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Shiro Ki Savage

Ki is what the Empathian's call the Chaos of Life. Also known as the Holder of Life its self.

0 · 840 views · located in Narita

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Shiro Ki Savage
Gender= Male
Race= Half Human Half Cat (Ka'Tri)
Age= Looks 19 but is far older than that
Sexuality/Preference= Ki is Bi.
Nickname= Ki or Shiro (ur choice)

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= In human form, Ki is 6' 6" with hip length tawny gold hair with silver streaks that is always in small braids with gems, bells, shells and beads periodically placed through out each braid, tied off with bits of fur. With all of his hair in braids, it is a sign that he is of the highest rank of a Warrior among his people. Both in human form and Ka'Tri form. He has silver blue eyes, which shift to slit gold when he is pissed or when he is running or tracking, cat ears (which he hides, allowing his human ears to be seen though they are pointed with tuft's of fur at the tips) and a cat tail that he wraps about his waist with a ball on the end. He has a diamond between his eyes, a tattoo of swirls and stars at the edge of his left eye and down under it and a red ruby embedded in his navel. He is lean and muscled built for speed and endurance. On the left side of his neck just below his ear he has a gold dolphin piercing. Earrings and a necklace with two pale sapphire and light jade gems on either side of two dolphins. His right wrists has a beaded bracelet that was given to him by someone he loved and on his left he has a thin silver bracelet with a hanging cross. In Ka'Tri form, or cat form he is 12'6" and is a mixture between a lion and a saber tooth tiger. His coloring is the same as his hair and he is a humanoid cat. The markings and tattoo's in human form also transfer to his Ka'Tri form.

PERSONALITY= Ki is a sweet fun loving kind of guy. He enjoys horsing around and having fun or playing pranks. It takes a while for him to loose his temper, but when he does you better either run or beg for forgiveness. He easy forgives but he can hold a grudge for a long time. Easy to get along, shy but bold and isn't subservient or the brash do as i say now type of guy. If it is needed he will take charge but tends to stick to the edge of a crowd. Being empathic, Ki has a hard time being among large crowds of people. His type of empathy is exstremely rare and quit taxing for him. But being who and what he is he has taken it in stride and keeps going.

WEAPONS= Ki is able to use his claws and tail as weapons, of course. He also has twin katana's that his mother, Cybra gave him. They are known as the Twin Toshiba Katana's. Both swords can be hooked together by locking the claws at the end of the hilts to form double blades. His tail, at the end has a ball and from with in this ball comes two sycle like blades that slice out. His tail can also split into ten more. Five going left and five going right. When fighting and he has no back up those eleven tails are his defense. He has three sets of claws. Normal for climbing. Second for gripping and skinning his kills, animals, and the third for complete and under slashing and rendering of body parts. When used all three are out with the third set curing over the other two. This only when he is fighting. He also has two bracers that protect his wrists and part way up his arms. On his left he has what looks like a snarling cat with its fangs embeded into his arm. On his right he has what looks like two wings that wrap round his arm.

POWERS & ABILITIES= Ki's powers are, telekinesis, fire bending, telepathy, kanetic, fetching, projection, telaportation, and empathic along with magic. He can also make clones of himself that comes in handy at times. He is a Blood Mage who uses' his own blood for the spells. Sadly though his empathy can be a hendrance if he isn't shielding himself. It is strong enough to not only be used as a weapon but also causes wounds to appear on his body that others aquire. He uses' it to find those in trouble and help them as well as healing them if its needed and a healer isn't around. He is also a Master of all elements, has stealth and camilian. Which allows him to be unseen and unheard when needed. He can fetch a human or object and teleport over long distances. Being the Chaos of Life means he is linked to each living thing he comes into contact with. He will feel new life being born and old dying and many many more things that are just unpleasent. Now being the Balancer of Magic, Ki is highly uniqie and exotic in his own way. His other abilitie is that he is a Breeder.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Ki was born of a human female and a male cat of the Ka'Tri people. His mom's blood woke a dormant gene in Cha'ko, who is Ki's father and gave him a gift of both his blood and Cy's blood. That gene allowed Cha'ko to consieve and give birth to Ki. Being a half blood as his people call him is a painful life. Hated and dispised by his father's people Ki grew to understand that though he wasn't full blood he was the best of both. Being half blood it took him a while to hold his true form for longer than minutes. But shifting set him even further apart from his people. For he was different from them again. The dorment gene that his mother's blood woke was from the Clan of SaberFang's who had been wiped out by humans years before Ki was born. Ka'Taria people are humanoid animal's. Take all of our animals and humanize them and that is what Ka'Taria has. All the males and females have a pouch where they carry the cub. Females can't carry over six months or both she and the cub dies. Thus the shaman must transplant the cub from the females pouch to the males pouch, where he finishes carrying the cub for the last six months. Now the SaberFang's were different. Females rarely survived to breeding age so the more submissive males became breeders, and they carried for the full year. Ki has that ability. Each Ka'Tri is born with an element. Ki's is fire. He is a Master of this element though he can also use the others. There is much to Ki's past that I could type but it would be to much to put down. Ki's life never was easy growing up but he never quit. Something he got from his mom. His right arm is no longer real. It is a cybernetic appendage that is sentaniat. His name is Key and he also has a ship name S'FADI that is linked to him. Ki believes that things happen for a reason and so he doesn't bitch and moan, much, about the life he has been given. The trials he has gone through, along with the hell he has suffered has made him a better person, or so he thinks. He will always put others first before himself. Which normally gets him into trouble. Once you have his trust he will back you and always be there for you. But if you betray him he will never trust you again. To him its a life giving lesson everyday and he takes it head on but yes he has his days where he is in the pits and feels like shith. It doesn't help that with his mother's blood he is hard to kill, his people found that out the hard way, unless you know how. His blood is also very...prized since it can be used for a cure all just as his mom's. Thus another reason to be carefull and always on alert. He is strong, determend and emotionally dedicated to what he believes in. He will fight beyond his limitations and when he falls he gets right back up and continues. Though he is stronger each time this happens. He is a Protector/Guardian as is his family.

So begins...

Shiro Ki Savage's Story


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Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Having arrived a while back Ki tried to stay hidden, not sure where he was or where, but knew that the portal that had sucked him up off of Eithrania along with on of its stalkers which had snagged a ride and spit them both out on a battle field of cyborg zombies, much to his disgust and horror. He had killed the stalker and burned its body not needing unneeded questions if the body of a 5 foot sycle like dog with razer's for fangs let alone getting bit or eaten by the zombies. His ears twitched at the sound of an F-35 drowning out the shouting voices of humans and dove for cover and grimaced with pain as he tightened his shields at the feelings of pain and loss of life. Only to groan and shudder as foul smelling blood and body parts fell on top of him.

"Shith! Just what I need. Disqusting." he mumbled as he shifted and stood, flinching as a half cyborg zombie hit the ground and stomped on its head when it tried to push up. "Stay dead, freak." he growled as he began to brush the bits and pieces of while moving towards the area where the most pain radiated from. "Right where the humans where." he said as he moved around, stepped over and side stepped other parts.

"Damn." he muttered as he rubbed at his shoulder grimacing. "Close. Real close." he said softly as he stepped out from behind a wall and stopped dead as the pain flared as he stared at the sight before him. He knew he made a sight to see. What with blood dripping off him, with bits and pieces of gore plopping to the ground and his gold braids soaked in the foul blood of the dead zombies that had landed on top of him. "Goddess..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Ben Rudder Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Arya Sloane Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder
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#, as written by Script
"Air's getting awful crowded up here," Jayden muttered as several jets soared in front of him, littering fire down into places that he would never have considered pulling the trigger on for the risk. He patched himself into the radio, "I'm coming down! Getting too difficult to get a clear shot with my big guns on anything from up here without risking friendly fire."

Swerving around, Jayden guided the fighter ship through the city and away, setting down a safe distance away from the fighting in the street and climbing out. He took a moment to peer around the area, determining that the zomborgs were nowhere near reaching the place yet. "So help me, if any of those motherfuckers so much as scratch your paintwork..." he muttered to the Eclipse, locking it down and setting up a proximity alarm.

Hefting a plasma rifle, Jayden set off on foot to join the barricade, "If anyone's got a spare helicopter I could call driver's seat on, that'd be totally awesome," he half-joked into the headset.


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Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Acting fast, Ki moved towards those still alive, his tail lashing out to send a stumbling zombie flying as he knelt before the male who's shoulder was bleeding. "Easy. I'm just going to help okay." he said softly eye the rifle for a second before he held his hands out, palms up and consentrated. Seconds later a burning fire ball was in his left palm while a ball of water was in his right.

"I'm going to have to wash my hands, than I'm going to have to strip your upper half off so that I can get to your wound." he said as he reached for the pouch at his side, while the two balls continued to float in mid air. After pulling out a tin bowl Ki had the water ball float over to it and drop inside. That he set over the fire ball, which now floated several inches off the ground to his right and chanted softly before he sank his hands into the water and washed them, pleased that the spell was working.

Turning back to his pouch, he pulled out several clean rolls of gauze and a small round tin and turned back to the male reached out and went to work on his vest and underclothes so that he could get to the wound under it. All the while his tail flicked behind him while his ears twitched towards each sound he heard, all the while his own shoulder smarting with each movement he made. "So. Think you can fill me in on what is going on? Looks like a war zone. And who or what created the cyborg zombies?" he asked as he worked quickly and as gently as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: Ben Rudder Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Will Jackson Character Portrait: Lennox Carver Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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#, as written by Zarhara
Ben watched as air support flew over head taking too many close shots and taking out friendly's. "Dammit Command Call of the Jet's are you fucking mad?!?!" He shouted into his commlink back to Joe command. Who ever was commanding air assets was going to get a big fat demotion. He was then handed a radio with a screaming commander. Ben managed to get a chance to speak. " Sir I offer a fully apology and I will take fully responsibility for these actions. We seemed to have had a miss communication with our airsupport I have pulled the plug on them." He said. "We will pay for any damages and also pay reparations to any wounded or dead." He said much softer. "On another note it's good to finally talk to someone from your side we have been trying to get in contact for hours. If your willing to give us another shot we are willing to take on what ever task you need I have 80 commandos and 6 tanks at my disposal." He said, "I've also deactivated our remote mines to render them inoperable." He finished and cringed for a response.

Will kept firing into the hoards of Zombies as he covered the retreat for the mercenary forces. He watched what happened with the fighters. This was not like Joe protocol something was going on. But he knew now wasn't the time to worry about it that would be for another day. But this was the second time something went wrong first the parachutes now this? Once this all blew over he was going to have to do some digging.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Dante Romero Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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After patching the male's bleeding shoulder, Ki stood and stretched, his silver blue eyes taking in the carnage about him and flinched, recalling how it felt when the human soldiers died. "Fucked up way to go." he muttered as his ears twitched as his tail flicked behind him. Silently he moved away from the man who's wound he cleaned and dressed, and began to move the bodies, ignoring the stench of the decayed zombie cyborgs. Which he carried or dragged a fair amount away from where they were. While the deceased humans, those killed by friendly fire he laid side by side with their comrades, while searching for those who were bitten and lifted up a silent prayer for forgiveness as he slid his sword into their heads before laying them out in a single file.

"From a hellish world of beasts and monsters, to another with humans fighting cyborg zombies." he muttered as he gently closed the sightless eyes of one of the soldiers that didn't make it. Before dragging the headless soldier over to rest beside the others.

Quickly, but with the practiced ease of one used to such labor, Ki work relentlessly his ears always twitching towards each sound that drifted towards him. Whether it was the sounds of clanking shuffling moaning zombies, or the shouts and cry's of other people further away, along with the sounds of firing weapons. His silver blue eyes would drifted about the area, watching the shuffling and moaning zombies that were making their way towards him and the dead soldiers along with the living one he had tended to.

After laying out the last soldier, Ki moved towards the place where where the zombies were gathering as the stumbled and crawled over the dead he had piled up and snarled at the foul smelling things before he lifted his right arm up palm facing up and seconds later a small fire burned in the palm of his had and smiled as he he flung his hand out towards them. "Infernal blaze." he said softly and watched as the ball of fire grew as it struck the first zombie and exploded into a blazing infernal as is spread towards the others until a burning wall of moaning and groaning zombies stumbled and fell against each other.

Each time a zombie stumbled away from the other burning zombies Ki reached out towards it, closed his hand and yanked back, causing it to fly back into the burning horde. All the while not allowing the flames to go past the perimeter of the wall of fire, while keeping one ear trained on the soldier behind him and towards the other sounds, knowing the blazing fire would draw attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vegeshin Kanahashi Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder Character Portrait: Dante Romero Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Av'vinus Moritūrum
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As the burning continued, the crackling of the fire echoed along with the moaning of the zombies was followed by the horrible stench of those burning as the thick black smoke drifted along with the wind. Ki wrinkled his nose, wishing that the wind would blow it somewhere else just so he could get not only the stench of decaying bodies burning, but also burning. The smell curling up in his nose and making his through burn as the stench clung to the inside of his now. Clinging and burning to the point he could taste it on his rough tongue making him gag slightly.

His ears twitched even as he looked towards the distance and watched the ship curiosity evident in his silver blue eyes. Before looking back at the burning bodies and wall of fire that seemed to keep them from coming any closer to him and the only living soldier behind him. Looking back at said soldier he wonder for the up tenth time who he was and sighed as he looked away.

"Hell. Wish I know what world I'm on let alone how their government is!" he muttered and brushed some of his braids back over his shoulder ignoring the soft singing from said braids, his tail flicking and curling behind him, while his ears continued to twitch towards each sound he heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vegeshin Kanahashi Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jayden Ryder Character Portrait: Dante Romero Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Av'vinus Moritūrum
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0.00 INK

As the burning continued, the crackling of the fire echoed along with the moaning of the zombies was followed by the horrible stench of those burning as the thick black smoke drifted along with the wind. Ki wrinkled his nose, wishing that the wind would blow it somewhere else just so he could get not only the stench of decaying bodies burning, but also burning. The smell curling up in his nose and making his through burn as the stench clung to the inside of his now. Clinging and burning to the point he could taste it on his rough tongue making him gag slightly.

His ears twitched even as he looked towards the distance and watched the ship curiosity evident in his silver blue eyes. Before looking back at the burning bodies and wall of fire that seemed to keep them from coming any closer to him and the only living soldier behind him. Looking back at said soldier he wonder for the up tenth time who he was and sighed as he looked away.

"Hell. Wish I know what world I'm on let alone how their government is!" he muttered and brushed some of his braids back over his shoulder ignoring the soft singing from said braids, his tail flicking and curling behind him, while his ears continued to twitch towards each sound he heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Pandorian Bandits
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After the fire burned down to where Ki could see no more zombies, he reached out and clenched his hand, putting the fire out before turning and moving back to where he had left the soldier and looked down at him. "Wonder why no one has come for you!? Do they believe you to be dead or what?" he asked softly. Only to snap his head towards the distant sound of a rocket being launched and frowned at the off sound to it as his ears perked forward towards the distant sounds of battle.

Frowning he lowered his shielding just enough to reach out and hissed when he caught the faint thoughts of scavengers and military personal fighting. " we stay here or do we go there?" he muttered softly as he turned and looked down at the still unconscious male and frowned slightly as his body flared with pain and raised his shields back up. "Seems your not healing right. Your not bitten so it has to deal with the shot you took." he muttered as he squated down and placed his palm on his forehead and grimaced. "Fever. Damn!" he growled as he stood and looked back towards the fighting.

Muttering under his breath, Ki shifted both katana sheaths on his back, to allow easy access to both, than faced the soldier and picked him up. Twisting him to his back, he split his tail twice and wrapped one bout his legs until they were secured to his hips and the other he wrapped bout his waist and chest to secure his upper body to his back. The use of his tail allowing him to have his hands free even as the solder stayed securely to his back so that he could move and fight if need be. The first tail continued to flick behind him as his ears twitched.

"Alright pal. Lets get going. I do believe we will be using the high road when we get closer." he said as he leaped forward in a full ground eating sprint, his silver blue eyes shifting to slit gold so that he could see better in the dark night. His destination being the battled between scavengers and military personal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Pandorian Bandits
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0.00 INK

As he raced along the road, Ki skirted several pockets of zombies, sticking more to the wide open areas instead of the alleys and dark places. His slit gold eyes reflecting the lighting from fires and sputtering street lamps, ears continuously twitching as he leaped up onto an over turned fire truck and looked off in the direction he was heading, and ignored the stumbling zombies clawing at the sides of the fire truck he stood on.

"Well buddy seems we're getting closer. Lets hope its not another blood bath." he said as he kicked off, straight up onto the roof of a small building, and raced along it before leaping up an extra 5 feet to the next building. From the he continued heading for the fighting, using the roof tops to his advantage.

After a while, and dealing with some unfortunate zombies on the roofs, Ki skidded to a halt at bout a hundred feet from the battle. His slit gold eyes widening at the sight of battle mech's fighting with those he figured were the scavengers and shifted where he stood. "Fuck..." he muttered, knowing that he couldn't get in the middle of that while he had the soldier on his back let alone leave him on the roof top alone, and unprotected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Pandorian Bandits
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"You sat in my swing.. NOW I'M GOING TO EAT YOU!" a manic voice shouted as a shirtless man wearing a strange mask suddenly carved the throat of a nearby soldier with an axe made out of rotating buzzsaws. Similarly dressed men started flooding from other unoccupied buildings, shouting absolute nonsense, some of them trying to suicide bomb their foes with grenades. It was obvious already... this was going to be one huge fucking mess.

Among the various figures in the fray, the heavily armored man continued to march forward, a crudely made, yet incredibly effective heavy machine gun in his right hand, his left hand lugging around the riot shield made from scraps, blocking a majority of bullets that headed his way. "I can't wait to pick your corpses clean!" he bragged, releasing another burst of fire from his gun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage Character Portrait: Pandorian Bandits
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Ki flinched, than shuddered as a tingaling sensation rippled across his throat and sighed with relief that he had his shielding up so that the neck wound wouldn't appear on his neck, though he did acquire the pain that came with such a wound, his ears flicking back at the faint sound of gurgling, chocking air. He stood silently watching, a war fighting with in him to help, but wasn't sure which side to help. Plus he did want to leave the soldier alone. And so he resigned himself to staying on the five story building and watching the blood bath, a shudder rippling through him every few minutes.

You think someone so young looking would be disturbed by what he was watching, but if you got close enough to see in now silver blue eyes, you see that they were the eyes of one who has seen such horror before, as well as times that were far worse that what he was being a silent witness for. His eyes roamed over each individual below him, memorizing each one. From the largest Battle Mech to the heavily armored man carrying the crudely made machine gun and a riot shield. His eyes and ears missed nothing, and neither did his nose as it wrinkled when he caught the scent of decayed flesh.

Seconds later he leaped sideways as a cyborg zombie lunged for him and hissed as his ears laid back and glared at the foul thing as his tail lashed behind him. He wrinkled his nose at the stench coming from the walking dead and shifted his stance, keeping his back facing away from it to keep the soldier alive.


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Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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A resounding crunch echos through the air as the cyborg zombie was sliced in half by his tail as it lashed outward. Both halves thumping sideways and glared at the slash through his suit jacket sleeve. "Fucking zombie." he growled. Only to snap his head towards brilliant glowing light and blinked as he lifted a hand to ward of the bright glow. "What in the hell is going on?" he asked as he followed the fading pulse and blinked at seeing the ship. "Fuck..." he muttered as he shifted and looked over his shoulder at the soldier still unconscious strapped to is back.

"Wonder if they are your friends or enemy's." he said softly sighing as he looked back towards the ship, before moving back towards the edge of the building and frowned at seeing the fighting still going. "As if they didn't hear or see it happen. To busy fighting to pay attention around them." he muttered as he moved back away from the edge several feet, bent down and took off his shoes and socks, before standing again, and cracking his neck. Stepping forward he moved into a sprint and leaped the the distance between both buildings, over those fighting and dug his claws, hands and feet, into the brick building, his tail scythes slicing into the brick wall and paused as several chunks fell down towards those fighting and prayed that none would look up.

Slowly he climbed upward, having to go another 5 floors to the roof, his tail flicking lightly behind him as he climbed, prepared to slice into the brick wall if needed. His thoughts on the ship and the beam of light it had generated, as well as to what it was that it had done. "Let alone how these zombies became Cyborgs. Wish you were awake so I can ask you some questions buddy. Questions that I really need answers to. Where am I? What planet I'm on? And what Government controls it!?" he muttered as he continued to climb the building all the while praying that the two factions below wouldn't notice him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The National Police Agency Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Cináed Character Portrait: The Invictus Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky
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#, as written by Disdain
Back at the blocade the break in the cyborg flood had the fight for Main Street swaying in favor of those manning the barricades. In a roar of gunfire WCPD officers, NPA officers, and Invictus soldiers were cutting through the remaining cyborgs and laying down cover fire for the soldiers moving out into the street to retake it. Daniel Johnson, a man of thirty-two and a long standing member of the police force was among those holding the line. Popping a fresh magazine into his rifle, he sighted down it and fired off a few more shots that dropped another cyborg.

The bodies piling up in the street in front of the blocade were beyond count, and those still walking were rapidly thinning, but movement far in the distance betrayed the imminent arrival of the next wave if the soldiers didn't secure the street.

Snuffing out the still blazing corpse of a nearby cyborg tentatively with the heel of his boot, Benjamin Davis sighed, nudging the charred body away and wrinkling his nose. It was starting to smell badly of rotting flesh, the piles of bodies formed of already dead flesh swiftly deteriorating as the battle went on.

"Uhg," the long-haired mage grimaced, wringing his hands together and glancing at Daniel, who was adjacent to him in the line. "Did we miss a mass excavation of graveyards, recently? Where does anyone get this many bodies? This isn't what I signed up for."

"Damned if I know," Daniel shouted back over the gunfire. "But I'm sure they'll take your preference into account if they break through the blockades."

There was another crack of Daniel's rifle and another cyborg fell to join its brethren on the pavement.

"Do you think? They don't seem very considerate, to me." Ben replied, frowning and extending a hand outwards to catch an approaching cyborg in a burst of fire that knocked it to the ground where it was promptly finished off by one of the others on the barricade.

"Have you ever tried to give out parking tickets in this city?" Daniel yelled back. "Believe me, these things are far more reasonable."

Ben cracked a smile at that remark, "I suppose you're right. In no other city will you see something escalate from a speeding fine, to resisting arrest and several thousand dollars worth of property damage in the space of ten minutes. That was a fun one."


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Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Having reaching the roof, Ki pulled himself up over the side and stood up, his ears back to listen to the soldiers breath before moving forward to the small building on the roof and leaped up onto it, his silver blues shifting to slit gold, allowing him to see longer distances. His ears twitched as listened to each sound that echoed in every direction. Though he didn't ignore the sounds from his right and down on the street. His sight catching the ship and what looked like smaller people, both alive and shambling zombies.

"Well buddy, looks like we may have to try there. Hopefully we'll find someone there who can help you more than I could." he said softly as he dropped from the roof of the small building and once again began to race across the roof top and leaping to the next one, before dropping down and moving along the streets, his tail lashing out to send the zombies to close to him flying. His slit gold eyes allowing him to catch things faster before coming up on them, as his hearing allowed him to hear the zombies, and ignored the gore and blood his bare feet landed in as well as the body parts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Paragon Character Portrait: Talren Cathos
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As Ki paused on top of a building, his ears twitched when he caught the sound of voices. "Two humans and a..." he frowned as he lifted his head slight and sniffed the air, his slit gold eyes widening when he smelt the musk of another feline. Moving with stealth long born, he moved towards the edge of the roof and looked down his eyes seeing through the darkness of the ally way a gaped for several seconds when he saw the large male.

(*)Holy shit!(*) he though even as a grin curved his lips. "Born or mutated?" he wondered as he moved closer, his eyes trailing over the figures below ears twitching and tail flicking behind him, but never once kept his attention just on those three, since he also saw the shambling zomborgs nearly 15 feet where the three were slowly making their way towards the other building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zarhara
As the small force of Mechs marched toward the cyborg a flash of flesh darted out from the shadows a dull grey light could be seen and a high pitched could be heard. The figure raced by a Mech and it fell and it repeated the process until only one remained. It easily dodged the heavy robots weapons. Then the figure raced through the barrier past the troops and down the street. It ran much faster than the average human but not with superhuman speed either.
General Williams had been walking down the street by the SEC marines when he got reports of his Mechs being dropped. He was about to send a few marines forward when a skinny figure raced by. He caught the figures face in the light and immediately recognized X279.

"STOP HIM! SEIZE HIM!" He shouted to the armored Marines. About six of them raced after the figure their armor enhanced their speed and immediately caught up with him. X was close to the square now but suddenly he made a miscalculation and was backed into a corner at the front lines. Behind the lines Zombies approached while SEC marines leveled rifles to X's head.

Out of the Shadows Zeban sky appeared. "Don't kill him, Mr. Sullen wants him alive." He said in a dark voice to the marines before turning to the boy. "We have been hunting you for months and when our resolve began to falter you land right in our hands. Fates funny isn't it?" He stated laughing knowing the young man could not respond to his queries.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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Sighing softly Ki leaped from the building down to the ground and moved towards the zomborgs, his eyes slit gold and his tail lashed behind him. He grinned when they saw him and moved towards him. Sliding to a sudden stop, he twisted slightly and lashed out with his tail, twin shlinks echoing as his scythes popped out and heads rolled as bodies fell with wet thunks. Those still standing soon lost their heads as well as his tail lashed back around before flicking and sending blood everywhere before sinking back into the ball on the end of his tail.

He looked back to where the three had been and hoped to met the feline some day but knew he didn't have time to wast as the soldier on his back twitched. "Lets get you some help." he said as he leaped forward and once again raced down the street, leaping burned cars, dead bodies and skirting around larger pockets of zomborgs. Sliding to a halt, Ki's head cocked his ears tuned towards a shout and shifted slightly before leaping in that direction. Only to skid to a halt when he saw several large armored suits and gulped as his tail lashed out to strike into the side of the building to keep him from slamming into one and froze where he stood, slit gold eyes locked on the mech's while his ears twitched and he shifted ever so slightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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Before she knew it, she felt herself falling. The girl with the red hair was still looking at the sky, but from far up. She twisted her hips, allowing her whole body to turn around so she could face the street.

Her jaw dropped.

She was as high up as the sky scrapers. No! Far higher! But it was not as she had thought it was. There was death and war on Main Street. People pushing back terrible machines. Soldiers. Soldiers? Gunshots. She could hear them even in her fall. She spread her arms and frowned, slowing her momentum, if just barely. She concentrated on the scene before her.

Airheaded would be the proper word, huh? Iso grumbled to herself. She reached for the watch around her wrist, but paused when she felt skin. Her expression became panicked.

Shit! I left it on the counter!

As she swiftly approached the ground, she closed her eyes and flickered out of existence once more. When she flickered back into the world, she was in the middle of the commotion. She whirled around, looking towards the army of...of...

...zombies? Machine zombies?

Her heart raced. She wasn't prepared for this! Not right now! One approached her, and as she whirled around to run she was met with a man holding a gun. Time slowed for all but a second as she saw his finger press down on the trigger. She was gone long before the bullet left the barrel, one moment there, the next moment in a nearby alley, on a fire escape, falling onto her back in an uncoordinated tumble. She curled up, teeth gritting as the air was knocked out of her.

What was I thinking? She got up, pressing her back to the wall. Those blue eyes swept over the chaos of the street once more.

Oh, right. I wasn't.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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It might have been chaos on the the blood and bile soaked Main Street of Wing City; and of course all one could hear was the battle that was being waged on the long lane of pavement. Guns firing, people screaming, fires raging, and machines going haywire and don't even think about the smell of the area as the dead lined the ground.

This was most likely hell on earth from anyone point of view, but it was about to get worse with the arrival of ten very large and bright yellow troop transporters. Their giant fifty inch wheels coming to a screeching halt and the back doors flung open with a loud metal thud.

A few waves of people in bright yellow hazmat suits came rushing towards the battle. Guns in tow. And one of those hazmat suited maniacs climbing the top of one of the vehicles and pointing out towards the mob of zomborgs.

"Halt out, Bitches! We got Zombie Ass to kick the Center of Disease Control style!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Jack M. Hatchet Character Portrait: WCPD Agents Character Portrait: Maria Raghild Character Portrait: Zeban Sky Character Portrait: Paragon
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On top of the rooftops nearby, several bandits had devised a plan to get the drop on the forces fighting below in the streets. Several of the bloodthirsty criminals occupied several buildings, each of them facing one another. Loading up crudely made crossbows, obviously made from whatever was handy at the time, the various men on the rooftops proceeded to create a small zipline system across the buildings, some of them directing up to the rooftops, others directing into various windows.

Chuckling a bit, one of the many bandits strapped several grenades to a zipline, shoving them on their way, the grenades becoming unattached to the zipline when it was above the center of the street, resulting in several grenades falling to the earth. Once the initial barrage of explosives were dropped, the bandits then strapped themselves to the zipline system, sliding building to building, taking potshots or lobbing grenades at the chaos below, all of them taunting and teasing. "NEVER SHOULDA COME HERE!" a voice with a southern accent might yell, or "I'm gonna blow you into GUM!" another might yell, obviously fearless in their attempts to salvage from the resulting carnage. They came to this planet to get rich, not wuss out, after all...