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Oh my!

0 · 264 views · located in End Of The Beach

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Modesty, as played by RolePlayGateway


A spiritual life form adept in becoming whatever character actively fits the situation, persistently naive to modern day activities.

So begins...

Meep's Story

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#, as written by Modesty
Landon shudders as cold chill crept up his spine. He had chosen the wrong seat in the bar. Each time the door open and shit a cool breeze wafted up the back of his loosely fitting dress shirt, like cold fingers up his back. He bent lower over his coffee, letting the steam warm his sharp features. A soft smile, perpetual, graced his face as always. Brown, welcoming eyes took a moment to glance around at the newcomers. The patrons of Gambits never failed to amuse him: a young girl, much too young for the establishment stood beside him, and a hooded creature huddled in the corner. Lips parted to form greeting, but was interrupted by a loud man.

"I'd try the bar." He answered, cheerfully.

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (South) to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
Landon shudders as cold chill crept up his spine. He had chosen the wrong seat in the bar. Each time the door open and shit a cool breeze wafted up the back of his loosely fitting dress shirt, like cold fingers up his back. He bent lower over his coffee, letting the steam warm his sharp features. A soft smile, perpetual, graced his face as always. Brown, welcoming eyes took a moment to glance around at the newcomers. The patrons of Gambits never failed to amuse him: a young girl, much too young for the establishment stood beside him, and a hooded creature huddled in the corner. Lips parted to form greeting, but was interrupted by a loud man.

"I'd try the bar." He answered, cheerfully.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
His helpful suggestion was rewarded by no conversation. Instead, the strange man began to look through bottles he pulled out from behind the shelf. Attentions again turned to the girl beside him, far too young for the alcoholic bevarege that she was sipping at. Still, Landon quietly reminded himself not to judge on appearance, for things in Gambits were seldom what they seemed. He was testiment to that.

At sound of shattering bottles he jumped, obviously impacted by the loud sound. His brows furrowed momentarily, annoyance clear. It was a sound of whimpering that caused him to turn, again, to the cowering Eleesa in the corner. "Hey, you alright little one?" He asked with genuine concern.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
The shattering stopped. The voice of the child wrang out, expressing her annoyance kindred to his own, or what annoyance he had held before his attentions had been diverted. A reply came, though Landon had again stopped listen. Concern riddled his features as he pushed himself away from his bar stool, passed the grey-haired newcomer, and towards Eleesa. His vision washed over her as she clutched at her own body, in obvious pain, and fell at his feet.

"Medic? Is anyone a doctor. This patron requires assistance." He said, loudly over the the busy pub. He, himself, had not the skill for mending. Instead, the tall stranger took kneed beside her and place his hand upon her shoulder in offered comfort.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" His voice lowered, more personal.


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#, as written by Modesty
Landon snatched his hand back, the hairs on the back of it standing at attention as static electricity slid across his skin. He felt the zap, and it wasn’t pleasant. His lips pressed together, clearly out of his element. Voice rose, loudly speaking to the bar that was so diligently ignoring him. “Scratch the medic, is anyone an electrian?”

A wry smile befitted his features. He’d heard, once, that laughter was the best medicine. He only hoped that she would think him so clever.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
Gaze shifted to Selmaina, mumbling his response: “I did retract my call-to-arms for a doctor. Are you volunteering your expertise in circuitry, or just commandeering the situation?”

Vision than changed to the little girl, who had suddenly appeared at his side. Landon sighed again, exasperated. “I did pull my hand back. I’m not daft, you know. Unless either of you are volunteering to help me, I think it’s best we not move her. You don’t know what it’ll do, or break—“ He paused, watching the ghost dog disappear and a fully-armored one take it’s place “—Whoa whoa whoa conductivity. You don’t have one of those things that comes equipped with rubber gloves by any chance, do you?”

He glanced to his glass; quickly swallow the contents in entirety. The situation seemed appropriate for overindulgence, and he’d been taught never to waste a good scotch.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
He shrugged, rolling back on to his feet and standing as Selmaina scooped Eleesa into her arms. Nikka’s idea was just as good as any other, but the trench-coat wearing female seemed to have her mind set on right and wrong. “Fine, I’ll be the hero next time.” He mumbled, and turned attentions back to the bar. Once his rocks glass had been refilled with whisky-sans-ice, he turned to face the to remaining patrons of the bar.

The girl, Nikka, spoke words older than her age. The more time advanced the more he realized that she was someone, or something, trapped in a child’s body. It’d take a little getting used to. She was comforting the other woman, who had remained stationary and quiet but seemed overly worried nonetheless.

“Relax, lady. Everything is just peachy. She just needs to be rewired.” He offered a charming smile.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
The temptation of free drinks was unneeded, but still un-resistible. He strode the distance from bar to table in three long steps, closing it with ease. Landon pulled out his chair, turning it around and straddling it, his arms resting on the back of the piece of furniture. “Don’t mind if I do.” He said, smile widening.

It was then something shook the bar, a loud burst heard clearly. Landon winced. For all his size, looks and charm, he seemed a little skittish when it came to loud noises. He raised his glass, eyes darting from door to present company. “Heres to the little one, and the would-be heroine; lets hope they return to us.”

He took the opportunity to take a long sip from his glass.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
“I’d be inclined to agree with you, miss.” He said, eyes fixated on the strange girl at his side. Attentions turned to the door in time to watch the pair return. Again he glanced down at his glass; it was the only thing in his possession besides a gun strapped at his hip. “Whiskey? It dulls the senses, and is certainly refreshing. Pray tell, little one, are you of legal age for alcohol?”


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
“I guess that depends who you are and where you hail from…” He replied, to Eleesa, though his voice trailed off as yet another newcomer joined the ranks. The new man b-lined straight for the little one, a hand placed on her shoulder in an obviously familiar gesture. The rifle was not unnoticed.

To Landon’s surprise, the little one’s sickly façade brightened with a wide smile directed at the rather imposing figure, her hands outstretched to him for comfort. As if he was some giant, maniac teddy bear that she had lost. Landon cleared his throat, looking up at Aleric. “No, I don’t think so. And sir was my father, you can call me Landon or friend.”

Cheese, always so much cheese.

“I think you’re hurting the little ,er, red-haired one. She’s just had a bit of an ordeal, was sparking something fierce. “ He said, in that moment noting that there were two little ones present, and he’d clearly need to differentiate in the future.

His gaze fell back to the beaded dog-calling little one. “Yes, I would like to know.. but I’m not one to pry.”


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
Landon frowned, the conversation moved elsewhere. It quickly became apparent that he was being excluded from both words and the ordered food. He sighed. The strange woman played hero, and all thoughts of his assistance in retrieving the little one help in the first place flew out the window. And to think, if he hadn’t paid interest to her cowering or clenching the bar could have very well been leveled instead. The man swallowed the remainder of his glass.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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#, as written by Modesty
In a swift, fluid motion Landon rose and headed for the door.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
Steam rose from the small paper cup, warming the sharp features of the man that wandered down mainstreet. The air was cold, chilled for the coming season. While he wore a thick coat and a green plaid scarf it was obvious the cold was still effecting the man. Even brown gaze glanced around, wondering who else was out for a stroll. Landon had only recently arrived in Wing City. His first few nights had found himself sipping whiskey at the bar, but a slowly dulling hangover was testament to the outcome. He sighed, his breath visible in the air.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
His skills of observation seemed, for the moment, to overlook those in close proximity. There was a muffled sound as he accidently clipped a passerby. Lips parted to offer an honest apology but his victim was quicker; rude words were snapped at him before she hurried off. Another sigh, brows furrowing in minor annoyance: some people was right.

Even, brown gaze lowered to the sidewalk where something flashed. Rays from the setting sun were casting light on an item amongst the leaves. A locket, silver and tarnished, had fallen where the stranger had just stood. Landon looked after the figure distancing herself from him and hastened after her.

“Hey, miss. Hey!” The distance was closed with ease, his imposing height offering the advantage. His hand light placed on her shoulder to draw her attention as he caught up. “Hey, look, I’m real sorry and all but I think you dropped this.”

The locket glinted in the low light.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
“Oh, no trouble” He said, flashing a charming smile. It, if nothing else, was proof that he wasn’t one to harbor emotions. Landon took each moment in stride, brushing things off as easily as he tumbled into them. He was genuine, too. There was questioning in the eyes of the girls, he saw it, but he didn’t blame her. It was nearly sundown and the denizens of Wing City were often shady at best. Such thought train reminded him that even she may not be as she seemed.

Landon took a sip of his coffee, hissing suddenly as it scalded his tongue. “That things a little tarnished, could use a shining. I think I saw a jewelry repair shop back that way.” He offered. Just a suggestion.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
“I’d be happy to pay for it for you,” He said, pausing to chew on his lip. Landon was trying to figure out how to explain his reasoning. “As an apology, for bumping into you.”

He bit the edge of his coffee, holding it in his teeth while he withdrew his wallet and made motion to hand her a few bills before replacing it in his back pocket. The movement brought to light the fact he ha da gun holstered on his hip, though he made no motions towards it.

The setting changes from Main Street to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
The door creaked open and swung shut rather unexcitedly. A figure stood still in the entrance, frozen. She waited momentarily as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She was assaulted by smell: the salt from sweat and stale beer.... a general foreignness that came from new people and new places. Vision scanned the patrons and when she found nothing of note turned back to the bar.

Victoria stood at an unimposing height of five foot three. Dark brown hair was cropped in an asymmetrical bob. Her skin was lightly tanned, the colour causing her striking green eyes to appear all the fiercer. She, like many of the patrons, was visibly armed with a pistol at her hip, and who knew what else hidden amongst her persona. She slid into an empty seat, ordering a rye from the electronic menu.

It was then the radio became clear. Eyes flashed fiercely to the man who listened to it, clearly annoyed.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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#, as written by Modesty
Slender dark eyebrow raised quizzically, though Victoria accepted and took the seat. Was he the rare and fabled man that passed up the symbolic television remote? Why did he so readily allow her to choose music and offer to purchase her drinks? It was a show, she decided, and a means to an end. An end that she had no intention of allowing him to fabricate.

“Victoria. Victoria Delany.” She said, offering petite hand to the man in greeting. If one observed they would note callouses on her palms that promised she knew a good day’s work. "Yours?"


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Character Portrait: Meep
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#, as written by Modesty
"Patchi Boy..." She repeated, enunciating clearly, musing at how fitting that name were to the man. Her eyes followed his hands as he did his best impression of a guitar player, just in case she wasn't familiar with what one was. Victoria quickly came to realize that the man was a few bricks short of a full load. She was grateful for her drink, when it arrived, and took a good long sip to reinforce her patience. The woman reached across to the radio, turning down the volume rather than changing the station. "Do you frequent this establishment?" She asked, wondering if she was using too big of words.


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Character Portrait: Meep
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Modesty
Her eyes scanned him, searching for small signals and characteristics from the man that would tell her more than his butchered attempt at speaking. His words, however, took her by surprise. "An officer of the law factually? What law is that, pray tell?" She stiffened a little. She'd have to tiptoe around her questions if that were the case, though she he seen no badge. She backtracked, answering his questions literally. "No, my first time actually. You could say I'm new in these parts."