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Niira Pongal

Socialite Sister of the Hunt

0 · 850 views · located in The Hangover

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lostamongtrees


"What do I love about the Hunt? Everything except the hunt, of course."











So begins...

Niira Pongal's Story


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Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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A spinal weed tumbled across the hard road, dust sifting orange in the purple haze of Zola setting. The narrow spans stretched cracked through the plains. Though yellowed by day it was now a dark tear. All colors were nearly inverted when the end of the day swept over Vintu as the shadow of Zola's blue cloak. Ahead somewhere was a fork obscured by a glimmering heat mirage. Even now as the dual moons raced for the apex of the sky opposite the overtake of eggplant darkness it was hot and dry.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

Two figures hovering parallel blocked the empty road for none to pass. Their transport bikes, dark things pulsing with orange spurts of light, levitated high above the ground. A single leg rooted each to the spot. One stared ahead, admiring the ever-changing distortion of color. His bulkier form didn't acknowledge the question. The voice was grainy for the speaker converted words into monotone robotics. She followed his gaze, taking in the final moments of the day. Zola burned on the horizon, the sky a bloodied purple streaked with neon light. Everything, the sands, the lands, the scapes and shapes in the shadows, was deep burgundy. The girl, slight compared to the silent man, pressed her com, but she didn't have time to say anything.

"Are you?" His own grainy robotic voice wafted on the breeze to her as he kicked off and shot into the darkness. The orange light trail lingered for a moment, before the blue sea of night overtook it. No matter, for the girl was already on his tail, her own light fading in line.

The setting changes from Vintu to Vien


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK

Under the dual moons of the night, twin hover-bikes streaked mandarin through the blue tides of night. Towards the city of Vien they coursed true, racing each other as orange fireflies may do. She laughed beneath her retro-dated helmet, he grinned beneath his. Both had high hopes for Vien.

The setting changes from Vien to Vintu Western Gate

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK

It was, for lack of better schooling on his behalf, beautiful. Though named the Vintu Western Gate, it was the western gate to the city Vien. The first city on this planet, there are rumors through history that it was originally named Vintu. No official archives, of course, on the matter.

Two moons settled beyond the city, their backs bathed in fluorescent morning. Soon the colors of day would equalize, for now they halted. The arches rose from the ground like giant sand snakes, smooth and regal despite their decay and age.

"So 'sit, Kuku?" Female, robotic, monotone, the voice came from the smaller of the hover-bike riders. Her words received a sharp look, one would suppose, from the hulkier form on her right.

"Full sentences," A male robotic voice remarked. He stayed silent, she waited staring at him though he had turned to face ahead. With a sigh, she too looked where he did. He was sometimes too much of a brother.

"Vien," The male finally spoke, kicking off the ground and speeding towards the rings. She cursed, speeding off after him as fast as her bike would carry her. Eventually, the man thought to himself, Niira will learn the ways of the dual.

The setting changes from Vintu Western Gate to Tan Vien Inn


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucian Segal Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK

As the hover-bikes clicked off, the orange glows faded fast. With ease they settled into the dust as their owners ripped off their helmets. Long, wispy tresses colored the white-gold of mid day fell from one helmet, the other uncovering a tanned rock covered in yellow moss. The two exchanged a grin. They had arrived in Vien, specifically at the Tan Vien Inn. Kun Kuo was stiff with anticipation as he entered the Inn, Niira floating on air.

The young man crossed briskly to the concierge desk. He was prepared to wait all night, need be. They had traveled long and far to come to Vien, and with purpose. His sister lingered by a map display of the city. She studied it intently, he mentally went over their funding and budget.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK

"Look, Kuku," Niira had silently come up behind Kun Kuo Pongal. He jumped and turned, scowling at his younger sistern's mischievous smile. After a moment his own face cracked. He grabbed the pamphlet from her hands.

"What's this?" Thumbing it open, his jaw nearly hit the ground. It was a full advertisement for a weaponry shop around the corner, and man were some of these bad boys somethin' to look at! While Kun Kuo all but salivated over the paper, Niira grabbed their key card from the concierge. She stopped at the up transports. "Be up in a..." Her brother trailed off. Shaking her head she shuffled her bag into the elevator. Knew I should have waited until we were settled in to show him that!

On the way up, she pulled another pamphlet from her pocket. This one was for the Silver Palace. Glossy pages absorbed her attention even as she arrived at her floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira was, of course, absorbed in the screen by the time Kun Kuo fumbled through their room door. She lazed on a bed and barely spared him a glance. Some sort of electro jazzy music was piping from the screenie as glitter-clad women paraded across a lit up stage. He dropped his things and wandered to stare at the television with his sister.

"The Miss Multiverse Pageant," She absently explained, Kun Kuo nodded from reflex. He was far too busy oggling the beautiful women on screen. Who was that fine lady? Last year's Miss Multiverse, she was beautiful.

"Think you have what it takes to be the next Miss Multiverse?
Can you battle the odds and fight for the title of Miss Multiverse?"

The announcer, whoever he was, asked of the audience. Niira began to nod, but caught herself and stopped. Flicking away her hair, she hoped her brother didn't catch the movement. By the look of his growing smirk, he totally did. By the time the commercial ended, a grin racked his face and he all but bounced in place on the corner of the bed. Niira kicked him. With a yelp Kun Kuo leaped up still with that smile. Grumbling, Niira settled under the blankets with the remote and turned up the volume. Her brother got ready for bed, the ghost of a smile present on his face all the while, with a secret pride blooming for his dear sister, Niira.

The setting changes from Tan Vien Inn to Lac Long Quan Arena

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Niira Pongal Character Portrait: Kun Kuo Pongal
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0.00 INK


And so another gargantuan was felled, but two more remained to be slain. Kun Kuo Pongal rounded on the smaller of the two with his battle axe at the ready. It was freshly broken in, the perfect compliment to his fighting style. He had bought it last week at Bargaintua on Mau Avenue. It was worth every credit.

The crowd went wild in anticipation of Kun Kuo's next move. He grinned, charged, and swung his ax. With a crack it connected with the leg of the smaller beast, which shrieked in agony. The stadiums exploded in celebration. Kun Kuo charged between it's legs, hacking at another, and then another, and finally the thing was crippled. Running up it's back he raised the battle ax high above his head, roaring along with the crowd as he planted it in the head of the beast.

Two down, one to go.

Up in the stands, his sister Niira Pongal screamed in his favor. She was wearing her third best outfit, a black leather piece, and her fiery hair piled atop her head in a formal fashion. Many had taken notice of her beauty. Niira pretended not to notice, pretended to be fully invested in the hunt. It was true, the Gargantuan Hunt bored the crap out of her, but it was the best place to be seen. And, it wasn't so bad when Kun Kuo was fighting. She loved her brother, as he loved her, and they would support each other to the end of their days.

The setting changes from Lac Long Quan Arena to Dalgarei


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

An orange streak of light skimmed the horizon. It was moving fast, very fast, when suddenly it took a sharp left. It grew larger and brighter and louder as it sped closer and closer and closer to it's destination. It was retro, dripped with awesome, and was definitely a hover bike.

It skid to a stop on the other side of the object of curiosity as Koishi Komeiji. A lithe form gracefully dismounted and, from behind a robotic retro-graded helmet, began to analyze the thing on the ground. After a few moments, she looked across the smear towards the Koishi. She then said, in that monotone robotic helmet voice, "Dafuq izzit?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji was looking on curiously when something else suddenly caught her attention, though not exactly for the same reasons. Suddenly, new people were about! Some lady who rode upon a big bike, and wore lots of stuff. It wasn't! With an almost air-headed nature to her grin, Koishi just giggled lightly. "Dunno! I just found it, and I haven't poked it yet..."

Though normally Koishi was able to slip through the cracks of people's minds and be "unseen" as if she's invisible, rendering weak-willed individuals completely unaware of her presence as their minds went to work making up excuses for why things happened beyond the idea that Koishi may be the cause. However...with the assisted aid of technology, Niira would have no trouble seeing her - at least, so long as she kept the helmet on. With her hands behind her back, Koishi tilted her head and thought for a moment about what to do, and how to make this interesting turn of events even more interesting... " you have a stick to poke it with?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira grinned beneath the helmet. She didn't have a stick, but something nearly as decent! In a flash she was to the hover bike, yanking something attached to one of the sides. It was as long as the hoverbike. Black like obsidion-shiny, too! Almost like bamboo dipped in latex, or perhaps a very wet stick of charcoal.

"Gargantua stalk!" She proudly brandished the piece of monster anatomy, "My bro, he choppit off himself a'Hunt!"

The stalk was originally going to be mounted on the wall of their home, but this seemed like a much more fruitful use. Besides, she had two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji examined it with a grin and a nod, agreeing with the general structure of the 'Gargantua stalk' as it was called. Nothing she had ever heard of, but hey, the name sounded cool! And aside from that, it was pretty neat looking too. It even blended in with the black smear on the ground! Turning her head from Niira to the ground, she thought to herself. "Yeah, that should work!" Then turning back to look at the lady, she tilted her head. "Do you think this is something spooky? Maybe a ghost came by and started turning the ground into black goo...ectoplasm, I think it's called! Maybe that's why it's so person-shaped!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira stared blankly from behind her helmet at the stranger, before tilting her head quizzically. After a few moments of contemplation she shrugged.

"Iunno what a GHOST is," Robotic, monotone, she said through the helmet, and without another moment's notice slammed the tip of the Gargantua stalk into what would assumedly be the heart of the smear that was shaped-ish like a person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji was about to open her mouth to explain and go on, maybe ramble a little, but the swiftness of her actions caught Koishi a bit off-guard! The stalk was jammed towards the 'heart' of the person-shaped 'smear'. Though normally one may expect such a thing to just hit the ground with a bit of reaction, this case was different...

Swelling and contorting, the 'smear' twisted to reveal its true form as a portal...of some sort. Like taking one more step than intended down the stairs, it may be jarring to expect solid ground where there isn't any. Koishi's eyes lit up almost instantly, grinning wide at the sight. "That's significantly less boring than what I thought it'd do~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

"WEAHAT?!" Niira shrieked (in monotone) as the stalk didn't bounce off the ground, crumble, or create a sandstorm that would sweep them to their deaths. Instead, it jerked maybe like a foot into what could only be described as thick air. Niira was caught off guard. She began to fall forwards, cartwheeling her arms and swinging around, before resorting to grabbing the stalk for support.

Surprisingly, it didn't budge, instead holding fast in the portal...of some sort. Slowly, very slowly, it began to sink.

"LESS BORING?" Niira pushed off from the stalk back into balance. No way in a gargantua's nest was she gonna touch that smear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji nodded with a wide grin, having her arms out in an outstretched position like she was trying to gesture to everything around her. "Yeah! See, the world is so big and full of stuff! Weird stuff, undiscovered stuff...this is one of those undiscovered stuff we've been blessed with being able to discover~" She giggled more like an overexcited child and began bouncing a bit. "Ooh! What if there's a dragon on the other side? Or a bunch of goblins...or both! Dragon goblins!"

The possibilities were endless in Koishi's mind, and with that she got to her hands and knees like someone would when they're about to peer over a cliff. This time, however, she was looking up to Niira and sticking her tongue out. "I bet you're too scared to do THIIIIS~" With that, she turned her head back around and stuck it 'into' the black smear to see what was beyond...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira had never heard of a dragon, a goblin, or of anything like this. She recalled her geology lessons, and also geography, remembering there were gaps of unexplored planet, but not ever realizing how much of it was unexplored. A lot of it, probably.

She was wondering about the possibilities for exploration, having had been formally intrigued, when Koishi climbed down to the ground. Before she could even move, the crazy girl had stuck her head in the gargdamned portal!

"WHADARYA CRAZYANYOU WANNA DIE?!" Niira screeched in monotone, rushing around the smear, hopping over a leg, and frantically landing at the crazy stranger's side. She was admittedly afraid to make physical contact. What if something bad happened?!



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji was still for a moment or two, the only thing indicating that she was still alive being the gentle rising and falling of her chest as she remained in place. Though, once that moment had passed she took her head out of the portal and stood up, her eyes glancing to Niira. She opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it once more. Maybe she could impart some information to help her? Koishi, being unable to feel fear completely, was unsure what to think about how she felt. It was doing something she shouldn't have, but she didn't want to stop. And yet...she knew in the back of her head she needed to. It was a strange conundrum. After that moment of thought and looking as monotone in expression as the lady's voice, she just grinned. "I didn't die, did I?~" She responded, but looked back to the smear with a glance. "It's pretty dark in there...someone did some whispering, but I couldn't understand it. I dunno what that's all about!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira took two steps as wide as could be away from the strange portal.

"No," she said simply, firmly. She was in no way messing with whatever this was. Some kind of dark evil, manifested. Maybe a type of magic? Absolutely not. Whispering? Niira wondered what it said.

Which is where her curiosity got the best of her.

"Couldn't get tha whisprin?" Niira shifted forward a hair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Koishi Komeiji shrugged her shoulders at that, couldn't get it? Well, it's not like she spoke a whole lot of languages, but...she just didn't get it. "It sounded weird. Lots of words that sounded like "shush", and...lotsa soft words! It was kinda relaxing, but at the same time...kinda spooky!" She looked back to the portal while tapping her chin, curious. "I wonder who put something like that there's a bad place to be scaring people..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koishi Komeiji Character Portrait: Niira Pongal
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0.00 INK

Niira frowned behind her helmet. This was getting strange, and she wasn't used to strange. Soft words? With a sigh, she yanked the helmet from her head.

Long, bright orange hair spilled from the top of her head as she shook it clear of the helmet, and then her face. The left side was intricately braided, crossing beneath her hairline and mingling with the rest of it all. She blinked, and then screamed. It would have been tolerable in monotone, but the sound that ripped from Niira was a pitch unlike any other.

"WHERENDAFUQ DID YOU GO ", and so began a deteriorating ramble almost faster than ears could hear, filled with everything from accusations of evil to the contemplation of this all just being a dream.