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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Takiki's Story


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Takiki Would Arrive before the Right Window across from the Wash White door that the normal Patrons, or Giants used to enter in all her 1'3 feet of Glory, the small Avian proceeded to pry at a loose end on the screen in the currently open Window, notebook strapped to her form using a combination of makeshift rope strands, string and a few paper clips.

With much effort the small creature would manage to pull a good portion of the screen away from it's base and quickly slip inside, odd blue, white and feathered Wings extending as the small creature took flight though only to fall short and it dropped onto a table in-front of said window with a loud whack.. She was still quite young so flying was still quite difficult but she managed. However the creature didn't falter, it simply pushed itself to it's feet, light brown eyes barely managing to adjust to the Bars considerably bright lighting.
Hmmm, they better be here, they weren't at the Bell Tower....


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Takiki Would squint momentarily, if she remembered correctly her Parents usually frequented the Roof Top, though being she was mature enough flying that high would be quite risky, or simply put suicide so having to take the front entrance or in her case the screen Window was going to have to do... Though the thought of them not being here, and her efforts being in vain started to bother her dearly. to...get off this....legged box, and ascended the wood stack...should be easy enough...
The small creature would take a deep breath, though it was considerably smart it didn't really know what quite a few of the objects human used where such as stairs and tables... However she would slowly make way to the edge of the table, her plopping into her but and scooting off the side managing to land on her feet with a slight oof.


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Takiki The Small Avian would stretch those oddly colored Wings, pointed ears picking up the slightest sounds as the Hazel Nut brow Oculars gazed upon the Human World, as well as the living, a mixture of the liveliness, and boisterous the Living World is known to have, and the Dull, Gloom and dread that was the Spirit world... Though those who would gaze upon the World of the Dead for the spirit time would me mortified and haunted by it the small created had grown up seeing such so it didn't bother her. With that, the small humanoid creature would quickly scurry toward the stairs, stopping as she gazed upon the new ordeal she was forced to deal with.
Waaah there bigger, this isn't fair, no no not fair at all.....


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Takiki Would take a deep breath, the small creature now attempting to climb the first step, though sadly she couldn't even heft herself up-it without falling flat out rump, the small Avian began to grew frustrated rather quickly at it's rather terribly failure.
Dang it! If they didn't vanish on me I wouldn't be stuck climbing these evil things! I thought they where only looking for a new Nest when that Rave tried to kick us out...but they never came back....
The Small Avian grumble, once again attempting to climb the first step.


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Takiki Would simply fail every single time she attempted to climb that first step. Though even if she managed it was doubtful she could even reach the Door Nob... The small Avian was young, and obviously growing tired. All she wanted to do was find her parents, and yell at them, possibly cry for leaving her back there to deal with that Nasty crow.. Sadly that wasn't ever going to happen. not fair! I only stole an Apple why is Karma always over weighing the wrong every time! I
The Small Avian would huff, plopping down on her rump as she moved to unstrap the notebook from the make shift harness.


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Takiki Had managed to unstrap the old brown notebook from the harness only to notice a rather dark, creepy shadow loom overhead. This scared the living hell out of the small creature as it clung to the notebook for dear life, though the Voice was that of a human and there was no unpleasant snarl like had expected being she thought it was probably some large K9 wanting to make her into a snack... However she wouldn't look up at the man as she was still terrified.
E-Er.... sorta...I can't...really climb up these wooden stacks... I'm trying to see if my Parents are on the roof top......


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Takiki Would slowly look upward, Hazel Nut brown eyes taking in the man who was looming above the small Avian. Though honestly anything larger was considered a predator and thus was scary in the small creatures eyes.
E-Er really...? You wouldn't mind....? I-I don't think a human would want to commit cannibalism...right...? But... if you don't mind I really miss my parents....
Though the chance of them being up there initially was at 0% being they where no longer technically living she wasn't still aware of such a fact and continued to search all in vain.


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Takiki Would paused, the small Avian staring up at the odd man momentarily before slowly reattaching the Old Worn Notebook back onto the Makeshift Harness, and slowly proceeded to stand. The Small Avian would reach hesitantly for the mans hand, her yawning for a moment as she managed to snatch onto it.
Thanks...I'll make this quick I'm getting mind helping I'm sort of flightless....
The small, 1'3 tall Avian managed to grumble while stifling a yawn... She just wanted to find her parents so she could finally get some rest.


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Takiki Brow Furrowed at the Short comment, though it wasn't directed at her it pissed her off quite a bit, to mention someone was using bad language when a child was present.
Can you tone it down with the filthy language, I don't need my vocab being filled with your dirty slang....
Though it was doubtful they would listen to the small creature she simply spoke her mind, moving back to what she was doing earlier, opening her old brown Notebook, and searching for that pencil.


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Takiki The writer, now free after finally getting his Brat to go to bed can finally resume the Role Play he was trying to do, or simply put playing as one of his more mellow, incomplete characters. The Avian, quite satisfied with the odd, yet some what relaxing silence would become to jot down notes within the old Brown Notebook placed before her. Mostly just nuisance, such as how her day went, or how her search for her parents had sadly ended with no success... She had checked the Bell Tower, and the Roof Top but they couldn't be located.


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Takiki Hummed for a moment, the small Avian slamming the Notebook shut before quickly attaching it to her makeshift Sling of sorts, strapping it in using the Paper Clips, and tucking her old Wooden Pencil away before standing the child would stifle a yawn before moving to rub her eyes, however she did seem to frown as being separated from her for such a long extended period of time was starting to upset her greatly.
Hm.....maybe checked's that mean old Owl...


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Takiki Feathers would ruffle momentarily as the small Avian slumped her head, her shuffling toward the Table she fell on when she had entered before threw the Open Window only to find her only means of leaving was currently, shut and locked up. This made her frown even more so, however the small creature would simply shuffle toward the Door, and eyed the nob, her moving to stand on her tip-toes as she attempted to reach for the bronze hued door nob...which obviously wouldn't work out too well..


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Takiki blinked as she stumbled forward, only to pause and look in Shadows general direction, however only smiling half heartedly in his direction.
E-Er thanks....
The small Avian would however freeze up as she looked out into the Darkness, the cold night air blasting the small creature in the face as she seemed to be like a deer in headlights... She hadn't realized how late it was...she had been searching sense early morning....and still haven't found her parents up until now...She was also quite afraid of the Dark being Owl's loved to prowl around this time, the thought made her turn awfully pale as she only stared outside.


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Takiki Only nodded rather quickly in comply to the mans words as she quickly turned away from the Door, and shuffled for the Table she used to climb the Window, hiding underneath it with much ease.


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Takiki Was absolutely terrified, wanted her parents, and was rather hungry. Today just wasn't the small Avians day, not at all... She 'knew' her Parents, they loved her very dearly, and wouldn't of left the nest for more then five minutes without returning to check up on her, let alone be gone for an entire Day. She was afraid that they might of abandoned her, but the thought of there Deaths hasn't crossed her mind.
I-I want my mommy and daddy....
The Creature sniffled, she was like any child when separated from there Parents. If she gotten desperate enough she attempt to have the Raven taken her under it's Wing though it was unlikely someone as stubborn as that thing liked Children.


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Takiki Would start to Bawl regardless of the man attempting to Coax the child into not crying, she was scared, and she wanted her Parents. There was no 'instant' way to have them calm that would happen in time.
I-I just want my Mommy and Daddy...I've looked everywhere I can't find them!
Though the Child was rather bright for her age she still acted like any young child would when separated from her parents for an extremely long period of time, so Shadow would need to allow himself to try to allow some parenteral instinct help him make the child feel better though the mother was always the one who was better at calming the child. Though 'normally' she would of taken up on his offer she was currently rather upset.


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Takiki The Child Jumped lightly as the man managed to cram himself under the table, which was obviously probably terribly uncomfortable for him having to bend in such an awkward position. Though his Words didn't get far as a father, as well as a Male wasn't great at comforting the child oddly enough seemed to show sympathy for child he barely even knew.

She wasn't in no position to prevent him from picking her up, and humming the distressed Avian a lullaby which was something a mother would usually do... However regardless in time it would slowly start to calm the small helpless creature, she was terribly tired, and that fit took the last bit out of her, combined with the song and a source of warmth or the mans body heat calmed, and pretty much knocked the child out cold... Though the man from how he was acting would probably be rather happy...?


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Takiki Was pretty much out cold, though some sleep was needed and it was way Past the child's initial Bed time which normally was around eight P.M, and it happened to be three A.M... Though she was quite happy to have finally gained warmth though it not being as a result of the man using his Jacket as a makeshift blanket for the small creature it still was plenty enough... Though it was unknown if the Man was going to stick to, and help the child threw all it's ordeals it was still a nice thing to have for the meanwhile, though a big brother would be something she needed in her life.


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Takiki The small Avian's Hazel Nut Brown Oculars would quickly snap open, she had slept the entire night and finally awakened. Though the man was still here she was currently using his Jacket as a blanket, though she was confused at first the small creature couldn't help but crack a smile.
Silly nice to someone he doesn't even know... Oh well that make's him Takiki's friend!
The small Avian would attempt to move onto finding herself rolling out of the booth and crashing into the floor with a light thud, well she sort of squeaked but after having a short battle with the Mans jacket she was now free!
Ow...I'm a bigger klutz then mom its just terrible....


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Takiki The Small Avian child would shake her head rather quickly as another large Shadow began to loom over her. Gulping the small Bird would look up at the Giant known as Mr.Yee, being one 1'3 in height was a rather unpleasant curse.
E-Er I believe so...just kinda got Tangled up and have you seen anyone named Shadow by any chance I sort of need to return his Jacket...
The small creature smiled nervously, to her the man look absolutely terrifying, to her mother...well she was stubborn and bratty so it wouldn't bother her.