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The Suffering

An amalgam of everlasting torment.

0 · 190 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by RolePlayGateway, as played by Hyunshi



Because the collective of Maleficus is so potent in demonic essence, literally a brimming beacon of such, smaller portions of refined demonic energies are relinquished from his form and eventually begin a metamorphosis into it's own being. Such damned creatures are entitled "Hellspawn" and they may vary in all things from one another. These differences occur in appearance, intellect, moral, and even power.

The monstrosity being described here has been entitled The Suffering, and is another high ranking abomination belonging to the Hellspawn line of kin. Birthed forth from a pit of loathing, of never ending torment, comprised of the many souls who had resided there, contorted far beyond the point of recognition, it is what it's name implies; A collective of entities bound together in their eternal suffering. Naught else but pain is all they may know.

-Adaptive Evolution
-Biomass Manipulation


So begins...

The Suffering's Story


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#, as written by Dragon
"Ssssquarrrlechgrgle!" The ungodly wailing reached far into the distance, echoing endlessly into the night. The requiem of torment, the ballad of pain. Such enervating articulation was inhuman, pulled from the depths of this unholy creation, born from it's viscera and expelled outward from it's oral orifice along with remnants of bile and gore. The Suffering was was here.

From whence the screech originated seemed apparent; The Floor, or rather beneath it, within the confines of Gambit's basement. It lurked in hunger. Even with the absence of visual oculars, the creature could see the morsels which frolicked above, smell the enticing aroma of their flesh, wishing only to plunge mandibles into them and rend meat from bone. It would not be denied. Agitated, it would begin clawing at the wood which served as Gambit's floor, the anxious scratching resonating throughout the bar.


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#, as written by Dragon
The wooden barrier between it and it's meal provided a annoying hindrance in it's quest to feast, claws carving deep into the substance causing shaving to rain down upon it's fleshy constitution. It's cravings compelled it, literally forcing it to ravage the floor which obstructed it's path.

"Rrrrriiilllphranghhheesss!!" A second writhing screech escapes it as it continues, claws elongating and sharpening, becoming impressive and lethal tools of which to maim and rend with. Literally ripping chunks of the flooring down into the depths of darkness, it would finish with one finally mighty thrust of it's deadly appendage through the wood, letting the claw relish in success before retracting it back.


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#, as written by Dragon
With the newly created orifice within Gambit's floor, a waft of smells poured forth into the dusty basement, overwhelming the creatures senses with elation and casting it's mind into temporal ecstasy. It writhed and twitched in the dim lighting which entered with the variety of smells, snorting, grunting, and gurgling an unearthly bile all the while it's saliva dripped from it's 'face' to the floor, exuding a deathly stench.

A claw grasps the edge of the hole, followed by a second, both working in unison to lift the beast into the room with a bit of a struggle. With the sight of the many inhabitants about the establishment, it's performance became a mad dash of hunger. It sloppily scrambled upward, dragging itself out of the basement and onto it's feet before bursting into a sprint toward the closest individual to it; the machination, E.V.A.R.


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#, as written by Dragon
An obstacle? No, food. As Gabriel stepped into it's 'sights', the creature went mad, spewing forth an amalgam of substances from it's 'face' to the floor as it advanced, it's speed increasing, it's strike nearing. The creature was humanoid in concept but alien in design, appearing a contortion of flesh bound together by writhing sinews. It drew closer, swiping at the male's torso and head viciously with savage swings of it's claws.


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#, as written by Dragon
Lacking comprehensive skills, the creature could only grunt and squelch, bits of it's rancid saliva flinging from it's 'mouth' onto Gabriel's person. The stench alone was enough to bring one to their knees. With it's monstrous strength, The Suffering would begin to push against the two blades it's swipes were parried with, it's power comparable to small truck though quickly increasing.


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#, as written by Dragon
The flames did not discourage the monster as it gripped the blades tightly within it's titan's grasp as Gabriel meant to withdraw slightly, effectively stopping the motion and holding him in place. Pulling the blades in opposite directions, intending to force Gabriel to expose his torso, The Suffering would violently yank them toward it while driving it's right knee forward, a spiked protrusion jutting put from the appendage, adding to the lethality of the strike.


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#, as written by Dragon
The force field, although well utilized, would provide only a temporary escape from The Suffering's assault. With the male's weapons still in hand, the fire singeing the creature's flesh, it continued to pull Gabriel toward it while pushing the spiked protrusion erected from it's knee forward against the invisible field. It's power continued to increase, it's hunger empowering it, bestowing within The Suffering an iron resolve not to falter.


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#, as written by Dragon
The Suffering flung both weapons aside carelessly, creating makeshift flaming projectiles which were launched through the air, one careening toward the oblivious Claire Collins while the other toward Night Ceras. Even as Gabriel retreated, this abomination didn't relent, opting to charge forth instead. It's approach was swift, it's body low and parallel to the floor, claws drawn back ready to slash at the disarmed Gabriel. "Ssssrrrrnnnghlch!"


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#, as written by Dragon
The Suffering drew in fast, taking the blades head on, their edges digging only slightly into it's flesh before stopping against the surface of what seemed solid substance beneath. Disregarding the pain, it was nothing compared to what it has felt, the creature would use this opportunity to strike, it slashing viciously diagonally downward, intending to rend the flesh from Gabriel's chest. It hungered.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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#, as written by Dragon
The Suffering would have reached a new peak in it's rage while engaged in this conflict and, because of which, it would drive both of it's arms into the floor. The flooring would bulge with spikes as something raced beneath it's surface toward Gabriel, ripping them asunder as they approach. Dying down just short of where the male stood, an upheaval of stalagmites would thrust upward from the ground to stab into the ceiling, intending to impale Gabriel upon them as they did so.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dragon
"Ssssquarrrlechgrgle!" The ungodly wailing reached far into the distance, echoing endlessly into the night. The requiem of torment, the ballad of pain. Such enervating articulation was inhuman, pulled from the depths of this unholy creation, born from it's viscera and expelled outward from it's oral orifice along with remnants of bile and gore. The Suffering was was here.

From whence the screech originated seemed apparent; The Floor, or rather beneath it, within the confines of Gambit's basement. It lurked in hunger. Even with the absence of visual oculars, the creature could see the morsels which frolicked above, smell the enticing aroma of their flesh, wishing only to plunge mandibles into them and rend meat from bone. It would not be denied. Agitated, it would begin clawing at the wood which served as Gambit's floor, the anxious scratching resonating throughout the bar.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dragon
The wooden barrier between it and it's meal provided a annoying hindrance in it's quest to feast, claws carving deep into the substance causing shaving to rain down upon it's fleshy constitution. It's cravings compelled it, literally forcing it to ravage the floor which obstructed it's path.

"Rrrrriiilllphranghhheesss!!" A second writhing screech escapes it as it continues, claws elongating and sharpening, becoming impressive and lethal tools of which to maim and rend with. Literally ripping chunks of the flooring down into the depths of darkness, it would finish with one finally mighty thrust of it's deadly appendage through the wood, letting the claw relish in success before retracting it back.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dragon
With the newly created orifice within Gambit's floor, a waft of smells poured forth into the dusty basement, overwhelming the creatures senses with elation and casting it's mind into temporal ecstasy. It writhed and twitched in the dim lighting which entered with the variety of smells, snorting, grunting, and gurgling an unearthly bile all the while it's saliva dripped from it's 'face' to the floor, exuding a deathly stench.

A claw grasps the edge of the hole, followed by a second, both working in unison to lift the beast into the room with a bit of a struggle. It's progress would be hindered however by the divine intervention exercised by Amduscias. Agitated further by the ethereal obstruction, a single thrust would have lethal claws impaled partially through the barrier, amethyst crevices forming from them and spreading about the conjuration. Such deathly infection worked quickly to diminish it's strength, and with it, the Angel's hopes of keeping out The Suffering.

Relinquishing it's claws from the barrier to fall back to the floor beneath it, a mighty bound would propel the creature back up in ascension, it's body crashing through the afflicted barricade, razor digits plunging into the composition of the room's ceiling to hold steady the creature as it gazed about these surroundings in search for it's next meal.


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#, as written by Dragon
A very disgruntled sounds escaped the creature as it sniffed about it's vicinity, taking in the variety of aromas with each inhalation. With Amy's sudden burst from her position up the stairs, the creature's head jerked in her general direction; Muscles tensed, claws gripped tightly the wood they clung to. Amduscias weren't registered quite yet, but as he drew near with such heightened speeds, The Suffering would erupt from it's own position, it's speed nothing to laugh at.

Vanishing before The Angel's eyes, the foul creation would literally fling itself downward to the floor before ricocheting across a table, cracking the piece of furniture as it landed and breaking it to pieces with it's next jump, and continue forth toward the canine-esque female whom stood in it's path. Scythes erupted from it's forearms; Claws extending, sharpening, creating a jagged reversed edge to add to their lethality. She was in it's way and if she didn't move, it's wrath would be inflicted upon her.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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#, as written by Dragon
The creature spotted the approaching opposition and exploded into a fit of anger, enraged by the invasion of the territory it had claimed. As she would send her form careening toward it, The Suffering would step hard to it's right before twisting it's form, allowing hers to begin to continue by before thrusting it's left arm forward to drag it's jagged hooked claws into her form. If the edged curvatures connected, they would hook into her flesh before violently ripping whatever chunks out with her own speed added for assistance. And to worsen the blow, the scythe upon it's forearm would follow through, slicing into the open wound, should one form from the brief exchange. Amduscias would, with any luck, slam into her after that having been following behind the creature.


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#, as written by Dragon
Fangs plunged into the fleshy composition of the creature, a thick, sticky, and foul virulent bile gushing forth from the wounds into the canine's maw, mixing with her saliva as it clung to the inside of her mouth. Needless to say, such a disgusting substance was deadly poisonous, and would begin to eat away at her flesh from the inside as it infected the rest of her system. The wound present along her side were inflicted with this gunk as well, it mixing with her blood to thicken it and slowly clog her veins while devouring her tissue.

With it's current situation, the swipe issued forth toward it were impossible to dodge, her claws digging deep into it's torso and creating new faucets for the gunk within it to pour out. Nail-like protrusions, each several inches to a foot long, would thrust outward from the section of it's body currently entrapped within the female's mouth, intending to impale her maw while the creature itself began to furiously swipe at her, trying to claw flesh and muscle from her bones.


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#, as written by Dragon
As the canine would erect her stance upon hind legs, two rounds were fired toward The Suffering, the first barely grazing it, drawing it's attention to the female; The second catching it directly in the right side of it's chest, causing it to abruptly jerk back. Keeping it's footing, returning to it's feral stance, the girl vanished which left only the opposition before it. Slamming both hands into the flooring of Gambit's, vicious upheavals would begin to erupt as they headed toward her, the blackened stalagmite-like structures stabbing upward from the floorboards.


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Character Portrait: The Suffering
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#, as written by Dragon
The suffering vanishing into the floorboards, seemingly absorbed into the vast expanse of darkness. As Ruby would have dodged, the creature itself would form from the largest of the stalagmites from the waist upward, launching toward her position without the slightest hint of hesitation. It wouldn't relent; It didn't know how.

Her new found arrogance would likely get her killed, though who was to say. The virus coursing through her veins would now begin to truly take hold of her. Having melded the sanguine plasma within her, it would now become highly acidic and begin to eat away her insides. Guided forward with determined and hastened strides, The Suffering cleaved at her right hind leg, attempting to slice it free from the rest of her body.


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#, as written by Dragon
The director would shout the command and step down from his chair before approaching The Suffering who, at the time, had been removing his mask. "What happened?"
"I'm just not feelin' it, ya dig? We need something a bit more edgy... Something... Dramatic... I'm tired of this same ol' bar scene. How many fights have we filmed here? Most of them are crap!!"
"But... Sir. This was your idea..."
"Don't give me no back talk, rookie! Just shut up and look pretty." Dismissing the male, the man would step forward toward Ruby whilst lighting a cigarette. "Listen doll, you're a real treat. Wassit? Sapphire? Not important. Anyway you got spunk. I like you. Here, take my card and leave your information with my secretary." Without awaiting a response, he turned and began to wave off the rest of the camera crew and stagehands, dismissing them to pack the equipment and leave.


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#, as written by Dragon
"The latest CGI and 3D graphics and we still can't make a decent a movie!" The director raged on while caressing his temples, nearly overwhelmed by his own dramatics and what 'pressure' had built within his head because of it. A woman would approach him carrying several official forms and papers, her keen optics scanning over them. "Sir, why not just pick a different location?"
"It's not the location, sweetheart... It's the Fuckin' Actors! I swear, it's like Stephenie Meyer wrote this crud! What ever happened to the thrill of the performance? Being captured in the moment? Remember when we filmed "The Reign of Lucien"? The crowd went nuts!"
"Those were good times... I hear he has his own island nowadays... Takin' it easy."
"Pretentious fuck. And here I am stuck filming this...*sigh*... clear my meetings for today." With a disgruntled expression, the female simply nodded and fished her organizer from pocket and began to tap away on the keys.