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Nearly ancient, this shapeshifter travels the galaxy in search of something new to entertain her.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Arluar


Ori no longer remembers what her original form was, or who her parents were, actually. The form she defaults to is that of a beautiful blond woman. Her golden hair is a collection of unruly strands, bangs cut and split over her forehead. Her eyes are a crisp light blue, untainted by tears. Her form is lithe and made for the white dress she wears.




Elegant would be the word to describe this feminine collage of memories and experiences. She has been alive for longer than she can remember and she has gathered a lot of wisdom. Acting as a bit of a genie, she likes to challenge people to change or improve, often times investing her own money in them. She doesn't typically tie herself into someone else emotionally, knowing the relationship won't last long enough for her liking. She has also has had her heart broken countless times. She has learned to stay guarded and disconnected from that world. Lovers have begun to bore her, anyway. She's seen a lot and not much excites her anymore.


Ori carries a blade with her, a fencing sabre. It is modifed to have a pointed tip and is thing enough to slice dells off of someone's skin.



Ori would be considered civilized in several cultures, having mastered hundreds of languages. When she isn't paying attention, she'll slip back into Tyronae, a language reserved for nobles on several planets. She seems to have a limitless wealth, able to throw money at her every whim. She no longer remembers, but she was once a noble wed to Duke Rother on an obscure planet in the multiverse. Even though she shirked her responsibilities after he died, she still has access to their wealth. She still wears her silver engagement ring.

The necklace she wears was given to her by an elven lover, made of rare blue gems. The stones are blessed and essentially give out an aura of 'good luck.'

Every hundred years, Ori finds a place to have her memory erased. She sorts through her memories and pulls out key ones to keep. She wipes away memories of lovers and acquaintances, leaving behind gems of wisdom, key languages, and important basic information, like how to pilot her ship. She does this because her memory actually fills up to capacity over the hundred years. Another big reason that she purges her memories is that things tend to lose their splendor over her lifetime. Nothing is new any more, nothing excites her, and nothing captures her imagination. When she walks away from the procedure, wonder is restored.

In her latest life, Ori has given birth to two boys, twins, who have since, in the span of a year, grown into adult shape shifters who own and run a ship bay in Wing City. They grow more independent every day and Ori often longs for reunions with the few people that used to be important to her, such as Odgerel, a fiery woman who once graced Ori's life at the time her twins were born. Days have become increasingly lonely for her, so she takes on hobbies randomly to occupy her time.

So begins...

Ori's Story

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#, as written by Arluar
Ori turned and let her hair down, reaching up to wave at Simone. Taking her time, she walks across the beach towards him, waiting until she's closer to speak to him. "Hello, dear Simone. How do you fair tonight?" The wet opalescent fabric of her suit. Not much was hidden for the imagination.

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#, as written by Arluar
Ori was cold and it showed. She crossed her arms just under her chest. "Yes, I was swimming just a moment ago. I had a towel around here somewhere...But I'm doing just fine." she said, smiling brightly at him. She started to shiver visibly as the wind blew past. The water was rather cold, but even it felt warmer than the open air.

The setting changes from Wing City Lake: Beach to Gambit's Bar


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori strode into her room, her blond hair longer than ever. The world was regarded through the clearest blue eyes as she offered a smile to those who met her gaze. She hadn't managed to come here at all in a few months, actually, but she didn't figure that much had changed here. The familiarity of insanity was nearly comforting to the shape shifter. Coming up to the bar, she orders some vodka for herself while slipping up onto a stool. A sweep of her hand assured that her hair was not caught under round rump, but instead cast to the back side of the seat. When her drink came, she raised it immediately to her mouth, twisting on the stool to look out at the patrons. Her attention then fell on Horatio Castle and the woman he was speaking to, as well as the crutch between them. For now, however, she kept to herself.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori had been using this form's psychic abilities to eaves drop on the pair closer to the fire. As Horatio told Kendra of his preference in tea, Ori turned and ordered a nice white tea from the bartender. They had the pots ready to go and hand handed one to Ori before passing her a small tray of the tea bags and supplementary items. Taking the tray and pot in opposite hands, she produces three tentacles from her sides to loop a tip around each tea mug's handle. Tea for three was then carried towards Horatio and Kendra, a bright smile on the shape shifter's face. "Service with a smile. You wanted tea?" Reaching the table closest to them, Ori starts to set everything down.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori had assessed that the little introduction was going rather well. Of course, she didn't know of Horatio's discomfort. Thankfully, however, when she chose to suck in the extra appendages, Horatio was looking elsewhere. With a name already given, Ori smiled anew and nodded her head a bit. "Of course, Miss Kendra. My name is Ori." Looking to Mr. Castle, the shape shifter loses her smile in a look of confusion. "Are you alright, sir?" In the back of her mind, she wondered if her powers had offended him. She only needed a few extra hands! Asking for Kendra's help would have defeated the purpose of being helpful, wouldn't it? Ori frowns more assuredly before flashing her eyes to the other woman. She hoped nothing was amiss.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori hummed and bit her lip a bit. "No reason...Would you like some tea?" Ori asked, setting a mug in front of him and starting to pour some of the hot water into the vessel. Her free hand went to a tea bag, which she opened and prepared to dip into the hot water. With the mug half full, she suddenly looked very distracted and didn't even realize how quickly the water was filling the mug. Snapping back to life, she finished pouring, lifting the pot quickly to stop the flow. "Whoops." she muttered, thinking of the message she just received from her twins. "Sir, I'll leave you with your tea...Here's the cream and sugar. My boys are expecting me home. I do apologize for my sudden departure." Then, as if she had never been there, Ori was gone again.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori was rather tired this morning, and it showed when she had to put in an extra bit of effort to get the door open. Despite her tired state, she was carrying herself completely erect. As she walked, she did not bounce up and down, but rather glided onto the next step. Her bare feet graced the floor as if they were on carpeting, not even phased by the dirt that was there. Coming up to the counter, she orders a mug of coffee, choosing to stand rather than sit. Her eyes went out to the patrons of the bar, giving them all their due glance and smile.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori couldn't help but notice the magic that Knot performed, her brow lifting ever so slightly in curiosity. With her mug of coffee delivered, she added some sugar before taking the first sip. It was nice and warm, hot rather, giving her a bit of a rush with the caffeine it packed. Satisfied with her drink, she turns to face Knot and Chris, speaking to them. "Gentlemen...Might I be a spectator to your sport? I do so enjoy magic," she said over the mug.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori grinned and walked over to Christopher, even putting her hand on his cheek. Her skin was warm from where she had her hand wrapped about the mug, skin soft as silk, as if it had never formed a callous. Giving a bit of a fake pout, she tilts her her head to the side and gives a little sigh. "Shower? Shame...I rather like a man with the dirt of a long, hard night on him..." With a mischievous smile, she turned her attention to Knot. "I know who you are, Knot, Christopher." she said, nodding her head to both. "Now, tell me of your tricks." she said, sitting down.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori grinned a bit. "I know you for what you have on the surface of your mind, nothing else. You do not even wear your age there which proves that you wish to hold on to a few cards for yourself, keeping them up your sleeve for later in the game." She watched the orbs with what could be described best as mild fascination, eyes following the orb's movements. "I do not know any magic...Not in this form, anyway. This body is, however, equipped for telepathy and other tricks of the mind."


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori laughed, settling back in the chair. "Are you so interesting a specimen that I cannot help but wish to dissect you? Really? You think I'm standing by with mind probes at the ready?" Her laugh turned into a giggle as she set her mug of coffee down on the table. "I believe you are far more interested in me than I am in you." she added as a bit of a tease. She was rather easy on the eyes and when she laughed, he would be able to see her strong abs and core flexing. "Hmm. I am a shape shifter, yes. An attractive one, don't you think?"


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori giggled once more. "Who says I'm not?" She put her arms on the back of the seat, hands hanging down. "A pretty face would be just the thing to use to get in close...Flirt a little and get their guard down...Then when you've had your fun, stab 'em in the sack..." The cheshire grin that spread over her mouth was perfectly matched by a laugh. "I came over because I was bored," she explained, sitting up to take a drink of coffee. "I was rather looking forward to making Chris blush."


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori frowned. "Aww. Knot has had his fill with me and taken away my new toy. How sad...Well, if you say play time is over, I suppose I will have to move on. I'm done with my coffee anyway." She tilted the mug to show him it was empty. That was all she had really come in for anyway. "Besides, I was only going to flirt. I'm not much into murder...It gets so sloppy." Sighing, she pushes away from the table and stands, staring down at him a moment. "Look, I'm behaving like a child...It comes with being hundreds of years old, I suppose. I apologize for bothering you." Then, she turned to leave.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori didn't look at him any more. "I have no story for you...Ever 100 years I have my memory wiped. I choose which memories to keep, and which to discard, and wake up not knowing why I made the decisions I did...Now, if you'll excuse me, my boys are waiting for me." Ori, who had up until now been chipper and happy, now seemed disturbed, sad, and disappointed. There definitely was a story there, but she did not know it. "Good bye, Knot." she said, trying to take her leave again.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori growled and sent a tentacle from her side to wrap about Knot's hands behind his back. "I took all of that away! I don't know why I didn't want to be an ancient! I do not even know who the father of my children is! I stipped myself of everything and you call me a harlot for grasping to what enjoyment I have left?" Ori raged, eyes glowing a bright blue. Then, the mental attack started, piercing prods hacking away at his shield. "You have no right to judge me!"


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori seemed to utterly disappear as he charged, showing up again back near the table...Only, there wasn't one of her. She was a much more threatening opponent mentally than any other way, and this rung true as she tricked him into thinking and seeing that there 25 of her standing in various places around the bar. Meanwhile, she attack on his mind intensified. She wouldn't be able to keep this going forever, but she had more endurance than she realized.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori had hundreds of years to practice this, whether or not she remembered it was another matter. The fact was, the skills were still there. She set up a broad shield against his attack, buffering it with her emotions as she persisted in her own attack. With his guard down, she was able to break into his pain. Once inside, she dropped her defense to focus her energies completely on his mind. It would not be long before another of his attacks came, so she had to work quickly. Like a bull in a china shop, she began tearing down memories, the attack most likely having the affect of a seizure on him. Then, however, she took the full blow of his attack. Her mirages disappeared in an instant as she knelt to one knee and gripped her hand. Grunting, she abandoned her attack to do damage control and defense on her own mind.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori slipped away again. She had an incorporeal form she could take, essentially becoming a ghost. As she hovered in the air, mental guards hiding her, she stared down at the man she was fighting. 'Bastard,' she thought, crossing her arms over her chest. Thinking that perhaps he had enough of her for this time, she made her way towards the exit, speaking to him mentally. "For someone who respects ancients, you surely are persistent. I will no longer entertain your cock fight...And by the way, I did take one memory with me...It's very nice, thank you." And with that, she was gone.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori was tired. It had taken her hours to get up this morning. The hotel room was so empty without the boys there and already she could feel an emptiness without them. When she got to Gambit's, she couldn't be bothered to actually open the door, just phasing through it instead. It was when she came inside that yesterday's fight came rushing back to her. She figured he'd be looking for her here, so she may as well have a drink first. Vodka was the choice today, just straight, no ice, nothing mixed in. She ordered and took a seat at the bar, enjoying the peace before the storm with closed eyes.


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#, as written by Arluar
Ori could feel him there, even that smile on his face was sensed. She made no move as his staff knocked the back of her head. The blow was strong enough that her head snapped forward and impacted the bar in front of her. She stayed down for a moment before slowly lifting her head. As she did so, a fountain of crimson blood poured from hew nose that now seemed to be broken. She made no sound, no cry of pain to please him...She just turned her head and stared at him with the blood dripping off her chin.