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Back to point one.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Moonscar, as played by Sennen



The image does not belong to me. If it is asked to be taken down, I shall do so promptly.

Gender: Female

Species: Undine

Hair Color: Subject to change

Eye Color: Subject to change

Height: Subject to change

Weight: Subject to change

Appearance: Subject to change

So begins...

Siana's Story

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"I have met very few human-made things that are not of magical worth." Said Siana, tapping her fingers onto the pole. She could not help but make a cheerful giggle as she watched the spirit change into a lovely young woman, one more gifted than the image Siana herself decided to take when meeting humans. "Now it seems you are in the company of two young ladies and none at the same time." the undine snickered. For a brief moment she watched the way her hair trailed in the water, then looked out onto the lake. It had been a while since she'd last ferried a human, or a humanlike, anywhere. She looked to Vlad, wondering to herself.

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"Whoever said that humans are not animals? They are flesh and blood, they give birth to the next generation, and they feel pain and emotion just like any other. The only difference is the complexity within thought, but even then many animals seem to be reflecting just that these days," said Siana, standing up within her gondola.

As the spirit spoke once more to Vlad, then vanished back into the depths, Sia simply knew what could have been coming. It was no surprise to her when the scaly behemoth burst from the depths and threateningly hissed like a feral beast. Though she was not afraid, she put her hands to her cheeks and let out a playful "Oh, dear!", the same a young maiden would do should she be in trouble.

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"Surely not. It seems you have an inability to process a joke!" said the undine to Vlad, running her hands along the side of the dock, tapping her fingers onto the wood. "I was not truly afraid of the beast. It was obvious who it was. And I had seen the kraken just the night before, as she says. Truly a sight." She remembered it fondly. Oh, how those morgen fled wildly at the sight of the mighty beast!

"Just because I am an undine does not mean I follow the same romantic, sorrowful tales of my kin. I have decided I can enjoy life. As much as people like to deny it, I have created my own soul by loaning kind favors to man instead of baring their children." She said, folding her arms.

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"Well, Vlad, you see, when undine believed they had no souls, they thought it was a mighty smart thing to marry a man and bear his child to receive one. How the rumor got around and how it worked I do not know, but I refused to follow it for all my worth." She said, crossing her legs.

She listened to the spirit and agreed. "I would believe that you would still have a soul, as well. As long as you have the same mind, as long as you have feelings, then you have a soul." It made too much sense. Some people just made it too complex within their minds. It was a simple thing, really.

Once again, she had to smirk as the spirit pulled herself near to the cyborg and began to tease him. She was not sure if it would work, but it was worth a try, she supposed.

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"You certainly have!" said Siana, laughing. She grabbed onto the bow of her boat and leaned onto it. "What say you two have a seat and maybe we can have a romantic evening out on the lake? Just like in old stories. Vlad, why don't you hop on? I promise you wont be too heavy, metalman or not." She said, beckoning them both to sit on the wooden planks that served as seats upon the gondola. They were sincerely comfortable.
Siana watched the auburn melt into blonde, and this excited her more yet. Oh, how the mischievous snake wormed around within her, simply rising up and out within her expressions! She grinned and laughed like a child.

"Come, come, it couldn't hurt! You could even don a dress, spirit, you could!"

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The boat would be firm under almost all wight, so long as it wasn't twenty giant mountain monsters or something of the like. That would certainly sink the precious gondola. But, seeing as that was not happening, Siana only hummed to herself, observing Vlad's adverse reaction to the blonde of the spirit's hair. She quirked a brow, now curious. What could have caused that, now? A blonde maiden who possibly broke up with him? One from his past that broke his heart? Or maybe...

No, she would delve later. Much later.

"Well, I certainly am enjoying this new form, spirit. Now I am the only girl in the presence of two men." Mirthful laughter would ensue before both beings sat down, having the undine push off from shore and down across the lake. As they did, the woman began to sing.

"As I went down in the river to pray,"

It was a religious song, but Siana was not singing it because, quite possibly, she believed, but because the song had a wonderful tune to it.

"Studying about that good old way..."

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"And how do you know that I have always been female, myself? I am a spirit much like this one here. I used to play games much like him." She said, pausing from her singing to answer him. "Plus, what sick mind would change your gender simply to be a robot? Humans like to stick with what's been done by your creator, whoever that is." said Siana, her singing now digressing into humming, though it still echoed around the lake, just as loud as before. In the distance, there was a large splash, but it did not seem to bother the undine. There was the splash again, but she still did not mind.

"Does water affect you, Vlad?"

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"I wouldn't know, spirit, but it seems like we might have some other company that might want to play, as well," said Siana, just as the Russian human came up. She looked with distaste at the motor. That spewed oil into the water and polluted it. Disgusting.

"We are...alright. Yourself?" she said to him, holding back the disdain in her voice. They would clean it later. They would clean it and make sure that motor did not come back.

Splash, splash.

"Are these nymph, naiad, or...?" She trailed off, watching pale hands slide over the Russian's boatside. They were not hostile, otherwise they would have strayed away from Siana's gondola.

The setting changes from Wing City Lake: Pier to End Of The Beach

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It seems that, lately, whenever a certain gondola went down a body of water within Wing City, a lovely song accompanied it. This was no exception as the brown, wooden gondola floated between the ocean and the river, brackish water kissing the sides.
And then there was that song.

"Going down in the river, all was silent," came the first words, and they stretched across the beach, spreading outward. "And something caught my eye that day."

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"It certainly does, does it not? These days," said the undine, sailing down into the ocean. "I hear that sirens have been here lately, but I do not believe they will trouble us. Not with you and I together, that is." She told Shui, taking up the pole and pushing it along the bottom, using helpful currents to move them along a little faster.

She thought she might have seen something in the distance.

"Well, well. We certainly are not alone." She whispered with a smile.

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"If you think so, Shui. You always amuse me with your antics. I am excited to see just what you would be able to, now," she told the Nek, watching as he disappeared underneath the water. She kept sailing down into the ocean, knowing that the spirit would be able to keep up, and knowing that she was oh, so curious about what exactly was out there. Part of her question was answered when a large current had the boat wobbling. She did not stretch out a hand to steady herself. She was still on the gondola.

"Whatever it is, it is certainly large."

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Siana had a sharp eye. To row a gondola, you had to, so it was no surprise when she looked out onto the beach to spot a cloaked figure on the beach. She raised a brow to him, but said nothing, deciding instead to hum softly as she waited for Shui to unleash whatever plan she had decided on. The hum, like the song, stretched across the beach. She might have caught eye of...well, the dragon's peeking eye, but if she did, she said nothing of it, nor did she take much action. She was, indeed, going toward the sandbar, as well.

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Many waves were created from the chase, as it caused the gondola to bobble back and forth and rock dangerously. However, no matter how large the wave or how much the boat tipped, it did not fall over, and its rider did not become unbalanced. She grinned at the ridged back that popped out of the water, knowing at once who it was.

"Yes, yes, chase each other to your hearts content!" Laughed Siana, dipping her fingers into the water. At once, she was able to not only view, but feel the two dragons swirl and zoom about below, yelling out in excitement.

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Siana laid down flat onto one of the planks of the goldola, leaning her cheek onto her hand as the other swirled around into the water. This, now, yes...this was certainly entertaining. Just because the undine decided she would not be doing things like this herself, anymore, did not mean that she could not enjoy watching others!

As the dragon roared, she felt and heard throughout her whole body, and she shuddered because of it. "Well, sounds lively!" She snickered, thinking, almost, that she should slip into the water, herself.

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"Oh, I cannot think that you might have gone too far," said Siana, both of her hands now submerged. Why, she was nearly tipping over completely in her interest, her face but inches from the waters surface. Then, as the dragon burst from the water, she leaped back, both in surprise and mirth. She stood back up onto the gondola promptly and sailed toward the shore, where the boat softly hit the sandbar. She jumped out, though one hand was still on the bow. "Aw, well it seems you've scared him away, Shui!"

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The undine watched the dragon fly with grace throughout the skies, her eyes following him the same a cat would do to a mouse. She leaned onto her boat and crossed her arms. It had been an age since she had last laid her eyes onto a dragon. And, of course, Shui had been preferred the form of a dragon, but she meant a true dragon. The real scaled beast, not only the imitation, though the Nek did so quite well.

As the dragon came down, she came back onto her feet, one hand still touching the precious wood. "I did not mind so much, though I believe Shui might be a bit taken aback," she told him, ever-smiling even in the presence of the beast. "I am Siana, an undine, another spirit of the water. It is wonderful to make your acquaintance, really, it is."

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"We were just sailing along, looking for trouble, as always. Shui and I, here, have found that we often find ourselves amused when we travel together. We have run into moorgan, robots, troops...and now a dragon. We came with thoughts that there might be a few sirens around. They have been giving troubles to humans lately, so the rumors go, otherwise the chatter of the sprat lie." She told Tikaro, gathering her tresses as her hair floated downstream, so long that it seemed to disappear into the depths.

"But we have found you instead. Quite interesting, seeing as I have not found a dragon in a while. Not even in Madeva do we have them anymore."

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"Madeva is far, far away. It is a different world than this, though this place is not too different. It is filled with fantastic beings, though androids and human-made's are foreign to me." She told him, landing herself onto the beach, the ball of her foot planted on the side of the boat. It seemed as though she could not part with it, or wouldn't.

"It is a sad thing that you cannot share, though that is something I can understand. I think we all have secrets we must keep locked away. For how long is the question, however." She said, nodding. "Tinethus? I have not heard of that place in all my travels. I would not know how wonderful it would be going by the name 'Death's Gates.'"

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"Fish from downstream always carry a story with them. It is often broken and scattered, but it is possible to form a picture with a school. Many sprat will rush upstream, and with them the images of human flesh being ripped and torn, along with the enchanting songs of the maneating mistresses of the sea." She told Tikaro, looking to Shui. "Though not altogether fond of human pollution, I do not believe this is a good way to remedy it."