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Skye Salem Royale Coston

Daughter of Alexia Royale and Sky Strife Coston: Guardian of Sky Strife Coston's Tomb

0 · 780 views · located in Wing City Gardens

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Solebello


Like her mother, Skye stands, five foot four inches tall, with a fit, curvaceous body. Her blonde spiked hair greatly resembles that of her father's, yet instead of pointing up they aim downward. Her eyes are icy blue, darkening to a deep sapphire when she's filled with emotion: the exact opposite colors of Sky. She wears a red sleeveless turtleneck, over which she wears a gray vest, the former of which is short enough to show off her stomach while the other is only buttoned in its center, showing both the top of the turtleneck and her soft belly. She also wears long, baggy black pants, which tuck into black combat boots.



Outward, Skye seems cold and uncaring, but to those who know her she softens just a little, like her father. Like her mother she can be flirtatious and manipulative, doing whatever it takes to get her way. Very protective of her twin brother Kadeo, she's quick to react and ask questions later. Despite her selfishness, Skye does has a strong sense of what is right and wrong, and will step in to 'save the day' if she's truly needed to do so. This is one reason why she spends most of her time with her twin, guiding and protecting him. He is the only being outside of her mother that has sincerely seen her without her 'shell', and experienced her capacity for love.

In battle her greatest weakness is her inexperience, although her great luck and wit can save her from even the most dreadful of situations.


Ruby Wing; A sword in which the hilt is etched with the design of a pair of wings, from which sprouts a six inch deep, six inch thick, five foot long crimson blade. Although she can use routine magic such as Fire Blade (which can use true fire OR Hellfire) with it, it's also capable to slice at a being's soul: if the blade is activated (thus glowing crimson). In this state it can also absorb energy up to the amount Skye has in total, whether from her or from elements of the battle, which can be returned to Alexia as a reserve or fired at the opponent in a concentrated, powerful beam.


A Princess of the Gods of Arccus in her own right as daughter of Queen Alexia Royale, she has yet been privileged godhood. Skye's father is the legendary warrior Sky Strife Coston, whose stories died with his time outside the minds of Alexia and her twins. She is the fraternal twin of Kadeo Matthew Royale Coston, and the second born. After their birth, King Muertenero ordered they not be immediately granted godhood, and that they must prove to him they have earned it. After stating this, giving no reason as to how they could prove it, he banished them from Arccus's realm. Skye then lived in the Multiverse with her twin brother, Kadeo, in an old apartment rented by her mother. Skye took care of him the majority of the time, withtheir mother constantly moving between the Multiverse and Arccus. It was in Multiverse's Gambit's Bar she met Vexion, a young man whom she became very enamored with.. His girlfriend, even. It was her thoughts of him that helped her get through her capture and torture by Infinale, God of Time in his bid for the throne of the deities of Arccus.

Before their relationship could develop further, however, Muertenero killed Kadeo and Skye in an attempt to keep Alexia from moving back and forth between Arccus and Multiverse so much: by eliminating the main reason of her travel. He lied to Alexia that Infinale had been behind their deaths, and because she is half Hellion she knew he was lying. After an argument with him Alexia understood that Muertenero merely wanted her to remain on Arccus to help take care of it, and in the end she remained on Arccus. However, she revived Skye and Kadeo, and they now live in Arccus as the Guardians of Sky Strife Coston's tomb, which is hidden away by Alexia herself for his reincarnation to find one day.

So begins...

Skye Salem Royale Coston's Story


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Skye Salem Royale Coston pushed open the door to the bar, her blonde Saiyan tail swaying back and forth behind her as she walked while she read allowed from a leather book in her hand.


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"There is no hate, only joy, for you are beloved by the goddess... Hero of the dawn, healer of worlds..." she quited from the book, not once glancing up from the book as she made her way to the counter, stopping just long enough to look up with her icy blue eyes at the bartender, "A glass of vodka, on the rocks if you don't mind," she asked, pulling out a small amount of money from her pocket to place on the counter. She grasped the glass as it was given to her, taking a sip of it before she started to walk again, spotting Vexion at a table. "Vexion..? she asked, quietly calling out his name.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston smiled a little as she closed her book and sat across from him, setting it down on the table alongside her glass of vodka. "You know that mother knows she can't keep me and Kadeo cooped up in that tomb all the time, we do need time to relax and have fun as well. She's watching over it with Vegetra while I came here, and Kadeo went to visit our grandparents," she explained as she looked at him with a sigh. Her eyes wandered across his face, his features before falling back into his eyes... God, she wished they could be together, but fate was against them.

"So... I just came here to get a drink and enjoy being around people for once, but you're here, making this all the more special to me," she said with a small smile, her eyes steadily darkening to sapphire.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston sighed happily with a smile, taking a sip from her glass. "Just your presence is enough, you know that Vexion," she said with a smile, tossing her hair so that it would fall gently over her face. "You know, you can always come visit us from time to time. Kadeo and I don't sleep in the tomb, at night mother and Kadea take turns watching over the tomb for us, and then there's times like now where Kadea will take over for a few days to let us stretch our legs and relax." She smiled sweetly, before holding her drink towards him, offering him a sip from it.

"I'd love it if you came back home with me, I'm sure mother and father would like to see you too. It'd be a nice break away from your village and from the bar, a lot more beautiful and relaxing there," she added, her gaze not once leaving those violet hues of his.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston giggled at his impersonation of Vegeshin before she took another sip of the vodka. "That sounds like the old man alright," she teased, chuckling a little. "It'd be fun to see you use that on him, after being blackened by it he'd actually look just like Grandpa Vegeta," she laughed a little before she held the glass out to Vexion again, "Are you sure you don't want any of this before we go? I don't know if I can finish the glass on my own..." she teased him, reaching under the table with her tail to brush his leg with it.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston couldn't help but laugh at his impersonation of Gullwing Vegeta, watching him as he finished sipping the drink for her. She continued to gaze at him, smirking at his blushed reaction to her tail as her cheeks also gained a tinge of crimson.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Skye said with a wink, letting her tail trail all the way from his ankle to his mid thigh before she pulled it back. "Regardless, you're doing grandpa all wrong, it's more like," she cleared her throat, then tried her best to copy the low, throaty voice that Gullwing Vegeta possessed.

"What?! How dare he!! No!! That clown has gone too far!! He's already copying me in looks the way it is, aside from his gay colored hair and eyes, he looks like me as a transsexual!! I will not be made even more of a fool by that woman looking freak!!" Skye then brought her arms above the table, thrusting her arms forward with wrists attached, "FINAL FLASH!!" she roared, before she laughed, placing her am on the table as she lay her face upon it, before looking up to see Vexion's reaction.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes as she smiled sweetly at him. She reached across the table and gently punched his shoulder. "Come on now, you know Grandpa Vegeta can back it up if he really has to," she chuckled, "Although he has grown SO soft in his old age, he's just a big angry teddy bear now... Ok, now so big," she chuckled at her teasing him again, before and rested her head on her hands, gazing into his eyes once more.

"So what now?" she asked him, "We just going to sit here and flirt all day or actually head out and get something done?" she asked him quietly.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston smirked at his laughter. "Hey now, give him some credit. He's a lot stronger than anyone gives him credit for, he might be in Deity Heaven now but he's still one of the strongest Saiyans who ever lived," she winked back at him, before thoroughly enjoying his blush.

"Of course not, forgive me for my wording, love. What I meant to say was are we going to sit here and continue our fun-filled conversation or are we going to... Get anything done today," she added with a wink just to make him blush one more time as she sat up. "You're just too cute when you pout, you know that? If you weren't my brother in law..." she chuckled again, watching him with a sly smile.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston just smiled, listening to him puff up his pride. As much as he was dominate in his Yokai and human ways, he was still a Saiyan deep down, just like the rest of them. He explained his not pouting, and she merely playfully rolled her eyes at him before looking up to him as he brushed passed her, leaning into her to whisper to her. Skye's immediate reaction was to brush a horrid crimson, her eyes glowing a more brilliant sapphire than he had seen in ages. She then closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to compose herself. Standing up, she intentionally brushed herself against him before pushing him back, pressing her body against his as she whispered into his ear.

"Oh... The things I would do with you..." she whispered into his year, her hot breath rolling across his soft skin, "I would definitely kiss you until I grew tired of it, and lure you into my room before showing you how much better I've gotten at what we did that night before our parents made their decision... Not through practice, but through my reading, and imagining during all those hours in the tomb..." she chuckled before she backed away from him, her face so brilliantly red. She turned her back to him, trying to compose herself once more.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston nodded. "Yeah, agreed, although they're not expecting me. It was just an idea of mine for us to visit, if you recall," she said to him before she'd grasp his hand and begin following him to the exit. "Have you ever been to Castle Royale? I don't remember if you've ever been there or not," she inquired, focusing her eyes on the doorway as they drew closer to it.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston BBClock I have a very unstable connection I've been fighting the last 20 minutes to be online


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Skye Salem Royale Coston flew over Wing City, letting out a sigh as she continued to search for Vexion's energy signatures. Vegeshin has searched Multiverse but found nothing, and Alexia had begun to search before being interrupted by Kazura's assault on Vegetra the night before. Alexia was beginning to talk to Vegeshin about the possibility that either Forbidden or Kazura had killed Vexion, but Skye refused to believe it and had begun her own search.

The blonde was weary and tired, not having been able to sleep much since that night. She slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of Gambit's Bar, before she slowly opened the door and entered the facility. Skye made her way to the counter and ordered a tall vodka on the rocks, putting it on her tab before taking her drink and walking to an empty table. She slowly slumped into her chair with a sigh, then took a long swig of her vodka.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston flew over Wing City, letting out a sigh as she continued to search for Vexion's energy signatures. Vegeshin has searched Multiverse but found nothing, and Alexia had begun to search before being interrupted by Kazura's assault on Vegetra the night before. Alexia was beginning to talk to Vegeshin about the possibility that either Forbidden or Kazura had killed Vexion, but Skye refused to believe it and had begun her own search.

The blonde was weary and tired, not having been able to sleep much since that night. She slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of Gambit's Bar, before she slowly opened the door and entered the facility. As the door shut behind her, Skye's eyes fell upon Vexion's frail, broken body. She let our a shrill scream then dashed for him.

"Vexion!!" she cried, kneeling and grabbing the table before flinging it across the bar before she lifted him into his arms, examining him, "Vexion, what happened to you... I'm so sorry this is all my fault I'm such a screw up," she wailed, hugging him as the crimson tears began to flood from her cheeks. A soft, crimson glow consumed Vexion as she began to heal him, shaking from the overwhelming several days she'd had.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston let out a cry, "No!! Vexion don't go!!" she cried, pulling his face to her chest as she continued to wail, "It's not your fault its mine, I should've realized sooner that it wasn't you especially when you kissed me and manipulated me you'd never do that I'm sorry I'm so sorry Vexion... I love you please don't go..."


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Skye Salem Royale Coston drew back, her eyes red and cheeks stained crimson as she gazed into his violet eyes with her own now deep, deep sapphire. Unable to help herself she leaned down and planted a hard, deep, and passionate kiss on his lips before she let his lips escape hers, and she'd try to help him back to his feet.

"Come on, lets get you to a chair, mother and Vegeshin are going to be happy to know you're ok," she said, unable to tell him that Alexia was trying to convince Vegeshin to give up the search because, as was true, it was likely that Kazura had killed him.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston winced a little at his rubbing her lips, before instinctively rubbing her own lips to mimic his action. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, "I just... I'm so happy that you're live..." she muttered, before sitting beside him. She jumped at his slamming his hand into the table, before she looked at him warily.

"...A man named Forbidden, the one who possessed you, he revived Kazura in order for your uncle to serve him but... Once his soul found his body, the plan backfired. So, he then brought back Majin, the being who destroyed mother's universe, to fight Kazura and... Well, it backfired, and now they are united as a team..."


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Skye Salem Royale Coston bit her lip, wincing at his words before she looked away. He was right, she was being a foolish female. She took a deep breath, than looked at Vexion again, "I assume he just felt that he was superior to them, and as we know he was proven wrong," Skye began, "Mother and Vegeshin feel that they are trying to use each other to meet their ends before they'll clash to eliminate the other. They've already tried to lure out them out, night before last Kazura attacked Shinzo and Vegetra in the bar,."

Sky looked back at him, awaiting his reaction before she continued, "Though mother came in and aided their escape. Before she could deal with Kazura, though, Majin arrived and she was forced to retreat. I think they're united to lure us out and destroy us, since we are the only threat to them. Afterwards they'll fight, and the winner will have his way with the universe."


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Skye Salem Royale Coston bit her lip, letting out a sigh as she began to rub his back. "Punishment for what, though? I don't see it like that. I think... It's just a trial, because both the greatest villain from my mother's universe and the greatest villain from your own is here, a union of our pasts... Mother, and my father, both failed to prevent their universe's destruction. Vegeshin failed to kill Kazura, you failed to prevent their deaths. Perhaps... This is a test, all of you are stronger now and this time can prevent the past from repeating itself," she said, before she looked away from him, "And... Perhaps, when its all over you can go live happily with Takara back in Kumogakure..."


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Skye Salem Royale Coston looked up, dashing from the table to try and catch him, but he caught him. She nodded to his remark, before she'd throw his arm around her shoulder and start to help him towards the door. "I'd just teleport us there... But I'm nearly out of energy. The apartment with the portal isn't far, so... Lets just walk," she told him before trying to lead him out the door.


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Skye Salem Royale Coston slowly pushed open the door to the bar, a thousand thoughts on her mind. 'Why do you care so much?' rang through her mind as she let it shut behind her, the young woman's face glued to the floor as she slowly made her way to the counter. Why had he asked that, shouldn't he know by now why she cares so much? After all, not only had they spent all that time together getting to know each other, he had been her... Well, it didn't matter now did it. He was Takara's, she'd have to accept that.

"A tall vodka on the rocks please," she ordered from the bartender, her thoughts not derailed an instant from her speech. Neither Vegeshin of this realm was the true father of him, his father was dead. Where, then, was her step father's son? She thought worried her, her eyes a deep sapphire when she glanced over at Ranpu, Eleniel, and Ms. Fortune before she grasped her drink and walked passed the first two on her way to a table.
