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The Spectre

"Put the weapon down if you wish to live."

0 · 526 views · located in Main Street

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Fearful-lover


Image him, without his mask

Name: Undisclosed
Alias: The Spectre
Age: Undisclosed
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft 9in
Weight: 130
Distinguishing attributes: White mask, yellow eyes, Jet black uniform: One longsleeve black coat (made of cotton and polyester) Collar on coat wraps fully around neck and buttons on the left side, long pants (made of same materials as shirt) that drape down to just above the ankles, leather boots that come up to the knee (on the side of the boot a small white mask can be seen where the ankle is), black gloves that go about half way on fore arm (on the back hand there is another white mask seen). Buttons on the uniform are little white masks. On the left chest there is a white mask with a letter "S" on the forehead (mask is about 5"x8")
Hero or Villain: antihero
Current Alignment: None
Sexual Preference: Undisclosed
Weapon of choice: His fists


Traits: Very silent when he wants to be (which is most of the time), often he can come off as a bit Harsh, Excellent hand to hand combatant (but prefers to avoid a conflict), He has a sort of villainous look about him (he is actually an anti-hero), Doesn't like getting close to people: he feels as if everyone he gets close to gets hurt, he is in peak physical condition.

Addictions: Addicted to various pain medications, along with: alchohol, Hashish (a hallucenogenic drug that makes the user feel invincible:: found only in the middle east)

Special Moves (when hidden)

Shadow Takedown- He springs forth from the shadows and grapples his opponent in order to knock them out
One hit Takedown (Paralysis Takedown)- He hits a certain nerve cluster in the dorsal area of the body rendering his opponents body paralyzed for an easy escape method (5 minutes is the time this paralysis lasts)
Crowd Takedown- He pulls his opponent into a crowd and forces them into submission.
Black Mist- Some times he'll use a sort of dark colored veil to conceal himself further in the darkness.
Black Mist Takedown- Combination of Black mist and Shadow takedown, usually he wraps the opponent in the veil and buries them alive afterwards


Withdrawl- When he runs out of his "meds" and Hashish. He goes into a severely depressed state of mind and is unwilling to do anything
Night Person- Once the sun comes up, he loses some of his combat prowess. His awareness is reduced by half.
Low light Vision- his ability to see is increased in low light areas, but decreased in brightly lit areas.
Concience Confusion- In certain situations he can't tell right from wrong.


Image Nine times out of ten he will be seen wearing a white mask.

and a Journal which he's had since highschool.


Quotes From the Journal of "The Spectre": (all of the important entries, he did not write with the days, he only wrote when he had the time.)

Journal Entry 001: "Dec 25: Yay!!! Merry Christmas everyone!! Thanks mom, dad, Janet, And all of the other family! It was great! Too bad i gotta go back to school in like, two weeks though. Oh, well it was fun while it lasted. Heh. Well it's christmas, Mom bought me this new Journal, which I'm currently writing in, and pop and sis got me a Really cool white Mask It's really cool, though i dare not touch it. It's made out of some sort of clay, or something, the inside of it is smooth and shiny but the outer part, the face, is smooth but not shiney. I'm thinking about painting it but i dont know if that would decrease it's value or not. Well, it's getting late, i better go to sleep, good night."

Journal Entry 005: "Jan 4: (morning) ~implied sigh~ School's back in session but no sign of my Best friend in the world! Maybe he's sick? I don't know, but it's kinda lonely here without him. I brought the mask to school to show him, although I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. Oh well, too late now. I don't know why but things at home have gotten a little rough lately between mom and pop. I really hope they don't get a divorce, but if they must then they must. Hm.. Five minutes to bell I'll write some more when i get home.

(afternoon) Well i'm home now, mom and dad just got into a fight, again. They keep asking me and Janet to pick sides, but we know better. Anyways, Jason's over here and right now he's sketching me while im writing, it's kind of wierd.... friggin' wierdo.... Heh, well he wouldn't be my friend if he wasn't wierd.... Well, im gonna go, got a sort of big night planned."

Journal Entry 015: "Feb 8: Well it's official, mom and pop got a divorce because pop pushed her down the stairs, now that's just going too far... I love him because he's my father... but i hate what he does. Why must he be so violent? Pop keeps giving me this 'Death glare' look. Kinda like the look one would give as if they've been betrayed. I know what he's trying to do though... It wont work. Mom got custody of me and Janet, But there's a catch, we gotta move... Far away. When i told Jason he just clinged to me and burst out into tears. He didn't want me to go and i didn't wanna go.... but we had to to get away from dad. I'll miss him bunches though. Sayonara Jason."

Journal Entry 033: "April 10: It's my birthday today! Yay! i'm finally 18! Mom bought me two plane tickets to Tibet! She know's ive always wanted to visit the Monk Monestaries, but i had thought we couldn't afford to go out of the country... but apparently we could. If Jason was here i would SO take him, but i can't.... Oh well, I'll just take Sis or something.... Mom said i couldn't go on the flight until after this year though... 'cause i graduate this year. Mom said she saw a guy at the mall that looked vaguely like dad. 'So creepy' she said 'Looked almost exactly like him... but how did he find us?' I dont know, maybe she's just paranoid. What ever, Got a big day planned! Bye!"

Journal Entry 048: "May 18: Holy! Crap! Mom just said she bumped into dad in an alley on the way home! She said he had a knife! it's gotten way too creepy for me!! Mom just tried to call the police but all she got was that wierd beeping noise that you get when your phone is out of service. Gonna have to write more when things get less intense..."

Journal Entry 060: "June 1: Mom and Micheal, stepdad are dead.... Janet's missing.... Dad killed them, Right now he's in prison. I hope the bastard rots.... Still got that mask he gave me.... I don't know why though. I guess because it reminds me of the good ol' days... I'm boarding the plane now, it's gonna be a long flight, i'll write more once i get to Tibet."

Journal Entry 061: "June 2: So cold here! Freezing my nads off out here man! I have my pocket translator with me, but i probably only sound like an idiot speaking this language... I met a guy named.... uh.... well i don't know how to spell it so i'm just gonna call him Xiam. I'm suprised he speaks english! Very well at that... He's really nice. I think he's some sort of monk or something, he says he's taking me to one of the monestaries to meet 'His Holiness' Himself, The Dalai Lama. SO COOL!!!!! maybe i can kick it at the monestary for a while? Atleast until i get over the whole, family issues.... Well, Imma quit writing for now my hand's starting to hurt."

Journal Entry 063: "August 11: Sorry i haven't written in a while..... The monks confiscated all of my belongings in the time that i was there. NOW, im on my way to Russia, yay more cold places!!! NOT... Dalai Lama was cool, He let me train there for a while. Those monks practice some really cool martial arts, though it wasnt for fighting only for meditation.... Sure, what ever. I also picked up a few things while i was there! Xiam said that he has friends in Russia that can help me in my quest to find inner peace... i doubt it but it's worth a shot.... I'm gonna take another Haitus from writing for a while. It'll give me more time to think.... Til next time."

Journal Entry 064: "November 10: So cold. It's so cold. Something happened. To the guide. He was shot or something. I ran and got lost... For the first time in my life... I feel alone. I know i'm going to die out here in this freezing wilderness. I just Knew i should have joined the boy scouts when i was younger. heh. A bit of dark humor there.... Now i think i've figured out the meaning of life.... like why we're here.... There is no meaning.... It's pointless. Im so fucking cold my fingers are numb.... I try to keep writing but it hurts and i get slower and slower. To whom ever finds this, Please take this to a boy named Jason Anders, he lives in Miami, Florida, in the United States. At least i think he does... He might have moved since then.. Maybe i-" ~hand writing is too smudged and illegible to read any further, one would presume he passed out from hypothermia~

Journal Entry 065: "November 31: Wow... I feel so.... light.... like all of this is a Dream. All I can remember is Running through the snow... then Darkness. But apparently i wrote some before i.... er.... died..... The people that found me speak a little english, and they said that i had Died, no pulse or anything.... How queer is that? They said i had been dead for a little over two days before they found me.... They told me to call them Ama and Apa, I would guess that's what their kids called them before they moved or what ever. Being in Siberia really sucks. It's cold... nothing grows, the sun never comes out... It's absolutely boring here. Nothing to do except try to stay warm... Ama and Apa won't let me leave... They say it's too dangerous after dark, that and it gets to about -50 degrees during the night. They told me to stay for, atleast, another month before heading out, and i agreed, i'm guessing these were the same people Xiam was talking about... I mean they have a medium sized buddha statue in their living room.. but maybe i'm just hallucenating. They keep telling me to smoke this plant, they say it makes pain go away, so far it's worked. Dunno what it is though... Well im gonna write again soon. Toodles"

Journal Entry 070: "January 1: I've gone through a pretty dramatic change... I don't want to be a doctor or anything like that anymore.... I want to become stronger. I want to put everyone that thinks that they can prey on the weak in a box. I want them all to pay. From now on.... Christopher Anders is dead. There is only The Spectre. I will use the mask my father gave me as a symbol. A blank slate that i can wear. I will become a symbol for those that walk the earth preying on the meek. A reminder of what happens when you rape, steal, and murder. I'm not going to write for a while I need to prepare, train."

-all he has written thus far-

So begins...

The Spectre's Story


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The Spectre The mysterious masked man found his way into Gambits. He looked around the bar and saw an empty stool at the counter. He made his way over to it and sat down. He looked about his surroundings to get a good feel of the place, need he make use of a quick escape.


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"Water, please" Spectre said in a soft voice. He put his money onto the counter. "Take your time with it, i don't want to be a bother." he continued.


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The Spectre plucked a straw from his coat pocket and put it into the water. He slid the other end of the straw between the slit in his mask and took a couple of sips. Afterwards he looked around the bar once more for a potential accuaintance. "i see what you mean miss.." He said to Alice "it is rather droll in here" He then noticed Kyle and raised a brow from beneath his mask.


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The Spectre chuckled a little. "Just another day i guess" Spectre looked at Kyle once more. "I was merely wondering why you were Flaunting about as if you were some sort of child. No offense of course, I have met many a man, but non more so like you. Unless you count yourself of course, then i have only met one, that being you." He chuckled.


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The Spectre shrugges lightly. "i wouldn't know, i have never been to one. I, too, had a troubled child hood. Minus the whole, being taken against your will thing." He said and brushed a bit of his hair out of his 'face'. "Yes, i have been told i am quite eloquent. So, good sir, what might i call my new acuaintance?"


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"You may call me Spectre" He said shaking the man's hand. "And i cant say that i have, for either. Why do you ask?" he said tilting his head ever so slightly.


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The Spectre blinked. "Uh... I'm not really into the whole picking up females from pubs, thing..." He said. "I mean don't get me wrong, i'm sure it's wonderful! but it really isn't my thing." He continued chuckling. Spectre took a few more sips of his water. He removed his gloves and gently set them onto the table. Spectre looked at Kyle. "Could you please hand me those napkins?" he said pointing to them with his thin, well manicured finger. One would think it was the hand of a female on how soft and well taken care of it looked.


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The Spectre looked where Kyle pointed. "Yes, she is pretty. But again, the picking up women thing isn't my 'bag' as it were." he said wiping his hands off and picking up his gloves. He slowly put them on and tucked the sleeves of his coat into them "What's wrong with my hands? There isn't anything wrong with taking care of yourself, besides all of the people i have been with like soft hands"


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The Spectre "How queer.." he said chuckling some beneath his mask. "I would assume you have some unnatural ability to regenerate, or you're even more doped up on pain medications than i am." He would laugh and take the man's sword and hold it over his companion's wrist. He swiftly brought the blade down slicing the man's hand off. "Or you're just completely mad... One of those, but i would assume the foremost mentioned one." He placed the blade onto the counter before them and stared at Kyle's stubs.


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The Spectre looked to Sammii. "Yes, she does seem kind of sweet. But i'm pretty sure she is a Lesbian..." He stated, Spectre had a really good gaydar. Partly because he could see it in the way they moved and the way they spoke. "And it also seems as though she is preoccupied at the moment, it would be rude to interrupt her." He said in a rather gentlemanly fashion. He looked at Kyle once more. "i hope you don't mind if i smoke" he said reaching into his coat and pulled out a five inch metal tube about as big around as a pencil led. At the south end of the tube there was a sort of chrome globe with what looked like tobbacco, but it smelled like marajuana and insense.


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The Spectre reached back into his coat and pulled out a lighter. He put the pipe inbetween the slit of the mask and his lips and turned it up side down. He flipped the top of the lighter and spun the flint, a small flame rose into the globe and caught his 'special' tobbacco a flame. once he had realized it he safely closed the lighter and tucked it away into his coat. He took a long draw from it and removed the pipe from his mouth. He held the smoke and slowly blew it out through the slit of his mask. "Starting to run a little low..."he said to himself. "Wonder if they have a special 'Indian Spices' store in Wing City..." he continued.


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walked into the bar, his thin pipe with the globe at the end in the slit of his mask. The odor of what smelled like Insense and Marajuana filled the area about him. He walked to the counter and sat at the stool he was sitting at before he had left. He took a long draw from the pipe and slowly blew the smoke out through the mouth slit of his mask. "just another day" he mumbled to himself.


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The Spectre silently stepped into the bar, his long thin metal pipe in the mouth slit of his mask. He slowly strolled to the counter and took a seat next to Fran, but he didn't really pay any mind to her. He took a couple of drags from his pipe and blew them into the air infront of him. Spectre looked to the robot bartender. "Don't care what it is... Just make it strong. Really strong." He said and put a few bills onto the counter before him.


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The Spectre sniffed. "Yeah... back on the subject of you having a child. You need help raising her?" He asked and leaned back in his chair. "Then i guess i got here just in time. heh. Hope you didn't eat it yet. Else i'd have to go in that stomach of yours and yank it out." He nudged Maelik in the belly.


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The Spectre staggered into the bar in his usual fatigues, though some parts were torn open or frayed, but that came with the job description. He didn't feel like going to the hospital, atleast not at that moment. After bumping heads with that samurai, he needed a drink, and a strong one. His mask was cracked slighly and there were cuts and scuff marks on his coat. He was missing one of his gloves and there was a little triangle cut out of the toe of his left boot. His pants from the knee up looked more dirty than torn up but, nothing a little washing detergent wouldn't fix. He walked over to the bar and sat down. He punched in his order and waited patiently.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Main Street


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The Spectre was in a near by alley beating up a thug. The blows and grunts of the thug were well with in ear shot. The white masked man finally threw the thug out of the alley and he hit a car. "Let that be a lesson to you. If I ever see you around this part of town again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Now, I'll be taking your money, and you go to your boss and tell him who did this to you." he said and plucked the man's wallet from his back pocket. He gave the thug a good hard kick before the man took off down the side walk. Spectre Removed all of the cash from the wallet and placed it into his pocket, simply dropping the leather wallet onto the ground. He was clad in his usual black uniform and white mask. Black hair draped down over the right half of the mask. He adjusted himself and proceeded down the sidewalk midning his own buisness.


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The Spectre sighed and decided to sit next to Kai on the bench. He cracked his neck and sat back. He plucked a long thin metal pipe from his pants pocket and a lighter. The pipe was about as big around as a #2 pencil lead and it had a sort of strange smell coming from it. He flipped the spur on the lighter and held the pipe over the flame. once there was a good ember going he placed the lighter back into his pocket and stuck the pipe between the lips of the mask to reach his own and took a couple of puffs. "mmmm." He sighed with content and removed the pipe. A rather thick smoke followed coming through the nostrils and mouth of the mask.


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The Spectre looked over, yellow-orange eyes peering at Kai through the eyeholes of his mask. "Move to the other side of me, That way you aren't downwind." He said and took another couple of puffs.


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The Spectre sniffed and put a thumb into the pipe to put the ember out. He quietly placed it back into his pocket. "What's a kid like you doing out this late?" He said looking over to the boy. He adjusted his mask a litte feeling it slide down just a tad.


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The Spectre chuckled. "Well, Be glad for what you have. You never know how much you loved something until it's gone." He smiled beneath his mask, but one couldn't really tell. Spectre stretched his arms far above his head and groaned aloud. "Oi... Man Beatin' that thug took alot out of me" he mumbled.