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A monster that comes in packs of 3-12. They have large jaws with sharp teeth, and aren't the smartest.

0 · 705 views · located in Haverous Bog

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by lostamongtrees, as played by RolePlayGateway


This character is an NPC monster of the Multiverse.
You are encouraged to write for them,
and tag them in relevant posts.
You may fight, slaughter, tame, and do with these
creatures as you will. Have fun!

The Monatuk normally comes in packs of 3-12.
Each pack has one leader, usually the largest, strongest, most ruthless Monatuk is the one who takes charge.

The largest ever group reported was 36
Only one Monatuk has ever been reported as successfully tamed.

They are violent creatures believed to have been spawn from the Pool of Nyx.

The shortest of their adults comes in rank at five feet to the shoulder, they usually stand eight feet high to the shoulder, plus head.

They appear larger when their mouth is open, and their teeth are seven inches long and razor sharp. Two large nostrils sit atop their flat skull. They are dog like in body, and tail-less. Their back feet are hooves, their front feet like paws with hard, sharpened claws.
Eyes beady, they have relatively alright night vision. Their hearing is just under exceptional, and their noses are almost as good as your average canines. They can run fast, but don't do well with speed on uneven terrain. This still does not save the creature from being a brute, uncivilized monster that ravages the lands.

Each monster can take about 7 hits, 4 good blows will knock it out (depending on size)

They hate the cold, the blinding light, and pitches that are too far on the end of either frequency. They can't really climb, and are naturally submissive to creatures that can effectively dominate them.

So begins...

Monatuk's Story


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Four entered, it was likely none would leave.

Three shots, one skimming the flesh of the seven foot beast, one embedding itself deep into it's chest and causing it to stumble. Pushing itself forward on no force other than evil itself, the monatuk snarled and opened it's mouth to swallow the bullet as it came. Well, it would have liked to swallow it. The reality was, the bullet exploded from the back of it's neck in a firework display of gore.

The second, skewered before it was even able to taste the deliciousness of flesh, by a sword it had been too hungry to see coming. Howling until death, the monatuk lashed out at it's killer, hoping to at least tear some flesh from him with it's claws.

The third, scampering in circles before deciding to choose a target, felt suddenly cold then suddenly blinded, his very flesh on fire with some sort of...Electric energy. It burned, and the excited yelps melded into painful howls. He continued running in circles, barely noticing someone jump on his back. Today would be the "lucky" day for this singed and hungry monatuk, as it was steered from the bar.

The last monatuk, also singed and feeling his flesh prickle with fire, had a leg blasted off from some sort of explosion. Again, blood painted the bar red, as the monster scrambled to regain it's footing and ignore the pain. Pricks of blood seeped through every pore of it's flesh, no longer coated with hair. The bottoms of it's remaining feet were frostbitten, and when all else was lost, it was now surrounded in a wall of ice.


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The monatuk was confused, why did it feel better? Pulling itself to a stand, it stared estranged around at the ice wall.

Backing itself up, the monster growled at all who peered, all seven and a half feet of it ready to destroy whoever touched it. Now was it's chance!

Letting loose from it's captor, the monster scampered up onto the bar, taking advantage of this new height to try and intimidate the crowd. It would not be led anywhere, it was here to feast!


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The monatuk prowled up and down the bar, baring it's teeth, daring anyone to come close. Now, it would choose its meal, and it would take its meal, and it would eat.


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The giver of meat would be lucky if he still had an arm, the monatuk moved like lightning and snapped the morsel from the fellow, chomping it down in three bites.


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Rearing up on his hind hooves, the monatuk monster aimed to maul Pluto. It leaped for him, most likely tumbling from the bar with Pluto and onto the ground. Luckily, the monster narrowly missed the blade of Cryo with the leap, and was most likely too entangled with Pluto to be harmed fatally by the dark scythe.


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Riled, the monster snapped with all it's might at Pluto, attempting to shake the human from him. However, the smell of fresh flesh distracted the creature, and it took off just in time to be missed by 4 of the 5 shots.

As it's teeth sunk into the hunk of meat, the bullet wound in the creature's side screamed with pain. It was wounded, bleeding heavily, gnawing on the meat with a human on it's back.


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The creature was healed, surprisingly, confused as a strange feeling happened around it's neck.

Snapping and wiggling, it tried to free itself of the human.


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Sontroid, people don't take very kindly when you assume the results of your actions when aimed at others. For example, "Attempted to slice the throat of" and "sliced the throat of" are two different things entirely.


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The beast whimpered as a result from the blast to it's head, panicked and confused. It had felt death, been fed, and was now near being strangled.


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It worked against the human, but all in vain. Slowly, the creature was dragged from the bar.


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The cry was muffled by the door and walls of Gambits, something unearthly outside seemed upset.


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It pounded in when the opportunity came, trailing a crimson stream of liquid. Blood.

Hanging from it's wide maw was a limb of some sort, flesh dangling from the bone. The interior of the bar unnerved her, the beast, but only for a moment. Nose to the ground, painting the floor with blood, she pad-hooved over to the one who fed her.

She snarled as she walked, lips curled back to reveal stained sharp teeth. Every single short hair of her body stood on end, until finally she approached her feeder. Dropping the mangled limb on the ground with a thud, the monatuk creature threw back it's head and shrieked again.


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The Monatuk wasn't pleased with the motion, the embrace, for it was alien for their kind to snuggle past infancy. However, she left the growl to resonate in it's throat, tensing every muscle and remaining still as stone.

This...human...Something that had always been considered "food" was now more important than "food". He brought "food". The words didn't make much sense, but they didn't sound very violent. Confused at the vocalizations directed at her, she let go of a yip. Again, the growl returned in the throat.

He was looking at her piece of meat. Hers.

Snapping it up quicker than lightning, the monatuk hastily began to devour what meat was left on the bone. She could smell it on him, he was well fed and fresh. This was her meat. Hers.


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The beast, Fluffy as it was so named, would continue to growl as it cleaned up the remaining flesh from the bone. The growling grew louder as someone, the feeder, climbed atop her back. It wasn't until the melodic strums of something magical (of course, what else could make those noises?) that the growling ceased.

Now licking her paws, she was silent, listening to the sounds.


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The stank of flesh carried on the air.

Fluffy, her attention caught wildly by the appendage falling in slow motion, began to drool.

It was right there.


The door to the bar hadn't even shut all the way before the creature erupted in motion. Having not a care in the world for her feeder, the leash, or anyone else in the bar, Fluffy scampered madly after the food. Skidding on the floor, barreling into the table and chairs, the beast sent everything flying every which way. Surely, a chair was broken in the process. Most things broke when they got in her way.

The table lifted from the ground, unable to fit the monster beneath it. With a shake, it fell to the ground, Fluffy now happily carrying the limb between clenched jaws. The growl returned, protective was she of her food. She padded over to her previous spot, snarling at anyone who dare look at her or her found morsel.


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Happy to have the arm, Fluffy obliged the tugging and followed after her Feeder. She growled all the way.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Abandoned Slums

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A howling screech echoed through the broken buildings.

There were six, creatures spawn from the nightmares of disturbed children. Their maws dripped with the filth of ages, rotten gore stuck between razor teeth. One was larger than the rest, two obviously juvenile.

Sniff, sniff, lowered snouts searched for the scent of flesh. Blood. Food.

The setting changes from The Abandoned Slums to Haverous Bog


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From the farthest nook of Terra,
Surfaced monsters crude with age.
They were vile,
Ruefully obscene,
All claws and teeth,
Nightmarish screams,
And here they were in hundreds,
Meant to terrorize in rage.

They traversed through the bog,
Pushing through relentless fog,
Assembled here,
Between the trees,
The dripping vines,
Muddy to the knees,
The Monatuk monsters listened,
To hear the one who was in charge.

A scream echoed through the night,
Pitched to evoke the deepest fright,
Calling to them,
Brothers and clan,
To raise their claws,
And prepare to damn,
For tonight they would arise,
Do for them what is the right.

Off the Monatuk monsters flew,
To inflict hell on the places they knew.

The setting changes from Haverous Bog to Forest Border


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Character Portrait: Monatuk
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The beast were surely on the prowl,
Maws dripping something foul,
Sniffing here and sniffing there,
For prey to maul and creatures to scare.

Unfortunately they didn't catch a scent,
Lives were spared in any event,
The monsters still marched on.

The setting changes from Forest Border to End Of The Beach

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Character Portrait: Monatuk
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The monsters picked their way down the rocks,
Towards the soft stardust sands lain below,
Though few got caught in crannies and pocks,
They put on quite an impressive show.

To the edge of the lake they trot,
Smelling entirely of corpses and rot,
Some of them lounged,
Some cleaned,
Others scrounged,
The group rejuvinated lakeside for a while,
Until the spirit within was riled.