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No Name

0 · 457 views · located in The Roof

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Dragon, as played by RolePlayGateway


Dragon, Child of Master Remæus, And servant to the Goddess Tiko.

As a Man, Dragon lives up to his blood and calling in physique and demeanor. At all times he serves as a shining example of uniform grace while still maintaining that conscious air about him that demands respect and tact in lieu of an unsavory demise. Though the years have been kind to him through the grace of Tiko and will of Remæus, the millennium have still weighed heavily upon his mind, and he suffers because of it. As a Beast, His wrath in unbound by the laws which govern this world and can only be suppressed by divine intervention. A massive and majestic frame, seemingly comprised from Devil's Steel spawns fear and doubt in the hearts of the most courageous of men merely by sight. As if cast from the heavens, Dragon is perceived as the literal edge of the Almighty, to be wielded for the mere purpose of destruction.

From the ground, a frame expertly crafted stands with a defiant 7' stance and reaches far with limber and lengthy limbs. A deception in the design would have one to believe that his physique is fragile, appearing lithe and lean. Lightly bronzed skin stretches across this foundation, worn from a lifetime of journey and kissed by radiance of the sun. Fair features are jaded by years of conflict and almost always bear a bewildered expression. Stern, focused eyes have their emerald sheen glazed over and seem to cast their sights on distant phantasms. These aged optics hang above a narrow nose and thin lips. A sage mane decorates his crown and cascades beyond broad shoulders to hang amidst his hips.

Dragon views clothing as superfluous contrivances, but respects the discretion of Terra's inhabitants by donning some level of apparel whilst in their company. His chiseled anatomy remains draped in a once-black kimono that over the years has steadily waned into a duller hue. It is always constricting his waist and is often worn with the upper half left to dangle free. As the loose silk suffices to "cover up", it is all that is worn. This freedom allows one to see the ink which adorns Dragon's body. Bandages are commonly seen wound about his hands, arms, legs, feet and serve only as healing aids to counter the negative effects of training. A headband may or may not come to wrap his head depending on his own preference.


Content with life, and fascinated by it's many wonders, regardless of their size or stature, Dragon always holds a generally upbeat attitude. He seems void of the everyday stress that wears at people over the years and accepts all aspects of his life, within his control or beyond it, with a courteous and humble disposition. Perhaps an adventurous daredevil in the past, nothing in today's world shocks him. This causes him to act surely and with such confidence that a thin veil of arrogance may lace his words or behavior. Many assume him conceited because of it. Although possessing narcissistic traits, he does not view himself of higher value than others; Merely, he exaggeratedly acknowledges his own attractiveness, and never hesitates to flaunt it.

No one should feel any doubt on approaching his person unless with the intention to do harm as Dragon's overall aura is one of kindness and jest. Everyone is addressed with respect, and it is, in turn, expected from them. There lies in wait a devious and flirtatious side, one many a beautiful maiden have come to be extremely familiar with.

So begins...

No Name's Story

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#, as written by Dragon
"O Tiko, banish this boredom. I beseech thee! Invite into my presence some manner of entertainment to kill this rut." His utterance was projected to the heavens, though spoken in a tone none but those in his immediate area would be able to coherently decipher. The call was made to the Goddess, Tiko, whom he has given his undying loyalty and sworn an oath of servitude. Should she ever come to need his service, he will heed her call without error or hesitation.

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#, as written by Dragon
It was a disappointment, but not unexpected to visit the fabled city only to find the truth to be something far from the stories told. Perhaps his expectations were too high. Perhaps he had wished for too much. May hap some past action exiled him from the Goddess' good graces. Whatever the case, it was killing him to waste away as he was.

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (North) to The Cold Plains


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#, as written by Dragon
"Blinded? I can assure you that my perspective is cast in a greater light. I observe all things in pristine clarity and can only interpret them through the vision of Master. Though, I suspect ignorance has muddled your sights... What could you know of such things?" The response, though spoken in that stoic tone, was laced with an edge of disdain. The man was insulted to say the least, but wouldn't allow this woman the privilege of disrespecting him further. Turning toward the female beside him, the kind wanderer allowed his torso to incline forward with his right arm positioned beneath him.

"If that is all, I shall take my leave. If it is meant for us to cross paths again down the road, you can be assured that Tiko of the eternal light shall guide us to that point. Please, do be careful from now on."


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#, as written by Dragon
"Relish in the joy of this new encounter and dwell not on the 'whys' and 'hows' of it. You've done nothing which warrants an apology from your person. And if I am lead by Tiko's light, no harm shall befall me through my travels. I can only hope she blesses you with her grace as well. Farewell~" And with that, the man gathered himself and offered a short inclination of his head to Monica. Respect to all regardless of their offenses. The crunching of snow would would resonate within the area until the footsteps were too far away to be heard amidst the bellowing winds.

The setting changes from The Cold Plains to The Roof


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#, as written by Dragon
The door leading to the rooftop would sway open slowly, revealing the relaxed frame of a lone wanderer. Short, simple steps would guide him forward from the staircase and onto the cool cement beneath his bare feet as a near addle gaze swept over the area and out toward the concrete horizon. It was a nice enough morning and the man wished to view the sun rise.


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#, as written by Dragon
It would appear that the lone wanderer wasn't so; Another inhabitant of this metropolis had decided to bask in the morning air as he had. The other appeared enveloped in deep contemplation and it wasn't the man's intention to be a disturbance. Still, to simply idle in each others' presence in silence, although not very bothersome, was still boring.

"It really is a Good Morning, wouldn't you say?"


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#, as written by Dragon
"Indeed. It's wonderful to be able to draw enjoyment from something so simple, and yet so wonderful... So beautiful." The retort were given softly and followed by a deep breath as the wanderer approached the edge of the structure. A small blockade which served to hinder one from progressing would now act as support as it was leaned on with bandaged appendages.


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#, as written by Dragon
"My apologies if I offend, but what brings you to wing City? It doesn't offer much nowadays." The inquiry was genuine in that it spawned from curiosity. Why did anyone come to this city? Why was he here himself? Of course, only time would divulge such answers as, hopefully, his new acquaintance would.


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#, as written by Dragon
"An optimistic father and a son lacking passion. Perhaps through social interaction and observation, he may find his calling in this mad, mad world." The wanderer mused to himself, as he so often did. From his perspective, this world and all it's inhabitants were apart of a grand design, each with it's own story to tell and path to walk.

"Well, I would suggest finding a different locale. Learning these people may be counterproductive to your Father's wishes."


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#, as written by Dragon
"Unusual... I retract my previous statement then. If that was his wish then he was spot on in choosing Wing City." The radiance from the morning sun would begin to spill over the horizon and weave through the barren streets and alleys that made up the notorious metropolis. As if feeding from the warm embrace, the wanderer extended his arms, closed his eyes, and allowed the sun to bath him in light.

"Tiko smiles upon us this day."


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#, as written by Dragon
"Yes, Tiko. Of the Eternal Light. Representative of The Creator, Master..." It had all become so much integrated in his life and his mind that were one to provide an inquiry, an answer on the subject was given almost automatically and without error.

"And yes, The sun may shine on me, but it is only through her grace that it does so."


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#, as written by Dragon
"You've not heard of Tiko? Perhaps, then, you've heard of Skallagrim? Of knowledge and wisdom? Of course, these are the forces which govern this land, make no mistake about it. There are others, though some have fallen..." The hierarchy of the heavens wasn't a complicated matter; however, the shifts of divinity were things only it could perceive, and as such he remained oblivious to it until informed by Tiko.

"I wouldn't doubt that I have somewhere along this stretch of road lost my mind... No, it is very possible. But I have not lost my faith. And none, not Time nor Death, shall have any say in that matter."


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#, as written by Dragon
"Knowledge encompasses all things, dead or alive. And where there is reason, Skallagrim shows his favor. Of course, I cannot blame you for not knowing of these entities. None would erect monuments to them, or praise them for their blessings. Why face one who has their back to you?" Of course, the reasoning was merely speculation. All he knew of was that 'whats' and 'whos', the 'whys' and 'hows' eluded him.


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#, as written by Dragon
"True, but I like to think that it is this world's oddities that make it so grand. Like, how two strangers can meet on a rooftop. How simple lifeforms can enjoy an occurrence that happens day-in and day-out. And how belief can alter one's perspective on life..." The wanderer would turn towards the rising sun as well, amused with the conversation. After a moment of silence, a short chuckle escaped him.


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#, as written by Dragon
"Well, yes actually. I can't for the life of me understand why people enjoy wearing clothes. I can grasp the decency concept, yes, but so early in the morning... What would call for you to don such embellished apparel? It can't be at all comfortable." A quick emerald glance would be cast across the other, examining his choice in clothing with mild amusement.


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#, as written by Dragon
Again, a small fit of laughter was produced from the wanderer at his company's response and borderline apprehension. Where this man was more concerned with how he looked, Dragon leaned more toward how comfortable he was in it. In all honesty, he wished to go about his business fully nude but was addressed by several individuals that such was... unacceptable in common society. Tragic...

"You seem passionate about your clothing. Perhaps that is where your pursuits may lay?" Of course, the thought was spoken in jest.