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Molli Velli

"Huh... Thats Curious."

0 · 835 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by FaeFire


Eye Color: Originally a dark blue, but repeated use of magic have turned them a glowing green-ish blue.
Skin: Naturally Lightly Tanned
Birthday:January 4th

Her face is round, her eyes wide, her nose has a slight upturning to at the end, giving her a look of being much younger than she actually is. Constant work have tanned her skin slightly and given her an athlete's build. Molli's hair is kept short, for convenience's sake. Her magic has changed her eye color from repeated use of it to enhance her vision, into a radiant green-ish blue.



Rather unremarkable, she is a woman a few words, and not fond of voicing her opinions, although she is quick to give out sage advice for those in need of it. Despite of her silence, she has a rather wide sense of humour, and can occasionally be seen chuckling to herself. Although she is constantly giving advice to others, she has a rather weighty burden to carry about for herself, occasionally seeming very distracted from the outside world. She has long ago given up her dreams of being an adventurer, although she does still practice with her bow on slow business days. Even sages have their weak points and she seems rather emotionally fragile to mentions of PSNO1 or her "Earth". Her other main disadvantage is Zealots. She knows to keep everything in moderation, yet Zealots, especially religious Zealots rub her the wrong, considering the lack of faith in a superior being.


Equipment:She uses magic to create a bow and arrows of many varieties,
(Just a bolt of energy)
Entropic(Causes confusion and chaos in a small area around the target.)
Freezing(The arrow itself is in a constant state of endothermic reactions with itself, draining all nearby heat, therefore creating a freezing effect.)
"Shocking"(The arrow is actually and arrow within an arrow. The outer arrow has a negative charge and will disperse over the target, while the inner arrow has a positive charge and will remain focused. The conflicting charges will attract to one another creating friction, the friction "evolves" into lightning.)
"Smoke"(Uses the same mist principle as she originally discovered, the arrow bursts into a heavy, magical fog.)
Notes (THIS IS IMPORTANT):Molli Creates her bow and arrows out of energy. Molli also enchances her Bow's power with her magic and her vision allowing for night vision, better clarity at a distance and better depth perception.(Overextended use of the Vision altering magic causes Molli extreme migraines)


Molli Velli is a "Spacer", a human born onto a space station/installation. She was born on the world's oldest known space station, the PSNO1(Permanent Space Navigating Outpost), in the wealthier district of outpost. Molli was long ago part of a PSNO-1 genetics experiment. At birth, the unknowning child was put through a serious of strenuous mental test in order to unlock full potential. In origin, the experiment was considered a failure, and she was mind-wiped(A now common process for the shady Government types). The experiment was, as opposed to the scientists original conclusion, a success. On top of gaining a far exceeding intelligence quotient, she had also gain abilities that humans had long forgotten how to use. After being proclaimed a misfit by society, for her alienating intellect. The recluse found solace in books. She began to delve into psychedelic and darker writing, ones dealing with the nature of the human psyche and what could be pulled from the depths of subconscious. Upon one of her longer forays into her mind she began to feel a deep energy in her chest, and upon opening her eyes, was enshrouded in a supernatural mist. After discovery of her 'abilities', Molli soon practiced her abilities to create an ephemeral mass. She was able to complete a PhD in Psychology and Philosophy by the time she was 19. Of course peace on PSNO1 was short lived. PSNO1 existed since Earth itself had been declared an apocolyptic waste with no chance of recovery. A slight "Incident" on PSNO1 caused its complete and total destruction. It was the first of many to fall, soon most human colonies had only one hope, abandon all and flee back to Earth. Earth was in shambles and Molli was one of the few, about 70 survivors to make it out of PSNO1. She fled off, and began an inward meditation, only to awaken within the Multiverse, were she has taken up a permanent residence. She has taken up a career as a runner of a very niche coffee shoppe, often acting as a non-alcoholic bartender to some.

So begins...

Molli Velli's Story


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Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli sat silently in her corner looking out at the rest of the bar. The cool glass pressed against her hand filled with unknown contents felt heavier that it should be, she had no clue what it was, but when she asked the bartender for "something new" she would make sure to confirm it was actually drinkable. Molli looked up to see the two men arguing over something, and she was getting a headache. her gaze turned to the lone girl swishing around water in her cup.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli watched with interest, it seemed an odd pairing, the girl and the man in the kilt. Under and other situation she would have ignored it and left. but this seemed so much more then "Normal". a sharp pungent odor caught her nose, and she turned to see that it was from the crate, she shrugged and turned her attention back to the red haired man and the brown haired girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli felt a grin tug at her lips, but she knew something was gonna go down. Molli felt the urge to rescue the poor girl. She rose up out of her seat and moved into a position she could easily disarm, or neutralize, the Scottish boy. Molli clenched her fist and waited, summoning her energies for an emergency.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli glared at the newcomer, deciding the fight between Hunny and Conn was settled, she looked at a moment to the gargoyle, her mind quickly put it down as boring, and looked back to The Calcio, and something about him screamed, Danger to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli shifted uncomfortably and was glaring at the Calcio too, her bow was already formed in her hand and so was an arrow, just an arrow nothing special to it, her position had shifted to that of readiness, she wasn't gonna kill the Calcio, she was gonna make sure he didn't touch Hunny.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli without a seconds hesitation, brought up her bow, the hasty nature of this bow hadn't allowed Molli to conceal it's aura, it glowed and pulsated, it seemed ghostly, its blue light catching on her face. The sharpshooter released the grip of her arrow and sent that flying right in front of The Calico face, the razor-tip burying itself right next to his arm. Molli was totally clueless as for what to do now, she had stopped The Calico but didn't want to get into a fight, her bow suddenly dissolved into thin air and she folded her arms across her chest, then looked down at her shoes, but kept an eye trained onto the trio she had just interfered with.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Gambit's Hotel, 2nd Floor

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli felt kind of awkward for having followed Conn and Hunny to their rooms, she saw a man yelling and raised an eyebrow, before approaching him, "Um.. what's wrong?" She kicked at the ground with her toes, she shouldn't try to start conversations with people, ever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli smiled at him in return, not knowing what else to do she spoke, rather softly, "Mind if I try to open it?" She offered out her hand for the room key and put her other hand behind her back, more out of nervous habit than anything, and when she finally noticed she was blushing she reddened even more going from a pink to a scarlett.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ceana Lilias Kerr Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli looked at him and took the key, "Um.. Thanks." She walked over to the door, placed her key in the slot then turned it, at the same time putting all the force into one shoulder and ramming into the door. Instead of feeling the resistance of a jammed door, it opened when she turned the key and Molli was sent plummeting through the door way, ramming into the small endtable near by with her forehead and going out cold, but not before letting out a scream of surprise.

The setting changes from Gambit's Hotel, 2nd Floor to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli felt her steps on the perfect sidewalk, looking around all the bars and nightclubs of Wing City, their lights dead and abandoned. She kept to herself, walking along, hands in her pockets, her fingers twiddling. Soon her solace was shattered by the screaming of a woman, she looked around, trying to find the source of the scream. Molli's heart was racing. Her eyes began to glow with an unearthly color, a bright green. The world popped into better focus, she could see farther and sharper, her other senses seemed irrelevant and pathetic next to her vision.


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Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli noticed the girl in panic, stumbling and mumbling to herself, presumably the one who had screamed she looked around and noticed another person, tall, with oddly streaked hair, she shrugged him off and made her way of to the Giselle, being careful not to scare her she put her hands behind her head in a manner to show she was unarmed, while strolling over to the tan teenager.


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Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli stepped back as the woman bolted, and sighed. She turned back to the stranger, her eyes returning to their normal glow, and slowly, a for materialized in her hand. It was Curved at both ends and seemed to radiant and aura of energy, a thin almost invisible wire ran from both hands she brought the bow up steady, her other hand the razor glint of an arrow. "Who are you?"

The setting changes from Main Street to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli too a deep breath, the flickering flame on the end of her arrow seemed to be the only thing in existence. Well that and her target, the wires wrapped around the 2 girl's necks. She took a deep breathe, moving wires and such thin ones, never make good targets. Her knuckles on the hand she wielded the bow was pale white. She raised her voice with a sense of authority she rarely ever used, and despite the flares of doubt and fear licking around her mind, she spoke. "Release the wires." Her bow was ready to launch that single arrow to burn them away.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli retained her normal post of vigilance. The archer leaned up against a wall, the track jacket unusually open for her, revealing the entire shirt below. Thats all she was, lean, well worked muscles. Of course, not all peace can last and soon, her silent mediatation were disturbed with what could only be charactized as a rhythmic earthquake.

The setting changes from Main Street to Sol Avenue


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli felt like bashing her head into the nearest lamp post. Parades, she'd seen alot of them, none of them brought back anything in semblence of a happy memory. Despite the cold, Molli carried no extra clothes, instead content with hugging herself tightly near the wall. Her breathe kept getting in her way, again without any reason why she ended up in the midst of the greatest and oddest of Wing City.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Know I shouldn't be on OOC here, but sorry for vanishing, brother kick me off my lappy cause his is dead

The setting changes from Sol Avenue to Dark Woods


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Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli held her head in her hands, still afraid to make a sound or moving. Migranes are awful, but these patch of forestry seemed mute enough to her to help her pass it, and by that virtue, this was something absolutely disasterous. Pain in the ass yipping.. maybe it wouldbe best for her to relent and take medication. Every damn time she needed quiet there was noise, right? Just had to be.


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Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli shot up in immediate reaction, a bow, of a pulsing sort of energy already in her hand. It wasn't made with any sort of particular care, but as far as it would be it was a perfect bow. This time it was a shortbow, as would it have be best suited to the situation. Screams, they didn't do anything for her headache, and rather just made it worse, which would in turn throw off her aim, which might in turn, make her fail, but oh well. Chain Reactions happen. As the sprinting girl approached the wolf and the girl, and arrow, this one also made of the same energy, but this time something different swirled in the tip, it was just a a shape of an arrow, but the tip, went form the regular faded purple color to a rather instense shade of purple, very comonly associated with posions. "Down!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli remained silent, although the water has splashed on her and threw off some of her effect, the archer reamined silent, but this time the bow was strung, pulled back to it's fullest extent, the malicous-looking arrow pointed to the white haired man's back. She didn't need to say anything, as her burrowing, glimmering glare was more than obvious, 'Step closer to the girl, and you get a new peircing.'Sometimes Molli wanted to kick herself in the head for being so blatant and blunt, the situation could ahve been handled a million times better, smarter, but instead this happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molli Velli
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FaeFire
Molli Velli sighed, exhausted, and her bow disappeared form her hand in a fine magical mist, before turning on her heel and starting to walk off, she wouldn't actually leave, but she would be farther away, keeping an eye out on the green haired girl, seening as how she wouldn't be useful here. Not anymore anyway. Of course she wouldn't mutter to herself, that would be insane, instead she set off cursing in her head, which never did much for headaches but oh well.