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Scheme Serenity Jameson

"Then suddenly this person shows up almost everywhere you go."

0 · 630 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Saken


Image(Stalkers, by Michelle Price)

Appearance: Normality. It's what this female clings to. She carries a rabbit- yes, tucked beneath an arm that's clothed in a simplistic dress, the style of an innocent child, a church goer. She's sweet, cute. Simple, wholesome, innocent. Cute. Brown haired, brown eyed, buttoned nosed, and freckled. Everywhere you go I see you, do you see me too? Bitten nails, trimmed hair, nice and neat. White stockings, black shoes. Ragged fingernails, painted a pearly pink. Whycan'tyouseemetoo?

Whether it began as a friendship,
A chance meeting or a mere interest in getting to know someone.
You never know where it will lead.
One thing leads to another.
From innocent messages and phone calls,
To volunteering themselves to help with things.
Buying gifts in hopes of more and sending letters.
Then suddenly this person shows up almost everywhere you go.

So begins...

Scheme Serenity Jameson's Story


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#, as written by Saken
Scheme Serenity Jameson was covered in blood. Bright red splotched on the perfect pale blue of her dress, splattered against her cheeks and her arms and those white stockings. If you asked her, though, it was paint. Bits of dried pant that clung to her pallid skin. Brilliant dark brown orbs flickered about, and fingers clung tightly to the bunny rabbit that she had her fingers entangled into. White fur, smeared with blood paint. Lips were furled down into a frown and her form was quivering gently. She was afraid- but, then again, who wouldn't be in a place such as this one?


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Scheme Serenity Jameson was a human, or so she seemed. And, in her own mind, she was human-. The female's nose scrunched up, fingers tugging and clinging to red dotted fur. She was scared, quivering, afraid. Lips moved,

"I am God's child. I resist the devil and declare that No weapon formed against me shall prosper."

She shifted a bit more, arms winding themselves around and the rabbit, to squish it to her chest. He would not leave her to be damned in a place such as this. IT was obviously a test, and she would pass it- she would be able to live and survive and not give into temptations, despite the fact that she was in a bar (one that had not escorted the teen out, it was obviously a den of sin).

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Twisted Path


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
If anyone had asked the girl how she had found her way out into the middle of nowhere, they would have gotten a blank stare and the subtle tightening of a pale arm around the stuffed rabbit that she clenched in one arm, tugged tight against a slight, shuddering form. Light blue orbs flickered about, taking in how she seemed to be the only person there. A slight sigh left ragged, broken, lips and the girl felt her outer facade quickly seeping away, allowing for her the truth that she hide from everyone- even herself- to leak out and change her.

If other's could see it, it wouldn't be noticeable. The slightest lengthening of fingernails, nails beds seeping a strange mixture of blue and black blood. Her puiples seemed to elongate, until they took on the elegant shape of a cats, and her form seemed to grow stronger, as if it could actually support the fragile being, instead of bowing beneath the cruel on slaughter of the wind.

That was all before she heard the bitter symphony of agony that had announced the other's arrival. Twisting upon a slippered foot, the dark haired 'piress stared in open-mouthed shock at what had come to her little place of solitude. A slight shiver worked it's way along her back, until her shoulders were set back, her head held high, and her pitiful fangs bared in defiance at the creature, even if she did not know who it - he - was.

There was no doubt to the girl that blood shed would soon follow, for it was a common occurance when something that descended from what appeared to be hell visited the mortal realm. Another quiver forced along the girls flesh, skin crawling along bone, while her lips quirked into a large smile, fangs slicing open her lower lip.


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
She was shocked into silence and something akin to fear when the gust started and all around her began to die. Her nose, quickly, picked up the dismal hint of decay and her fangs elongated even more, lips curling backwards to expose those sharpened pearly whites even more- alas, though, it was too late! Another was to join the non-existent fray.

Nose scrunching upwards the 'piress stepped forward, a hand curled into a fist, the other curling about her rabit's neck as she shook her head, dark hair falling around her form an nearly obscuring it from the gusts of wind from the other as well as the wings that flapped upon the 'angel's' back.

"This may be a little late in coming," she stated, trying as hard as she could not to sneer the words out, "But why've you descended into the mortal realm?"


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
It was something of a shock to the 'piress to see the actions that were taking place. It was not as if she, too, could burst into flight - nor could she sink within the earth like the other did. She felt, nearly, mortal, trapped within the form that she was occupying and fearing the death that the creature brought. She was shaking, a tremble that worked along her spine, nose scrunched upwards. It seemed, though she was slightly safe - because he was focused upon the angle, though speaking to her.

"Why would you want to destroy everything? Have you ever attempted to simply, live?"

The setting changes from Twisted Path to Gambit's Bar


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Scheme didn’t know how she got there. One moment the pre-teen was enjoying the life she had made for herself in an unknown realm, and the next the air around her seemed to heat up. Sweat beaded at the young woman’s forehead, matting dark brown hair to her scalp and causing her fingers to glide over her skin, attempting to wipe off the perspiration. This had only happened to the young woman once before- and that memory was a horrible and painful one, causing the girl to start to quake and tug the bunny rabbit that she had been conversing with a few minutes before into her arms. The air started to break up around her, images of perfect tulips and brilliant purple skies breaking into a billion different colors and spots, racing a crossed her vision. A thousand little fingers tugged and pulled at her skin, hair, and dress- pulling her apart in a very painful displacement.
With a rather loud scream, Scheme Serenity Jameson was no longer in the perfect world that she had created through her hopes and dreams. She was, instead, dumped upon the dirty, wooden floor of Gambit’s bar, panting and out of breath from the sudden upheaval of her form to such a strange and off place. Dark, pain filled brown orbs flickered about as the twenty-two year old woman shoved herself to her feet with one arm (the other still clenching the rabbit she had grasped before leaving her dream-world) and stared down at her new body.

She was now a young woman, twenty two years of age, damp brown hair tangled around a rather slender face. Her dress, which had fit her twelve year old form perfectly, looked large and out of place on her new frame and she disliked the way that it felt on her skin. Too itchy. Stretched to tight along her shoulders. Not that her physical appearance mattered, nor what she wore. The main thing was where she was- now.

What world she was in.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Scheme loved chocolate. She loved it -so- much, that she'd been dying to meet the person who was head of the corporation who made it. And that's how she was here, peeking in through the crack in Jack's office door, watching with fascinated green eyes as he played chess- and conversed- with himself. A slight smile graced the woman's lips, her eyebrows arching up and disappearing beneath her bangs.

It felt as if a bat had suddenly slammed into her stomach, taking with it all the air that she had been holding onto. This was it- the feeling, the sudden rush of excitement in her limbs.

Ahhh, she had a new victim.


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Scheme could not take it- she was only human, after all- and burst into a soft barrage of giggles at the display of madness from the man. She didn't know who he was - could a man so off his rocker truly make the chocolate that she loved?!- but she knew that he was... Something.

Once the giggles had escaped her lips, the woman slapped her hand over her mouth in effort to stifle the sudden noise, her eyes widening. If he heard her, she worried, he might turn that blade upon her own person! She may be a stalker, and she may have decided he was a delicious, tempting, treat but she did not actually want to get stabbed, or hurt, or killed. At least, not by his hand. Or anyone's, really.


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
"I -really- like your chocolate," Scheme simpered, blushing and dropping her gaze from the man. She'd act embarrassed- a fan girl - not allowing him to know that her heart wasn't pumping in admiration but fear. Peeking up through those blonde bangs, Scheme blinked a pair of electric blue eyes. "I just, I really like it, and they said you wouldn't see anyone for some reason, and I just, I.. I really!" She blubered at him, keeping up the light blush, the dropping her gaze and staring back at him through her lashes. It was all flirtatious. No one wanted to hurt a cute, slender, blonde who could make you feel like her -whole world-.Even if you weren't her whole world.

At least, that was most people- and if he gave her the chance, he'd become her whole world, in the creepy, he didn't know it, or possibly want it, way. But that's just how Scheme worked. When she got hit with that- urge- it was all she could do not to start touching him, try to collect some hair... She simpered more.


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Scheme gasped a bit, a hand fluttering to her chest for a moment, before she shifted and beamed at Jack, seating herself on the chair and swinging her legs a little bit. She was short- hardly even five foot. "I like it because it's smooth, rich, and it doesn't give me a stomach ache." Her nose scrunched up a bit as she shifted forwards, blue eyes taking in all the little details that they could, storing them for later. "I would love to!" She cried out, giving him a huge, toothy smile, before blushing and dropping her gaze. She knew how to play guys. And she hoped she could play him, as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Luckily, Scheme was not lying when she said she loved his chocolate, and snagged the chocolate bar and studied it for a few moments. One of the woman's idiosyncrasies was to not break the wrappers when she opened them, instead rather saving them if she liked it or not. After a few moments, the woman carefully tugged the chocolate bare out of the unfolded- but not broken- wrapper and took off a small square of the chocolate and put it in her mouth.

For a moment, she was not in the office of the madman. With her eyes closed, Scheme slowly devoured the chocolate, attempting to savor the taste by sucking on it, before, with the second square, she tore into it, making loud,enthusiastic crunching noises. A few moments later her eyes popped open. "I don't like the ones with the... Crispy-crunchy stuff in it," she mentioned, with a shrug, and gave him back the chocolate- but kept the wrapper. This was going into here "don't get unless desperate" folder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
"Almonds. I like almonds. But that's about it. And I'm not a fan of dark chocolate, unless it's a little bit, or one of those... Orange ones, with the dark chocolate drizzle type thing?" She wasn't quite sure if she was explaining it correctly- but he was the Candy Man, she was sure that he'd understand her vague hints. She shifted a bit in her seat, shifting forward to cross her legs and place them beneath her, so she was seated on them. The girl set to picking at her cuitculs. It seemed fine for now, she could drop the simpering, fan-girl act over him. And simply fan-girl over chocolate. Mhhh, free chocolate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
Arching her brow at his name, the woman took his hand. "So you named your candy after you, actually. I thought it was a cleaver marketing scheme." The woman chuckled a bit at using her own name, tightening her grip on Jack's hand. Her own hand wasn't perfect, or manicured. Her nails ragged and bitten, calluses on the pads of her hands. She worked- or had worked, at least. "My name's Scheme. Scheme Serenity Johnson." She liked her name - it was long, but it was different (excepting her last name, but then again, it was better than to be so distinguished). "What if other people like the uh, crispy-things?" She questioned, a near-invisible brow arched. "What then?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saken
Scheme would have swooned, had she not been so good at hiding her urges. Her newest prey had just kissed her- they usually ran her off with a bat! A slight smile graced her lips, before she got a look at his smile after his offer. Her eyes widened, and her own smile took on a near-manic edge to it, before she could calm herself and school her features back into the regular ecstatic- but not creepy- look. "I'd love to! I recently lost my last job," it wasn't a lie. They didn't seem to like how much she called in sick- but if her darned man had just stayed at his house like she had wanted, she wouldn't have had to chase after him from a safe distance, "and was going to start my job hunt after I met you."

She hadn't been expected to be taken by the urge so forcefully when she met him, but since he offered her a job... Well, she'd be able to stay close to him. "You wouldn't happen to have a secretarial position open would you?" Normally, she'd ask for something more manual-labor-esque, but the chance to look through his appointments, fetch him coffee.. It was just, too strong.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saken
Scheme blinked a bit, witnessing the opening for her position. She gulped a bit- this was a handful. Why had her psychological -need- have to kick in on this guy? He was, well, he was something. When he slid the appointment book to her, she snatched it up greedily and clenched it to her chest, that manic smile making another appearance. She'd know -everything- about him. Where he'd be. What he'd do. Hell, she could make him do something.

A shiver wracked Scheme's body as she nibbled at her lower lip for a moment, head dancing with visions of sticking very, very close to him. "I can start right now?" She drawled out, questioningly, glancing at the phone he had used to just end some poor woman's career. "I mean, she'll probably be busy gather and organizing for her departure to be of much help?"


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
"3224, 3224." She echoed, trying to get the number cemented into her brain. The woman turned those blue eyes onto the man, and the wine, before she nodded her head. "I'm sure I can start today. Obviously, the book won't be memorized yet, but I can start on the other tasks today." There were other tasks, right? She didn't want to give away the fact that she actually didn't know a -thing- about secretarial work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saken
"Yes sir!" She stated, jumping up and looking around. She didn't have a jacket- no where to stick the book for the duration of her run to the cafeteria. She sighed a bit, putting the treasure upon his desk and ran off to the cafeteria- strangely, she knew the place. One benfit of doing recon before seeing anyone. She hadn't known, of course, that it'd come in handy- and she didn't know about the guns. She hadn't been stalking Jack, then, so there was no need to get so in depth with he research.

A few moments later, Scheme wobbled back into the room. She hadn't know what he wanted- so she'd grabbed a bit of everything. A pear, and apple, an orange. Four different combinations of sandwiches, two hot entrees, and four or five different drinks. "I didn't now what you wanted," she mumbled, cheeks heating up. Should have thought to ask that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saken
She hadn't thought of that. A puff of breath escaped the woman's mouth as she seated the food tray down on the table, and flattened herself against the chair she was seated in earlier, after turning it to make sure she was facing him dead on. She shifted, folded her legs, and nodded to herself once she had gotten comfertable.


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saken
Scheme shifted, seating herself besides Jack, and snagged one of the sandwiches - she had gotten a double, for herself. Carefully the girl unwrapped the seran wrap, frowning a bit. She disliked it. "I, uh, like to work?" It was a fake answer. She couldn't tell him that she was obsessed with people. And certain people just- hit her. And she had to know about them. Everything. From the biggest thing, to the smallest, tiny, detail. Sometimes she felt like she were in love with them- affectionate, wanted them to be with her. And sometimes she hated them, and wanted to hurt them, harm them- but still, she had to get to know them. "Drinking?" What else did 21 year old, normal people, like?


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Character Portrait: Scheme Serenity Jameson
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#, as written by Saken
"No," she responded straight faced. She was good at lying about her occupation- at least, most people didn't see the frantic gleam she got in her eyes, the way she watched the perosn who she was stalking's chest move as they breathed. She shifted her gaze off of him, so that she would stop watching him breath, and snagged a sip of a soda, making sure to not touch the cup with her lips so if he wanted some, he could. "I.. just like to work. Build stuff. Use my hands."
