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A product of paranoia and science

0 · 1,064 views · located in Zanzaria City Hall

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Architect


The Xupra are a android/alien race that come from the planets Etrippe/Iiines


Sharar Kenyon

Through the use of neurowave amplifying nanites, Subject 13 (Also known as Kenyon) has demonstrated the ability for limited telekinesis. Recommend further study.

Biochemical augmentations:
-Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable
-Protein complex is injected intramuscularly to increase tissue density and decrease lactase recovery time.
-Platinum pellet containing human growth hormone catalyst is implanted in the thyroid to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues.
-Submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase
-Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.

So begins...

Sharar's Story


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Sharar walked into gambits, with his hands tucked into his pockets. And no, he wasn't wearing hes combat suit or some kind of high grade armor, it was a bar, not a battlefield. Besides....whenever he put that thing wasn't a fashion statement.

But he quickly removed those thoughts from his conscioussness and pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket. It was a decent looking suit for something that only cost him about eighty credits....not bad at all. As he bit onto the cigarette with his lips and picked a black zippo lighter out of his pocket, Sharar looked around. It wasn't packed, but maybe that was a good thing. He didn't really care for crowds.

After lighting his smoke and taking a short quick drag on it, he walked to the bar counter and seated himself on one of the stools. He ordered a water. He didn't have the money on him for anything more.


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Sharar glanced at the woman once when she sat, but other than that, gave no inclination of even acknowledging her further. Yes, he was fully aware that she was acting a bit, suspisciously, around him, but he didn't see the point in bothering with someone who didn't seem right.

He wasn't anybody's damned therapist.

He continued to stare at the robotic servers and smoke his cigarette, wondering when did it take so long to fill a class of water.


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Sharar glanced at this woman once, and then turned to pick up the glass of water.

"It's not mine." He said flatly and sipped the drink.

The hell was with this lady? He'd never even seen her before now. He was damned sure he hadn't fathered a kid with her. Not unless looking at someone could cause conception....but that's just ridiculous.


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"I don't even know you lady." Sharar said in the same monotone as he continued to drink his water. "Please stop making false accusations about me."

Seriously? Seriously? He'd been on this planet ofr what? Three days? And now some girl was walking in here and claiming he had a child with her.

"Whatever issues you had with your boyfriend, leave me out of them."


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Sharar sighed. Finished his water, nodded to the bartender. And stood.

"Well, congratulations lady, you've successfully ruined my mood. I'm not going to sit here and deal with all of this, best of luck to you and your kid, if you're even really pregnant. Hope that deadbeat boyfriend of yours grows a pair so you can stop bugging people."

With a final drag on his cigarette, Sharar placed his hands in his pockets and headed for the door.


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Sharar walked into gambits, with his hands tucked into his pockets. And no, he wasn't wearing hes combat suit or some kind of high grade armor, it was a bar, not a battlefield. Besides....whenever he put that thing wasn't a fashion statement.

But he quickly removed those thoughts from his conscioussness and pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket. It was a decent looking suit for something that only cost him about eighty credits....not bad at all. As he bit onto the cigarette with his lips and picked a black zippo lighter out of his pocket, Sharar looked around. It wasn't packed, but maybe that was a good thing. He didn't really care for crowds.

After lighting his smoke and taking a short quick drag on it, he walked to the bar counter and seated himself on one of the stools. He ordered a water. He didn't have the money on him for anything more.


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Character Portrait: Sharar
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Sharar glanced at the woman once when she sat, but other than that, gave no inclination of even acknowledging her further.a glass of water was set in front of him and he determined that the drink was far more an attractive prospect to look at.

What was this one's name again....?


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"..Trying to remember your name was all." Sharar said rather flatly, before taking a sip of the water. "But I agree, I didn't suspect that whatever it is is going on would happen, but admittedly, I don't find myself feeling anything really drastic over it. People die." He shrugged. "Feeling sad doesn't do anything for them."


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Sharar stood quiet for a bit and continued smoking his cigarette. What was he talking about? Oh...right, the missing memebers. Yeah, most of the others still had hope for them. Not Sharar though, he just didn't bother trying to lie to himself, he didn't believe they were still alive, and that wasn't going to change. But it's not like he didn't want to be proven wrong either.

"Yeah, new world. I got that." He sighed. "But for me, even the old world wasn't home. My home was gone long before you guys even existed. So in the end, I don't really care about this whole thing. One alien planet is the same as the next."

He shrugged, and put out his cigarette on the counter.

"Do I care about Gadget? Well...if it weren't for the scavengers, I'd still be a popsicle. I guess that counts for something."


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Sharar sat and ordered another water. He wasn't a hero. He was never meant to be a hero. He was made for one purpose and one purpose only. And right now, they didn't need him for that. He made his own judgment calls.

Saved lives that way.


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Sharar downed one more shot when the next song began to be performed, at this point the buzz was hitting him pretty the point where he couldn't really feel his face anymore. He watched the woman sing and perform with the skill of an entertainer and the allure of an experienced woman. His face however, was quite calm and observant, not betraying any slight hind of arousal or even imagination.

Vince was observing a possible shot...his fingers played with the camera that hung from his neck anxiously.


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0.00 INK

Sharar walked into gambits, with his hands tucked into his pockets. And no, he wasn't wearing his combat suit or some kind of high grade armor, it was a bar, not a battlefield. Besides....whenever he put that thing wasn't a fashion statement.

But he quickly removed those thoughts from his consciousness and pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket. It was a decent looking suit for something that only cost him about eighty credits....not bad at all. As he bit onto the cigarette with his lips and picked a black zippo lighter out of his pocket, Sharar looked around. It wasn't packed, but maybe that was a good thing. He didn't really care for crowds.

After lighting his smoke and taking a short quick drag on it, he walked to the bar counter and seated himself on one of the stools. He ordered a water. He didn't have the money on him for anything more.


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Sharar continued to silently smoke his cigarette as he waited for his water to be delievered. He didn't bother trying to make small talk with the other two people there. One looked like some lost kid who belonged in a highschool and not a bar, and the other was some chick in some powered armor suit...oddly enough, it reminded him of his...but he'd left it back with Gadget, because he didn't need it right now.

Regardless...the thought of Gadget was now in his head, and he couldn't get it out of his head. Why did that Mina woman break him out of his cryo? Why did she risk her own men for him? He didn't see the point. What did she expect of him?


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Another armored soldier...Sharar was beginning to think he was the one who was dressed oddly in the bar. He sighed and tried to take another drag on his cigarette, only to find it was almost out. With a quiet grumble he grinded the cancer stick into a nearby ashtray.

Finally, his water was delivered and he began to sip at it. The members of Gadget continued to raid his thoughts....especially that one girl....the one with all the colors in her hair....Tora. She'd gotten so upset with him the last time they met....just because he wasn't worried about the situation they were in.


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0.00 INK

Sharar walked into gambits, with his hands tucked into his pockets. And no, he wasn't wearing his combat suit or some kind of high grade armor, it was a bar, not a battlefield. Besides....whenever he put that thing wasn't a fashion statement.

But he quickly removed those thoughts from his consciousness and pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket. It was a decent looking suit for something that only cost him about eighty credits....not bad at all. As he bit onto the cigarette with his lips and picked a black zippo lighter out of his pocket, Sharar looked around. It wasn't packed, but maybe that was a good thing. He didn't really care for crowds.

After lighting his smoke and taking a short quick drag on it, he walked to the bar counter and seated himself on one of the stools. He ordered a water. He didn't have the money on him for anything more.


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Character Portrait: Sharar
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0.00 INK

Sharar stood quiet for a bit and continued smoking his cigarette. What was he thinking about? Oh...right, the missing members. Yeah, most of the others still had hope for them. Not Sharar though, he just didn't bother trying to lie to himself, he didn't believe they were still alive, and that wasn't going to change. But it's not like he didn't want to be proven wrong either.


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Sharar glanced at the white haired woman who seemed to be talking to him. Shrugging at her, he didn't offer much more of a response. There was no point in discussing it with someone who wasn't involved, he had a hard enough time understanding the situation, there was no way an outsider would, even though he still considered himself a an outside-

Damn it.... caught red handed.

"Oh...hey Tora..." Sharar sighed.


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"When a ranking officer decides to give the order, I'll do what I was made to do, how does that sound?" Sharar grumbled as he continued to smoke. "Other than that, you can get off my case. I take orders from Min and Naria first."

He sighed, this whole situation just sucked....why did Naria have to be missing as well?


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"Sorry, but I trust Min and Naria." Sharar shrugged, and then finished smoking his cigarette. "But, alright, you are the ranking officer so, I'll follow orders." Sharar grinded his finished cancer stick into an ash tray on the bar, and turned to face Tora.

"What are your orders."


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"What are the orders, Ma'am." Sharar repeated, staring at Tora. He really didn't care about the background of things, the details of the mission was all he needed.
