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Raven of the Eagle Guard, Blessed by Light

0 · 1,926 views · located in The Silver Palace

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Awinita





So begins...

Sazhori's Story

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#, as written by Awinita
Her job was going well enough, at least until a huge thing nearly slammed down ontop of her. As the shadow appeared around her the woman in black and black feathers looked first around her then upwards. Swearing in a shrill birdlike langauge she dove out of the way as the massive creature slammed into the silver tiel where she once stood. When the briefly shook up dust cleared Sazhori saw exactly what or rather who landed.

The Raven stepped closer to the strange construct, it had to be, it was skeltal, like a Dragon, but it was unlike any dragon she had seen before before seeing it was moving towards her, no towards the wall, the heck was it ? Then again it nearly hit her directly had she not dove for safety. But now it was heading for a wall.... to curl up.. Ok this was interesting to say in the least.

Sazhori moved over to the creature then seeing it was harmless, clearly tired maybe ? Reaching out a black sleeved fingerless gloved hand she used one of her feathers on her wrsit to gently poke the thing "Hello ?" her voice was somewhat shrill, after all she was a Eagle Empire offspring, the youngewst of twelve other hatchings in her family. The black raven feather briefly touched Zhou, it was a gentle touch, like a caress so to speak. "Are you alright ?"

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The metal was cold but to touch but tingled to raise one's hackles by static from violet bolts that sometimes arced between ribs. There was a rumble inside like a great heavy river coursed through it always. If hit with a bolt it wouldn't hurt but spark memories of birds flowing across Zhou's mind as the two violet lanterns turned to look at her outfit. When the noise came from Zhou while 'breathing' to catch his wind one could feel the rush conducting through his legs across grounding earth. Zhou's mind ached as some fiendish howl drowned out his link to Myrkul and needed a moment to collect himself. When he felt Myrkul turn away to enjoin an action that befit the overbeing was when Zhou started to worry.

Zhou didn't blink so much as his spark for eyes vanished for a moment before looking at the sky. He looked back at Sazhori to sit his haunches down with a electric thump grounding his tail and running a charge across one's feet like an electric thunderbolt hit nearby. Zhou's relaxed frame was a matte metal but still clearly the right sheen for it.

Perhaps the black mass on his ribcage that flexed with it were the lungs needed to speak? The effort merely vestigial Zhou's voice was choral concordant thing of soft notes pushed through its throat and out the holes in his head. Its intellect was different than most of Myrkul's sub-beings as a dragon's soul transmuted into something concordant with Myrkul. Even divorced from it for now Zhou's inner light still thrummed Myrkul's song if in second-person.

♫It sees a dragon's heart given to Myrkul for the benefit of Mankind. Does it wonder if the song is from another? Can it hear the hue and cry of an enemy of Mankind that drowns out an overbeing? That its pieces must land to catch their wind again and remember their song. Perhaps she can hear Myrkul's vein now. Screams into black heaven for succor while adjutants wait eagerly for the concordance to sing to us again but louder.♫

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Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
The music was beautiful the words slowly forming in a strange means yet soon easily understood by the young Raven as she retracted her black feather. She was unable to make head or tail of the strange dragons gender. then again the dragon mentioned a Her, did it mean herself ? Itself ? Was the dragon a female ? no the voice, the musical tones sounded male. So Sazhori naturally assumed the dragon-as a metal or Chromatic dragon she'd heard about in the Mortal Realm for twenty years searching for her charge to protect as best she could- Was male

Sazhori took a step back as the massive dragon looked at her, briefly fear washed over the Raven before it passed. Well that was easy. When Zhou sat its butt down she jumped slightly as the silver tile dispersed the electrical charge, had it hit her her feathers would have sparked in all directions with static. It wasnt easy ot keep them down, or not get odd looks from people as it was. At this point she didnt care what odd looks she got from people, Mortals and Mythic alike.

"So...." Sazhori was briefly at a loss for words, finally her little bird brain worked and she spoke "... Are you hurt ? Myr-what ?" It was clear she wasnt exactly versed in this particular dragons history, she was more used to simply being a bodyguard and learning of locales she was to visit on her duties as bodyguard. But with her assignment safe inside the Silver palace with Kanwar, Sazhori was left to her own devices. which meant finding out more of this new Dragon....

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Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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Zhou's chest made an avalanche of tinkling metal tones as its chest and front half bent down to meet earth with another milder shock just after. Zhou folded its claws underneath the tensing idea of muscles embossed in the pattern on its chest. The black crystals ribbing its arms for protection were a quite cold thing humming to themselves in their own tone. Touches to them gave unique tones as the soft touch of another mind hit them as a tuning fork. Zhou's tail laid lazily against the wall behind but his wings packed like a cord of crystal logs pressed tightly to his back. Closer to the ground one could see the leathery seat woven into its back a thin silken prismatic thread carefully knitted around his spine and back as to not interrupt the wings. Chiseled into the rim of the stark white stone that composed the seat read the psi-seeds last living words in draconic, 'The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.'

He responded warmly in that same choired voice scent of ozone about him, ♫It sees a willing defender of mankind humbled by a new enemy. Those with wisdom but without fear should tremble for a new enemy they know not of. Could the feathered Humankind imagine a singular creature of flesh from which all souls are made? What size to a being above all others that contains all knowledge and servants that are and will be? She should wonder if that thing named Myrkul's vein should wrap around this mountain would the world both sat upon shudder to shoulder the weight. If she needed to hear its voice rumbling above everything in her creation would she be lesser that it did not talk? Those where this is true find the silence disquieting, disconcerting, dissonant to the proper operation of their mind. Where song of strength always sung for all their kind sees threat so that the being of beings must direct all force elsewhere. What horrors give cause to shirk such duties that must come which we do not yet see?♫

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Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
Taping her chin with a black feather Saxzhori had tyo think carefully on her anaswer, Myrkul ? What was that ? Was it more of a Who ? it didnt matter, this fellow said to try and imagine it taking over the Silver Palace ? That wasnt really possible, after all they were in a safe place, possibly the safest place in the universe as far as Sazhori knew, The Courts of Light were after all, the home of Light, the Mother-Dragon, and through all pretty much everything came to be. "This is the Silver Palace, the home of the Courts of Light, you're safe here. Possibly the safest you have ever been"

What did this dragon mean ? 'If she needed to hear its voice rumbling above everything in her creation would she be lesser that it did not talk ?' what did that mean exactly Voicing her confusion aloud she asked that exact question. "What does that mean ?" She repeated the line, waas it trying to warn of something going on ? The shadows did get restless and the Silver Palce was so well lit there were none there.

Though she went throughful anew. Humbled by a new enemy.... New enemy... hmm.. Wait... Oh birdshit.... Ok Birdbrain figure it out. Who could humble a defender of Mortals ?.... Oh Birdshit..... her eyes went throughful, then whe nshe realised, a new enemy that could humble a defender of men..That normally meant certain dragons. Her eyes went wide in fear. "Is that why you are here ?" She asked. "To warn the All-Mother of a new threat ?" She had to smile however, being called a feathered humankind. Funny, she wsnt human in the sense of well, Mortal, like Men were. She was Eagle, Bird actually, a Raven, hence the feathers on her shoulders, and around her hips and hands

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Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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Zhou didn't have regular breathing so much as a rhythmic intake of air throughout his body. While Zhou had a grasp on that Sazhori was a female humankind of some description Zhou had trouble holding onto that identity as much as it couldn't hold onto its own. Breathing through its skin Zhou whistled in choirs as he talked, ♫Myrkul's song supports all those that were once its flesh such as one before her. She asks for the the song that sings to the soul before her so its servants cannot be destroyed only returned from the body of bodies from whence they came. Where destruction is transitory death is an illusion. If those without the song from their body of bodies are safe from destruction then they may move as they know the song requires.♫

The hulking metal dragon smaller in its matte state stood up with ribs that brighten to smooth gleam. Hind legs step backward to provide more room as it expands to its full height 5m to its shoulder. It continues, ♫It sees one warned but not instructed to warn others. A shout from the heavens before the song died the holy word of Myrkul of the Living Emperor that we serve and Umbral Dragonkind. In it the clashing metal of a battle of rusted equals met then broken the day won by mankind at great cost. A single name uttered in that battle as a threat to the Black Heaven from which Myrkul's Vein summons allies to the guard of mankind: Ifrit Atundai. Heard and found with power to humble them all.♫

Zhou looks around pressing against the wall as if concerned at the uttering of the name, ♫Seen with the wisdom in Myrkul's song a question flows along untrod path before those here, Would the one given distinction of All-Mother assist Myrkul's vein in the endless field of Genesis? Perhaps before them merely an answer to contain vexatious threats of Umbral Dragonkind that cause death in pursuit of torn gates into Umbral lands. Where one gate in present perhaps in past far more. Should she think the future holds less?♫

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Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
Ok now it was getting cryptic. Sazhori was confused, but her bright gray and black eyes glittered confused clearly so yet she spoke differently, her tone was still peaceful as the massive dragon got to its full gight, which was about the size of a mortals car. Seeing it was concerned, possibly scared of a name ? it didnt matter "its alright, you're safe here" Sazhori repeated herself simply, "Here in the Mythic Realm this is the safest place to be, the Courts of Light, the city below" She stepped to the edge of the walkway, there was stairs towards her right, yet there wasnt a railing anywhere to be seen as she looked out over the city below without a care of the possiblity of falling off.

"You are safe here, if need be, Light, the Alla-Mother can protect or even heal you of any injuries you took getting here" She said, using a few of her own feathers she flung them at an earby pillar and climbed up them, hanging off them she used her scant magic to pull the feathers back to her shoulders and perched on a beam to be equal visage of Zhou. "Nothing would get to you here. Worst comes toworse, if Light has to go and fight someone, well, that is when the Mortal World will shake for sure." She said, she stayed oddly upbeat through it all, which was strange.

Though his words confused her, did he mean she was warned, but didnt need to warn tohers ? Or was she to warn others ? But then the question came, would Light help this... Myrkul ? "Uhm....." She faltered slightly, nearly falling off her perch in thought. "You know I'm not sure, Light is rather busy recently, mostly with worry of her daughter last I heard... I cant really speak for her though, but I think once told your plight she may seek to aid your.... Myrkul was it ?"

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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Zhou nodded his metal eyes scanning the horizon and castle. A protected place where he could lighten his load. The Wen he carried grew calcified something in the Ifrit's creature's power buckled their pores inward. Perhaps to protect their inflexible intellects from cracking entirely. Zhou's rows of sharp teeth seen more clearly at her new perch the inside of his head was a complex arcane apparatus though the circular arrangements of floating teeth made the apparatus look as if attached to a grinder. In a large sense it was when Zhou needed mass to heal. The carpet of sharp points arced with Zhou speech and his face moved, ♫She says all are safe from threats. Those assured they are under protection of another can only choose to believe unknowing of whether or not it is true. They divest themselves of their burdens and lay their arms bare. Content to rest that which they were entrusted.♫

His metal head turned away as the crystals in its orbit vibrated in chorus with a hymn that pressed out holes in his skull. Through the holes in that skull the carpet of spikes and light swirling in his head take on new arcane patterns. Their efforts were singular but in concert a field of devotees to put will through the eyes and tongue of their home. The hymn's words and intent peaked with a simple thoughtform in draconic, "Ini geou qe dronilnra de ricin!"

The charge seemed to crawl across the throng of swirling crystals in his head from the lump of mass on its ribcage to arc upward toward its mouth. Very much breathing out an existence Zhou projected a swirl of sparking force into the silver floor nearby. It arched and rumbled at the floor as the temporary way gate materialized from the malestrom that was Zhou's thunder-wracked mouth. With a flash the distortion of air was gone as Zhou finished materializing the Wen in his gullet. That burly four legged eyeless pup did not move, seared as it was, something in Ifrit's power disrupted their inner autonomy.

Ozone rose from Zhou as the thunderous charge subsided. Its bass notes were clean now as the purple lanterns that were his eyes turned back to Sazhori, ♫She sees another of Myrkul's Vein entrusted to one to carry him. They that seek unknown places to gather knowledge with which to defend Mankind. She sees a will of Myrkul tainted by screams of Ifrit Atundai. Frozen in stone and ferroplasm it thinks no more with none to repair him. If not to aid Myrkul perhaps she knows if the Light will cleanse an armor of Mankind instead that others are not alone in their travels.♫

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
She...... he keeps saying she.... he must mean me... Sazhori thought to herself, the strange dragon hadnt introduced itself yet other then referring to itself as he, or at least her tiny birdbrain figured it was a he, so she refered to him as a he in that manner, it seemed the most reasonable thing to do for the moment. She nodded "Yes, you may rest easy here, in safety." From her new perch she was enthralled to see how this Chromatic dragon spoke. It was as if she was hearing music. Ok that was different, it was as if there were chimes going off when this dragon spoke, it was truly beautiful.

But when it spoke draconian she covered her ears and turned away in fear, normally when a dragon spoke like that they were mad at her. Had she angered this one too ? even on accident ? But when she felt no heat or anger on her back and side she did see something happening on the ground below, And dispite her fear she found herself enthralled at what Zhou was doing. When the strange metallic pup appeared and never moved, nor faced her seh dropped from her perch without a sound and a brief ruffle of feathers to get a closer look.

She listened as Zhou spoke, apparently as far as she could understand, the dragon was entrusted to carry the pup somehow ? She did see a crystal like saddle upon the dragon, but didnt dare comment on it, most dragons thought it below them to have a human rider or even a saddle. "mankind is strange at times.... " She mused thoughtfully in a strange shrill voice. That of a bird. After all she was a Raven. As Zhou spoke she stepped completely around the pup. But when he spoke of another she was confused. "None to repair him." She reached a hand gently to where she figured was the Pups head, thankfully it proved to be so.

She stepped back then; she knew now what Zhou meant, something had cut the pup, and in a way, Zhou himself, off from their commanders of a sort. Light could help, maybe even Kanwar could help heal the pup ? But then again Kanwar was busy, Sazhori had been told not to disturb her or her charges until further notice, even though one of those charges she was to guard with her life. But Kanwar had insisted to let her alone with them. So she did. "I cannot speak for Light herself, the Mother-Dragon is busy. Not many get to see her outside her Court above" She pointed upwards, there was still a good seven kilometers to go before one reached the top and the Court itself. "And those that do are in strictist rules before the Court. But I hear tell, if one is injured or in need of her enough she will see them herself. Often insisting she go alone." Like she did with me.

None of the others in the Eagle Guard knew exactly why a Raven had joined their ranks as she had, but it was because of Light saving her life as the youngest of twelve other ravens, whose parents were members of the Eagle Court, Sazhori was conasidered lowborn just by being the 12th child to hatch over a yearlong span. But it was also because of her constant failing health, and her heamatite eyes that made others see her as a jinx when much smaller. Then Light showed up out of nowhere, quelled the harrassers quite quickly, and healed her, bestowing on Sazhori her blessing. And in doing so saving her life, and granting her an increased size, Because of her blessing her parents prospered, and Tilr himself, the Eagle Emperor, requested that she join the Eagle Guard.

And that also explained why she was at the Courts of Light to begin with

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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The large dragon's feet rang like bells flowing up its legs when they flexed to come closer the large black crystals embedded in them like clappers. The harmonic rumbled through the ground as it stopped and sat down next to the Wen and Sazhori. The world was somehow brighter this close to Zhou's claws the senses of the mind clearer immediately proximal to the implements of a conduit.

Zhou's touched the Wen with a knuckle then said chorded in G minor, ♫She sees a creature named Wen by Myrkul as a vessel to be filled by Mankind. The face of Myrkul's rage against mankind's enemies reflected in the Wen's own. A face's mind now welded shut leaves none behind to will movement. A gleaming hollow left at attention. No more useful than shiny steel brethren decorating castle hallways quietly aching for one like her to bring them to a purpose.♫

The dragon's purple lantern gaze nodded at Sazhori then looks upward toward the top of the gigantic castle. In draconic spoke with that same despondent scale, ((Be all warned in their ivory towers. Yet another end to all things is born as a ten of swords not yet upended.))

Zhou smiled at Sazhori the scale of his voice turning to a more calm B minor, ♫She speaks well enough to bring life to the face of a Wen. She is sure a gleaming suit of armor must wait until the smith is free a thing that is as it should be. That which a greater humankind of light welcomes in their court is fit to judge if she is not to be disturbed. Though those here are left to wonder what troubles yet vex this place that it be better prepared when the ten of swords fly from their perch in Terra.♫

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
A creature named Wen as vessel to be filled by Mankind..... Sazhori thought confused. Did he mean Mortal Men ? Stuck in place and time, unable to move until one with strong enough will or one deemed worthy enough to weild it ? Was that what Zhou meant ? But she wasnt a human, sure she looked it, but she was a Raven, a member of the Eagle Guard. She winced slightly when Zhou spoke in Draconic again, surely someone must have heard it.

then the full force of what Zbhou was saying hit her, he thought her worthy enough to give this.... Wen... the breath of life ?? Wear it like a set of armor.... Hmmm... She did have a set of battle armor that was more ceremonial than functional. Which honestly sucked because her battle armor she was... well... wearing at that moment. But she didnt know if she could wearing something offering more protection yet sacrificing mobility. than again, how did the Wen actually work ?

Did it work in ways she couldnt get explained about, or did it work in a way that it responded to her movements before she really moved ? Did it over greater mobility ? he looked like a fully functional metal pup of a sort. Which kinda scared her. Yet. a set of armor, living armor apparently. She thought carefully on her words. She wasnt Light, she was Diamonds bodyguard, But assigned by Diamond to keep watch over a certain friend and brother of hers.

So finally she simply asked "Do you really think I am worthy enough to.... bring life to the face of this.... ?" She faltered as she had fotrgotten what he had called the metal thing before her. What had he called it, a We-something ? But if this Chromatic Dragon through her worthy enough to bring it to life....

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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A rumbling chuckle came from Zhou as he reached down to the Wen pushing the armor to its knees. Chest presented Zhou's claws sparked as he applied the mental force necessary to crack from outside the sarcophagus inside a Wen capable of dematerializing a person inside the Wen then returning them whole. White plates pulled apart with one of Zhou's metal fingers shifting upward breastbone plates a mix of interior ferroplasm strands and crystals. Inky fluid motes swirl lazily astride all of them. As the sea of psionic hardware parted it revealed a rough human shaped hole that occupied the whole of the creature's torso. The inner surface reflecting a variety of colors as the prismatic nature of minute clear threads of psimass patterns scatter light. If she looked at the fibers they tensed like gleaming wet muscle the hollow as a looking-glass through which one passed in whole.

Movements of the Wen were fast but ponderous they directed like a hurricane plodding across a landscape prone to changes of direction punishing to the landscape. An Armor of the mind it perturbs and manifests their white psi-stone and ferromass plating as the mind that wore them directed. Such that the sarcophagus tensed at a gaze of an intellect so too did the entire body into some form that represented its wearer at the pouring of an awareness into it. Their base form the representation of a shard Myrkul own mind seen through them but now cracked and frozen.

"She should wonder that when the body suffers if the soul is lost does it care if the soul is not yet worthy?", Zhou asked with an upturned palm.

He continued with a tilt of his lantern eyes tinkle of metal from his weak shrug, "She could know few others that pour their life into a Wen for the first time that are already worthy. She sees a woven mirror of the soul that does not diminish a reflection hidden behind it any more than what stands in front of it. Able her movements enough to wield the Wen all skills must still arise from the unknown. She would find none left of the Fallen Emperor's kin to compete with her. So she knows she has nothing but time."

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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#, as written by Awinita
Sazhori watched, oddly facinated at what she was seeing before her as the Wen moved, opening its back and chest of a sort at the dragons unspoke commands, at least unspoken ni the sense that whatever it was Zhou said to the Wen to open like it did she couldnt understand so she kepot thinking it as unspoken commands as there was no way she'd understand it in even Eagle or English or even Light....

Zhou's hand was out to her, as if indicating to step into the Wen directly. How ? She was both facinated and confused. How did it work, what made it what it was ? Could she still fly with it ? Did it hurt ? That last question mingled longest and loudest in her mind than any of the others. so she voiced it aloud, almost scared yet clearly curious, if this Wen had been cut off from its creator, and this dragon saw her worthy enough to give it a voice of a sort.. Why worry ?

But she had to ask. "Does it hurt ?" Was it instantanious ? Did they merge into each other somehow ? Her black leather armor covered only so much of her body, whereas her feathers did the rest, It was one of her gifts, and something of a curse at times, you try sleeping on a bed of knives every night laying just so to avoid accidental suicide just rolling over in sleep... Then again she did have some ceremonial armor, but nothing that this Wen could produce, nothing as beautiful at least

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As the ferroplasm dragon looked into Wen he could see lines of Psimass decaying if just minutely so quite yet. A certain stillness taking over the vibrating song as Myrkul dedicated itself to summoning more overbeings. He was curious how the will of Humankind from this age would affect the Wen of a previous one. The Wen knew when it was in the presence of one to pull its strings since though stiff as they were still pulsed in anticipation. Each Wen an engine of transfiguration wreathed in an armor of war it became both sheath and blade for the intellect poured into them. Some mages became reapers of flame with Wen the argent conduit of that all that can burn a sharp thing of chains, metal, and immolation. Other mages a ponderous thing of order, stone, and rune like some inexorable golem of a smith writ large and ornate. He'd even seen a battlemage don a Wen a truly hideous thing of blood, plate, and terror to the enemies of the fallen Emperor. Myrkul didn't destroy every humankind it came into contact with... just most of them. Some were on occasion necessary to defeat enemies within the Black storm. They were nevertheless asked kindly not to return unless bidden. Now that Myrkul was not among the black storm the Wen could be lent that mankind would be made better.

Zhou chuckled a melodic if deep and ragged thing, ♫*LahLahLahLah* Her mind perhaps will be unused to tensing a muscle that can change the body. Soreness of a strained and newborn muscle will come to her. That she pushes herself into the throne of the mind her wholeness becomes a song in the mind of her new body as it always shall be. Only the Wen is the orchestra that will carry and shape itself to the will of her direction. The pain will pass and the body her wholeness pours into will regain the sensation instead. All true transitions of mind involve some amount of pain but she can persevere.♫

The iridescent hole inside Wen a profile of psimass threading now held a steady perfect negative to Sazhori's form. It waited patiently to be engaged for service of Mankind. The segmented handles flowing softly even quivered in anticipation with the quiet vibrating of plates along the Wen's surface.

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#, as written by Awinita
What was odd however was that even though Sazhori, clad in a black skintight jumpsuit, her pale skin glittering under the light of the massive Silver Palace of the Courts of Light, appeared as a Human, she wasnt. She was only appearing as such. Yet. She was mesmerised by the creatre, it just stood there on all four legs

Like a bulldog hit one too many times in the face with with a plank of wood

But that didnt matter. No, Sazhori was now greatly curious of the Wen and what it could do. But it was oddly huge comnpared to what sge really simply nodded. She watched as it opened, moving slightly, it had an opening, it matched.... herself ?

She stared, the shape of the opening was.... her... well sort of; the opening even had space for the feathers on her shoulders and legs!

It also looked rather enticing! Inviting her inside. What she could see was apparently starfields, like when traveling through the portal from the Mythic Realm to the Mortal Realm

Sazhori stepped closer; briefly scared, taking a deep breath she stepped into the opening and instantly saw starscapes spinning around her. Dheer beauty.

She felt...... stronger too, like she had when she had first received Lights' Blessing so long before

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Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul
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The Wen were engines of transfiguration, the resort of a kingdom of mages limited by the venue of the soul to combat deific power. Human frames were limited by the energies they could conduct. Limited by the energy they could store safely. Limited by the frailty of the human form. The Wen abrogated all these concerns allowing the soul to shape the body into the form inner mind found ideal. Now its only limitations were the focus of the conduit through which the Wen took action and the power that conduit could learn to wield.

The Wen were aetheric power unladen by the weaknesses of the body. Despite infirmity or disease that might curse the flesh the Wen would remain with arms as strong as the will that drove them. The original body would remain, dematerialized, that the conduit could return if it suited them. It prevented them from aging as well as damage save for that which displaced the interior with explosions. It felt almost as if she had the power to sprain her own muscles they twitched with so much strength. The Wen could easily heft a car in their own form. A trained master of combat arts could shoulder the blow of a dragon with their forearm and a stern eye. In the flesh one had to reach for power; in this engine power fought to get in. Woe betide those who shoulder more than their will can take.

In that starfield came a flood of nebula as the Wen itself awoke and mustered its power in Sazhori's name. Inside it a groggy wriggling voice squirming around her own, the Wen itself. With Myrkul again focused the Wen's own Mind awoke along the colors with a view of the world that took shape as Sazhori saw it. Any etheric sight she could use now a flick of the mind as the Wen's own power sustained it. She had an innate sense of its internal capacity as well as the Id of Myrkul that loomed translucently above the horizon a vestige of its presence in the Wen's mind. If she did not regard Myrkul the mountain writ into and above the sky would not perceive her. There was also at her disposal the Way that served as the network of communication among Myrkul's subbeings. It even could reach out to Light if Sazhori called her name.

At the touch of the Way it would become apparent the call to arms the Living Emperor had sent to defend the Crystal Palace. That the skies above had erupted into wrath. If the ideal being the engine of transfiguration had undertaken for Sazori had wings they would feel ready to take her into the sky. The Wen's anxious mind if nothing else ready to pound its way up the castle walls.

It called her from somewhere indistinct inside her mind, "Conduit. Wen serves. Wen hears you. Wen becomes you. Now, conduit is more."


Zhou watched with glowing eager eyes straining to see what the first transfiguration he'd seen in the depths of time would become. In that moment just the whistling concordant notes from his fluted body issued from his form.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul Character Portrait: Dextra Lehabim Character Portrait: Herold Williams
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#, as written by Sambea
Dextra and Herold had finished their mission to retrieve The Necklace of Fiedre, a necklace said to hold power within each of it's rubies. One of the many clans in the south had made their way to a small village a long ways from here, where it was hidden for 300 years. The village had sent out an urgent call for the Chinese Zodiac Clan. Dextra and Herold took the job.


Now they were on their way back to the clan, necklace safe in tow. It wasn't like them to walk, but on the way to the bar where they were told one of the southern clan member was going to go to sell the necklace, they saw the Silver Palace. Dextra really wanted to check it out before they left for home, despite Herold's stern no's and it would get them in trouble. Now, by the entrance were a few people she hadn't seen before.

Herold walked behind her, he always did, and sternly warned, "We need to get this necklace back to Leader Jaw-long." His hand ruffled the back of his head, "You know how he gets when we get off cou-." It was no use though, she had already made her way to the entrance and peeked around them.

"What's going on over here? Need any help?" Dextra asked with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul Character Portrait: Dextra Lehabim Character Portrait: Herold Williams
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#, as written by Awinita
When she stepped into the opening, she felt a rush of energy, blinking rapidly she felt... no pain reqally, just something holding her like in a gentle embrace. Finally she had wings! Yay wings, wait... Oh good they werent too large or cumbersom, but they were also black as her own feathers too!

The Wen spoke, she felt it more than heard it. A soft gentle feeling to be sure as it formed around her body to match what she was envisioning. her hematite eyes she felt briefly blinded before she could see anew, and somehow in brighter clearity. She never really wore silver, but she felt pinpricks on her shoulders, her feathers almost always hurt when she was younger after getting Lights blessing years before. QWhicxh allowed her to use her feathers like throwing knives and daggers. But they always veruy quickly regrew upon her shoulders or hips when she used them, never remaining in her fallen enemies bodies for more than scant seconds.

So, with that, with the coloration of the Wen in question it couldnt exactly go to black so it instead kept her feswthers on the shoulders, with long very graceful wings upon her back, silver feathers quicjkly formed upon her shoulders and like a belt. She felt taller too, she turned to Zhou, almost as if asking how she looked when she heard the two newcomers arrive.

"Oh hello!" Sazhori waved, almost wondering briefly who Dezxtra was before remembering briefly, though not clearly enouh as she may have been drunk but then remembering the face, had she met the woman before. "Do I know you from somewhere ? You look oddly familar" Sazhori never forgot a face. But somehow she forgot Dextra's name

Of course with the feathers on her shoulders, and the wings on her back thanks to the Wen molding with her, she felt oddly at peace, everything seemed.... well, correct in her body at that point, she didnt feel old, but she didnt feel any younger either. At that point the Wen felt more like a suit of armor.

Normally Sazhori wore a thin almost latex like catsuit without shoulders because of her feathers, but it was leather, thin like latex, yet strong and very beautiful combined with her feather skirt of a sort made her appear almost as if a model or even better. A beautiful young lady to be sure after Light blessed her. And now with the Wen, it made her even prettier.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul Character Portrait: Dextra Lehabim Character Portrait: Herold Williams
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Zhou looked on with his lantern eyes as the Wen compressed inward according to the design of a new modus. Further than many had gone before and some for wise reasons. The compression of a Wen to such densities could safely conduct immense power though perhaps a poor container of energy. Even what seemed flesh would be difficult for even Zhou to pierce with his claws. It was an idea made real a perfect symmetry from what the soul demanded for a perfect body. Even the flesh of the modus body though soft, smooth, and tactile the skin may feel was no less a network of ferroplasm and psimass than the armor-looking flesh around it. The core contained the dematerialized fleshy parts and not an eyeball of flesh remained as long as Sazhori was safely ensconced inside the sarcophagus. A tingling awareness spread up the wings as the Wen's quiet consciousness affixed the limb to her physical mind as one that felt and moved as one quite real.

The Wen moved along her memories like a shadow just out of eyesight. Certainly but a mere shadow of the new modus now and passive servant the Wen's internal aspect rifled through memories looking for the Dextra's face and an attached name like a dog rooting in the cupboard for treats.

Zhou relaxed the shell of its body the metal dragon-souled Zhou the size of a two story house slowly lost his metallic lustre. The holes shrank as did his height now well pleased by the first Humankind taken a Wen in many years.

His voice was no less choral as the metal dragon had a quiet dreamy air to his whistling, ♫Her skin now Wen made humankind again. How much of Aetherkind shall she spill? Does she know to gird her strength to control a weapon formed from its rage? Time will tell if the power enable or consume.♫

The eyes now were in a smooth crinkling metal housing the size of a large truck though the saddle once clamped to his back now remained a massive backpack. It didn't do to threaten new humankind he met. It simply wasn't polite. The Zhou did stare at Dextra and Herold as the purple lantern-eyes blinked out for a moment to refresh themselves at that distance.

Zhou just made a fluted perking note as Zhou rose to clomp his way over, ♫*Hhhreen* New humankind come to see a Zhou of Myrkul's Vein at their destination's door. One of familiar type banished from valuable things, now. Still a dragon can't help but retain a certain fascination.♫

Zhou made his best friendly grin while unabashedly craning his long neck to look them over for the shiny bit of 'necklace'. Zhou had a very keen senses the air swirled in and out of his body. It was easy to tell close up to a keen arcane eye elemental powers of multiple types burned within the muscular brushed-steel grey chest. Just beyond some veil of planar network.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wen Myrkul Character Portrait: Sazhori Character Portrait: Zhou Myrkul Character Portrait: Dextra Lehabim Character Portrait: Herold Williams
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#, as written by Sambea
Dextra waved at everyone that was around. Her eyes traveled the red haired girl's outfit before looking back at her and then the two others. "Hi Hi! I am Dextra and this, " she waved a hand at, "is Herold." Herold gave a small wave and looked the dragon up and down a little uncomfortably.

"Hey" He said uncomfortably, adjusting his jacket so that the sack with the necklace would be hidden better. They already had a dragon in their clan and she was bigger than this one, but he wasn't stupid either. Even one as small as this could be just as deadly as a big one. He have a small and forced smirk. "Sorry for the intrusion. She was obsessed by this place when we passed and having people near it just go her excited."

Dextra waved a dismissive hand, "He may be right. As for seeing me, I have no clue! This is the first time I have seen you three. We were just at the bar some ways down over there." She said, motioning towards the road behind her.