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Scott Summers

The X-men leader known as none other than Cyclops.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Sonata


Image Scott Summers was the first of two sons born to Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force, and his wife Katherine. Christopher was flying his family home from vacation when their plane was attacked by a spacecraft from the interstellar Shi'ar Empire. To save their lives, Katherine pushed Scott and his brother Alex out of the plane with the only available parachute. Scott suffered a head injury upon landing, thus forever preventing him from controlling his mutant power by himself.

With their parents presumed dead, the authorities separated the two boys. Alex was adopted, but Scott remained comatose in a hospital for a year. On recovering, he was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska that was secretly controlled by his future enemy, the evil geneticist Mister Sinister.

As a teenager, Scott came into the foster care of Jack Winters, a mutant criminal known as the Jack O'Diamonds. After Scott began to suffer from severe headaches he was sent to a specialist who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem. Soon after, Scott's mutant power first erupted from his eyes as an uncontrollable blast of optic force. The blast demolished a crane, causing it to drop its payload toward a terrified crowd. Scott saved lives by obliterating the object with another blast, but the bystanders believed that he had tried to kill them and rallied into an angry mob. Scott fled, escaping on a freight train.

Winters sought to use Scott's newfound talent in his crimes, and physically abused the young boy when he initially refused. However, Scott's display of power had attracted the attention of the mutant telepath Professor Charles Xavier, who teamed up with F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan in their mutual attempt to find Scott. Scott was rescued from Winters' clutches and was enlisted by Xavier as the first member of the X-Men, a team of young mutants who trained to use their powers in the fight for human/mutant equality.


Image As Cyclops, Scott became deputy leader of the X-Men. While he was a skilled tactician, his social skills were lacking. Scott had fallen in love with his teammate Jean Grey, but his reserved demeanor prevented him from expressing his feelings for her for years. When Xavier's other original recruits left the fold following an encounter with the sentient island-being Krakoa, Cyclops stayed on as deputy leader of the new team.

Shortly thereafter, the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force took Jean's place. When it committed suicide, Scott believed the love of his life had died and he left the X-Men. During his time away from the team, Scott met fishing boat captain Lee Forrester who helped him work through his grief. Scott eventually returned to the X-Men whereupon he met Madelyne Pryor, a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Jean. Unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created by Sinister, Scott fell in love with Madelyne and they were soon married. Madelyne fell pregnant and bore Scott a son named Nathan Christopher.

When the real Jean emerged from suspended animation, Scott abandoned his wife and son and rejoined the other original X-Men in establishing a new team, X-Factor. During a demonic invasion of New York City, X-Factor and the X-Men fought against a super-powered and insane Madelyne. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne perished in combat with Jean.

Later, the mutant warlord named Apocalypse infected baby Nathan with a techno-organic virus. To save his son's life, Scott had to allow a member of the Clan Askani to transport Nathan two millennia into the future, where it had been foreseen that he would deliver the world from Apocalypse’s clutches. X-Factor disbanded soon after, and its members returned to the ranks of the X-Men. Scott and his long-time love Jean were married, and whilst on their honeymoon their spirits were taken into the timestream by the Clan Askani’s matriarch. Arriving in the future, they inhabited new bodies and raised Nathan for twelve years. When they returned to their own time and bodies, Nathan remained in the future and ultimately matured into his time's greatest hero: Cable.

Following Professor X's arrest for crimes committed as the evil psionic entity Onslaught, Scott assumed the role of leadership of the X-Men once more. Soon after, the government sponsored mutant-hunting operation known as "Zero Tolerance" took effect, and the villainous Bastion captured the X-Men. In his attempt to destroy mutantkind, Bastion placed a nanotech bomb inside Scott's body. The X-Men escaped, and the mutant doctor named Cecilia Reyes saved Scott's life. Scott and his wife soon took a leave of absence from the X-Men for a period of recuperation.


ImageNot long after returning to the team, Scott and Jean soon found themselves embroiled in Apocalypse's bid for cosmic power by assembling "The Twelve" - a group of mutants who would determine the fate of their kind that included Scott, Jean, and Cable. They were wired to a machine that would channel their awesome energies into Apocalypse, allowing him to absorb the body of the time-tossed powerful mutant teenager known as X-Man. As his teammates fell around him, a powerless Scott saved X-Man and merged with the would-be conqueror to create a new evil entity. Jean detected Scott's psyche inside Apocalypse and prevented the X-Men from destroying him, however he was presumed dead by most of his teammates. Only Jean and Cable refused to believe Scott had perished.

Investigating rumors he was alive, the pair found him in the birthplace of Apocalypse in Akkaba, Egypt, struggling to reassert his mind over the villain's psyche. Ultimately, Jean was able to physically rip Apocalypse's essence from Scott's body using her mental powers, and Cable destroyed it with his own powers.

Scott left for a small period of recuperation, during which he met and reconciled with his father. Afterwards, Scott returned to the X-Men, but his association with Apocalypse had given him a grimmer, more serious personality than ever before. As a result, many of his relationships became strained, including his marriage to Jean. Scott sought the counsel of his teammate Emma Frost and the pair began a psychic affair. When Jean discovered Scott's betrayal, he left the X-Men in order to sort out the mess his life had become.
Following the outing of Professor X as a mutant to the world, his school was rechristened the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning and opened its doors to the mutant population at large, training and educating dozens of young new students to help them cope with their burgeoning abilities. After the death of his wife, Scott assumed the position of co-headmaster of the School alongside his new love, Emma.

Cyclops's world was further upset when a mysterious mutant attacked and brought him and Marvel Girl to a secret abandoned facility. Cyclops eventually discovered that the mutant was none other than his brother Gabriel, who had been a student of Moira's that Professor X had sent to rescue Scott from Krakoa. Scott had witnessed the apparent deaths of Gabriel and his teammates; Xavier had mind-wiped him to alleviate the psychic trauma of the event. Shaken to the core, Cyclops expelled the then powerless Xavier from the Institute.


Disclaimer/Sited: I do not own any of the images within this profile. The storyline and the character Scott Summers are the copyrighted property of Marvel.

Marvel: Universe. Marvel Characters, Inc. 18 August 2009.

=ErikVonLehmann. Graphic Design. Deviant Art 17 June 2006. "Cyclops." Graphic Design. 18 August 2009.

So begins...

Scott Summers's Story


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ There was a stranger parked outside the bar that he couldn't help but notice was named after a familiar member of the X-men school. His boots settled on the asphalt, grip loosening on the handle bars of his Harley as he stared through ruby quart sunglasses at the sign with nostalgia. The old mutant had left the institute several times for personal reasons but to have found a bar in the middle of a foreign city named after the card-weilding trickster did peak his curiosity; then again, he feared being seen after having been absent for so long. He rested his hands upon his thighs, the warm light emanating from the bar's interior and outlining his suede jacket and rich, brown hair. Hesitant and reluctant to confront what his mind feared was a past not meant to be revisited just yet, Scott Summers remained where he was. ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ His eyes had been closed and head bowed, when he overheard the door of the bar giving way. The mutant raised his head in startle, having not been prepared to see Rasputin in the doorway. Hell, he wasn't prepared to be greeted first at all, and then Rogue appeared...Scott was slow to reply, his words caught in his throat as he battled with his conscience. One side wanted him to just drive off, and the other was more social and kind, suggesting that he at least say hello. He offered the two a weak smile, before he returned a greeting, "Hello, Colossus, Rogue." It had been so long since he called them by their aliases. He wouldn't tell them that he had forgotten their names. ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ The mutant's smile reinforced itself when Rasputin asked him what had brought him to the establishment. Flashing a friendly and amused, pearly-white smile, he answered with harmless sarcasm, "Oh, I don't know. I just happened to be driving by and saw a bar named after Gambit. How are you, Colossus, and if you don't mind, I would like to turn the question back to you and Rogue." [What are you doing here?] Overhearing Rogue's question next, Scott's smile faltered and he glanced to the side, hiding the stern expression that befell his visage. "I was handling some personal things..." ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Scott's brows rose, astonished to see that Mr. Sinister had taken up residency in the bar as well. "Looks like you have an uninvited guest," he said grimly. He scowled and grasped the handle bars of his bike, squeezing them tightly so as to vent some disdain. His wicked conscience made him cringe on the inside with an 'I told you so.' He should have ignored the sign completely. What cruel fate led me back here? he thought. He wasn't ready to kick back in with the team. ”


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Cyclops grunted when he was roughly shoved off his bike and went soaring a few meters across the parking lot. His eyes clinched tightly closed in case his sunglasses had jarred free from his ears when his back met the asphalt. His seude jacket was ruined, having been scratched along the pavement; and as his hands rose to his sunglasses, adjusting them until he felt it was safe that he could open his eyes, he watched Rouge raise his beautiful bike above her head. He reached out and his mouth opened to scream what would have been a 'No' but nothing had a chance to leave his lips before the mix-matched beauty hurled his baby into the bar. There was definitely some bad joo joo keeping him stranded here. (unrevised) ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Cyclops was relieved when he saw Mr. Sinister--what he assumed to have been unintentional--spare his bike and lower it to the ground. Lowering his hand, he wasn't about ready to give the villain any dark ideas as he stood and crept closer to the other mutants. His true intention was to make sure nothing happened to his bike. "What do you want Sinister?" Scott asked in disgust. (unrevised) ”


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ "Don't talk about her!" Scott snapped. Just hearing a villain as menacing as Mister Sinister saying Jean's name made him sick. His fist then tightened as he growled angrily, "I wouldn't need Jean to incinerate that sneer on your face." He flexed his fingers, his left hand hovering at his hip, while his right held the leg of his shades. He could remove them any second. A look of pure fury was already on his face. To think that this one character had caused them so much trouble in the past.(unrevised) ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Scott reluctantly lowered his hand from his shades. It wasn't that the villain's words discouraged him. He had set his strategic position within the bar with all those innocent people. If he fired an eye beam in there, then someone(s) would get hurt. He used this time as an excuse for him to grab the bars of his bike, kick up the stand, and roll it out of harms way. "Rogue, there are innocents in the bar. Calm down," he ordered as he had done before in the past. (unrevised) ”


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#, as written by Sonata
Scott Summers whirled around when a familiar voice entered his ears if not deep with maliciousness. "Jean?" he queried, though his mind knew full well who it was. He frowned, when the Phoenix claimed he was unfit for his wife. "I will always love her!" He then bit back any further outbursts he may have had. This wasn't the time for him to be screaming about personal issues. He glanced back at the door and shouted, "Sinister, you've said what you needed now leave us!" He couldn't believe, the villain managed to get the Phoenix to work with him. What were they planning? (unrevised)


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Scott was stunned when he not only saw the Dark Phoenix transport Mister Sinister, but Rogue too. "Jean, stop this!" he yelled in futile. The Phoenix was gone before he knew it in a blaze. She had been so cold to him that it didn't feel like the Jean Grey he knew. What has happened to you? She was always a tough woman but the entity that has possessed her, he felt himself underestimating, and giving Jean more credit than she deserved. He looked to Colossus who was lost in his determination to find Kitty and Rogue, while here he was, still regretting he ever came to Gambit's. He would have offered the steel hulk his bike, would have but didn't for he sprinted off into the night. There had been so many mutants with tunnel vision in the institute..."Someone should inform Gambit." He was surprised the man hadn't been outside defending his woman. They were normally inseparable. Mounting his bike, Scott felt guilt beginning to weigh down upon his muscles. He was going to drive off and not say a word-c- ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ just pretend he didn't see anything. He couldn't leave Colossus there. Where was Logan? Where were the others? "Shit!" he cursed. Frowning at the bar, he roared instead, "Gambit! You better save Rogue on Muir Island." Revving up the engine on his bike, he raised his feet and sped out of the parking lot. He unfortunately was going to be involved this time, and give Colossus some back up. (unrevised) ”

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ *serious face* ”


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ I always have my visor. ”


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Though, my mutant powers have been morphing since I screwed Jean Grey and Emma Frost ”


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#, as written by Sonata
Scott Summers eases hips forward and beam rips from his fly.


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#, as written by Sonata
 “ Fast and easy penetration ”


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ It's a sex beam ”


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
Scott Summers swings hips at Dino, pow!


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Character Portrait: Scott Summers
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#, as written by Sonata
 “ At least it's not as corny as "Sex Bomb"(that sing-song guy) ”


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#, as written by Sonata
Scott Summers sex beams Yoshi