'different' from the rest." Margot chuckled and wiggled his toes, clicking his saber claws against the crossbar of the stool.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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"You're too kind, darling," Margot purred as he ordered the second drink. He hummed a tune to himself. "Though I fear I'll only be taking two and one's to go. I'm exhausted from a long day of shooting and i've been hiding from stalkers."


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"I'll consider it, pretty," the raptorboy teased as he stood up, his drink in a plastic cup so he could take it on the go. "If you're curious about those films, here's my card."
The boy handed over a business card, clean and elegant, with gold type and embossed letters; fancy classy shit. It had his name "Margot Merlpt Munroe" and a list of short roles he's played, as well as his and his studio's information.
In an instant, he was gone. A phantom.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Canti's Diner


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Margot had been surprised when Paraverse Pictures contacted him, and he briefly wondered if they even knew exactly what kind of films he did. Sure there were the few 'made for TV movies' thrown in there; but he was always typecast as the rebellious teenage stoner son. Maybe that's where they'd seen him.
Surely not in those films where he chased around schoolgirls, designed for maximum pantyshot potential (on them, not him, obviously)...Though those certainly brought the fame- and the stalkers.

Fortunately, there were none in sight as he entered the diner, dressed in a jacket and jeans. Despite his saurian heritage, he walked with grace, his tail trailing behind him and held a perfect few inches off the floor. He removed his sunglasses and glanced around, noticing Lyra. My, wasn't she the pretty one?
He smiled and moved towards her, catching the portfolio in her hands.

But he first moved to the agent, offering a clawed hand in greeting.
β€œMiss Phoebe Dreddrieson with Paraverse, I presume?”
His smile, albeit obviously that of a carnivore, was warm and handsome, as was the rest of the syrup-colored raptorboy.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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Margot was a little more tech-savvy than the vampire, it appeared, but he was young and hungry at a ripe 24 years of age. He pulled up his resume on his iPad; a laundry list of films with titles like Clever Boy, and 80 Million BC, and his personal favorite, Jurassic Heart.
There were other films, of course, but those were shot under the table, and not really suitable for the mainstream audience. They didn't serve a purpose here.
After that, headshots could be flipped through, as well as a few press releases concerning the starlet velociraptor.

He noted Lyra's haughtiness and tried to quietly determine if that was the way she was, or if she was just acting this way for the interviews. He settled down and ordered a coffee and a water at Phoebe's behest, curling his tail about his feet.


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This was better than he hoped. While Margot had aspirations to be a leading man (who didn't?), he wouldn't say no to a supporting role. After all, some of those roles get more attention than the main character, do they not? He pondered the question for a moment, what did he bring? The first, obviously, was his looks. But the second, obviously, was that he was in the minority. A very strong minority. And here is where he staked his claim.

β€œI represent a demographic that, up to now, has been largely neglected or marginalized in the big budget film industry- monsterkind. Sure you can find them in the industry, but they are ALWAYS typecast as the villain, and that can put a great deal of the population off.” He mused. β€œAnd with how many there are in Wing City alone, you are alienating a good part of your potential audience, and thus, potential cashflow.”
If there was one thing he knew about the film was always about the money.

β€œIf you were to cast me in a role that's not just positive but also integral to the plot, you would be sending out the message that Paraverse Pictures is a progressive studio, willing to offer roles to talented monsterkind that would never have seen such a thing before. This will draw in that new demographic, and the sales could potentially double, even triple. And you'd be the frontrunners of a new movement in film. Think of the extra media attention brought to YOUR movie. More press is always a good thing.”

He smiled oh-so-charmingly. β€œAnd you'll find that I am nothing but adaptable to whatever role I am given. I studied both classical and method in school, so I can be versatile.”


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. He was sure he'd have to audition, and then there were always the casting calls, and the like. Getting in was not just flirting.
"I can do that. I trust you have all my contact information?" He asked simply.
Death of a Salesman...he'd done that one in high school. It had been a while since, but he was sure he could pull it out pretty well. He didn't let his self-confidence completely consume him, but it was there, Phoebe noted, in the way he carried himself.

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

Margot entered the bar with no shortage of excitement, in fact, he was barely containing it. Here we go, the first steps to a big break, and he'd fuckin' NAILED it. Clearly this was cause for celebration, and so he headed to the local dive (because they were always the best) and ordered a celebratory greyhound.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

Margot entered the bar with no shortage of excitement, in fact, he was barely containing it. Here we go, the first steps to a big break, and he'd fuckin' NAILED it. Clearly this was cause for celebration, and so he headed to the local dive (because they were always the best) and ordered a celebratory greyhound. (repost for new entrance. I'm lazy! )


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

"Sooomebody got lucky," Margot chuckled and took a drink. "Nothing too big, just got my first callback for an audition today. The first steps towards becoming a big-name actor, you know?" He smiled, his sharp teeth glinting. "I figured I would celebrate a little."


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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"You're too kind," Margot purred, and promptly ordered a martini. There wasn't a whole lot going on, and it seemed that the amputee was already spoken for, so he wouldn't be barking up that tree any time soon. He brought up the menu and flipped through it, looking for something he wouldn't hate himself for later.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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"Nothing much. Shooting on my current film is wrapping up tomorrow. Most of my parts have already been shot, but there's a final scene that I know it going to take me into Friday at least," he chuckled. "Oh well, the sacrifices we make for our craft.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

Margot was slightly on edge when the Director entered, and at his words the little raptorboy straightened up in his stool, taking a careful sip of his martini. But he was doubly anxious as Phoebe walked in. He hoped she didn't think any less of him for ducking into Gambits for a celebratory drink. He wasn't drunk at the very least. Margot was very classy about holding his liquor, and even if he was drunk, he wouldn't let it show across his face.

He looked back to the emphatic man harrassing passersby and tilted his head just slightly. Was THIS the bossman he had to impress for his chance? Oh my.


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

sorry i gotta bail i can't think right now


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Character Portrait: Margot Merlot Munroe
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0.00 INK

Margot stepped into the bar and removed his sunglasses. He had been practicing for the Director all day, reciting monologues and pacing about in his apartment. It had gotten to the point that he needed a distraction or he was going to fail- catastrophically at that.
Dressed in his usual v-neck/skinny jeans combo, his tail whisking out behind him, the raptor boy moved to the end of the bar and put his order in for a captain and coke. He didn't want to sit at the bar, because it was in view of the windows, and he knew his stalkers were out there, searching relentlessly for them.

He knew that he could SOLVE his problem very easily- but not necessarily legally. So he kept that out of mind for the time being as he waited, giving Toren a casual glance and making note that way too many of her parts matched other parts.