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Sera Vallencourte

An ambition driven woman with nothing but time, money, and power on her mind. She will stop at nothing to achieve what she wishes in this city.

0 · 245 views · located in Canti's Diner

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Prose, as played by RolePlayGateway


Heiress Vallencourte

Nickname: Sera
Full Name: Heiress Samaire Danica Vallencourte. She prefers to be called Danica.
Bloodline: Mystique, a human from another realm with some extraordinary powers but nothing too grande.
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 132lbs.
Eye Color: Pale blue which contrasts with the gold ring that lies around her pupil. Small, almost unnoticeable golden flecks are also present.
Hair Color: Dull brunette-blonde that is naturally curly, though she flat irons the long length each morning.
Birth Date: November 27
Sexuality: Straight, though she does admire the female body greatly.
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Distinguishing Marks: Hidden tattoo on her right rib cage. "...He loves me not"
Build: Lean.
Homeworld: Illuminata.
Birth Place: Illusion.
Known Relatives: None known.
Profession: Owner of several real estates.
Wanted Status: Wanted, bounty unspecified.
Allegiance/Affiliations: None
Religion: Myristic.
Hobby: Reading, writing.
Strengths: Her motivation and ambitions.
Weaknesses: Vanity and arrogance.

Psychological Profile

Likes: Money. Currency. Credits. Property.
Dislikes: Cowards. Weakness. Submissiveness.
Goals: To become the mayor of Wing City and who knows from there...
Dreams: Her one true dream is to become the most wealthy woman in Wing City.
Life's Ambition: To become politically powerful.
Fears: Being broke and powerless to the point that she cannot do anything about it and has to seek assistance from someone.
Least Outspoken About: Where she comes from and what she has gone through.
Most Outspoken About: Her success.
Disabilities: Superiority Complex.
Positive Characteristics: Strong willed, driven, motivated.
Negative Characteristics: Headstrong, arrogant, vain.
Most Prized Material Possession: The real estate that she owns which markets up the several millions of dollars.
Most Prized Emotional Possession: A ring on her right hand, upon her ring finger. It's nothing more than a simple and thin silver band.

Marital Status: Divorced.
Relationships: None.
Person Desired: None.
Person Loved: None.
Secretly Admires: None.
Friends: None.
Rivals: None.
Favorite Phrases: "Either keep staring or do something about it." "I don't have time for this..." "You're pathetic."



In a land known as the Celestial Realm, power was the name of the game in the city of Illusion. Whole houses would go to war just to heighten their name and raise their status in the ranks of Houses. This land had never known a time of peace and tranquil. Unlike this land, they were not plagued with demons and monstrosities; but of themselves and a greed of power. After centuries of climbing for power, two Houses: Vallencourte and Blacherte, were the two to rise to the top. The Heads of the Houses decided to increase their fame even more, for it still was not enough.

There was a bonding of both houses, shortly after this decision. A bonding of Valoria Vallencourte and Bragnus Blacherte. The two could not hate each other more, but they could neither love their newly found power more. And so greed consumed their lives... vying for even more power of their names, they had a single child: Samaire Danica Vallencourte. This child was raised from her first word how to speak, to dress, to respond to others, and where to go. It was a life of taking orders and of suppression, it was the life of the game of Houses.

Several years later, the greatest battle struggle of the Celestial Realm occurred with the death of their Sovereign, Thusliese IV. But with the bonding of the two Great Houses, a man was able to rise above all and claim Sovereignty. His name was Bragnus. Alone he had the power to claim the throne, and this he surely did. Before the night of his inauguration, there was a knock upon his chamber door. No one knows the details, but his body was slain; lying upon his chamber room in his own crimson blood. This came as a shock upon the land, and war raged like no other time in history. Bragnus's wife was now the next in line to rule and that she did for a short period of time until her strange death from an unknown illness. Now it was Samaire's turn to claim the throne of the Celestial Realm. Quite young still at twenty-years; she had been prepared for this moment her entire life. But it was not what she wanted in the least or so it seemed on the outside...

A man named Auriel Blacherte came to visit Hieress Samaire before her inauguration ceremony. He told her of a plot to have her killed by the Houses to claim her power. This man she trusted dearly, for he was her teacher in all things and was like a father to her. It was all too easy for her to believe every word that was spoken by him.

Quickly Samaire was whisked away to a neighboring land that knew neither civil war or hardship. There she hid for several years. Samaire became like that of a commoner, but not was never just a common person. Her natural leadership led her to rise into the ranks of the village council and her name was well known among her people; always with sweet words on their lips. It was mid-day when she was summoned to the council room in the tavern, and noticed a familiar man resting against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest; crooked grin on his face at seeing her. This man's name was Ambriel Blacherte, son of Auriel.

He had come to bring the news of his father's death in the Game of Houses and how he had known of her location. Not wanting to return to the Celestial Realm nor Illusion, Ambriel asked Samaire if she would journey to a new land and to start a new life. To this she could not have been more happy. Samaire was not even sad to leave her new life in the small city behind.

For another year they stayed there together, rumors of them whispered among the citizens. Rumors of warring houses and royalty among them. It wasn't until the mercenaries arrived, that they would not have a worry about these rumors. When these hunters would come, Samaire and Ambriel would go into hiding so that they may live. For in the Game of Houses, who would not want the boasting rights for assassinating the Heiress and her cousin?

So in the middle of the night with mercenaries hot on their trail, Ambriel and Samaire fled the small city, heading for the shore. Even when setting off into the setting sun, the two were still not safe. For an entire year they sailed on the The Sea Rifter, chased non-stop by modern-day pirates with guns and mercenaries for their bounty was great indeed.

So begins...

Sera Vallencourte's Story


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte was sitting at a table with a cigarette in hand and a book in the other. There seemed to be a few more people trickling in slowly after the small quiet that she found. Flicking the ash off of the end of her cigarette, she pressed it between her lips again before taking a short inhale of the indulgence while her eyes remained upon that book in her hand.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte looked up from her book to see some girl screaming for assistance. It caused a single eyebrow to arch in somewhat amusement. As another woman went to help her, Sera turned back to her book forgetting about the smoke between her silken fingers and leaving it to burn out.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte couldn't help but to laugh somewhat at the way the woman had handled the situation so delicately. "Amusing... " Those green eyes once again returned to her book.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte did not even raised her eyes from the book. "Don't worry about paying for it. I have more money than I can even dream of spending in three life times... I'll take responsibility for the girl's carelessness."


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte almost rolled her eyes but restrained herself. "With horns like those you'd think to learn by now to walk sideways into a door."


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte folded her book closed with a finger marking her page while she looked at the girl rather bored. "I did not mean just your head, girl... Perhaps you are not smart enough to understand that I meant her complete body. Sideways?" The girl was quite daft.


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Character Portrait: Sera Vallencourte
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#, as written by Prose
 “ her = your >> ”


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Character Portrait: Sera Vallencourte
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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte sighed at the sound of a gun being fired off which was quite annoying as they were always so loud for the ears to experience. "Really... uncultured brutes. Is this was I left Illusion for?" Sera leaned back into her seat with her book in her hands again, opened and her eyes moving over the pages.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte "I don't think there is a bartender right now, brute. Best to just serve yourself for the time being."


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte had not been looking at him and was used to people waiting on her hand and foot.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte looked up from her book too meet his gaze coolly. "Did you not hear me the first time?"


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte smirked a bit arrogantly. "I do not see how you fail to understand, your actions with the door seemed to speak very loud for all to hear."


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte rolled her eyes back down to her book which seemed to be some sort of erotic fantasy novel of a dark nature. She said not another to the brute.


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#, as written by Prose
 “ another word >> ”


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Character Portrait: Sera Vallencourte
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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte idly flipped a page in her novel while paying attention to what was going on around her while not paying attention at the same time. There was really nothing of interest for her at the time being but perhaps something or someone soon would show. One could only hope with their superior heart.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte looked up at Siren for a short moment only to return her eyes to her book. Seems that someone was compensating with such a large sword. No matter, it was not really her concern but the simple thought did amuse her in the least. The woman propped up her feet upon the table, crossing her leather boots over one another while draping an arm off the back of her chair. Sir Vallencourte had not a care in the world in this moment.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte did not take her eyes away from the words upon that fragrant parchment that only paper back books were bound with. It was easy to tell that he was looking at her, most surely catching her gaze from earlier. "You can either stand there and stare or do something about it." A single fine brow rose up on her forehead while she turned a page.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte closed her book with a snap of her fingers before turning her attention once more to the young looking man, almost bored but rather she was only indifferent. "It's called reading." The book had been an erotic novel of a dark nature and she was in no way embarrassed about her little hobby in the least. "Perhaps you should try it sometime, or are you one of those brutes that rather swing around a sword?" Thoe green orbs went to his blade before turning back to his own emotionlessly.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte smirked that arrogance and vanity she had for herself, though it was not without reason. Danica was a very successful real estate owner here in Wing City as well as a very beautiful woman. It was no wonder that she had some ego to herself. "What a shame. Too bad I don't sleep with men that can't satisfy my needs in the bedroom..." Danica leaned forward and grabbed the silver cigarette case only to pluck a single stick from inside and press it to her lips. The smoke itself seemed to have lit itself, but it was just a little trick that Danica had up her sleeve.


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#, as written by Prose
Sera Vallencourte opened her book again to the last page she was reading while holding her cigarette far enough away that it would not damage the pages inside. "Love, you couldn't have me if you tried. You've really nothing to worry about. I like my men with a little more money as well. You don't seem to be the type that has any... nothing but a brute." Danica took another drag of her fag while those eyes went to reading once more.