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Sol and Ebony

A pair of lovestruck priestesses whose power is greatest when united.

0 · 783 views · located in Atargatis Lake

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by lilyWhite


A band of adventurers that were chosen for a quest that started out for mere stones through deceit. Nightfall is coming to Gaia with the Second Rising of Eras. The Champions will either plunge the world into darkness or bath it in everlasting light.


Sol has long blonde hair, wavy and loose down her back and past her waist, with a ribbon tied atop her head. She wears an elegant white and gold dress. Her eyes are dark blue.

Ebony's hair is dark-blue, hanging in a ponytail reaching to the middle of her back. Her dress is dark-blue and she wears various moon-shaped trinkets. Her eyes are a shade of gold.


Sol is a warm, compassionate person. She is very inviting towards others and will happily speak to others if they show interest in her. Sol is openly passionate about all she cares for and takes pleasure in challenges of power, although she rarely tries to permanently harm others who do not deserve it. Sol's magic focuses on offense and restoration, either unleashing powerful attacks on enemies or healing allies.

Ebony tends to be shy, but isn't cold towards others and can open up to others once Sol has introduced them to her. Ebony is more serene and peaceful than Sol, preferring to keep her emotions beneath a calm exterior and focusing on aiding the weak in battle. Ebony's magic affects the ability of the body, mind, and soul to function - she can enhance her allies' strength or leave her enemies unable to fight back.


Sol and Ebony come from two very different backgrounds. Sol was a young peasant girl born in a small village, seen as a blessed child for her beauty and luck. Every decade, a child was sacrificed to the gods of the villagers, and Sol was chosen as a sacrifice, the villagers believing that her blessed nature would bring them good fortune. Before she could be killed, monks assaulted the village and rescued her from her fate, training her to utilize the magical essences of the sun which she showed immense potential in.

Ebony came from a wealthy city where dark magic flourished under strict control by the monarchy. Ebony was trained in the art of lunar magic, drawing energy from the moon, from a very young age. When dark beings were accidentally summoned by inexperienced mages, Ebony's parents sent her away to her relatives' home so that she could continue her training; she never learned if her parents had survived fending off the demons.

Many years later, the monks took Sol to find a student of lunar magic so that Sol and the student could replace the current priests of the sun and moon. Ebony was surprised to hear that the monks considered her worthy, and although nervous when she left her new home, Sol promised to help Ebony adapt to living at the monks' temple.

As the years passed, both Sol and Ebony's magics grew much stronger. The monks suspected the cause was their proximity to each other's powers. That was part of it, along with the growing bond between the two girls. Sol and Ebony found themselves falling in love, and the monks supported their relationship all the way until their appointment as priestesses of sun and moon, knowing that it amplified their powers considerably.

So begins...

Sol and Ebony's Story


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In the back of the room, a lone figure lifted herself off of the floor. Brushing her loose dark hair off of her shoulders, the woman rose to her feet, looking around at the others in the room. All these unfamiliar faces made her uneasily, unsure of where she was. Looking to the woman who had spoken of "destiny" and "treasure", Ebony was about to speak up - until she realized that someone was missing. "Sol?" she whispered softly under her breath. "Where is she?" Her attention turned back to the woman, unsure of what to make of everything.

The setting changes from Ruby Flask to Atargatis Lake


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Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ebony stared at the dissolving stone, glancing back to the woman who led her. A small frown was on her face, wishing she was far from this unfamiliar place, but it seemed like it would be a while until she was done here. Part of her wanted to know about the properties of the water, wanted to gather a small sample, but doubted that anything she had on her would suffice for carrying acid.

Looking to the tower, Ebony asked, "And why am I destined for this stone? I have to wonder... I'm sure you understand, and I'm sure the others might have already asked..." Her voice trailed off as she decided that it wasn't a matter she wanted to continue discussing. It wasn't out of fear that her questioning would be turned down, but fear that this woman wouldn't even have the answers she wanted.


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Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Pausing for a second, Ebony looked at the griffin, admiring both its majestic appearance and Ry'nn's ability to control the beast. Resisting the impulse to ask if the same power could be exerted over other beings--like humans--Ebony merely replied, "No, I'm not afraid of flying." She had never flown in her life, and never thought of doing so, but didn't think that it would frighten her in any way.

Taking a step towards the griffin, Ebony examined its body, its feathers, its fur. She had never been this close to such a creature before, and riding it frightened her far more than the idea of flying. Looking back to Ry'nn, she said, "Alright, let's get going." The quicker they went, Ebony suspected, the sooner she could learn more about what was going on.


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Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ah, perfect!


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Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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(That wasn't supposed to go here... >_<")


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Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Following Ry'nn off of the griffin, Ebony listened to her words. She watched the griffin as it cried out, feeling pity for the bound beast. She looked at the crystal floor beneath her feet, raising her hand to block the glare of the sun when it shone into her eyes.

Listening to Ry'nn's chant, Ebony felt questions gathering inside of her. "What kind of threat is going on?" she asked in a low voice. "Wouldn't there be anyone here to address this threat? Why would... why would this 'Mother Gaia' expect people not from this place to defend her?" Lowering her head, she suddenly thought of another question. "What would stop someone from using these legendary weapons for the wrong purposes? What if the threat..." She didn't know whether Ry'nn still needed her concentration or if she would appreciate--or understand--the answers that the woman would give. Ebony decided to keep her calm, letting Ry'nn continue. She glanced to the griffin, frowning at the sight of the creature.

The setting changes from Atargatis Lake to The Crystal Tower

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Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ebony closed her eyes for a few seconds, then started after Ry'nn. "No night... how did your world survive? I can't imagine a world of perpetual sunlight..." She tried to comprehend what the woman had said, but knew nothing about the names, didn't know enough about the way this place worked to understand the threat of what was rising. It would probably be just the same if her own world had changed... but Ebony wondered about the forces that sought to make this change. "Please, lead the way..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
Ry’nn turned to the girl and held up a finger against her lips. They were at the top of the tower—the top floor—which held the Water Stone. Skeletons were scattered around the ground and some where dangling from the ceiling. Blood stains so old they had grown black were splattered against the crystal walls.

Despite there always being sunlight on Gaia, the room was dark aside from the light that came in from the entrance created by Ry’nn.

“Do you know how to swim,” Ry’nn asked the girl in a very quiet voice.

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Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Her eyes darting around the room and the ancient bodies, Ebony wondered what suspended the skeletons from the ceiling. This place seemed haunted... Ebony was ready for anything, but feared that her powers would be useless in a world of perpetual sunlight.

"I... I can swim," she said, her attention still focused on the signs of death in the room. "What now? What happened here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
“You dare disssturb our ssslumber,” asked a serpentine voice from the darkness. There was a hiss from in the darkness of the room and eyes began to open and stare at the two present.

“Naga,” Ry’nn said beneath her breath and grimaced. They were nasty creatures and manipulative ones. Their Queen would be here somewhere in the dark too. Naga were never without one and she could do terrible things with just a look.

“Do not stare them in the eye and if you see the Queen—she will be noticeable—close your eyes immediately unless you want to be turned to stone,” Ry’nn instructed quietly. She began to remove her robes and strip down until there was no clothing left on her body aside from a few choice pieces to keep her modesty. It would be easier to swim without her heavy mages’ robes.

“We sssee you, mage. Come clossser to usss.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ebony let out a loud gasp, immediately closing her eyes. She had noticed Ry'nn removing most of her clothes, but Ebony had no intention of doing the same. Taking a small step back, she said in a very low voice, "What do we do? How do we get past them? Can we fight them?" She tried to focus her powers, tried to concentrate, but as she suspected, she had little magical energy within her. Making sure her head was pointed downwards, Ebony opened her eyes slowly, making sure that the legs she saw were Ry'nn's and not some sort of creature. "What do we do?" she whispered, her voice quiet but filled with fear and worry. Part of her wanted to see these creatures, but the fear of turning to stone or whatever else these beings could do to her was enough of a reason not to indulge her curiosity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
Ry’nn was beginning to wonder why this girl was chosen from the cowardice that was showing through during this trial. She did not show it, but Ry’nn was disappointed. But, the Mother worked in mysterious ways and there was a destiny for Ebony to meet. The first step was getting her the stone; a stone that Ry’nn could not touch herself.

“We swim to the other side. You must go too for I cannot touch the stone. It is destined for you, not me.” Ry’nn walked further into the room with her staff in hand and stepped in what seemed to be a puddle at their feet. The further she walked, the darker it got and the deeper the water rose up along her legs.

As it rose to her waist, Ry’nn stopped and turned towards Ebony.

“This may be uncomfortable,” she stated before placing a hand on the girl’s throat. She would feel her skin ripping and tearing but it would not be painful. Ry’nn was granting Ebony temporary gills in order to be able to breath beneath the water of the tower.

“Are you ready?”

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Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ebony bit her lips, feeling the strange sensation of the skin on her neck turning to gills. She didn't chance glancing upwards, but suspected that the water was deeper than where they currently stood. "I'm ready," she said, looking to Ry'nn's legs. She considered asking what the stone was for, but suspected that the woman would tire of her constant questioning and curiosity. "I'm ready."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Taking a few steps deeper into the water, Ebony lowered herself down, letting herself get used to the temperature. She waited patiently for Ry'nn, not knowing what way to go. She glanced ahead of her, into the water, wondering if the naga creatures that Ry'nn had mentioned waited for them beneath the surface. Ebony prayed that Ry'nn had some means of defending them; Ebony knew nothing about fighting underwater in the first place, let alone with barely any power.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
Ry’nn dove beneath the waters and instantly there was a swarm of naga around them. They hissed and swam at the two intruders, trying to grab at hands, ankles, and legs. Ry’nn was more used to having gills and filling water pass through her lungs. She was able to react fast in order to protect Ebony.

She wheeled her staff around and the seaweeds under the surface moved under her command. The slimy tendrils wrapped around the six naga surrounding them and held the creatures fast. At the far side, beneath the water still, was a light—a beckon that beckoned for Ebony to near it.

It almost seemed to call her name.

Another naga had come from the depths of the ‘ocean’ inside the tower and wrapped its hand around Ry’nn. The mage was drug under the water at amazing speed.

Ebony was left all alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Noticing movement all around her, Ebony looked back to see Ry'nn being pulled away from her. Ebony cried out, her voice turning into nothing but bubbles underneath the water. The naga were being restrained by Ry'nn's magic - she hoped that the woman would be able to deal with all of those creatures...

Her attention turned towards the light underneath the water. Ebony remembered Ry'nn's warning, wondering if it was a trick or what she was here for. There was no way that she could help Ry'nn, and she didn't know how long the magical gills would last underneath the water.

Ebony pointed herself in the direction of the light, closed her eyes and focused on the call it seemingly sent out to her, then started to swim towards it, only taking a peek at what was underneath her every few seconds before shutting her eyes once again and continuing forwards.

She hoped what little power she had left would be enough if it was indeed a trap.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
All was quiet beneath the water. There were eyes on Ebony but they did not move towards her. The naga were being held at bay and allowed her to pass without resistance.

The stone grew brighter and brighter as the girl neared it. It urged her forward still and with greater intensity as if time were running out. The Water Stone rested on a pedestal which had barnacles and coral crowing on and around it. It was the sole source of light.

There was no sign of Ry’nn. There was no telling if she had been able to fight of the naga that pulled her down or if it had killed her.

There was only the stone, the watching naga, and Ebony.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Ebony continued to force herself through the water, swimming blindly, not knowing what laid ahead of her other than the glowing light. Was it the Water Stone that she had been sent here for? She hoped it was as she pushed her hands through the water, pushing herself harder as she approached the shine that she could tell even through shut eyes that was growing brighter and brighter...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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Taking a deep breath, despite knowing that she was underwater, Ebony threw her hands out, thinking that the stone was within her reach. Her hands came upon the source of the glow, and as she ran her hands over it, she opened her eyes just enough to take a glimpse of the shining stone that rested beneath her hands.

Is this it? she almost said to herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ry'nn Traeger Character Portrait: Sol and Ebony
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#, as written by Prose
The stone was beautiful like a gem. It was blue and green and the colors shifted reflecting the oceans waves. It was cool to the touch and the light of it never died away even when Ebony had claimed it. It almost seemed to ‘sigh’ in satisfaction as the girl touched it, as it it were at ease now or relieved.

Perhaps then Ebony would notice the stone bodies littered around the pedestal or how the pedestal itself was made from a human’s hand; all peoplea that had once attempted to claim the stone for themselves.

“What isss thisss!” A female voice sounded in the water and a great shadow moved behind the pedestal. There was a throne and in the throne sat a great female naga with a massive headdress made from seashells.

“Come clossser my chiiild, my SSStone bearer.” The voice was sweet and was very alluring. It would be hard to resist such a call and the Naga Queen beckoned Ebony closer with a movement of her fingers. The Queen only needed the thief to look upon her.