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Mitary Soh

(Smiles) / Well how are you doing darling?

0 · 463 views · located in Western Boulevard (Promenade)

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nitori M.


Physical description
-Long white hair that's usually in a side ponytail. Blue green eyes. Tall, sturdy build with broad shoulders. The structure of a gymnast but is hidden under airy dress shirts and long pants.
-He wears white dress shirts with long sleeves. The right sleeves are pulled all the way up to his elbows while the left sleeve is just above his wrist. His left pant leg is folded up while the right side is left down.
-He has a long face almost gaunt and sharp.

He's quiet, answering mostly in hums and hand motions. Although this is his regular or 'Inventor mode'. He helps around and is helping around as much as he can. Asking how your day is with his eyes and a tilt of his head. He also has a 'Tactical mode', which is cold, sadistic and plows on without mercy if he get's to lead a battle. His eyes darken and he let's his hair down. He speaks more when he's in 'Tactical mode'. His only concerns are the effects of the battle and how many resources he can use and which are expendable.

He has his tool box which is a suitcase that follows him around. Every tool he needs to fix and or make one of his prototypes are in there. He still needs to gather the necessary resources for his inventions though. He also has a large hammer he uses in battle and wields with ease, even though it's as tall as a viking battle ax.

He has a great mind for tactical strategy and inventing. Most of his strategies may seem reckless or make no sense but he knows what he's doing. He may seem alone but he has a lot of allies (and by allies he means his messed up family by a lot of people standards.) He's a pro at wielding his hammer but also decent with a sword. He's better behind a map and tactical people, but he can go out and fight with his comrades.

He comes from the Soh family which is a branching family from M. There are four families in total. The Areli, The Soh, Thee Bventura and the Qualiente. The Soh family specializes in information, organizing their defense and weaponry and strategic advantages. You can say that these families are a mafia of sorts. He learned his talent in tactics and delineation when he went to one of M's 'work' and helped her secure a steady house in this dying world. M gave him books and let him learn first hand how to lead an attack and played chess with him daily. The four family are now scattered but still maintaining contact around. Mitary is now living with his sister Yin, who specializes with making weapons and working with metal and the twins.

So begins...

Mitary Soh's Story

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Character Portrait: Mitary Soh
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0.00 INK

Mitary walked out of an old, beaten workshop with sheets of metals and wires sticking out of his pocket. A suitcase is rolling after him making small beeping noises that he answers with hums and nods or a shake of his head.

Squeezing past the people in the street, Mitary can't help but resent his daily inspection and renewal of his resources. He would have to interact, physically too, with people more than necessary. At least, in his eyes.

The suitcase got kicked by a burly man. Not even apologizing, instead tipping the suitcase the man went on his way.

Now Mitary is a person with tolerance, but with the people pushing him, the metal cutting into his arms, this isn't really a good day. So with a snarl that made the man pause and turn around. Mitary jumped and kicked the man down.

"At least have the decency to respect other people's belonging, sir," with a glare that made the man question why he did not notice Mitary before, Mitary walked on his way making sure the suitcase goes first. Although, with that display, people were giving him some much needed room to walk briskly past.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Now then wasn't that interesting? Hoshiko thought as she noticed a man with a suitcase have someone rude abuse his suitcase, only to result in the rude person being kicked down. Well, that was quite blunt, this place certainly was full of surprises, how exciting! There were so many people she'd love to take the skin off and abuse the power of that individual. Perhaps the manager of a company? Maybe that would bring too much attention to herself if she got caught though, what a shame. The man seemed like he had a place to get to and didn't want any interruptions on the way, although it was very tempting to be that interruption, she found herself getting distracted by the sweet song of someone singing. Turning around where she stood, she noticed a female with medium to long dark hair singing away a wonderful song Hoshiko personally liked. The female was most certainly beautiful and busking? She wondered why she needed to money, it was almost worrying and alarming to see such a person out on the street trying to get a single cent for playing for hours. Why were people ignoring her? How could they ignore talent? It was beyond her.

Quite casually, Hoshiko approached the female and looked down at her, studying her carefully. She didn't care if she noticed her staring. Although it might be unsettling, Hoshiko didn't exactly think about how others felt all the time. "Hey you." She said bluntly, pretty much cutting the girl off mid song. "What's your name?" This probably felt quite random for the woman to be randomly asked what her name was, she might not even share such information with an odd stranger like Hoshiko.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Continuing her skipping through the street, ignoring the strange looks she gained from the surrounding populace. Eve continued, humming with a great smile on her face. But suddenly, something grabbed her attention. Music! Ahh, that's quite soothing, is someone playing it?

Following the sound of music, passing a strange guy with a suitcase, Eve finally reached the source with a gaping smile on her face. Some girl, sitting down playing music. She is very talented! But why is she sitting in the middle of the street? And that's when another being appeared, some very pink girl who interrupted the music made her appearance. Speaking bluntly, but why?

"Uhhh, Excuse me?" Eve spoke out as she wondered closer to the two, her voice high and full of excitement. "I don't have any money, but I love your music! Could you continue, please?" This was the best way to attempt to push the blunt pink girl away, preventing any harm and the chance of drawing her sword.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Scanning the crowd, Evan witnessed two rather odd passersby. First an outlandish man carrying a suitcase served justice to a stranger. She kept her eyes on him for a while, examining him with curiosity before she noticed a girl with pink hair and eyes make a point of approaching. She came rather close and then stared down, studying Evan closely, who, unfazed, made direct eye contact with the strange woman and continued to sing.

"...Waiting on the world to -"

"Hey you."

She stopped singing, raised her eyebrows and jerked her head upwards in a friendly can-I-help-you kind of way. She had to hold back a cough as a nasty smell hit her, along with a blunt question.

"What's your name?"

Evan simply bumped her eyebrows again and gave the girl a smirk that could be taken as flirtatious. "Who wants to know?"

Suddenly a small girl approached, her voice filled with wonder as she complimented Evan's music and asked her to continue. She gave the little girl a smile. "Thanks, hun. But I think I'm all played out for today."

Her pale grey eyes darted back to stranger number one, who hopefully had a tip in pocket or a few interesting words to share.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Hoshiko gave the girl who suddenly decided to also approach the busker a look, a raised brow and a tilt to the head as if to say what are you trying to do? Was she trying to interrupt her fun with this dark haired woman? She then noticed the sword strapped to her back and the oddness in one of her eyes. Hm so she seemed to have some tricks up her sleeve too.

Returning her attention back to the female on the ground, a wide grin formed on her face when she heard her reply. "Hmm, someone who's willing to lend you a hand." Hoshiko said in reply, extended her arm to give the girl a simple friendly, hand shake. This was how people greeted one another these days right? However, when she said she was all played out for the day, it was most disappointing, yet she felt like she had won in a way as she glanced subtly at the young girl with the blue hair and gave her a smirk.

Oh another surprise! The man from earlier she saw who had kicked a guy down approached and placed money into the jar before the busker, well wasn't that awe fully kind of him. But also rather annoying, she didn't want this to distract the busker away from her own kindness she wanted to show. And so just before the male left, she spoke up "What a rather defensive display you showed earlier over something as simple as a suitcase hm? I wonder what you were hiding in it." Saying such things likely attracted more trouble than attention, but she wasn't one to think before she spoke. She was indeed interested in what was in that suitcase though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

"All done? Awwww.." Eve groaned a little in disappointment, wishing she had money. Oh wait, she has explosives in those interdimensional storage pods. "Will bombs do as a replacement for money? Then you can play some more!" She spoke, unaware of how strange she seemed, smiling like an idiot. This person is the definition of 'Speaking one's mind' and 'carefree'.

But then, the pink girl gave a smirk after speaking some random stuff. Why? Was it the friendly smile? Probably. And so, Eve smiled back, "Hey there, Pink girl!" She spoke as a way to start a conversation.

It wasn't much to notice, the strange man placed money and walked off, fast enough for Eve's easily distracted mind to ignore. Unless it was split some more. However, his existence was acknowledged after the pink girl decided to call out to him. Seemingly interested in some suitcase which wasn't there. "What suitcase?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Evan glanced at the small crowd she had gathered. What an odd bunch. Evan could practically taste dinner as the strange man with the suitcase from earlier left a generous tip. Strangely enough, he immediately wheeled around to walk off. Evan called out to the man in an attempt to learn his name.

"Hey, sir! Would you allow me the pleasure of properly thanking the man who bought my next meal?"

Evan kept quiet as Pink-girl commented on Suitcase's earlier combative display. She wanted to hear what he had to say about that; she too was intensely curious. She wasn't sure why. Lots of eccentric happenings graced the streets these days.

Evan grinned at the younger girl in an apologetic way. It was no bluff that she was tired. Barre chords are instant recipes for aching hands. When the girl offered bombs as some sort of payment, Evan furrowed her brow. She looked the girl up and down before responding with a simple, "No. I really need a break. But thanks for the offer."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Mitary turned slightly to face the pink haired inquirer. Tilting his head to the side as if to ask 'Really?'

Mitary took a deep breathe. 'This is great,' He grumped in his mind 'Why just why.' He squinted his eyes. "Does it really matter to you?" he inquired in a soft monotone.

He turned around with a soft smile to Evan. His voice go softer. "There is no need to thank me. I can see that you're tired and i would also like to get back home." He tilted his head down as a good bye and started to walk off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty) Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Issac, an PMC operative, was off duty for once. He was in the civy world now it it bothered at him like an itchy wool scarf.
He was leaning against a wall enjoying a simple hot dog . His eyes scanned the street for anything interesting.
He shifted a bit since his concealed carry (pistol) was poking at him in an awkward way. He really missed being able to open carry, made things easier but god forbid some soccer mom sees someone out of uniform with a gun.

His ears picked up some music not to far off, it wasn't half bad. He looked around for the source of the music but remained where he was. He raised an eyebrow seeing the group as the music had died down off. odd...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty) Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

Bombs? What the, and she thought she was nuts. Why would a busker want bombs? Guess she could sell them depending on the bombs but, still okay then. What an interesting person. Then she seemed to have greeted Hoshiko by calling her pink girl, although it wasn't entirely incorrect, only her hair and eyes were naturally pink. Well, perhaps naturally wasn't the best way to explain some Science experiment. "Hello terrorist!" Perhaps that was a terrible joke to most to cliché her as such simply for having bombs, but Hoshiko found it amusing and laughed at her own joke, how sad. Well it was funny. "Oh he had a suitcase earlier, guess it's gone on a walkabout." She said in reply to the strange sword wielding female, another joke on her behalf, she was on a roll today.

Unfortunately it seemed that this man had indeed distracted the busker away from Hoshiko's own words like she predicted, how annoying. Did he do it on purpose? Of course not, now she was just being paranoid. People were allowed to be kind without any evil intent right? But unfortunately the man didn't seem to react willingly to answer questions when Hoshiko was being nosey, what a shame. "No, not really. Just curious, and I felt like asking you a question so I did." Of course it didn't matter to her, she was just being a nuisance on purpose, but still very curious. Where had that suitcase gone anyway? How strange. She watched the man as he started to walk off "I'm sure we'll see more of him hehe."

Hoshiko was getting excited over nothing, she didn't know what might happen today but what she did know was that she forgot to get rid of most of the blood from the skins in her bag, so that's what it was. Quickly grabbing her bag from her back and pulling it to the front to check it out, she looked underneath it and saw the whole bottom of the bag stained in a mixture of different blood, whoops, how annoying. It was only dripping a little bit, should be okay for now. After sussing her bag out she put it back on and looked at the two girls before her with a smile. "Guess I should introduce myself huh? I'm Hoshiko, call me what ever you feel comfortable with, I don't mind. But I do bite I will warn you on that" she chuckled softly after introducing herself then waited for the others to speak.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty) Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

"Terrorist? Hmm... Sounds fun!" Another smile of happiness, completely unaware of the true meaning. Instead, Eve giggled along with the pink girl, listening to her and watching her. She does seem a bit... strange.

The pink girl had introduced herself with a very strange name, screw that, it's easier to call her Pinkie or something. But what was really interesting was the blood, why is there blood in a bag?
"Hey, Pinkie, why do you have blood? Are you Shadonian or something?" This was words from experience. With the leader of her clan being 'Shadonian', a race which consumes blood like it's water, along with most of the population of this mini nation being Shadonian. Of course she would ask if Pinkie here was Shadonian.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty)
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0.00 INK

Mitary shuffled towards his current workshop with his head lowered.

'Well that's enough interaction with people for a while,' he thought.

He really should have kept his head up and focused, he would have noticed a discarded merchandise on the floor. He didn't though, so he tripped and fell forwards. Right. In front. Of a man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hoshiko Yu Character Portrait: Eve Winders Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Evan Rest
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0.00 INK

The new-found, pink stranger only succeeding in making Suitcase uncomfortable caused Evan to believe it was time to back off. Not everyone is a people-person, after all. She watched him go, managing to shove away her curiosity for the time being. Probably just some interstellar drug deal, she thought to herself with a chuckle.

She popped up to a stand, leaning on her upright guitar by an elbow in a nonchalant manner, and stuck out her free arm in acceptance of the earlier offered handshake. "I'm Evan. Nice to meet you," she stated with half a smile.

At the younger girl's words, Evan became a little concerned for the child's well-being. How would she get around these parts safely if she didn't know what a terrorist was (or didn't have parents who did)? But knowing that the girl had apparent access to bombs made Evan feel a little better about it. Wait...

Never mind that; there were things on her mind that were more pleasant than death-by-bombs. She met Hoshiko's gaze in order to address them. "What did you mean you're willing to lend me a hand? If it's a job... I'm not usually one for dirty work," she told the traveler, eyes lingering on the dripping bag.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty)
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0.00 INK

After the muffled thump and dust cloud settled, a disgruntled Mitary can be found on the ground. He lay there for a moment thinking this was too early to be happening. Rolling to his back and coiling his muscles to spring up to his feet, Mitary dusted himself after landing on his feet. Mumbling a few choice words to himself he finished dusting and smoothing out his shirt. Turning to the side he saw the man but made no comment and picked up his glasses. Giving a bow of apology to the man, Mitary went on his way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield  (off duty) Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Muertos loves people, he loves the city life, loves all the little details and range of establishments. He also loves alcohol, drugs and sex. But most wouldn't think that when they got a first look of Muertos. He was rather odd with his skull candy markings tattooed into his bone white flesh on his face. He wore a simply black suit and a long black coat over the top, one would think he was going to some wedding or fancy gathering. But this was just how he dressed. Swinging from time to time was a cane with a skull for the hand rest, it wasn't exactly used for what most cane's were used for.

As continued down a path, passing many people, a busker here, a girl with blue hair and another with blood dripping from her bag, the usual things to see in such a place. Except, did that suit case just move on its own? Now that was odd, and intriguing! Muertos was getting exctied with curiosity when he saw the suit case make its way down the road. How very odd indeed. He remember the face of who owned it but where had he run off to- oh there he is! The man had just ran into another person who didn't seem very fazed at all by the incident and just continued on his way. Such strange people, he wanted them all.

Muertos decided to follow the man who owned such an interesting suit case, he would continue to follow him, until perhaps he was alone... Unless he was noticed before that. This was going to be fun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Mitary felt someone follow him again. Deciding to speed up, he turned around a narrow alley and used the pipes to climb up. Landing on the roof, he started running and leaping over gaps to his workshop. His suitcase is waiting on the next leap. Scooping up his suitcase. He dived down an alley. If anyone would look down, you'd see a pipe twisted slightly to the left and what could be heard as a thud, like a closing door, on the wall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Following the interesting male at a fast pace down a narrow alley, up some pipes, from roof to roof was not the issue. The problem was that he had lost complete sight of him. "Huh?!" Muertos exclaimed as he made his way down where he had last seen the guy. The alley was empty. No sign of him at all. He landed finely in the alley and looked around in a sort of panic. This was not good at all, his fun had been ruined. "Dammit! What the hell, arrgh!" Muertos complained as he crossed his arms, cane still in his hand, simply thinking. Where could he have possibly disappeared to?

The male continued to search the alley, looking in everyone possible way he could have gone. But there was still no sign of the man. He started to want to be the one to be found. Now he was bored and annoying, pouting with a frown like a child.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Mitary looks out his one-way window outside the alley. He couldn't help the smirk that came to his face. Pulling a small microphone from the wall, he turned it on.

"May I ask why were you following me?" a smooth voice reverberated around the alley.

Mitary snapped his fingers and the suitcase opened a slot with an arm and unloaded Mitary's supplies.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Muertos huffed and puffed, quite disappointed in himself for losing track of the guy so easily. What a shame really. He seemed interesting and stood out to him amongst the rest of the crowd.
But just as he was about to give up, he heard a smooth voice echo around the alley around him. He perked up and looked around with a cheerful grin on his face, looking for the source of the voice. Now he was excited again. Muertos chuckled "I tend to follow the trail that leads to something I think I will find interesting you see!" He replied as he swung his cane in circles from time to time. "Is it so wrong to be curious?" He simply could not wipe that smile off his face, he was too happy to have a response from the one he had followed. This meant he had not lost him completely yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitary Soh Character Portrait: Dia de los Muertos
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0.00 INK

Mitary was organizing his supplies.

He hummed in agreement with the stranger. "There's nothing wrong with being curious," Mitary relented. "but i do value my privacy and i find some people tedious to interact with."

The suitcase disassembled itself and reassembled itself into a work table. Hitting speaker on the microphone, Mitary twirled one of his tools and set to work to add the required metal and wires to his project.