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The Hyperborean Wanderer

The Cosmos are bigger than initially anticipated.

0 · 751 views · located in The Cell

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Publius_Enigma


A note about Hyperboreans: As far as location goes, no one has been able
to locate the exact whereabouts of Hyperborea for the last several millennium.
A few very intrepid heroes can boast a successful run in with the lost people.
The virtually ageless people live on in relative secrecy in their corner
of the universe. It is said that the race are entrapped in a Civil War
that is tearing their side of the universe apart. Is their encroaching
demise a view of what is to come for us?

Name: Andros
Occupation: Warrior-Class, Expedition-Class
Race: Hyperborean
Age: Timeless
Alignment: Loyalist

So begins...

The Hyperborean Wanderer's Story


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There was an eerie silence that seemed to fill the ruins, or rather empty them. It was as if the whole world had frozen for a few moments. The air felt weighted and thick as if something was pushing down, or maybe pushing out. In the distance a crack of lightning streaked across the sky and roaring thunder seemed to rumble the very ground. That's when it opened, a tear in the very fabric of reality. From within came the stench of death and the shouts of war. Then tumbled out The Wanderer. The tear closed almost as quickly as it opened and life returned to the ruins. Everything was as it was, only now a strange otherworldly figure lay clad in a suit of damaged armor.

"Βοήθεια" The language to most would be unknown, only sounds.


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Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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There was nothing but the rasping breath of the warrior in return to her question. Rain began to quietly patter over the rubble and foliage that scattered the ground. The strange being's visor was badly fogged up and his face was impossible to see through the thick fog. There was a cough, and then it spoke.

"English.. You speak English.. My helmet. I need air." It gasped, bringing its weak hand up to his helmet. The gloved fingers clawed at the helmet fruitlessly. The being wretched, and seemed to go limp.


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Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The Warrior's skin was a pale white, almost like the moon on a clear night. His eyes had no color and were a deep black. It was impossible to tell where he was looking at any time. His hair was short and black, it stuck up in different directions from the helmet. He was thin, but still strong.

"Yes, I will recover. You are kind to help me. What land have I fallen into?" He asked. It was difficult to pin the emotion in his voice. It was as if several people were talking at once.


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Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The strange man paused, "I will remain with you until I feel ready to explore this new plane." He said. His split voices could send shivers down even the bravest knight's spine.

At his hip he wore a black long-sword, and a frightening looking blaster. He picked up his helmet and it seemed to shimmer into a small crystal that he put into a small satchel on his thigh.


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Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The being shimmered and followed behind her. He didn't pay attention to the lesser creatures as the woman fought.

"I am from the land of Hyperborea, a once beautiful land ravaged by war." He sidestepped a swinging beast, and continued as if nothing happened.

The setting changes from The Ruins to The Cell


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The rock skittered across the stone floor and revealed the faded remains of some kind of symbol that had been covered in dust. The paint used was crusty and obviously very old. It appeared as a circle in the middle of a triangle. In the center of the circle was scrap of old fabric with drawings on it. Maybe an incantation, or directions. Only mention of a place. Hyperborea.

To the learned individual, they would know that Hyperborea was a land of people in the far north that was described frequently in Greek mythology. A place where the sun never sets, the muse never sleeps, and the lovers never tire. A veritable paradise. Though it was only stories.

At least, that's what the scholars thought.

The symbols on the fabric indicated some kind of blood sacrifice, cut from the flesh of a living creature. Only a drop would open the seal.


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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Albertine let her gaze rest on the symbol in the corner, making her way towards it with an eyebrow raised. "Well, how in the world did I miss you?" she mumbled to herself as she bend down to look at the symbol more closely. Her fingertips ran over it, trying to figure out the directions.

"... blood sacrifice, huh? Well, I wonder." She ran her fingers together, then pulled her hand back to her belt, where there was a sword, , a smaller knife, a satchel, and a canteen. She took the canteen and poured a few drops over the symbol. "Could just be the moisture, yeah? Unless there's some fancy-pants mechanism that can detect the blood... or some kinda magic." She waited.


"Oh, fer fuck's sake," she hissed, bringing out the knife. "This better not bring out some demon or sumpin, because I swear." Pricking the tip of her finger, she pressed just below the cut to bring out some blood, dripping it out onto the symbol. "Monks were peaceful 'n all dah, right? Yeah, couldn't be no demon..."


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The dripping crack in the ceiling seemed to stop. As a matter of fact, it was as if there was no sound at all for what seemed like ages. A loud wind rushed through the ruins and rushed into the small room. It was as if her blood had summoned a hurricane. Voices. Voices. There were voices echoing through the tunnels. Screams and the clashing of iron. The average person would need to have a good hand hold or the wind could push them over at this point. A strange white line rose up from center of the symbols on the ground and slowly dilated. Within a great struggle could be seen. A war.

There was a blast, followed by a deep black sphere cannoning out of the rift only to collide with the wall of the room. Dark purple and black crystals spread along the rock as if were suffocating it and cracking the stone beneath its weight. A bright light flashed into the room, and then nothing. Complete darkness accompanied only by the rasping breath of someone, or something, other than Albertine.


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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"You've got to be kiddin' me! I had a feelin' this wasn't going t'go well!" spat Albertine as the wind rushed by. She drew her sword, which glowed a cold cyan that softly illuminated the walls of the cell, and crouched low to avoid being bowled over. One hand drew her cowl over her ears in a vain attempt to block out the terrible sounds that had flowed around her with the wind. She was knocked onto her knees, and as a caution the woman held the sword away from her.

Albertine cringed as she heard the blast, wrinkles forming at the sides of her eyes that were closed more tightly than welded, steel doors. She kept her head down and had the sword in her grip so desperately that her knuckles whitened and drained of blood.

And then... then everything just stopped. A few seconds passed before the woman rose her head, looking behind her. She rolled onto her back, holding the sword up at the source of the sound. Something had joined her. That much she could gather in her shock. Something that was her own fault.


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The being laid there in what appeared to be the armor of a warrior. A strange black suit stretched around the being's body and seemed to serve as underclothes. On top of this were obsidian colored plates of real armor. A breastplate, gauntlets, boots, and greaves covered its body. On its head hit wore a strange helmet with two eyeholes. The visor was too fogged up from the change in temperature so not only could it not see but there was no way to see in.

The life form shuddered, and the noise of it moving would make almost no noise despite the armor that it wore. It moved its arms about almost lazily. It had no energy. "Δεν έχω μεγάλη εμπιστοσύνη σε αυτό το μεταφραστής" It spoke with a raspy voice, or was it voices? Was there more than one being in that suit of armor?

There was only one way to find out.


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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Albertine ground her feet onto the floor and pushed herself backwards as the thing, or rather, what she found out to be a person, spoke. It was not a language she understood, no. She knew two languages only, and that wasn't even close to one of them. She kept her sword on him, the gem in the hilt glowing more strongly still from her fear. She only just managed to get onto her feet.

"Stay," she said, first in a shaky whisper. "St-stay were you are... especially if you can understand me..." Then again, a sword pointed at your face was a sort of universal way of saying "Don't come closer to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The being's head slowly looked towards the light, "Calm yourself, being." It said, rising slowly. It had it's arm on what appeared to be a sword of its own. "I wouldn't make any moves with that sword unless you're ready to be ended."

The helmet drew back from the being's head without him having to touch it and seemed to fold into the armor. The dark crystals that covered the walls suddenly lit up a purple light that illuminated the room. It showed the being to be a man. Or at least, to have the appearance of a man. His eyes were black pits with no discernible features, and his skin more pale than the moon. His head turned for a moment to see where the glow was coming from. His eyes widened.

He spun around and made to grab her. If he was successful he'd throw her around the corner and dive himself after her. This would hopefully save them both from the explosion that would more than likely decimate the room they'd been standing in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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"I can hold my own against someone with a sword, if that's what you think. Who in all of Terra a-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, he'd grabbed her. He had looked away and she had lowered her guard just a squick, but it was enough for him to make the grab and throw her, a good weightly bit of her, around the corner. She landed very unceremoniously on her backside, and the sword went sprawling out of her grip. "... who do you think you are?! I-" she began, before once again being interrupted by the large explosion.

She was silent for a while after that. Well, for all of five seconds, which was a long time for the merroian woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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"I can hold my own against someone with a sword, if that's what you think. Who in all of Terra a-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, he'd grabbed her. He had looked away and she had lowered her guard just a squick, but it was enough for him to make the grab and throw her, a good weightly bit of her, around the corner. She landed very unceremoniously on her backside, and the sword went sprawling out of her grip. "... who do you think you are?! I-" she began, before once again being interrupted by the large explosion.

She was silent for a while after that. Well, for all of five seconds, which was a long time for the merroian woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The man quickly got back up on his feet, and stood over her. He held out his hand in case she needed any help standing, but seemed to keep his eyes facing away. He'd assumed she was of a rough sort so it's not like he was concerned for her, more like just trying to be polite.

"I'm sorry, but that Expanding Crystalline Detonator would've killed us both had I not done something." He said, offering a sly smirk. The light was slowly fading again from the crystals and once again they were plunged into relative darkness.

"I carry the name Andros, may I know yours?" He asked. When he spoke there were three or four distinct voices that spoke with him. For someone who'd just been wrenched from his plane of existence he was surprisingly calm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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Albertine narrowed her eyes at the man, sliding on her back toward where she had dropped her sword, away from him. She never took his eyes as she retrieved the item, not even once. Her hand clapped the ground several times before she found the hilt, grasped it, and stuck it into its scabbard. She stood up, arms at her sides. She was certainly of a rough sort. She was not very slender as most human women were. The muscles in her arms were evident as she tensed.

"... well. I can't say I'm not grateful to some extent," she mumbled, keeping a respectable distance away from him. "Though I can't very well judge since you come out of some whirly-swirly portal, no doubt summoned from that little... plate... thing..." She frowned, thinking about it. She'd been such an idiot.

"So, what, you some genie or summin' to do my biddin'?"


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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He laughed. The strange sounds echoed through the corridors of the ruins that they were in. "Genie to do your bidding? Not even in the slightest." He said, pulling out a small capsule and cracking it open. A soft purple light filled the room and a wispy blue smoke rose out of the capsule.

"This will provide enough light for us to see." He mumbled before he motioned for her to begin walking. The path behind them had been closed by the blast, "You summoned me, that much is correct. Sadly, you don't have the means to control me. I'm assuming the monks who set up that little temple knew exactly how to raise a Hyperborean. Unfortunately the ceremony wasn't performed correctly and I was pulled out instead of a more appropriate scholar." He said, walking calmly along the corridors.

His gauntlet folded off of his hand and he ran his bare fingers along the stones. "You've risen me out of my plane of existence and into yours. My people have passed on a great deal of knowledge to other beings, and those forgotten rituals are the only way to pull us into other lands." He paused, "I'm rambling, let me get to the point. I'm a warrior from another realm. Nothing more, nothing less. You've just have the misfortune of raising me."


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The woman's arms crossed as she looked at him, eyebrows arched down harshly. She rested her arm with her wrist wedged between her hip and the hilt of her sword. She kept her distance and seemed wary, keeping her eyes on him so fiercely and shuffling her feet with every little movement he made. The edge of her lip pulled down to the side.

"You couldn't be a genie, huh?" she whined in a long, tired breath. "The thing couldn't even open a latch to something valuable..." She turned away and kicked at the wall halfheartedly. Her forehead also rested on the cold, damp wall. All her care just drained away.

"You couldn't be more right about misfortune."


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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Andros watched her silently, and raised a corner of his lip in slight disgust in regards to her showing of emotions. He pulled a small brooch off of his cape. "Here, you can have this." He said, holding out the small clasp. He felt bad that she'd found nothing of worth in this temple. He himself had lead many royal expeditions that had turned out fruitless.

"It's made from materials that aren't available to anyone that isn't my kind. It should fetch good coin if you sell it to the right people." He added. Two small white circles had formed in the center of the black pits that were his eyes. This made his gaze easier to track and made his face appear softer. It would also seem that his stature had become less intimidating. As a Hyperborean his appearance could change slightly depending on his intent.

He hoped to make a friend quickly. Being marooned on this side of the cosmos would be hard, but he wouldn't dare face it alone.


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Character Portrait: Albertine Fox Character Portrait: The Hyperborean Wanderer
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The woman turned her head just barely to cast the gaze of one eye on him. When he held out the brooch, her eyes darted up to his face, then lingered there. The bright cyan of her eyes all but disappeared when her lids narrowed to slits. Her mouth drew into a thin, untrusting line.

Leaning back from the wall, she took a baby step in his direction, and reached out toward the brooch, but drew her hand back suddenly, still looking at his face, then down toward his weapon. Like the strike of a viper, she whipped out her hand and let her fingers clasp over the item, but did not snatch it out of his hand. She just lingered there, keeping eye contact after looking up again, and would then slowly pull it away, shuffling back. She changed glances twice, thrice, from the brooch to the man.

"... thanks, however... I don't think I quite understand why you'd do this."