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The Chusshin Deities

"...We are those who seceded, Rose up, and Conquered all..."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Vejisama


Thirteen grandiose beings sporting terrifying armor. Massive in build are the males, and feminine and slim are the females.

Shissaiga - Shi - Chusshin Deity of Death - Female
Onikussaiga - Oni - Chusshin Deity of Hell - Male
Kaminossaiga - Kami - Chusshin Deity of Heaven - Male
Gekidossaiga - Gekido - Chusshin Deity of Wrath - Male
Fukushuussaiga - Fukushuu - Chusshin Deity of Vengeance - Female
Kyofussaiga - Kyofu - Chusshin Deity of Fear - Female
Kontonssaiga - Konton - Chusshin Deity of Chaos - Male
Sensoussaiga - Sensou - Chusshin Deity of War - Male
Mokushissaiga - Mokushi - Chusshin Deity of Apocalypse - Female
Meijinssaiga - Meijin - Chusshin Deity Master - Male
Kutsuussaiga - Kutsuu - Chusshin Deity of Torment - Female
Batsussaiga - Batsu - Chusshin Deity of Punishment - Female
Kunoussaiga - Kunou - Chusshin Deity of Anguish - Male


All are those whom lurk in the sea of evil. They hold naught but the darkest of traits.


These beings possess what is known as Chusshin Armor; forged exactly like the blades.
Upon their resurrection they as well possess The Chusshin Blades.

So begins...

The Chusshin Deities's Story


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Oni watched the boy for a nano-second, studying him in his movement to dash. Then, he was gone. Appearing before the boy simply like that, he lashes an armored forearm to crush the boys head. Not ceasing in his actions, he'd reach then for the boys flailing arm to grasp it, and then lift him from the ground overhead and then back into the concrete head first.

In one final motive, he'd unsheath that nefarious Chusshin blade...which was now in it's true form. Twice as wide, and far more deadly appearing, it was now a good three feet longer, with toothed edge. Lifting it above, he'd then spin the blade to hold it in a reverse motion before thrusting it down to impale the kid through his throat.


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Oni's eyes came to rest upon the form of Majin standing a stones throw away from the dead corpse that was Vexion. This terrible being, as he could feel, had apparently chosen to save that whelp that carried the other three swords...the swords that held his brethren. Listening to the creatures words, only a cackle left the dark being's helmet.

"You? An ultimate villain? Such a pity you see yourself as something so inexplicably worthless in terms of good an evil. You can remain as this 'ultimate villain'. I will take precedence, along with my brethren, as Devil's." The Chusshin states, snickering under his helmet.


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Oni listened in absolute silence, though his hulking being took gargantuan steps toward this 'perfection'. Each step fissuring the concrete beneath him.

"Perfection is a fallacy. You are merely a silhouette of what you believe to be perfection. An immaculate stones shadow; lackluster, and opaque. The eyes deceive; but mine perceive that you are...simply...a facade of what is known as completion, leaving you forever incomplete." The Chusshin states.

Each following step brought him closer, until he stood before the monstrosity. "If you were perfect, you'd be us..." He then states in a low, growling, whisper; referring to the Chusshin's themselves.


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Oni remained stagnant in his place, watching the sudden speed of this 'supposed ultimate villain' increase in a sudden dash. Calculating the creature's odds, he snickered beneath his helmet as a sudden fist collides with it's armor plated 'True' Xenonite.

Unflinching, The Deities voice escapes in a low echo. "...A Legend whom stands here before you once more, fool." It states, a movement akin to that like lightning transpiring as a gauntlet, now finished and possessing massive spikes upon the knuckles, hurtles toward the opposing beings abdomen.


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Oni had naught but a single second to witness Majin's sudden change of interest before a lash to his abdomen, and a blade in his shoulder jarred his body. Had his eyes been exposed, the others would have seen them widen in astounded shock.

"W-what? How is this possible! You, a mere false God, able to strike me!?" He erupts in a bellowing voice, stumbling back to grasp at his sliced armor, and ripping the blade from his shoulder to toss it on the ground beside him.


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Character Portrait: The Chusshin Deities
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Oni was given but a single moment to try and collect himself before the assault upon him went underway yet again. Though his immaculate power, and skill, was wasn't enough to surpass the emotionally distraught Vegeshin. As he was thrashed about, he quickly made sure to keep his footing, lest he fall to the ground and be torn apart.

"You...are...brutally powerful, warrior...but I see now that my sister begins to awaken in you..." His voice echoes, before his head is slammed to the side by the flat end of Shissaiga. "...And she still his rather...viciously."


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Character Portrait: The Chusshin Deities
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Oni found a blade lodged in his side, but as the one from the skies came down upon him, he drives his helmet forward; clipping Vegeshin in the face, Shissaiga being driven into his back. Pain was definitely present, but bearable.

"That is it, you pathetic excuse for a God..." Oni spits, rising upward, and grasping Shissaiga. Wrenching it from his back, he unleashes a massive foot to crush Vegeshin's abdomen and send him reeling back; hopefully careening into Alexia.


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The Chusshin Deities as the blades began to arise around the form of Vexion; as well as lifting from Oni's grasp. Lifting into the skies, they began to glow, and irradiate the night sky in blinding light, though a terrible light.

Oni himself only began to cackle. "Arise Shi, Gekido, Fukushuu!" He chants.

And upon that moment, the blades began to alter, and morph into Chusshin Deities...


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The Chusshin Deities continued in their awakening. Fukushuu & Gekido being the two that had risen, taking Vexion's deceased body with them, sapping the last of the body's power; bringing a massive barrier to arise around it. Alexia's hellfire may have retrieved Necrossaiga, but not Vexion himself. Moments later, they were revived whole, and Vexion's body falls from the sky to collide with the pavement.

Oni & Shi had already become whole, and stood defiantly before the warriors, looking upon them as if they were nothing. "Pitiful creatures, correct, Shi?" Oni states with a nefarious cackle. "Quite. Such...poor, worthless, souls..." She states in her feminine, suave, tone of voice.

Meanwhile, Kaminossaiga had risen, only to become the great Chusshin Deity Kami. "Such a terrible energy to feed from, was more than enough..." The demented 'holy' Chusshin states with a gruff laugh.

It wasn't but a few seconds before The Chusshin's then surround the warriors, standing in all their armored immacularity...


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The Chusshin Deities 's remained poised in a group around the warriors, but all began to suddenly cackle at the realization of something.

Shi turns her attention onto Empress Vegetra, and a smug smirk could be detected behind that feminine helmet of hers. "Such a silly wench, ancient relics? We are superiority. We are penultimate, dear. This day, you expire; not us, see?" She coo's, motioning an arm out to her side, and sweeping it in all directions.

Upon that moment, the remaining Chusshin's begin to Kyofu, Konton, Sensou, Mokushi, Meijin, Kutsuu, & Batsu...

Oni then speaks up. "What do you fools plan to do against the likes of all of us? You possess no weapons capable of harming us..." He states, wielding his own blade now...


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The Chusshin Deities all watched on in rather minute interest, not even willing to make a move. They realized their superiority, and simply awaited the movements of the simple pawns before as King's and Queen's themselves, they rendered them null.

Meijin finally spoke; his voice the most chilling of all.

"You are all doomed. If you believe these worthless summons to be of any use, you are sadly mistaken..." He states, instantaneously gone from his position to grasp the Muertebello summon by the cranium, and crush it with ease...simply to prove his point.

Shi, Oni, Kami, and Mokushi all follow suit, initiating a relentless assault upon the poor summons whilst Kyofu, Konton, Sensou, Kutsuu, & Batsu tore after Majin himself; unleashing a flurry of vicious attacks one right after the other.


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Character Portrait: The Chusshin Deities
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The Chusshin Deities 's all held their own; those that were combating the summons, avoiding, and skillfully clashing. They weren't that dense in the head, and after a short skirmish, they had collected enough 'data' to put into the workings a plan.

Those that had taken after Majin would merely cackle, passing through this futile dome of Ki, rendering it null as they collide into the beast like a freight train, and begin the attempt of pummeling him senseless whilst dicing him into pieces with their blades.

Meijin was only stalled for a brief moment before a sinister energy burst from his armor; Chusshin energy, though sparingly used. Though it may not 'kill' the summon, it would literally incinerate the piece that was upon him.

Gekido & Fukushuu would thusly join the assault upon the summons with Kunou & Meijin, who was now hopefully alleviated from his current situation, taking after Majin now.

Those who were combating the summons would then rise into the sky, formulating a circled group around them. With vicious lashings of their blades; they would send a tidal wave of Chusshin energy from the edges; roughly similar to the Ki or Yoki expelled from the blades when they were in Kazura or Vegeshin's possession. Pure, the energy would be meant to eviscerate the summons with the corresponding Chusshin's type of energy.

As for those taking after Majin, they would act almost in a similar fashion; although only charging the blades with the energy, as opposed to 'releasing' it.

"You will fall, or you will flee...Make your choice quickly..." Meijin states with a cackle.


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The Chusshin Deities simply...slaughtered Sky, without a whim of sympathy.

Finished, they watched on as Majin escaped before cackling. Slowly, one by one, they rose into the sky, suddenly quiet and glaring at one another, though still holding an iota of respect for their return. Within the center was Meijin, and with an open palm...he instantaneously formulated an orbiting planet; one that would constantly circle Terra. They would constantly be within reach, and their terrifying presence would be noticeable by those who see the small planet by day, or night.

"Our victory on this day is evident; let us find ourselves a joyous time on Nerrus..." He states, vanishing to the small orbiting planet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ Man this city is HUGE! ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ *feels a slight tremor of energy* ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ what WAS that ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
oh hi there


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Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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1.50 INK

Aneres Coreveon wasn't dressed as obscurely as she would have liked to believe. The shimmering white kimono-style overlayer embroidered with golden moons down the sleeves, the long-hemmed fringe coming to rest just above the hemline of golden bell-bottoms. Beneath was a plain white top. A golden chain poked out from the collar but the rest of it was tucked beneath the shirt.

There was nothing Aneres could do about the bodyguards who followed her, but she had grown used to that to some degree. At least they let her style them at this point. It made everyone's job easier.

Aneres flicked golden braids to look one way up the street, then the other, then back again. A grunt from one of the bodyguards signaled that it was alright to cross. Halfway across the street she felt a slight tremor of energy. The bodyguards picked up their pace and hurried Aneres across. She didn't protest. They came to stop a stone's throw from a mercedes, a man perched atop the back.

"Did you feel that?" Aneres asked the man, half looking down her nose despite the fact that he was literally seated higher up than where she stood. Her tone wasn't pretentious but there was something about it that dripped with royalty.


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Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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"Bristol, very nice to meet you," Aneres extended her own hand and delicately gripped his. She frowned upon hearing that he didn't know what it was either.

"I am Aneres, as I prefer to be called," She regally addressed Bristol with a smile, "Princess of Aurealas. A pleasure to meet you. Is that what brings you here? Looking for the source of the disturbance? I will admit I haven't felt it anywhere else but here."

One of her Over's coughed. She rolled her eyes. They were always concerned she would reveal too much. Aneres had yet to do so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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The Rocketeer mutters "Bloody Hell... How'm I gonna get off-planet?"