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The Creature

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Nevan


A near parasitic, non-sentient hybrid life-form born between the human race and an extremely dangerous Predatorial alien. He is a young adult male, whose teenage body hides a unique, manipulative skeletal structure, and all-to-miss-able lizard-like characteristics... A hidden monster underneath.

Although he is not classed as sentient, he is smart, fast, strong, silent and incredibly dangerous - the cause of dozens, perhaps hundreds of violent murders all across Wing City, where the remains have been feasted upon, or discarded without care.

His blood, if digested, can cause a horrible mutation where the victim becomes all-to-like him. The Creature is capable of seeing in both human and heat vision (infrared), his nose works on a level similar to a Dogs, and both his skin and tongue (with his tongue being considerably more sensitive) are capable of detecting vibrations in both the air and physical surfaces, allowing him to track movement. His hearing is no different to that of an average humans.


So begins...

The Creature's Story


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#, as written by Nevan
The thing skulked in - a human figure with the fashion sense of someone who probably had no idea what clothes were even for, and a cautious way of moving alongside a small group of people, as though he "belonged" with them.

He couldn't change the colour of his skin like a chameleon, or but he had been smart enough, if barely, to realize by now that hunting in a crowd was a quite an effective way to stay hidden. He had observed the natural habitat of his prey, and knew how to hide among them.

He broke off from the group the moment they got through the door, chattering idly among themselves. And as a result of that, he was immediately noticeable. No shoes or socks, torn, bloodied and soaking wet trousers and T-shirts, and the habit of peering around him erratically while a small, snake like tongue licked the air from his lips.

The creature's stomach growled, but he acted on it only by going to the darkest table and curling himself on the seat to watch, lazily, like a resting lion considering which prey to strike first.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
The thing skulked in - a human figure with the fashion sense of someone who probably had no idea what clothes were even for, and a cautious way of moving alongside a small group of people, as though he "belonged" with them.

He couldn't change the colour of his skin like a chameleon, but he had been smart enough, if barely, to realize by now that hunting in a crowd was a quite an effective way to stay hidden. He had observed the natural habitat of his prey, and knew how to hide among them.

He broke off from the group the moment they got through the door, chattering idly among themselves. And as a result of that, he was immediately noticeable. No shoes or socks, torn, bloodied and soaking wet trousers and T-shirts, and the habit of peering around him erratically while a small, snake like tongue licked the air from his lips.

The creature's stomach growled, but he acted on it only by going to the darkest table and curling himself on the seat to watch, lazily, like a resting lion considering which prey to strike first.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature had managed to position itself awkwardly: lower back along the seat and the upper back bending off it. It stared, trough upside down, at the few people of the bar - seeking to familiarize itself with the current location before doing something that could be dangerous.

With one foot on the wall, the other on the back of the chair, and the arms holding the edge of the table to support himself, he lurked. With blinking, green eyes and a snake-like, forked tongue that occasionally licked the air.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature had too begun to notice the scent of damp and blood intermixing in his shirt, but discarding it would, as he had noticed before, probably bring him more attention than keeping it on. So for that time, at least, the damp shirt and the strange smell would remain.

The creature slid down from the seat until it was completely under the table, then positioned itself eccentrically among the chairs. It pressed itself close to the ground, like an animal hiding in long grass, then slowly edged forwards.

But he stopped. His skin and tongue tingled, his eyes flickered between two different colours and his nose twitched. A certain woman had entered... He couldn't see her just yet, but when you were like him, sight was a sense least relied on.

A low, defensive hiss came from the shadow in which he attempted to hide.


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#, as written by Nevan
The hissing continued, even as she spoke. But only after she had finish was a sickening split, and a splatter of blood, audible. Through his palm forced a long and slender black blade, which caused an ear-splitting sound as he dragged the tip along the floor while slowly edging backwards.

The sound was... Quite unpleasant. Like something scraping down a black board.

When he reached the seat with his back, he went to his knees and prepared - as though he expected to be attacked from under the table.


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#, as written by Nevan
She had gone closer... Closer... The tension rising up like a thin tower, all his senses fixed upon her like she was the only creature in existence. She had attacked him before, and he had been helpless - just a child compared to what he was now. He was terrified.

And then the tower broke. Her sudden movement back caused throw away his hiding place, and instead leap up and forwards - knocking the entire table out of the way as he sprang towards Parlene, trying to take her to the ground. There seemed to be no preference as to which hand he was using - the bladed one, or the bare one. He obviously didn't care, or perhaps hadn't considered, whether he wanted to immediately kill her.

And, of course, there was the horrendous, other-worldly shriek, or perhaps roar, that came from the back of his throat.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature had not only been hit by a bolt, but the force of it hadn't knocked him aside in time to escape the needles stretching forth from Parlene's fingers. The other bolts had missed, however, which was a gift in it's own way.

With a howl and scream, he fell down to the side, with his face and shoulder scratched and a bolt lodged deeply in his side. For a moment he writhed around and struggled, before falling silent to the sound of his own panting and heartbeat.

Having been stopped, he remained somewhat helpless... However, already the scratches were beginning to sizzle and heal, and the tail of the arrow started to gently twitch, as though something in his body was forcing it out.


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#, as written by Nevan
One of The Creature's basic defense mechanisms suddenly activated upon being grabbed, quite harshly, by the two assassins. Once more, his skeletal structure would change, shift and grow. His skin ripped, as yet more black blades forced their way up through the body-parts of those trying to move him.

Until he had healed, he would not move. And, as just demonstrated, even trying to touch him could have dangerous consequences.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature , with several black spikes protruding from his body and even more nasty wounds as a result, was quick to drag himself away from the bar and find a place to recover.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature crept all snecky like into the room; staying in the thick of the generally screaming groups backed up against the wall. It kept itself blended in as much as possible, despite it's unusual sense of dress - torn, bloody and damp clothes that seemed to be either several sizes too big, or too small. And it didn't even bother with shoes and socks.

It was very much the sociopathic killer, from it's unusual way of moving, to it's casual relationship with stalking and then murdering victims in the dark alleys and dank places. Except this one didn't have the intelligence or social stigma required to realize what it was doing wrong: it was hungry, so someone would have to die.


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#, as written by Nevan
A teenager walked in, wearing a single sock, muddy jeans and what appeared to be a child's bed sheet with three holes for the arms and his head.

"Walked" is a bit of an exaggeration. It was more of a cautious creep, in which he stalked after a young couple. Afraid to get too close, but not far enough that he could no longer track their scents.

After immediately applying the act of "sitting down" to the occupants of the bar, he mimicked the act by placing his behind on a table and shuffling towards the center until his feet were no longer on the ground.

Having blended in, or so he believed, he continued to wait for his evening meal to go somewhere quiet... Where a murder would go unnoticed.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature wasn't doing that good a job to hide the fact he was stalking. After all, he was staring like a starved wolf at meat. He wasn't exactly easy on the nose, either. He was damp, as though he had spent the last week jumping about in all the rain and mud he could find, and that dank, sweaty smell was noticeable even to those who weren't looking.

A slim, forked tongue slipped out, licked the air, then disappeared with a snap.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature blinked. Twice... Now his prey was looking at him. Both of them. One a look of fear, the other a look of anger. Obviously the male of the couple thought he could handle this situation himself - a large chip on the shoulder that would lead to his demise.

The walking steak pushed up and went for him with heavy strides and a shouts of "what do you think you're doing, following us, you psycho?!"

They fell upon ears that were not deaf, but belonged to a brain that couldn't comprehend what was being said. But the Human was close and he was hostile.

The creature kept watching. He was still trying to figure out the meal's intent... But it wouldn't be long before he decided to just do away with it in public.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
The Creature crept slowly to the end of the rest-room corridor, until it could see the main room of Gambit's just around th corner. It let out a hiss, a slim, forked tongue slithering out from his lips, before snapping back up at lightning speed.

It was very bloody... It's cheeks covered in the dry, crimson substance. It was between his teeth, dripping from it's chin, and soaked into sheet it had customized into a shirt.

The light in the corridor was off, yet even in the dark, his murky yellow eyes could be seen staring cautiously out into the room. If any were to enter the Men's bathroom, they would likely come across a large amount of blood, and if they followed the source, a half-eaten body pushed up into a tight cubicle in an attempt to hide it.

That wasn't The Creature's most pressing matter right now... It just wanted to get out. But it was full. It was tired. And it wasn't sure if it was safe.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nevan
The Creature felt his skin tingle... His feet... The entire half of his body that touched the wall. The sound of toilet flushing. It was safe to say that more than one of it's senses had noticed Iris. Most of them, in fact, except his nose which could smell only blood, and his eyes, which, of course, were looking in the opposite direction.

But instead of being calm and discreet like a normal mass-murderer, The Creature threw it's head back to stare down the corridor in surprise. How did a human get behind him without him noticing?!

It was too bad he was incapable of those thoughts, but if he were, it would surely have been on his mind as slim, black bone-tips forced their way out of parts of his body. His skin split, blood hit the floor and with several metallic thuds, The Creature scurried up the wall to the ceiling, leaving holes of impact where the blades had entered brick and plaster.

With his front pressed closely to the ceiling, The Creature stared at the figure of Iris with bloody murder in his eyes.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature moved, somewhat. The simple act of it caused a sprinkle of plaster and dust to fall down towards Iris, but by the time it landed, murky yellow eyes were already directly behind the woman.

The Creature hissed slowly, it's slim, forked tongue licking the air. It was upside down, hanging from the ceiling with it's knees and feet firmly lodged with the help of dark, sharp blades, made from bone and metal.

At the sound of fired shots, [b]The Creature let out a loud, in-human screech; warning the face of possible danger./b]


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature spat on the floor. "Yeah? Well your millions of soldiers are on a planet with billions of Supernatural warriors and stubborn-ass men and women. Most of them are already sick to death of laser-gun swinging infidels coming in and telling them what to do, so you go ahead and start a war. Your men will be walking into a slaughterhouse, and it ain't farm animals on the menu."


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature let out a second screech, directly in Iris' face. Of course, that didn't keep up for long. Every single ounce of his body was screaming for him to leave. To find somewhere he could rest in peace, without being attacked, hunted or approached.

It dropped down from the ceiling, leaving the bone-fragments like some sort of drop-tail lizard. The moment it hit the ground, it sped back down along the corridor, shattering the door to the women's bathroom down with brute strength, before disappearing somewhere inside...

Hide... That was the best option. It was trapped there, now, but it could remain unseen for at least a little while.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature could only be pushed so far. It had retreated, attempted to hide and was now trapped. But it was slowly getting more and more agitated, and there was no telling when he might decide to just leap forth and attack.

With a loud crunch, smash and splinter, a shadow moved from inside the first cubicle, to the second. It had apparently just torn a hole straight through to the next, then climbed through without hesitation. But now his location was obvious...

It let out a low hiss.


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#, as written by Nevan
The Creature could not understand language, or speech... All it heard were the incoherent sounds of an unfamiliar creature. Once again it broke through the space between cubicles, moving from the second, to third one along. Or so it appeared...

What he had really done was forced the hole, stood upon the toilet bowl, then leaned through and pushed the third door open, before quickly pulling himself back into the second. Despite it's lack of sentience, it really was rather intelligent. It obviously preferred the idea of not attacking, and rather slipping past at great speed in order to make it's inevitable escape.