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Ralgus Thanatos

A Harbringer from an unknown, far away land, whisked away by a magic portal.

0 · 402 views · located in Wing City Main Entrance

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by KiritoHalo


Physical description:

Short black hair, extremely pale skin, black eyes, somewhat large muscles. For more description, combine Kirito from SAO with Thanatos from SMITE, and add in the gear from the "Equipment & Abilities" bit.


Usually solitary, Thanatos is a somewhat violent person when around those he doesn't know. Those who manage to befriend him, however, see that he has more emotions than rage, hatred, and indifference. (According to my earlier notes, I have his personality listed as "Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral" for an older RP elsewhere, but I stopped using the system, so it makes no difference.)

Equipment & Abilities:

Thanatos uses leather armor, probably something not usually seen in The Multiverse. To imagine what his armor looks like, imagine Kirito from SAO, in the higher levels, but with a skull necklace, lots of spikes, and black leather. He wields the powers of the Harbringer Caste in combination with a reverse-grip scythe, again probably something not usually seen. His powers allow him to empower the blade of his scythe, producing a blinding white light, and increasing the size of the blade, as well as the overall damage he can do with the blade. These powers also increase his damage against beings with magical powers, as well as beings made of magic, when using what is known as a "Harbringer Slash", or whenever one empowers their weapon with the abilities of a Harbringer (more on these in the Harbringer faction information, if this character's creator ever gets around to making the faction.).

His scythe is a relatively simple design compared to other Harbringer weapons, a black spear hilt with the spear head replaced with a black scythe blade, the blade having an etched design of a grim reaper on the side, an ornate skull at the intersection of the blade and hilt, and a large bone counterweight on the opposite side from the blade. Thanatos is also quite agile, a requirement for someone who uses a scythe as a weapon, together with an amount of strength.

Historical Background:

Once a member of the Harbringer Caste, Ralgus Thanatos was a well-known Soul Reaper, or a Harbringer that uses a scythe. His life changed forever, though, when the outpost he was being trained at was attacked. He doesn't remember much from that day, and neither do any of the other survivors, but the outpost was burnt down, and Thanatos was separated from the rest of the Harbringers. He found himself lost in a forest, and eventually gave in to a somewhat more primal nature. He killed anyone he saw who could possibly threaten him, and his scythe absorbed their souls. Harbringers' weapons can absorb the souls of those they kill, or set the souls free. When a Harbringer's weapon absorbs a pure soul, or the soul of another Harbringer or their weapon, both the weapon and it's wilder become corrupted.

It's nearly impossible to overcome the corruption from this, but Thanatos eventually found a way after being transported to a strange new place the natives call "Wing City" near the apparent main entrance by some strange means. Knowing how far he had fell, to stoop to the level of corruption that he had, Thanatos grabbed his scythe, placed it in it's sheath, and wandered around aimlessly.

Faction Relations:

Harbringer Caste (former)

So begins...

Ralgus Thanatos's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Somewhere near the main entrance, a flash of deep purple appeared, with what seemed to look like a singularity in the center. The flash was in the shape of a four-pointed two-dimensional star, and when the brightness of the purple edges reached their peak, Thanatos was launched from the center, falling to the ground with his scythe next to him. He stood up and looked around, not used to the scenery he was seeing. The apparent portal collapsed in on itself, and Thanatos was trapped in this world. He sighed, brushed the dust off his black leather clothing, grabbed his scythe, sheathed it, and began walking towards what seemed to be a cluster of people.

Thanatos saw what appeared to be a traffic jam, though he did not know this. He didn't know what the vehicles were, as his homeland was quite primitive. He stopped walking, looked in the direction of the main entrance, then the opposite direction, and sighed. He began to walk around aimlessly, until possibly he saw a person who looked interesting, different from the others, at which point he would stop and watch until they either went out of his sight, or until they walked closer. If they walked closer, he would attempt to ask them where he is.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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#, as written by Faithy
Gabrielle shifted her gaze towards the people standing about, watching them talking amongst themselves for a few minutes before shaking her head. Just as she was shifting her attention elsewhere, her lavender eyes picked up on a very familiar figure. Narrowing her eyes towards Bo, Gabby wondered what the damn assassin was doing around these parts and began to put two and two together. Just about to make a comment near some police officers, the sixteen-year-old kept her mouth shut and instead stepped right in front of the cat-girl, a slight smirk plastered on her face.

“What the hell did you do this time, Bo? Can’t you go anywhere without causing hurt or destruction?” Her voice was a lot colder than she meant for it to be, but she was in an extremely foul mood.

About to say more, Gabrielle was slightly sidetracked a flash of purple appearing near the location she had just walked from. Arching a brow, she watched for a minute before noting a figure dropping out from the center, landing with some sort of weapon. Deciding it didn’t concern her at the time, Gabby turned back to Bo, the urge to punch the cat in the face extremely high. Maybe instead of sparring, she would just get into a fight with her and beat the tar out of her. That’d make her feel a whole lot better.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Great. Disguise ruined. Bo reached up for the face mask and tugged it up and off, ears flapping upright from being laid flat against her head and fur a little stirred up. A hand was raised with one finger extended, about to say some sharp no-doubt witty words to shut Gabby down when there was a flash of purple that caused her to tense. Slowly relaxing, she exhaled.

"Look, can we not do this right now?" Her finger lowered and she straightened up, letting out a short breath through her nostrils, "Kinda don't have the energy." She stretched her arms up and gave off a large yawn. "Also, cuz liek," she spoke momentarily dropping eloquence, "You're not one to talk. What'd dad say you did? Exploding cards in front of the high lord of all Aschen? You kind of could've gotten all of us killed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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#, as written by Faithy
Gabrielle arched her brow, watching as Bo removed her mask, obviously not happy that she had been spotted. It didn’t matter to the brunette because as far as she was concerned, it was quite obvious that something wasn’t right what with the assassin just strolling down the street. Glaring at the finger, she was glad when Bo decided to put it down because that was one of her pet peeves, having a digit shoved into her face. However, when Bo mentioned the Aschen incident, Gabby released a soft growl, her lavender eyes narrowing angrily.

“Look, you little shit, that wasn’t my fault. Plus, I threw it down the Bitfrost thing, so it’s not like it would have hurt the damn High lord anyways! As far as I am concerned, that isn’t YOUR concern anyways.” She clenched her fist, knowing better than to let her hands do what they wanted, which was slide into the pocket of her jacket. Instead she just kept her arms loose at her side, preparing to wallop the hell out of the assassin female.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Thanatos noticed the argument, watching curiously. He thought for a second, (Perhaps they may know where this place is...), and began to walk towards the two. Before he got to them, however, he stopped and decided to wait until they finished their argument, so as to avoid any trouble...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Fists curled angrily as Bo's fur started to rise up on the back of her neck and her ears folded flat. A low growl emitted from her throat, practically threatening to attack Gabby herself! "Actually it IS my fucking concern! I was in the flask Norrington took! If anything went wrong I would have died! And I don't like leaving my life in the hands of bratty teenage girls who don't care about fucking everything up for more important people!"

Bo honestly had to admit (to herself) that it felt good. It felt refreshing to just tear into someone after keeping all of her frustrations bottled in. Norrington always stirred her up but he was practically untouchable. Gabby on the other hand... Oh Bo looked down on Gabby. "Are those bruises?" she suddenly accused, smirk slowly rising on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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#, as written by Faithy
Snarling, Gabrielle clenched her fists even tighter, noting that Bo was doing the same thing. Yeah, these two together was not going to be a good thing. As pissed as she was from the thug attack earlier, this was just antagonizing her even more, which pretty much meant someone was going to get their skull busted in. Snorting at the assassin’s comment, she merely rolled her eyes.

“It’s not MY fault your father is irresponsible enough to smuggle you in a flask after being told not to do anything STUPID! You didn’t fucking die, so GO FUCK YOURSELF! I care plenty about messing stuff up for others! Don’t EVEN act like you know me! Not everyone is like you and your father!” Gabrielle seriously thought about slugging the cat, but somehow managed to keep that from happening. Rolling her eyes at the bruise question, Gabby just shrugged and glanced towards the stranger that had started towards their direction.

“And what if they are bruises? I didn’t think I had to tell you everything that goes on in my life, Bo. Going to go tattle to your father? I could really careless. Now, get the hell out of my way so I can go find someone more important to talk to in order to get some training.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Bo had been trained by Norrington, which meant she tended to hone in on really important pieces of information. She brushed off the shouting, now the corners of her mouth tugging upwards in a grin as she caught one juicy tidbit she couldn't resist.

"Wait Norry didn't do that to you?" she said, voice growing in excitement, "Oh my god he is going to freak! I mean, I don't care, you're not my assignment, but he's probably going to lock you in a tower!" Laughter followed a moment later, shoulders rolling back much more relaxed and fur settling on her neck. It was actually the perfect chance to hit her; when she was unprepared.

"Oh oh! Maybe he'll make you a collar like I had to when I was a kitten!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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#, as written by Faithy
Snorting when Bo clicked onto the fact that Norrington hadn’t given her the bruises she wore on her face, Gabrielle rolled her eyes and knew this cat was going to be far more trouble than what she wanted to deal with at the moment. Ignoring the laughing and the following comments, she relaxed her fists a little, but kept her guard up. The last time the two had been in the room together, an argument ensued and if Bo kept pressing her, Gabby was going to punch her in the face.

“I think you’re overreacting quite a bit, Bo. I doubt Norrington will care. Surely he has more things to worry about than me getting into a scuffle and getting slightly injured. How about you keep your damn mouth shut and stay out of my business, alright?” Gabrielle narrowed her eyes towards the assassin, getting pissed off once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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"Norrington does have more important things to worry about," Bo answered, still incredibly smug, but laughter stopping, "And that's why he's going to want the fastest easiest solution to keeping you safe possible. I grew up with him, remember? How much do you think he let me out of safe houses?" She folded her arms in front of her chest.

"I'll take the blame," she smirked, "You can totally tell Norrington I punched you, just so I get to see how mad he is. Oh oh! Please!" As Bo had no social life, this was sadly how she got her kicks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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#, as written by Faithy
“No, you stupid annoying little shit. He isn’t going to do anything to me, because you’re going to keep your damn mouth shut before I break your jaw. Can’t talk with a broken mouth, hmm?” Gabrielle snarled, growing quite impatient and irritated with this whole conversation. Norrington was her bodyguard, not her damn babysitter and she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted as long as it wasn’t super dangerous. Besides, the security was there, so it’s not like she had gone off and walked into a dangerous part of town and started throwing punches. Though, that sounded really good the more she thought about it.

“Just leave me alone.” Turning, she started to walk around Bo, not willing to play her little game.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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"What, is that a threat or something?" Bo said, narrowing her eyes and tilting her head slightly. She didn't seem so mad as more confused. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'm still telling dad." She moved to walk right past Gabby as well. God she was so immature. Unlike Bo, who was nothing but the height of maturity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Noticing a fight about to break out, Thanatos thought for a moment, and decided that it would be a better idea to attempt to stop the fight before it happened rather than avoid getting caught in the middle as he had originally thought. As he walked towards the two, he noticed that one was about to legsweep the other, and that he would be unable to prevent this before it might land. Deciding to prevent any other attacks from happening if at all possible, he attempted to do so by trying to keep the two separated from each other. Thanatos cleared his throat, and spoke calmly. "I know not what you two are fighting about, but I'm sure there is a way to resolve this issue without violence."

His voice was quite deep, mostly due to his past corruption, and he had an accent reminiscent of medieval times.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Bo was fast on her feet especially when it came to instincts, but not fast enough. The moment her foot was swept she stumbled and then dematerialized, body fizzling into a bluish mist which rapidly reformed into her shape facing the other direction. Now standing past Gabby with her hands raised, the fist was probably going to be swinging at nothing. Bo normally would have kept her temper, if she was ready for a fight. But this just pissed her off so much. Gabby just wouldn't let it go! This was entirely her fault!

Fur rose on the back of her neck again as she naturally puffed herself up to appear bigger than the five feet tall she was (about as tall as she would ever be, and that was with the half a foot added by her shoes). She jerked forward, throwing her hands out for Gabby's head. Not her face, but the top of her head, reaching for the girls hair to try and take a hold of it. Unfortunately this was a learning process for her, as the robo-gloves were not good at grabbing fine strands like actual fingers. Her mouth opened too, releasing a spitting hiss for Gabby and showing off her teeth.

Her retaliation was so knee-jerk impulsive that she didn't even hear the stranger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabrielle LeBeau Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Ralgus Thanatos
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Seeing that he was unable to stop violence from breaking out, Thanatos backed off. He disliked confrontation, but the main reason he backed off was because he was worried he might injure one of the two while attempting to keep them from fighting. He thought, 'I suppose there may be someone inside this town who...' his thought trailed off. He then noticed a sign nearby, stating the apparent name of the town, Wing City.

'So I am in a place called Wing City... perhaps someone inside the town may know how I was brought here, or how to return to my home, or they may know of the nearest Harbringer branch...' He didn't know he was in what was apparently another dimension from his home, and the Harbringers most likely didn't exist here. He took another moment to look over to the fight that had broken out between the two, sighed at his inability to prevent violence, and walked on into the city.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Natalie Elisabeth Schultz Character Portrait: Gaia: Mother of Creation Character Portrait: Chase Kazuki Character Portrait: Nikolai Character Portrait: Unbunny
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ Here I am ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Natalie Elisabeth Schultz Character Portrait: Gaia: Mother of Creation Character Portrait: Chase Kazuki Character Portrait: Nikolai Character Portrait: Unbunny
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0.00 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ the great city I heard about ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Natalie Elisabeth Schultz Character Portrait: Gaia: Mother of Creation Character Portrait: Chase Kazuki Character Portrait: Nikolai Character Portrait: Unbunny
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0.00 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ it seems like no one is even here ”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Natalie Elisabeth Schultz Character Portrait: Gaia: Mother of Creation Character Portrait: Chase Kazuki Character Portrait: Nikolai Character Portrait: Unbunny
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0.00 INK

#, as written by lml55
or at the very least no one is talking to me

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Assassin Character Portrait: Natalie Elisabeth Schultz Character Portrait: Gaia: Mother of Creation Character Portrait: Chase Kazuki Character Portrait: Nikolai Character Portrait: Unbunny
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#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ welp ”