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Rubatan 695-P

Medicbot 695-P assisting patient.

0 · 236 views · located in Zanzaria City Hall

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen



So begins...

Rubatan 695-P's Story

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Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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The first thing to float over towards Essie's room was not a nurse or a doctor. Not the ones she might have expected, anyhow.

Into her room, alerted by the rising heartbeat, was an organic medical robot. With eight tentacles it clung to her doorway, aiming a cameraeye at her. Its body was round, and it carried a strong resemblance to an octopus. It swam through the air the same way it might have through water.

"Rubatan 695-P reporting. What seems to be the problem?" it asked. It wasn't a foreign language, either. It was Eddie's own language. Logs from her brother's rants were taken in consideration and over the past few days, carefully translated. The whole language hasn't been decoded, however.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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When she saw something foreign, Essie panicked, screamed even. She covered her stomach and scrambled up on the bed. This wasn't Idiety. Nothing was described like this when they spoke about Ideity on her home planet.

Her heart rate picked up and she spoke in Xi. She cried, "help! Don't hurt me, please."

When it spoke in her language though, she stopped, confused but afraid. Something that wasn't from her home planet spoke in her language. Was that possible?

"Who are you? Who are you? Where am I? Where is Emmett?" She finally spoke, though it was obvious she was scared.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

"Not here to attack," replied the robot, the voice changing to a higher, softer voice, one that it normally used for the children in the nursery. "Be calm. Cannot speak in your language easily. Emmett is in holding." The machine paused, tapping what was supposedly its chin with a tentacle.

"Pri....son... I am Rubatan 695-P. No panicking please."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Essie frowned as she listened to what was been told. Emmett was in prison? How come he was in prison? What had he done? She frowned more as she thought. They weren't going to attack her. Did that mean they were here to help her? Still, if that was so, why was Emmett in prison?"

"Bring me Emmett. I want my brother. Please. I want him."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

"Your brother has made many threats on our people. We can not..." There was another pause. "Release. Him. We cannot release him at this time. Please... no panicking. Rubatan 695-P is here to help." It jibber-jabbered shortly in Misranan as it floated to the end of Essie's bed.

"I am yours," it said, when it was really trying to say "I am here to take care of you."

Translating was awful business.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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Essie was still scared. But then again it was in her nature to be scared. They were trained to be scared of what would happen if they didn't listen to their mates. Her mate had died of the disease on her home planet though, which now made Emmett in charge. What was she to do if Emmett wasn't around?

"My babies." She finally said in English rather than Xi. Half of what the thing had said she hadn't understood. Maybe English would be better. She knew English was the next dominant language from studies, though even she didn't know it that well. Just from parts of her young teachings before she'd started been trained as a mate.

"How are my babies?" She repeated in English.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

The machine turned its head to the side, as though perplexed by the sudden turn in events.

"This is much better," it replied in fluent English. "Your language has not been put in our databases yet. Only what we could scrap from your brother. The children are healthy, as are you. We had a very difficult time attempting to treat you, however. Your bodies are different than anything we have have to treat in the past. We did not use any strong chemicals. Let me know how you are feeling. Your vitals seem normal, but we could be wrong, for our lack of knowledge."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Essie was struggling to keep up with the English now, but it was mainly because she was very rusty at the language. The men were taught fluent English. Not the women. Women didn't need English. They rarely held power. Essie had no power. But she understood that her babies were healthy and so was she. That was the main thing.

Now it was back to her brother. She needed orders from her brother on what to do. She couldn't do anything without him. "My brother... I need orders from him. Can you get my orders from him." She asked, sitting herself up though she didn't feel all that well. It was a shock to the system after a big crash while eight months pregnant.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

"He is your captain?" asked the machine, hovering over Essie slightly as she noticed a slight change in the readings. "As of this moment, I cannot get in contact with your brother. The jails are not located near the hospitals, I am afraid. Give us time and when you are well, we will schedule a meeting."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Essie looked horrified and her heart rate was rising as she struggled to comprehend anything. In the end she was getting so worked up that she wanted to get out of bed and find her brother. She was panicking at the thought of her brother not been around though she didn't understand that he was in prison.

"No. No. I need my brother. My brother."

With that, Essie tried to get herself sitting up, but cried out in pain. She was heavily pregnant and the babies were due soon. She moved her hand to her stomach. But she wouldn't stop saying the words 'my brother'.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Rubatan tilted its head to the side as Essie began to panic. The machine attempted to guide her back to the bed, to lie down.

"Very well. Do not panic. We shall contact your brother as soon as we are able," said the medibot, switching on a tentative button that would swarm Essie with a sedative to calm her down. "If you panic, you will become ill."

Rubatan's eye glowed briefly as a message was sent out to the doctors of the hospital, one of which came by quickly.

She was a little thing, no more than two feet high, and very thin. Her features were delicate, but the ends of her black eyes pinched in age. She was dressed all in white, her robe stopping just under her knees. On her back were a set of wings, much like an insect's, glistening in the light of the room.

"Ah, I believe you are Essie," she spoke, somewhat more fluently in Essie's language, though some of it still seemed broken. It was evident she wasn't using a translator, however. "I am Doctor Azhia. I will be sending Six-Ninety-Five here to your brother. I hope the presence of another humanoid will help soothe you further, though we are a bit different."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Essie soon calmed down with the help of the sedatives, but she wanted her brother. Her brother knew what to do. She had no idea what to do. She needed him. She was scared of what was happening. This was out of her understanding. This wasn't her country or her planet. She didn't know what to do.

"Please..." She begged now. "I want my brother."

When the doctor came in, Essie was more scared. On her planet there had been two type of people.the females and the males. The animals and plants had been limited. She was scared. But when she said that her brother was going to be gotten she calmed down. She wiped the tears that had formed out of her fear.

"Thank you." It calmed her to know that the person could speak her language. All she wanted was her brother.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

"Sleep for now. You're shaken up," hummed the malemni woman with a soft smile. "When you wake, we'll have your brother's orders."

Rubatan sailed out of the room as they spoke, swimming down the pristine hallways of the hospital.

"Orders..." the machine spoke to itself. "So shaken over orders."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shan Valk Character Portrait: Aenanu Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Shan put his hands up with a grin. "At once. Just remember, no funny business. No, ah... tricks."

He got up and opened the doors that he had shoved Sich through, looking in, switching his speech to Misranae. "Hey, where'd Sich go?"

"Trouble at the City Hall," said one of the officers. "There's a security breach!"


"Someone's on the computers over there. A team's already gone over, but you know Sich."

"Dammit. Dammit! I need some people to escort this guy, but I need to help Sich! Why wasn't I warned?"

"Locked us out, dumbass."

With a frustrated roar, Shan dug his long fingernails into the doorway.

The officer looked up. "Oh, and you got a visitor. Medibot screamin' somethin' about gettin' orders from that alien."

Shan perked a brow, blinking. Floating over to him from the next room was the yellow and black medical robot with metal tendrils poking out from an oval, central body.

"Medibot 695-P. It is required for my patients help that she receives orders from the male Xupra."

Shan scratched his head. "Well, um..." He walked over to Aenanu. "This is your guy."

Rubatan chirped- a happy emotion that she couldn't convey on a face she didn't really have, done in sound. "I am Rubatan. I have been sent here by your sister to learn of orders she must receive. Her health is optimal, but she appears to have problems with anxiety without you. It is my duty to make sure my patient has everything she needs."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shan Valk Character Portrait: Aenanu Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

Aenanu had no idea what was going on. He lost tract when people started talking I. Another language and he was all but ready to break out. It was moments later that a little robot thing wandered over to him. It was a little more advanced then the ones they'd had on his planet, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"I want my sister!" He all but shouted in English. "Are the babies still inside her? She needs the medicine! Let me get the medicine now!"

He wasn't going to give his orders to a robot though. He didn't know what they'd do. But he wanted to see his sister.

"Take me to Essie!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shan Valk Character Portrait: Aenanu Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

"Hold on, buddy. One thing at a time. Rubatan, come with me to escort this guy, yeah? I know you guys are good at holding down any... um. Riley... patients," said Shan, watching Aenanu carefully before he put a hand up to the light gate that separated them. His glove lit up with the same glow, and the walls flickered, then died.

"Come on. Let's go," said Shan, beckoning to Aenanu. "Remember, I don't want any quarrel with you, but if you force us to, I am armed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shan Valk Character Portrait: Aenanu Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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As soon as the wall came down, Aenanu was out of there and making sure that no more walls appeared. He glanced around him warily before deciding that nothing was going to reappear. He was ready to go though, and ready to push through everyone to get what he wanted. It was only before that he realised that he had no idea where he was going or how to get to his sister. As much as he wanted to run, he knew that he couldn't.

"Take me to my ship. Now." He gave the orders as if these people were to follow him. After all, where he came from they gave the orders to anyone below him. And these people and things were below him. It was obvious he was itching to go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shan Valk Character Portrait: Aenanu Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P
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0.00 INK

It was shortly after the explosions had gone off that Aenanu, Shan, and Rubatan arrived on scene. The explosion had happened on the other side of the building from the spaceship crash. At the moment, Shan in particular didn't know about this, or of the security team that was flying towards the City Hall as Shan watched Aenanu.

"Hurry it up, okay?" he told him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Essie Character Portrait: Dallin Kaza Character Portrait: Izzy November Character Portrait: Eidolon Character Portrait: Rubatan 695-P Character Portrait: Alayric Scyld
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0.00 INK

A young scruffy looking human went along and put up posters for a show coming to the Zanzarian Port.

It was technically an EDM tour, though a local electro-swing duo would be opening the show. They were the secret attendance booster. It was a good idea to include them in the show. Humans weren't the majority here. Synthe Gridd, human, took up the majority of the poster with her face.

Someone stopped him as he put up his second to last poster of the day, asking for details on where to buy tickets. He told them, and off they went.
