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"Subject - FS001" Samantha

a young confused girl with no memory beyond her eighth birthday

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Arcayne



Aliases: Sammy, Sam, Sam-Sam, Fire Starter, Match girl
Birth date: 3/4/2004
Age: 9
Height: 4'6
Weight: 62 lbs
Race: Human (experiment)
Age during experiments: 1 - 7
Age during escape: 7
Doctor who worked on her: Dr. P Rogers

Can control fire at an incredible level, e.g she can release ALL her energy in a single explosion that could easily take out Gambits bar and some of the road outside. She can create fire from nothing by simply letting her body temperature rise and best of all she can withstand incredible levels of heat and is pretty much naturally fire resistant...not so much her clothes though.
While she can so all this and is extremely powerful she has no memory of anything before her eighth birthday and so has very little control of her powers which really isn't a good thing given how powerful she is.


Jumpy, Naive, Cheerful. Typical little girl. She can seem a little crazy at times but she's still young so what the hell?


nothing but her purple jumper

So begins...

"Subject - FS001" Samantha's Story


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha somehow managed to find herself in the bar with nothing but a big purple jumper (going down to the middle of her thighs) and a pair of knee high socks, no shoes, no skirt, no trousers and no leggings. Just the jumper and the socks that was it. She walked around a bit seeming to be slightly distressed as she walked t the middle of the bar and stopped looking around at all the empty seats seeing just one booth taken, feeling afraid she simply sat down cross legged in the middle of the bar.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha turned her head slightly noticing more people entering and smiling slightly, she figured that a lone little girl sitting in the middle of the bar would draw some odd looks and possibly a few free drinks maybe even a meal. She then saw the gold scaled thing poking out from under a tablecloth and Koro seeming to move towards, too shy to say anything Samantha simply watched now on all fours leaning forwards to get a better look.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha - who was still sitting on the floor - looked up at Selene only noticing the woman since she spoke. Odd she thought how didn't i notice her entering? Samantha was usually good at spotting things...the quiet ones usually were more observant than most, fueled by curiosity Samantha would move further forwards to get a better look at Selene but she was still on the floor sitting with her knees pulled into her chest almost a metre away.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha moved backwards slightly as she watched Lui slink away towards the kitchen what the hell is that she thought to herself as she stared in horror at the gold creature. She really was finding this place strange, however she was still a curious little girl and so she moved over to the counter looking for a stool to allow her to climb up onto it.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha climbed onto a stool and manged to slowly pull herself onto the counter where she sat legs dangling over the edge watching Lui reach for the fridge door in the kitchen, she was too afraid to ask what the golden creature was doing so she simply watched from a safe distance attempting to work up the courage though she very much doubted that she would be able to hold it together. Samantha silently dropped off the counter and stood in the doorway of the kitchen.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha noticed that she had been spotted and panicked, during this panic she managed to run into the door frame. Walking slowly into the kitchen she stared at the gold creature as she rubbed her head, "h-he-..." she tried to speak but found a lump in her throat instead dammit she thought even after being approached first she still felt too shy...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha started breathing in and out very slowly trying to calm herself down, "y-yes.." she managed to squeak as she moved a little bit closer feeling much better now that they had made contact. "w-what...a-are you doing?" she asked gaining confidence the closer she got to Lui though she was certain that this new confidence wouldn't last.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha blinked...weren't dragons supposed to eat cows and sheep? the books she had read about knights saving princesses from great big fire breathing dragons had said so, but if that was true then why did this one eat fish? Anyhow Samantha nodded not really finding any more courage to speak her moment of victory was over and now she was back to small shy afraid Samantha...great first impression she thought to herself.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha saw her time to shine, taking a little step forwards she lifts her hand up and a small jet of orange flame is released towards the swan. AAWWW YEEAAHHH! still got it she stood there now legs apart hands on her hips looking pleased with herself, "need something cooked quick? don't worry coz the flame spitter is oooooooonn duty" she ended her little 'song and dance' with a wink.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha was now really puzzled...a dragon that ate fish and swan AND couldn't breathe fire? "h-how come you couldn't breathe fire?.." Although her knowledge on Dragons was extremely limited Samantha was certain they could at least breathe fire, the books had at least been right about that...right? she hoped so. Samantha would cock her head to the side peering through a gap in one of the cupboards before walking towards it and pulling out a small bar of chocolate which she would proceed to munch on.


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha continued to munch on her chocolate bar completely oblivious to Simon and the monster, "maybe y-you could find someone?" Samantha found it easier to speak to Lui with confidence if she imagined that Lui wasn't actually real that they would never meet again, she wasn't sure exactly why but it worked so...


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
The Lost Planet Of Dynaris: /group add General. Rudmantaal


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Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha looked up from her bar of chocolate and nodded, "probably..." she thought about it for a second she wasn't actually 100% sure but there MUST be someone who could teach a dragon how to fly right...right? Ah well it didn't really matter for Samantha doubted that either of them would ever bump into a person with such an ability.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha slowly entered the bar looking around at all the empty seats as if her life depended on it. She would walk to the centre of the bar and simply stand there looking afraid and small, she wasn't that tall standing at 4'4. Samantha was however very thirsty and so she would sit cross legged in the middle of the bar waiting for someone to enter someone she could hopefully persuade for a free drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha looked up hearing the door open and saw Oswald sit at the aqquired. She stood up from the floor and walked towards Oswald though she was way too shy to actually approach him but what choie did she have? "h-hello sir" she would say blushing looking away slightly not wanting to make eye contact. If anyone walked in now it really wouldn't look good for Oswald, a young girl wearing nothing but a jumper and knee high socks blushing in front of a male in big black armour...typical Gambits scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha slowly turned her face back to face Oswald as she heard others enter. As she did this her jaw would drop in awe she had never seen anyone with red eyes before, her hand started to uncontrollably shake slightly - a natural reflex when she was nervous - as she spoke, "i-i was wondering if you.." she paused for a moment seeming to be searching for the words, "i have no money a-and i- i'm.." her shyness was showing as she tried to speak, a slight wobble in her voice, " i'm thorsty" she finally managed to spit out. She blushed brightly again and turned her head to the side where she saw Simon, quickly she looked to the ground not wanting to draw attention to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha would blush slightly surprised by Oswald's reaction and the way he lifted her, "i-a coke? please?" she would seem to speak quieter than usual now almost afraid of Oswald or being manhandled it was impossible to tell perhaps she was afraid of both? most likely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha was lost in her thoughts deeply in her thoughts until the man had asked her name, "i'i'm Samantha..." she wanted to say but you can just call me sam or sammy whatever suits you as long as it's one of those two..hey do you like birds? because i love them...etc etc. but she simply couldn't she was much too shy. The things she said whenever she did speak though would seem very robotic as if they were a natural reflex as though she would only answer and ask certain questions nothing more...nothing less always the same. She looked down at her hands and started twiddling her thumbs another nervous reflex but who could blame her? what would you do in the exact same situation?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samantha looked rather sad at the mention of parents, "i-i don't have parents..." as she took the coke and sipped it she thought for a second, "in fact i don't even remember my parents..." Samantha sighed then moving to sit cross legged on her stool as she did so she pushed her hands against her jumper keeping it over her knees, with that she leaned her head back letting her long blond hair fall over the back of the chair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Subject - FS001" Samantha
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#, as written by Arcayne
Samnatha looked up at him puzzled did he mean one of her parents was called Oswald? did he know her parents? she took the coke and downed half of it, "e-excuse me is that your name?" she really wanted to avoid speaking at all what so ever but at times she didn't have a choice worse still she could feel her body temperature rising ever so slightly, it wasn't much but it was definatley rising.