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I am your worst nightmare. A newcomer into these lands... The subtle scent of death and purpose faintly clings to this being, stinging like the most pugent of orders the noses of the innocent and pure.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by RolePlayGateway, as played by EarthWanderer08



Sanguine End

Name: Rhemora Everto Cruor
Title/Alias: Sanguine End
Age: ???
Sex: Male
Allegiance: Himself
Tier: High

Random Statistics
  • Height: 6'5
  • Weight: 265lbs
  • Blood Type: Κέρβερος
  • Physique: Solid, Athletic.
  • Iris Color: Xanthous
  • Natural Hair Color: Auburn.
  • Skin Color: Tainted, dark.
  • Dominate Hand: Trained Ambidextrous.
  • Dominate Foot: Trained Ambidextrous.
  • Birthday: N/a
  • Zodiac: N/a
  • Nationality: N/a
  • Ethnicity/Breed: The Fallen
  • Home World: N/a
  • Occupation: Harbinger of Destruction
  • Rank: Z
  • Alignment: Evil.

Rhemora Everto Cruor... A man beyond mortality who defies the will of the gods. With only his hands, he has forged his own path through history, overcoming impossible obstacles and conquering the mightiest of foes. The sins of his past weigh heavily upon his tainted soul, and in effort to attain atonement, Rhemora banished himself to the abyss... Time would pass before darkness consumed his heart- Before insanity and doubt ailed his mind... Such affliction caused the contorted warrior to ascend from his imprisonment into the realm of man once more. Convinced he was tricked into exile by his creators, only death will sate his rage, and by whatever means possible, Rhemora plans to grant it en masse.


I man who is mentality unstable, but is fully aware of that instability, fully aware of craziness he flirts with. He is rude, but not obnoxious, for you must have social skills to obtain what you desire. He is suave, but he is deadly. He knows of his past sins, his trangression, his path. He sees no reason to doubt it, nor mourn over his constant murder, and defiance. He refuses to accept that which he has done wrong, because to him..He is never wrong. He is power, and will continue to be so. The only thing that keeps him from a true break down, is the thought of more power, and more skills. The thought of ruling everything that is.He is greed, He is a sado-masochist who will do anything for power.

Hire at your own risk, but if there is no benefit for him, he will not even entertain the idea. Money and power, the only things that will persuade him in the correct amounts.



Twin Daggers Of Insanity - If cut by these, you will start to immediately forget who you are, and why you exist. Any skills of magic will deteriorate slowly. Combat skills are enhanced as a result. So you lose magic, and gain strength. He sometimes uses these on himself.

Cloak of Obscenity - Originally an ancient cloak worn by Hades. His clothes are made from this ancient material, that keeps any projectile from penetrating. Thrown knives, arrows, bullets - all of these are nulled. But this material can be cut, by any weapon enchanted, conjured, laced, or modified or made by unearthly metals.

Utility Belt - Ment for all kinds of toys, like smoke bombs, enchanted rope, various poisons, and extra daggers. He carries the aformentioned items on him regularly.

Belzubub's Pendant - An octagonal stylized pendant, gold in nature with a ruby charm center. Keeps him from going insane via spells or enchanted weapons, no matter how strong.


Herculean Stregnth - He posesses this naturally.

Shadow Sight - Can see in the dark naturally.

Shadow Step - Moves is a sweeping fluid motion with a trailing shadow to follow, that leaves after images. Quick, but ment for deception and evasion.

Shadow Blend - Can literally become one with the shadow, ment for stealth.

Shadow Heal - Covers cuts, wounds, bruises, sores, burns, etc...with a physical shadow that heals the wound in 30 mins. Depending on severity.

Menshire Toll - For the cost of a chunk of memory, gains double the stregnth he might have at the moment. Memory take 30 days to return.

Arcane Magic

Limit Dealer - Turns off his pain receptors, allowing for pain far beyond his limit.

Limit Refiner - Turns up his perceptive abilities, allowing himself to dodge at the very last moment.

Rune Spells

-Rune of Paralysis
-Rune of Force (powerful wind pushes away from his body in all directions)
-Rune of Defect (your weapons don't function correctly)
-Rune of Gravity
-Rune of Fire (varies)
-Rune of Healing (rarely uses)
-Rune of Acceleration
-Rune of Slow


Having been born from nothing, but blessed by Sanguine, he is the Harbringer of Destruction that was meant to be the son of the Anlantis Goddess. He defies the gods, for he was born to kill them. He tried, and failed to kill Zues once, and banished himself into the abyss of Tartarus. He trained there for sometime, then escaped the abyss to confront Hades. He succeded in overtaking Hades, but struck a deal to have his clothes made from Hades's cloak, in exchange for his life. Hades will later banish him to the abyss again, where then escape into the place of nothingness called limbo. He would meditate there for an extremely long time, eventually figuring a way to escape. He evetually killed off more gods, celtic, and egyptian mainly, but never the Major Important once, for it would throw the world into such chaos that he would not be able to eventually kill them all. Eventually, he settled on wondering the galaxies of the multiverse searching for more power to eventually totally annihilate Zues, then take on the other major gods, celtic, roman, egyptian, atlantian, etc. He knows how to keep balance just as much as he knows how to destroy it.

So begins...

Rhemora's Story


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Sanguine: "That is what I LIKE TO SEE!! HA! Whadya think of this kid Rhemora? That fire in his eyes, you see right!!" He seemed to be less pissed now, for he thrived off chaos, that was his whole being, of course, which is another part of his immortality that keeps Rhemora from being completely destroyed as well, on top of the obvious skills he has.

Rhemora: "Ye, whoopty doo. Can we move this along San?" Rhemora replied, obviously not liking to waste peoples time. He may be insane, but he extrmemly respectful, regarless of his brutality in battle.

Sanguine: "Fucking right!!! So, the proposition goes as follows. You, Icarus, will allow this whelp Rhemora, to join your ranks as a senior officer. Little do you know, before you object and make me angry, you will need him in an upcoming event that is sure to rock all of Terra!!" He spread his hands wide, and a couple of stars exploded in the sky.


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Sanguine: "You keep surprising me, little human. However, your going to get yourself hurt if you don't allow this all to process. Are you really going to ignore this 'event' that will surely leave many people dying agony, al because of your ego and pride? That is stupid, and faily gutsy. I would love to see that!! Everyone crying in agony, and finding out many men could ave been saved, but because of your ego, your didn't allow yiourself to help. I could just as well go to that Terra Militia someone mentioned earlier....hmm..that might be fun." Sanguine made the notepad's surfuce play a video of the 'event'..

There was alot of chaos in the Plaza District of the Main Street. People where getting ripped to pices left and right by an unknown figure, that looked to 12 feet tall. It looke draconic in nature, and definitly not something anyone wanted to deal with. The camera showed things being exploded, shops, resturants, and people. Everything was either in shambles, or on fire. There appeared to be a building flattened by a giant boulder the size a meteorite. Coming from it, were multitudes of the creature mentioned earlier. Grotesque, and spitting fire. The ground crack open, as if hell was being raised, and spirits came flying out devoring what looked to be militia men, some were fire granadier rounds, others plasma guns. They were clearly in ranks, and hold some sort of ground in different formations. Firing at the spirits that had appeared, and the monster dragons coming from the giant boulder. They were in a losing battle, and that was clear.

The camera swooped to a bird eye view of the area, and it was apparent that all of Terra was being atttacked. The screen went blank afterwards.

Sanguine: "Now hows THAT for a big screen trailer of chaos!! Haha! So much fun! I so want to be there! Raising as much fun as possible! Death, flesh, rendering of humans!! Ha!!" He looked overexcited. Another star exploded at that point.


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Rhemora: "Unfortunately for me and everyone who comes within ten feet...yes. He is always this annoying. Luckily, he only gets maybe two hours out of the day to do this..." Rhemora shrugged, and pointed. "That however, is directely related to you and every other militia force whom are on this planet. For now, it concerns you, because your most calloused and uncaring. Which is what is going start this whole thing. Don't think you can run away either. Those draconic being are actually after you."

Sanguine: "Righto you are Rhemora!! By the way, shut the fuck up when I'm talking Rhemora, I didn't ask for you to help the idiot who thinks life isn't shit, and everything he decides not to get involved in, isn;t going to effect him. He'll learn soon enough why he is needed. But if he runs...oh wait" He turned to carus, instead of mouthing offf Rhemora. "If you run, those Frinur will follow you. I wont tell you why, that will ruin the fun. Regardless, hell is going to raise whethere you are here or not. I Do mean that literally too. Hell raizing...HAHA!! I crack myself up!! Anyways pal, do or don't, your involved, just thought you would like to know, more chaos is going to insue because of this conversatyion. Plus, when the most important thing to you is snatched and destroyed because of your ignorance, I am going to have a field day!!" Sanguine started to shimmer.

Rhemora: "Looks like time is almost up. Thank Hades. Anyways" he turned to Icarus. "what is your answer, and do you have any questions?" He asked slightly bored, but glad.


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Rhemora: "No need to..."

Sanguine: "Shut the fuck up Rhemora!! I am speaking!! Damn! Ok, so, the answer to all of your questions are in this order...I'm not fucking telling you!!! As for whether this because of your obvious uncaring nature...YES!!! That is why. The Frinur are looking for a soul who can tame them, since Anubis let them go from there cages, in order to draw out Vidious...But that is something entirely different. If even run into him..well you probably wont. Regardless, your the one they immediately took a liking to, even though they are dimensions away...jeez, I hated them, expecially my ex-friend Anubis. He became such a fucking tool to Osiris...aww, anyways. No worries, the other militia will hear about this soon. As far as you need to know, you need to prepare. I know your the only one in you group. So get to hiring. you can start with my partner Rhemora. Speaking of...Dont ever call him a toy or tool, that is for me only, little boy." Sanguines eyes flares with screaming souls and fire. As he merged back with Rhemora.

Rhemoras left arm went back to it's orignal gaolden script and a symbols, swirling up his arm. The fires receeded and the crowd of ghost were no longer there.

Rhemora: "Anyways, are you gonna take me, or am I going to have to go to one of the others?"


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"Right, so I think that will be fine, but know that I dont do well with listening to can ask, but I will not be ordered. As far as the magic, I dont really need it. Unless someone tries to fricking stab me, then I will shoot them. Or have them cease to exist. However, projeciles, such as bullets, dont effect me. So no wories there."


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"One thing before you leave, I will be modifying the armour if you dont mind. For I only wear material made out of the Cloak Of Obscinity...." Rhemora followed, but did so, in spectacular fashion....He teleported, heading to the fourth floor.

The setting changes from The Arena to Gambit's Hotel, 4th Floor

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Rhemora would go to the room that was he was told to go to, and look inside to see a bunch of different armour, caches of weapons and whatnot. He was uninterested in most of it, but would go over to a cache contaning some pistols, and he woul grab one. He was looking some of the armours, and grabbed a set. He shoved into a pocket dimension and knew he would put it's conversion on hold for the moment, but he would definitly do what he was told for now.

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"I have no problem getting all dressy, since it isn't forever, but I have to say, My name should be what most in the netherrealm call me. Sanguine code name can be The End, or just Sanguine.... I wont really respond to anything default, unless I take the name on by way of..ehh, forced inheritance." Rhemora turned around, and looked at the man sitting on the couch. HE walked over to a wall nearby, and did some inquiry.

"You think your going to run a eh...succussful orginization without doing some work yourself?"

The setting changes from Gambit's Hotel, 4th Floor to Gambit's Bar


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Rhemora strode in, smelling of death and decay. Trainling a thick black aura that showed up as tendrils stringing from his back. He was in the mood for a drink, and good conversation. Hoping that no-one shyed away from him. He was struggleing to keep his 'host' in his place.

"Shut up, Sanguine." He would whisper, to no one in particular. He was hopping that no one heard it, or if they did...didn't question it. IT was better to ignore him. Rhemora walked over past a couple of booths that had several interesting figures and people chatting about random nonsense that didn't concern him. He was looking for some one to entertain his mind, and get him distracted enough to ignore his 'host'. His normal shirtlessness showed his scars all over his chest, that was comehow pure black. As if darkness had wrapped itself around his entire body. He would be muscular, and his right and left arms would be covered in symbols, hyroglyphs, and truths. They would glow from the elbow down, his right arm green, left arm gold. Rhemora walked around the bar, checking out the place. Looking at random faces.


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"Damn, there is violence here.." Rhemora would say aloud in a deep resonating voice, that was baratone in it's nature. HE would begin to exit, just as he had come in, trailing dark tendrils of decay..But his 'host' had other plans.

Rhemora started to to shift out of phase, something like a translucent color, then he glowed a bright red, as he was struggling to keep was about to happen, from happening. Upon noticing the violence of the apparent vampire, and guards, he was attempting to keep away from the violence. But having walked into it, he thought it might have something to do with his 'friend' who inhabits unwanted space. Which doesn't matter anymore, for Rhemora had no choice at the moment on what was about to happen.

Rhemora glowed brighter, blinding anyone within the vicinity, temporarily, as his being split into two. Anyone noticing, would notice a figure that was Rhemora, but both his arms would be glowing green now. Instead of the gold, that actually represented the hosting of a deadric god. Sanguine would appear, and start to laugh maniacially.

Sanguine: "HAHAHA! Damn! What a party you walked into Rhemora! Lets start some trouble! At least, more trouble than whats happening! HA!" The lord of chaos's voice would resonate throughout the bar, and few would see him, if they were of magic decent.

Rhemora: "Damnit." Rhemora wanted no part of this, so he walked over to the two people talking about whether or not Gambit had frequent weird visitors. He walked up to Alexander. "Hello. You guys here for the nonsense? Because if you are, Im sorry I made it worse by coming here."


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Rhemora, having been ignored, walked over to The Faceless One hoping to make conversation, though his arua usually would be a bit of a conversation stopper..or just really, scared people away. But this person who had no face seemed like someone who could withstand such things..He had no face after all.

Rhemora: "Hello sir, are you here for the drinks or the chaos? Because I could use a drink myself." Rhemora looked over at Sanguine heading toward what looked to be a woman. He should his head, thinking of this getting worse by the moment. "I'll have whatever is strong, and sure to leave a giant hangover." But the faceless one dissapeared, and left Rhemora yet again ignored.

Sanguine: "Got DAMN!! I know that son of a bitch robot looking motherfucker didn't just ignore my patron. Or is he a victum? Not sure, but I will have to rectify this with some chaotic entertainment!" Sanguine would walk over to a cyborg looking fifure, and try to group her breast. Even though he was a god of chaos, he knew no bounds. "Hello space freak!"

Rhemora: He would turn around to see his 'host', grouping a woman, and would rush over to keep Sanguine from causing anymore trouble. His decaying smell training behind him. ""Excuse me woman! Ahh...Sanguine here doesn't seem to have any manners. Sorry." He would try to move him outta the way to speak to the woman.


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I see that, but its fine, :P


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Sanguine: "Damn, what a nice par you got there! Fuck, if my boy here wasnt so damn polite, dispite his appearance, I owuld make you his! So I can play with you when I return to his being. Buuuuit, I guess your just going to have to either punish him for allowing me to do what I did, or just slap me, and make me 'feel good'. HAHAHA!!! He yelled back over her scream, looking thouroughly amused. He was injoying the chaos of people in the bar, far too much. In fact, he was feeding off of it. Being the lord of chaos had perks. Although it effected Rhemora by default, making him immortal and stronger too.

Rhemora: "Oh my. Look, I'm sorry for what he just did to you." Rhemora stepped between the two to try and reconcile the situation to the best of his awkward ability. Not akward because he was not a well versed speaker, but awkward because his Black Skin-tight mask only shpowed a sharp feature/angled face that was intimidating and not very easy to talk to. That and his his bare upper body and piece of cloth that wrapped around his lower section, covering his bottom half, but leaving him mobile due to the right leg being slightly expose.


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Rhemora having been effectively ignored, was starting to wander about his chances of ever saving Terra. People were so damn rude, even if there seemed to be rightly place false. Slthough in this case, it was not rightly placed. He was very unsatisfied with the hospitality of Terra, even when he was borne from nothing, he knew that there were plenty of honest people. He would not think to come here, where there are plenty of the opposite.

Rhemora: "Damn you Sanguine, you think I like being resented by people. Especially the beautiful and non-evil type?" He was very tired of Sanguine, but could do nothing about it. It would not be for his benefit to do anything, even if he could.

Sanguine: "I do belive I enjot all forms of chaos, especially the kind that make you miserable. By the way boy, don't ever question what I do, nor what I do for my own entertainment." Sanguines eyes flares fire, literal fire, at that last statement.

Rhemora would just shake his head, and walk away form his parasitic host. Rhemora would notice, no..he would feel a strong aura, that seemed to call out to him. Whilst his patron was off to find more chaos, he was sure, Rhemora would look around to spot - Julia - looking around. He would approach, hoping that his appearance, and decaying/deathly smell would not drive the figure away.


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Rhemora looked at the figure in boredom, then in a split second went to anger, sadness, and confusion, finally setteling on empathy at the end of the two seconds. He would hold his hands up, although he was invulnerable to anything less than a angelic weapon. He was trying to be polite, and cordial. But it looked as though he may started the 4rth peson in the last 7 minutes, withought even trying to.

Rhemora: "Hey, look, I am just trying to have a singular decent conversation with someone. Everyone keeps blowing me off or ignoring me because of my appearance. Or because of that bastard over there." Rhemora nodded at Sanguine, who was headed over toward a person who just entered the bar.

Sanguine walked over to the figure with clear glasses and a white t-shirt ( Niven ), hoping to start more trouble, Rhemora was sure.

Sanguine: "Hello little one, I hope you brought yourself a personal extinguisher, for your going be a fiery fox tonight!" Sanguine litterally just snapped his fingers and blazed a enormous fire that would blow the fireplace out onto Demor Ragani. "Opps, guess I cant play around just yet today like I want." Sanguine would glare at Rhemora, knowing that he was thwarted because his time of freedom was ending. He flipped the bird at Rhemora and started to shift into a translucent form. He would turn into flames, and then drift back toward Rhemora and fuse with him again, causing Rhemora's right arm to return it's hiroglyphs and a lettering on his arm, back to its glowing gold color.

Rhemora: "I guess his tyranny is over." Rhemora sighed and looked back at the person threatening to kill him with her stance.


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Cheshire_Cat: Bye..


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Rhemora, having fused with Sanguine, and having been ignored again, he was tired of the nonsense, and would leave as well. He would not tolerate another person ignoring him, not without getting upset. Rhemora left whilst sighing and mumbeling about 'disrespectful Terrans'.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Wing City Plaza


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Rhemora walked down the street, looking for someone who would not stand out. He would very well sense this particular person, due to the very godly host that reside within him. But he would do nothing to stop the oncoming flow of events. Realizing it was meant to be...

Rhemora, perched down in the middle of the plaza's bustling area, would wait for the man to show up. He was very much waiting, far too much waiting. That's all he did these days, thanks to Sanguine.


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Rhemora waited, as he saw the small cat figure walking nearby, not quite out of sire, but very quiet indeed. He would gesture at him, though he didn't seem to notice. Rhemora would shout at him.

"Hey, Norrington, over here!!"


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Rhemora, still with no shirt on, just his scarred bare chest, and glowing arms, would invite him to sit. Rhemora waved a waitress over.

"I'll have green-tortoise tea please. What will you have Norrington?" Rhemora would ask, as he approached, rather loudly. Rhemora's right arm glowed gold, as his left glowed green in the ancient scripts and runes that depicted stories, and horrible spells.