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A alluring and almost enchanting woman, with a beauteous singing voice which turns all heads.

0 · 1,825 views · located in Trivington Hills

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Rulke


Name: Nerine

Age: N/A

Birthplace: Greece

Height: 5.9 ft

Eye Colour: Almost purple when calm and singing, but red when in true form.

Species: Siren (Greek Monster)

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Bard and Entertainer

Human Form

Siren (True Form):

Personality: Being gifted musically, she is quite joyous and often breaking into song. Unlike the Sirens of old she is more laid-back, but also has a vicious temper. Don't mistake this nature for being weak or even not dangerous, she is as she has killed many sailors when she was much younger, but in modern times she is more drawn to entertaining and using her powers to bringing joy, rather than strife. A little flirty, she can put these powerful emotions into her music and singing.

Although having been raped by a Satyr she will force her powers to get love from others and seduce them, she want to fall in love naturally.

Instrument: Lyre


  • Bewitching Song - Charms nearby group of people, causing them to cease all violence and listen to wonderful music.
  • Seductive Voice - Much like the song, she can use this to end all violence, but the unfortunate side effect is they want her, desperately, and because of what happened in the past, she refuses to use this, having been gang banged by Satyr after she used this.
  • Stirring Chorus - Inspires and brings joy to a whole room.
  • Dreadful Cacophony - Crushes and brings down feeling of utter dread and hopelessness.

So begins...

Nerine's Story

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  1. possible wrong location

    by lostamongtrees
  2. possible wrong location

    by lostamongtrees

0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: A beautiful woman wearing a black dress and long trailing wet ebony hair, would enter the bar, appearing to peer around, before walking to the front and speaking to the people here, "I am Nerine, I have heard that this Tavern is in need of a entertainer, I will take no requests, unfortunately, but do so hope you enjoy the show. Finding a clearing, she would take out her harp and begin strumming a melodic tune, it would wash over the seemingly oblivious crowd, slowly captivating them.

Opening her mouth, she would sing following the strumming, the very bar now wide awake with absolute clear attention, the few denizen appearing to listen and understand the song being sung, even though it was in Greek and they probably had never heard it.

As she strummed she would skilfully almost appear to make the music seem alive, as swirled and moved throughout the tavern, like an angel of utter bliss, it would leave none without happiness or strong feeling of ecstasy, some may even become aroused.

The music would just keep delivering harmonious notes and glorious swells and her amazing melodies evocative and bewitching.

The setting changes from Trivington Hills to Gambit's Bar


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: A beautiful woman wearing a black dress and long trailing wet ebony hair, would enter the bar, appearing to peer around, before walking to the front and speaking to the people here, "I am Nerine, I have heard that this Tavern is in need of a entertainer, I will take no requests, unfortunately, but do so hope you enjoy the show. Finding a clearing, she would take out her harp and begin strumming a melodic tune, it would wash over the seemingly oblivious crowd, slowly captivating them.

Opening her mouth, she would sing following the strumming, the very bar now wide awake with absolute clear attention, the few denizen appearing to listen and understand the song being sung, even though it was in Greek and they probably had never heard it.

As she strummed she would skilfully almost appear to make the music seem alive, as swirled and moved throughout the tavern, like an angel of utter bliss, it would leave none without happiness or strong feeling of ecstasy, some may even become aroused.

The music would just keep delivering harmonious notes and glorious swells and her amazing melodies evocative and bewitching.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Sensing a tough crowd she would finish this song, take a small bow and apologize, "I understand that one was quite sad sounding, so instead do one more joyous." with that she would start using her powers beginning singing while she strummed, most would at least enjoy but the weaker people would be in love with the sound and wish for it to never stop. She often had to do this with tough crowds, but she was sure to only make it enough to remove all apathy and annoyance, and instead get them to enjoy and love the sound.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Continuing she would increase the power, to dangerous levels, really wanting this job, strumming melodic notes with her powerful singing echoing off the walls, hoping to really capture these people love and desire of this wonderful music. Briefly she would stop and say, "Please, I need this job, I need to entertain you!" with that she would continue.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Replying to Varius she took out a flyer, pretty old and worn, but still readable, stopping her singing, she would hand it over to him before continuing before bowing. Taking a small breath she would say, "My name is Nerine, I will be here from now on most days, I don't expect money, but if you enjoy please donate." with that she strum a soft melody, her soprano-like voice sounding throughout the bar. Going in an almost tidal-surge stroking and caressing the people in a way that didn't seem possible for music.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Scowling at Varius, her eyes appeared red briefly before she keep strumming and reply, "No, I have travelled long and far, if you wish to be a prick, then go yourself, at least I'm trying to bring joy, whereas you're just being negative and to be honest annoying." with that she would turn all attention away from him, singing happily and full of joy, the wonderful language almost erotic, but also powerful, causing increased attention and positiveness in the bar.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Strumming with great joy, enthralled and driven by the girl dancing, and feeling more in her element as she sang with such emotion and joy. Her fingers dancing over the strings in such a skilful way, doing amazing melodic tones which would seem compelling or dare it be said glee-inducing.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Finishing with a wonderful flourish she bowed and smiled brightly, "Thank you, thank you I am Nerine, I am Greece and come here to entertain and bring joy." with that she would walk over to the dancer and smile softly, "My thank you for bringing my enthusiasm back and helping people accept my music, what is your name beautiful dancer?" she would grin a little strumming notes carefully in an almost teasing way.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Finding her rather adorable, but also rather pretty she replied, "Sad music does have it's place, but I do prefer bringing joy." she would then add, "Might I say you are rather flexible, it really accentuates the finer parts of your figure." she would smile strumming causally, "Silveri a lovely name, as mentioned I am Nerine, I am long way away from home, and was disappointed to find this place lacks an ocean, but alas can't have everything." again she would strum a few notes, in a strange way it could appear flirty or teasing.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: She would smile trying to subtly flaunt herself, "Circus, I imagine that would make you more flexible than say most girls." strumming still in that rather flirty way, she this time actually let a little tune play, the very music would sound erotic but ecstasy inducing, then she would continue, "Most people run-away to the circus, you seem to have run out of it, it's rather adorable."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Appearing sympathetic she would bend down and whisper, "I totally understand, men are cruel, they don't care about us." with that she would stay level with the girl strumming in the same enchanting way, for some strange reason she was drawn to this girl, she couldn't quite work out why.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Nodding she would reply, "True, Satyr's though, those are not worth the respect." she would stroke the girl's hair smiling, "So what did you do in the circus?" she was still strumming her Lyre.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: "No, you're just fun sized." as she said that the music she had been idly strumming seemed to try caress Silveri and stroke her back. It did the Lyre was partially enchanted to be similar to her own voice, but also do things music couldn't normally do, "Sounds like it was great fun though."


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Helping the girl back up she would smile, "Now I have a chance to meet you, and you can dance to amazing music, can't be all bad." the music would keep on with caressing and stroking, as she would strum the notes, knowing Silviri was enjoying it, but also suspecting she would to leave soon, although wishing to meet this cute little circus girl again.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: A beautiful woman wearing a black dress and long trailing wet ebony hair, would enter the bar, appearing to peer around, before walking to the front and speaking to the people here, "I am Nerine, I have heard that this Tavern is in need of a entertainer, I will take no requests, unfortunately, but do so hope you enjoy the show. Finding a clearing, she would take out her harp and begin strumming a melodic tune, it would wash over the seemingly oblivious crowd, slowly captivating them.

Opening her mouth, she would sing following the strumming, the very bar now wide awake with absolute clear attention, the few denizen appearing to listen and understand the song being sung, even though it was in Greek and they probably had never heard it.

As she strummed she would skilfully almost appear to make the music seem alive, as swirled and moved throughout the tavern, like an angel of utter bliss, it would leave none without happiness or strong feeling of ecstasy, some may even become aroused.

The music would just keep delivering harmonious notes and glorious swells and her amazing melodies evocative and bewitching.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Hearing the threat, she ended the song, took a small bow and this time allowed both the Lyre and allowed her powers to enter the words as she sung, smiling the lyre itself imbued with magical aura, seeming to have the ability to allow the music to caress, massage and stroke the denizen. Her words though in Greek would be understood by all as she sung an amazing ballad telling a heart-wrenching but beautiful story, which ended in tragedy.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Ending with a stirring powerful crescendo her voice would sound almost operatic, as her fingers strummed the lyre with such delicate love and affection, hitting the end, she would bow and speak finally, "That is one of my favourite, but it's also tragic. My name is Nerine I suspect many or more may know what I am, please don't do anything, I only wish to bring joy, I am older than I look and only desire is to let people hear my gift, but not abuse it..." with the comment about abuse her face darkened and briefly her eyes flashed red, before she continued, "Now for a happier ditty..." with that she strum a soft melody as she sang a song this time of happiness and glee, that was almost humorous at points, but keeping the same mood throughout.

Her Lyre would do it's work slowly having the music touch and calm people, so the lovely music would be embraced and others would smile.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Glaring she would reply to obvious attempt to intimidate her, "Look moron, I don't get your issue, I come here to entertain, if you don't like it, send a complaint, cutting down the bard will get you nothing but this place an even worse reputation. My agent warned me, he said don't take job here, because they clearly don't ask questions before shooting. I ignored him thinking how bad could it be, apparently you misread sadness and depression as hostility, well fuck you, you trying being gang-raped by Satyr's and then maintain happiness!" with that she try focus on her Lyre's music, trying to calm down.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Staring up tears now in her eyes, she would wipe them away glaring, "Racist much, just because I am a Siren, doesn't mean I wish to kill everyone." sighing she would strum a tune drying her eyes, hoping she could get back into the mood of singing again, but for now she was too upset.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rulke
Nerine: Wincing from the touch, she smiled softly, "Nerine... and..." peering up she would blush staring at him, little confused and shy, "I didn't realize..." focusing once more on her instrument she would appear to be blushing really hard, but yet trying to hide it. Kindness was rare in recent days, but his compassion was admiral and something more.