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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by EnigmaticallyEerie


(Image by the incredibly talented Ionen)
Themesong:Ellie Goulding - Lights
Name: Nabia (Last name unknown or non-existent.)
Age: Appears early twenties
Scars/Tattoos: Leopard pattern on her thighs as well as a serious of poetic verses and a serial number. How she obtained these tattoos is a mystery to even herself.
Species: Unknown. She seems human, only evidence to the contrary is her arrow headed tail.
Equipment: The goggles Nabia posses give her the ability of variable sight. They can act as binoculars, provide night vision, and even co-operate with her Ionic rifle to act as a scope.
Nabia's rather hefty piece of weaponry is called an IR-V3 (Ion Rifle version 3) It works by super charging Ions and firing them in massive blasts of energy. This is classed as an energy weapon, of course, as it uses power cells rather than a magazine of projectiles. The weapon may fire 15 times before a new power cell is required, which are as easy to change as a magazine on a rifle (Irony). The rifle can preform a precision high powered shot, however, this takes up 3 shots as oppose to one. The benefit of this is that the weapon's range, and accuracy, is far greater, providing a means of sniping. A side note, the rifle doesn't seem to have any external means of being able to fire the weapon. Upon her wrist, a large grieve with a personal shield generate projects a small kinetic barrier over her form. This allows Nabia to take a series of small arm shots before having to resort to physical cover.
Aside from her technological enhancements, Nabia also has a sort of telekinetic power. Its with this ability that she can fire her Ionic rifle as the weapon has no external trigger mechanism, making it impossible for anyone without telekinetic abilities to fire the weapon.
History: Nabia was actually a scientific experiment with which her genetic material was accumulated from a serious of beings within a certain species. As to just what species it was remains a mystery to all but her creators. Nabia is unaware of her origin and suffers from amnesia as to where she came from, how she came to be, and why she even exists. What she does know is that a certain witch by the name of Violet Bane must be destroyed. Having run in with the maniacal woman before, Nabia was left with death threatening to fairy what soul she had. By the same organization she was conceived, Nabia was treated for her injuries and dropped back into the world, again, with no memory of the people that had helped her. This time, however, she holds a vendetta against Violet, and has made it her soul purpose o bring about the witch's demise.

So begins...

Nabia's Story

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The setting changes from Wing City Lake: Beach to Terra


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The sight of such a grief stricken city brought a sense of sympathy to Nabia's heart for those that were forced to live in such conditions. Such lifestyle had be hard, to be homeless and hungry everyday with little chance of being relieved of the pains that malnutrition carried with it. For now, there was little she could do, save for dropping the odd coin past a vagabond that begged for pittance.

Pulling her goggles down over her eyes, the lenses casted the world into a deep blue. Before her, a line appeared on the ground in front of her feet, a guide to the meeting location. Having received the coordinates in which she was to meet a recruiter, Nabia had input them into her HUD that was displayed by her goggles when worn, a nifty trick she had programmed into the device a while back.

It wasn't long before Nabia came around the corner of a building and nearly bumped directly into Vegeshin, as her goggles weren't exactly great at identifying objects through walls, at least not in the pathfinder mode.
"Oh, excuse me!" Nabia quickly apologized after quickly pulling up her goggles to rest on her forehead.


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Nabia took a step back as Vegeshin offered his hand, not as to keep her distance from the unknown man, but because she had come rather close to physical contact from her lack of attentiveness. Her hand met with that of the Purple haired fellow, giving as much as a professional shake as she could after hearing his name, identifying him to be the recruiter.

"Nabia." she replied as she stifled a giggle. "A pleasure to have averted a running into you."

Nabia slipped her hand from Vegeshin's after she was sure she had given a proper introduction, or at least the minimal requirements. "So you're the recruiter I am supposed to meet. Is this like an interview, or is a demonstration in order?" Nabia inquired. Her voice seemed to hold a nervous whim to it, rejection was something Nabia was still learning to cope with.


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As Vegeshin had come to a more professional tone of voice, Nabia almost became completely rigid, as if a soldier being inspected. The sudden change was not unexpected, but Nabia wasn't exactly ready for it either which caused her to falter momentarily.

"Well, I erm.." Nabia started before clearing her throat and regaining her composure. "I want to join because I need purpose in my life. Right now, everything is kind of hiatus. I thought what better purpose than to defend those that cannot defend themselves? Thus my application to the Militia." nabia took in a deep breath before releasing it in a light sigh.

"What I hope to gain is some purpose, and perhaps, some knowledge as to my own being. I couldn't care for money, except to satisfy my living requirements which isn't much."


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"Not just something to occupy my time. I don't know why I exist, or how I did. I just woke up and... thats really it!" Nabia was finding her position of explanation to be difficult, she truly had no idea as to her purpose, if she was meant to protect or destroy. In any event, Nabia was going with what she felt was right.


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"Not just something to occupy my time. I don't know why I exist, or how I did. I just woke up and... thats really it!" Nabia was finding her position of explanation to be difficult, she truly had no idea as to her purpose, if she was meant to protect or destroy. In any event, Nabia was going with what she felt was right.
"I don't see it as a just a job, I mean sure, it could technically be seen as one. I see it more like... I don't know the best way to describe it but... It just feels right to help rather than neglect or to harm."

Nabia let herself relax a bit, deciding that perhaps this is one of those be yourself moments, even if she didn't know who she was, she'd be what she felt was right.

"Money is just material, its needed for necessities but really is meaningless. If I can come back from a day knowing I did something, anything to improve or prolong someone's life so that they themselves can carry on to their fullest." Nabia proceeded though a sense of passion was held in her tone, truly pouring herself into her words.

"I don't even have to come back... I can ...die, knowing that I have done all I could to save someone else." Another deep breath followed by a sigh. "as for working with others, I never have before, so it'll be new for me. I'm nervous, but am more than willing to give it a shot. I just need to be given that chance."

Certainly an odd one Nabia was, she very well didn't appear to be the Noble type, but then again, she was a sterling example of not judging a book by its cover.

"I don't know what else I can say other than I'll give it my all to protect as many as I can."


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"I am rough around the edges." Nabia admitted, there was no hiding it. "I'd appreciate it. Regardless of my intended existence, I'd do what the militia required me to. I'd do what needs to be done to protect." Nabia had a feeling she may have been pushing herself a little strong, but she didn


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"I am rough around the edges." Nabia admitted, there was no hiding it. "I'd appreciate it. Regardless of my intended existence, I'd do what the militia required me to. I'd do what needs to be done to protect." Nabia had a feeling she may have been pushing herself a little strong, but she didn't care. This was her belief, these were her feelings, certainly on the way to discovering just who she was, at least to herself.

"I learned of the Militia's existence from gossip, not that I involve myself. A guy kept ranting about how he was going to join and fight the good fight." remembering the name, Nabia shook her head and rolled her eyes at the confidence and self accomplishment he bragged about. "I think hes just some boasting fame seeker, but he sure provided valuable information. I got in contact with the Militia and they told me to meet a recruiter her, by your name."

The next inquire, combat capable, caused Nabia to blink blankly at Vegeshin. Clearly he hadn't noticed the massive weapon that was slung on her back. "I am more than capable at operating my IR-V3, and am possibly the only one that can. It requires a certain... ability."


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"Mh, more like an energy weapon. Firearms are defined to be the use of a propellant that explodes to send a projectile at high speeds. My gun doesn't use explosive powder. It has no trigger, which is where my powers come into play." Nabia went on to explain, pulling the rather massive weapon from her back to present it to Vegeshin. "I have some sort of telekinetic power, or at least thats what I've been told it is. I can make objects float without touching them, so long as they aren't too heavy. The trigger mechanism is inside the weapon, requiring me to use my mind to fire it."


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The sudden transportation took Nabia completely by surprise, the grasping of her wrist, and especially the suddenness of being somewhere completely different in a matter of seconds, it was rather dizzying.

"Please... a little warning next time." Nabia mumbled as she held her head.

Thankfully he gave her warning before the immediate target practice. Nabia lowered her goggles over her eyes before using her telekinesis to switch over the sighting of the lenses to one that allowed a scope like effect. The weapon released a high pitched wine as it seemed to come to life, various portions coming to glow a cyan coloration. Nabia brought the massive cannon to her shoulder and rested her cheek upon on the side, as if staring down sights that did not exist. She tracked the newly launched mass of energy as it sped off until its speed dropped. Not seconds after its deceleration, Nabia had already planned its trajectory and calculated its speed, as well as the weapon's energy speed. She had aimed just in front of the ball of energy and fired one quick blast. The recoil had to be immense, for when the bolt of ions exited the barrel, it released a sudden gust of hot air as well as launching dirt into the air. The weapon also caused Nabia to skid back an inch or to, though she maintained a steady stance while the barrel had momentarily risen from the initial firing. Should the ball of energy that Vegeshin had casted remained in its new speed as well as trajectory, a bolt of cyan energy would impact the ball, causing a rather nasty reactive explosion, roughly the size of a grenade blast.


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"Sure, no sweat." Nabia murmured, still aiming down the invisible sights of her weapon. This time, the weapon let out a constant stream of charged ions. Quickly, she'd sweep the beam in a sweep wherever the ball seemed to go, no doubt catching the ball of energy in the sweep should it happen to change directory, or, predicting its sudden change should it be a tight change of direction, for example, a very sharp turn, in which case, Nabia would bring the beam to come in front and intercept the orb. This caused the same explosive effect, should it hit, though the recoil caused Nabia to skid back more than had she fired a single shot.


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The fire rate was non existent as it was a steady beam that was exiting the weapon, rather than a series of shots. The beam held for 10 seconds before depleting the power cell.

"Depends on the firing mode. Steady stream, like you saw, lasts up to 12 seconds with a fully charged cell. 5 shots with precision high powered shots, and 15 shots with standard charge." Nabia explained before the expelled cell released on its own, a fresh one quickly floating into place before Nabia phisically slapped it in with the palm of her hand.

"It takes as much exertion mentally as it would physically to pull a trigger, so its incredibly easy."


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Character Portrait: Anna Hawk Character Portrait: Nikolai Grosha Character Portrait: Patrick Helsing Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Cinder's twin(Kenna) Character Portrait: Ryand-S
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#, as written by Remæus
Jay Null opens his comms, reaching out to the vessel he notices off his bow.

Is everything okay out there? Do you need a terrestrial assist?
he asked inquisitively.


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Character Portrait: Anna Hawk Character Portrait: Nikolai Grosha Character Portrait: Patrick Helsing Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Cinder's twin(Kenna) Character Portrait: Ryand-S
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Outside of orbit around the planet Terra.

A medium-sized ship, shaped like a triangle with a blunted end, moves slowly towards Terra and the space station above it. The shape and size of this ship may have been seen before, but this one in particular has never been witnessed by any Terran, or as a matter of fact, any species or beings besides the ones who had made it. If they were able to trace it's origins, then it would point to an unexplored area known generally as RA-619, and even more specifically the Glendathu system. The doesn't seem to be armed, and a scan for life would only turn up three humanoid beings.

The ship made no advances of any sort towards the planet or the station, and seemed to just be there. Watching. Peaceful, it seemed, and the crew had no intentions of attacking. But they were truly awestruck. In front of them was a culture, a sophisticated one, unseen to any of their people, and they didn't know how to feel about it. They were just awaiting orders at this point.


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Character Portrait: Anna Hawk Character Portrait: Nikolai Grosha Character Portrait: Patrick Helsing Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Cinder's twin(Kenna) Character Portrait: Ryand-S
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#, as written by Remæus
Jay Null shrugged and closed the comms. The traffic in the Terran orbital was bustling as usual, an economic boom brought on by the prolonged period of peace. Alas, he knew the endless waltz of history, and had work to do.

Tapping a few buttons on his console, he maneuvered down towards Wing City Spaceport, leaving a faint thruster trail in his wake.


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Character Portrait: Anna Hawk Character Portrait: Nikolai Grosha Character Portrait: Patrick Helsing Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Cinder's twin(Kenna) Character Portrait: Ryand-S
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Meteor appeared as a small flicker in the sky


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Character Portrait: Anna Hawk Character Portrait: Nikolai Grosha Character Portrait: Patrick Helsing Character Portrait: The Imperial Navy Character Portrait: Cinder's twin(Kenna) Character Portrait: Ryand-S
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Meteor zoomed out and away, a twinkle in the sky.