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The Father

The egnimatic and powerful leader of the crusade.

0 · 612 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by krumbla


A legion of post-human warriors tasked with the protection and expansion of the Helian Empire.


((I take no credit for this artwork. If the artist wishes for me to remove this image, I will do so immediately))

The Father is the immortal ruling monarch of the Helian Empire, and is described by the Imperial Ecclesiarchy and the imperial religion as the Father, Guardian and God of humanity. All demons refer to him as "The Anathema" for he is the greatest embodiment of universal Order in the galaxy today.
For thousands of years before becoming the ruler of the empire, he guided and watched humanity develop over the course of its history, assuming the guise of a large number of historical personages, finally using his influence and unmatched psionic ability to unify the many factions of humanity on Helios.
In the Empire, the standard religion is the faith of the Father. The church venerates the Father as a divine being, borne out by a number of miracles and saints in his name. Variations of this cult appear across the galaxy, and the Administation of Helios investigates some of them to ensure that they do indeed pay fealty to the Father.

The Empire encompasses countless worlds. No one has ever been able to map them and no one can even say how many there are. Entire departments of the Helian Administration are devoted to cataloging the worlds in the Father's domains, a never-ending task, for it is in a state of eternal flux (perpetual growth). Furthermore, the Empire holds that the whole human race and the entire galaxy are under the Father's rule—the Empire has a manifest destiny to unite mankind, impose its laws on every human world and destroy all alien life. The true scope of the Empire is, therefore, the entire galaxy, though this is far from actuality.

The Anatomy of a Crusader

Every Crusader goes through a rigorous routine of surgical implants that transform him from normal human to a full fledged Crusader.
These implants work in conjunction with body tissues to stimulate natural abilities or create abilities that are wholly new.
The implants rely on the body's natural growth process to incorporate them into the Crusader's physiology.
This organ implantation goes hand in hand with a harsh routine of physical and spiritual training. This is achieved by means of hypnotic suggestion, prolonged meditation, vigorous spiritual tests, and gradual initiation into the church rites of the crusade. All of these processes serve to harden the Crusader's mental prowess and sharpen his instinctual senses.

Healer's Organ: When a Crusader is wounded, the blood forms an instant layer of scar tissue, staunching blood flow and protecting the wound.
This organ is responsible for producing the special blood cells that make this possible.

Occulobe: Thanks to this organ, Crusaders have eyesight that is far sharper and more capable in low-light environments than a normal man's.

Secondary heart: Situated on the right side of their chest this secondary heart is capable of boosting the blood supply or maintaining full life functions with the primary's destruction.

Biscopea: This organ is implanted into the chest cavity where it releases special muscle-building hormones, greatly increasing the Crusader's strength.

Oolitic Kidney: This emergency detoxification organ allows a crusader to survive poisons and gases that are too powerful for even his rugged system.

Haemastamen: The haemastamen alters the constituent make-up of the host's blood, making it considerably more efficient than that of a normal human.

Multi-lung: Crusaders can close off their normal lungs in favor of the bio-engineered multi-lung. The multi-lung enables the host to breathe in poisonous atmospheres.

Predator's ear The internal organ's of the normal human ear are removed and replaced with the predator's ear. As a result, a Crusader's hearing is not only sharper, but they can filter out or enhance specific sounds. The organ also affects balance, so a Crusader is unlikely to become disoriented as a result of motion.

Ossmodula: This small implant made into the lower part of the brain affects bone growth. As a result, Crusaders has a tremendously strong and fast-healing skeleton and their rib cage is fused into a solid protective shell.

Catalepsean node: Crusaders can rest half of their brain at one, and thus stay awake for days at a time. The catalespsean node which makes this possible is implanted into the brain where it controls circadian rhythms of sleep and the Crusader's response to sleep deprivation.

The Ark, World Ship of the Great Crusade

So begins...

The Father's Story

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Character Portrait: The Father
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#, as written by krumbla
The Father tests things

The setting changes from Wing City Gardens (West) to Intergalactic Space

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Character Portrait: The Father
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#, as written by krumbla
The Father 's eyes never broke contact with Markuss.
And though his voice seemed to resonate from every corner of the room his mouth never moved.

"Markuss Jonavich, You are known well amongst my children."
As the words were uttered from the immaterial world Markuss would almost feel the creature cringing and clawing its way to distance itself from the presence of The Father.
"From this moment on, your soul will be sealed from the influence of these dark creatures, as it flees your body your spiritual wounds will be healed, and your body will become resistant to the influence of darkness.

Be still..."

He raised his hand, palm facing up.
Momentarily Markuss would feel a rush of energy, and hear the faint screeching of the creature as it was torn from its host, feeling cold and naked without it's new home.
It manifested in front of him as an orb of dark purple energy, coming to hover above The Father's open palm.
As the demon was expunged from his body Markuss would feel as if new, fresh energy would rush into him, the pain in his shoulder, the symptoms of his weariness and fatigue would melt away and be replaced with renewed vitality.
his physical appearance would show to match this renewal process, yet he retained his overgrown beard.

The orb writhed and spasmed, as faces rose to the surface, displaying hate, agony, and sorrow before receding back into the inky, black orb.
It suddenly disappeared in a puff of black smoke, as the father clenched his fist, destroying the demon's essence utterly, only a faint squeal could be heard as the creature uttered its last sound.
"You are free of the creature's taint. You are free to go.

Blessings upon you."

And with that The Father offered another friendly smile and a nod before exiting the room with his guards.

Lazureth stood at the doorway, with Markuss' belongings in arm, as well as two large items of luggage.

The setting changes from Intergalactic Space to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: The Father
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#, as written by krumbla
The Father 's arrival was sudden, heralded by the smell of ozone.
A lightning strike snapped behind McGregor. As his form coalesced into existence it was all too apparent who he was.
To one such as McGregor, his presence would be agonizing, a smoldering light that bombarded him.
He said nothing, but with a gesture of his outstretched hand a force unlike that of which McGregor had contended with before ripped and tore at him like tendrils pulling his physical form back into the physical realm.

It was this chance that gave Lazureth and his men to gather themselves, regain their footing and prepare to assist their leader.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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Character Portrait: The Father
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#, as written by krumbla
The Father tests things


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ Man this city is HUGE! ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ *feels a slight tremor of energy* ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
Character Portrait: Tento Flare Tento Flare says,
 “ what WAS that ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.25 INK

#, as written by lml55
oh hi there


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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1.50 INK

Aneres Coreveon wasn't dressed as obscurely as she would have liked to believe. The shimmering white kimono-style overlayer embroidered with golden moons down the sleeves, the long-hemmed fringe coming to rest just above the hemline of golden bell-bottoms. Beneath was a plain white top. A golden chain poked out from the collar but the rest of it was tucked beneath the shirt.

There was nothing Aneres could do about the bodyguards who followed her, but she had grown used to that to some degree. At least they let her style them at this point. It made everyone's job easier.

Aneres flicked golden braids to look one way up the street, then the other, then back again. A grunt from one of the bodyguards signaled that it was alright to cross. Halfway across the street she felt a slight tremor of energy. The bodyguards picked up their pace and hurried Aneres across. She didn't protest. They came to stop a stone's throw from a mercedes, a man perched atop the back.

"Did you feel that?" Aneres asked the man, half looking down her nose despite the fact that he was literally seated higher up than where she stood. Her tone wasn't pretentious but there was something about it that dripped with royalty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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"Bristol, very nice to meet you," Aneres extended her own hand and delicately gripped his. She frowned upon hearing that he didn't know what it was either.

"I am Aneres, as I prefer to be called," She regally addressed Bristol with a smile, "Princess of Aurealas. A pleasure to meet you. Is that what brings you here? Looking for the source of the disturbance? I will admit I haven't felt it anywhere else but here."

One of her Over's coughed. She rolled her eyes. They were always concerned she would reveal too much. Aneres had yet to do so.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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The Rocketeer mutters "Bloody Hell... How'm I gonna get off-planet?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Ha. That's my problem too. Where you tryna get to? ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Anywhere but here/ ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

 “ Ha. See you, man. I gotta go somewhere. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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1.25 INK

As Peter continues down the street in his heavy armor, he glances around. He's searching for someone, even if it takes him forever to find them. All he knows is that they're somewhere in this city. In his momentary thought, his eyes pass over a few people, one of them being the very person he was looking for. They should recognize him easily enough, though, so maybe this mistake won't cost him anything. He turns on his radio, rapidly tuning through frequencies until he finds one, a simple music station. He listens as he advances further down the street.

In a little cafe, just the other side of the border...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Leviathan roared in fury as it burst from the shadows, an incredible thing considering its size. Looming over the historic district of Main Street, LEVIATHAN had once again emerged.

it rumbled, drawing upon ancient sands of nostalgia. The windows of Gambit's Bar rattled, surely drawing the attention of any inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Leviathan waited for the winds to return a reply, but heard nothing — all but the hum of spacecraft, coming from the bizarre area to the north. Having been asleep for over a decade in his own time, this was a new sound in a city that felt unfamiliar, despite this very creature being there at the beginning.

In a huff, Leviathan stomped off, stepping over one building before crushing another in his slither towards the sound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Archer Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Character Portrait: Sidoh Character Portrait: Sam Adama Character Portrait: Faron Jasperson Character Portrait: Nox Alurane
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0.00 INK

/me pounds the floor