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Pertalia Tintala

"Please... Just take me back to the beginning..."

0 · 155 views · located in Veritas

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Eruthan



Pertalia stands at about five feet, seven inches tall. Her ears are pointed and aimed back, only about one and a half times the size of any normal human's ear. Pertalia's main outfit consists of a black silken knee-length skirt and a dark sleeveless silken shirt. She always carries around a blue blanket roughly the size of a house towel, the edges eloquently etched with elven symbols of gold. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, with that look of knowing deep in them. Her hair is a rich blonde, cut to shoulder-length. Other than on her head, there is no hair along her skin, as is with all elves of her kind. Her body has no freckles or moles or any such things adorning the skin.



The Empire of Tonar:

A dense fog crept along the ground and through the streets of the city.
It was early in the morning, before the sun had begun to rise. Through
the fog, the moonlight gave everything a strange overcast, almost like
a dream. The buildings ascended towards the sky in a spiraling fashion,
their dimmed colors of red and peach melded together in the night. The
tallest buildings were thin and held rooms only at the top of the towers,
which were covered from sight by violet glass that gleamed like diamond
in the light. The smaller buildings, most consisting of housing, were
of dimmer, less pronounced colors, usually white lined with dark blue.
The doors were not so much doors as they were small gates, often wrapped
with infestatious vines that crept along the edges.
Eventually, as the sun would rise, the colors throughout the city would
become more potent and vibrant, as if bringing a painting to life.
Through all of the buildings and colors of the city, there was one
structure that stood higher than them all. The mage's quarters and tower.

There was a building for each of the elements, all colored vibrantly in
the makeup of each respective element. The tower of water spiraled into
the sky in a valiant blue, three green stripes of glass circling the
tower several times, ending on the top at the large blue orb of water.
Next to it was the tower of fire which consisted of many
shades of reds and oranges, mocking the colors of the sun as it began to
shine over the city, a neat contrast to the buildings around it. Along
with the warm colors ran a blood red glass spiraling upon the tower, also
ending at the top, this time at a red diamond with a constant burning
fire inside of it. On the opposite side of the main quarters laid another
two towers. The first one that the sunlight touched upon was a tower of
gray and black. The sunlight didn't seem to change the colors all
that much, and the one thing that did not change even a little bit was
the black glass that circled around the building, leading to a large
boulder with flowing sand from it's top peak. The next tower just off to
the side of the tower of earth was a pure white tower, which nearly doubled
the light upon the mage quarters as the sun touched along it's walls. On
this tower there was only one thing that offset the colors and that was the
silver glass spiraling up to the highest point on the building, which had a
clear orb filled with a typhoon of air locked inside.

In the middle of these four towers was another structure, that rose
higher and shone brighter than all of the others. It's walls were purple and
was strewn with violet colored glass windows all along it. Four strings of
glass rose up the tower, all on the four opposite sides of it, moving up to
the top. At the very tip of the tower, where all four of the spiraling colors
met, there was a large white-violet diamond. Inside of the diamond was a
purple fire burning; around the fire was a belt of water than spun without
fault. From the top and bottom point of the diamond was a stream of wind that
blew visibly through the fire, which the flames easily adapted to.
It was a beautiful empire, and the Linish elves were proud to have its beauty
with them always.

The Fall of Tonar:

Pertalia Tintala, Age 201

The buildings around me crumbled to not. The breached line between life and death fell apart before my very eyes.
Father was dead; mother was nowhere to be found. Any portal out of the city became pointless to create as the enemy's magic
isolated us. I called upon my dragon, Dikan, but he did not answer. For a while, I didn't know what was attacking us, at
least until I saw one of them tear my father apart. An Orc, eight feet tall with that disgusting lime skin and blood-red
eyes. I struck him down without a thought; it was the first time I'd killed anything, more or less anyone.
I knew, though, that no Orcs could pull off such a feat as this by themselves, and I was soon proved correct. With the
Orcs were strange creatures; like us elves, but with rounded ears, and hair on their face and limbs, rather than just on the
head. They carried strange weapons, like sticks filled with magic. They would point these items at someone and click
something, causing small steel to fly through the air at lightning speed. Luckily, our sorcerers were able to easily
defend themselves, though those that were not holders of magic weren't so lucky.
By the time that the creatures reached the inner sanctum of Tonar, they had destroyed more than half of our beloved
city. As they entered into the sorcerers' hall, however, our magic users, including myself, managed to finally overpower the
magic of these creatures and allowed ourselves to escape the city through portals.
Nine Elves managed to escape, including just three sorcerers, two archers, two royal guards, a commoner, and our
beloved prince. Several days after our escape, we decided to return to the city... what was left of it. The creatures had
killed every elf in the city, including our queen... Several of our woman had been 'used' by these foul beings before being
killed, and we continued to find out how gruesome they were with every body we found.
We stumbled across a single one of the creatures, who was on his knees in the middle of our main hall. Water was
pouring from his eyes, which confused us, as we knew not, at the time, what crying was. He was dressed like one of our own
sorcerer's; in fact, he was wearing a stolen robe of one. We had to restrain Minel, one of our archers, from killing the
creature right there on the spot. The creature spoke in a language that I did not understand at the time; the one in
which I am writing this recollection, and he'd said "They destroyed it all... This beautiful city and race... all of
it..." The man was absolutely hysteric and had a strange look of sorrow and anger on his face.
Though we managed to restrain Minel, his brother Lynt was quick to put an arrow through the head of the creature
After that event, the royal guards and the prince split from the group, setting themselves for a northern course to
search for another elven settlement, claiming that it'd be better if they went alone in a small group. They would soon find that the other
settlements were worse off than even us.
For 3801 human years I have searched for other elven settlements, and even for single non-Linish elves, though the only two
I have come across acted no different than the wretched humans. Still I search on for more of us. The world has changed so much. Now it is only
myself I have to accompany me. I understand that humans are not what they once were, but I cannot forgive them as a race for what they did.
...End recollection.

The Beast:

Pertalia Tintala, Age 403
Delik, my beast.

Every Linish Elf, at the age of 100, is given, or rather finds, a spiritual beast. Usually it turns out to be
a panther or wolf or other creature of the sort; one that reflects the nature of the Elf's power. Usually, elders
are able to explain and predict the meanings of these creatures, and how their nature functions.
The day that I turned 100, I had been excited to meet my companion. Back then, I was still working on improving my
magic, and a sorcerer's beast is a hugely important deal, as it will sway your magic completely including your
proficiency in certain fields of the elements. The elders predicted an eagle for me, which would give me control of
wind, and I became very excited. When my birthday had finally come around though, I met this beast, and everything
"Greetings, friend" he had said to me when I saw him. I did not reply for several moments, not sure what to say or if
I should say anything. A dragon... Of all the beasts, I was given a dragon. He told me, in his coarse voice, deeper
than the valleys that surrounded our city, the he was mine and I was his. Everyone in the city was absolutely amazed.
Only once before in history had any elf been given the power of the dragons, and that elf, nearly 20,000 years ago, was
the founder of Tonar himself.
To add to the confusion, the dragon offered only one element of control, forcing me to drop all others, and that was
water. Water was the element which I was worst at controlling, air being my best, but that flipped around on me in a
matter of seconds. The entire city revered me as a hero though I had done nothing, and quite frankly, it annoyed me.
I did not want loads of attention; I simply wanted to continue my studies and get to know my beast.
The way that the beasts work is that when the Elf calls upon his creature, the creature comes to them, though only the
controller and one person of the Elf's choosing, may see this dragon. Of course, I did not have anyone that I wished
to show it to, though I got asked by several elves, mostly the other sorcerer's in my quarters. Delik did not speak
much, and when he did, it was only for simple things, and occasionally something that would be hugely important.
"You are mine, and I... am yours."

So begins...

Pertalia Tintala's Story