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Theodore Stein

"Anything can be fixed,and everything can be improved. It's nothing that is truly perfect."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by duramon


Age: 17
Height: 5'6ft
Hair colour: Chocolate brown
Hair Length: Medium-short and wild
Eye colour: Pale green
Clothing: Theodore ussually wears a short-sleeved and collared white shirt and a black button up vest. Accompanied by a Black tie tucked under his vest and a leather holster around his shoulder's to hold his clockwork pistol.He has black and rather expensive looking pants accompanied by a matching belt that hold's his alchemy pouch.
Build: Slim but well-toned,He seems to work-out not to gain muscles but to keep his current physique.


Theodore is an unusually cheery teen,He lives by the rules of "Anything can be fixed,Everything can be improved" and so he's an incredibly curious being who is prone to bombarding people who catch his interest with questions. Otherwise he's quite the standard teenager,He likes to take risk's and is ussually in alot of trouble and although he's quite the pacifist he will defend himself and offer help to other's. His first resort is ussually trying to reason with people however and it ussually doesn't go the way he hopes,Causing him to have a strong hatred for all violence.

He's against alcohol but does not judge or condone people for drinking it or..for anything really. He prefer's to spend his time experimenting and discovering and just generally inventing thing's,Although as an inventor and realising his physical limitation's he is extremelly cautious and so plan's ahead for almost everything his mind can think of between waking up and walking through his front door.


A pair of high-tech Golden and black-leather goggles that ussually adorn his wild hair,Although they like most of his invention's appear quite normal looking.
An oddly sown together ipod that connect's to his ridiculously ornate and golden headphone's.
An alchemical pouch filled with various herbs,vials,and potion's for almost any situation.
A clockwork pistol that seem's far more advanced then its appearances allow to be known.

Abilities: (All of Theodore's powers are technology based and any abilities acquired after my creation of him will still be so,However magical they seem.)

Broken Man's Stitches
Torn from either his clothing or his own body,Perhap's even a supply hidden upon his person is razor sharp and nigh unbreakable wire,Theodore can control the wire to deadly efficiency,Setting trap's and using the wire to cut through object's. The wire itself is made of a conductive but heat-resistant material discovered by Theodore in his laboratory,and glow's a luminent blue when charged.

Soul's Currency
Flipping a small coin into the air,If Theodore manage's to catch it a small device within the coin allow's him to harvest his soul into an energy form. Using it to attack and knockback his opponent's through his palm's or occassionally other limb's such as his knee's or feet. The energy itself is enough to break bones upon first contact and upon hitting the force is amplified with the target's soul to then force the target to be blown back until they hit a solid object or travel seven metres from the point of first contact. However the attack is draining and can only be used a maximum of six times.

Unpredictable Predictability
Being prepared for anything has it's perks,and after several experiments upon his own body,Theodore can occassionally foresee attack's,This is a rare occasion however and ussually only allow's him to avoid one lethal blow per battle if his body is still moveable. Being prepared for everything also mean's that a variety of poisons,potions and acids are available within his pouch. This ability can also be reverse engineered by Theodore to allow him to forgo any Moral or Emotional boundaries and to unweave the many stitches placed through-out his body,increasing his speed and releasing the restriction's placed upon his logical brain. Making his attack's and actions truly unpredictable and wild but not anymore effective then previously.

Theodore is a scientific prodigy for his age,and so he has many item's and abilities unique to himself,An expert hacker and logical thinker he has excellent problem solving skill's and is prone to experimenting on everything and anything including himself. Occasionally causing his abilities to be utterly randomized or for him to be able to do thing's he could not previously for a day as he experiments with the effect's of various surgery's and alchemical solutions. On occasion he will decide an abilitity is worth keeping with it's pro's and cons and will write it in his journal (Here).

So begins...

Theodore Stein's Story


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#, as written by duramon
Theodore Stein strolled into the bar,his gun jostling in it's holster and poking into his side as he walked. He observed the bar as he made his way to the centre,pulling up a chair and falling into it,leaning back in the seat and placing his legs upon the table as he lit a cigarette and took a slow drag of it. Utterly relaxed


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Waving happily to the new-comer,Theodore ends up falling off his chair and rolling into a standing position by the bar,apparently he was prepared for that. "Hello! I'm glad your here I was starting to think I'd spend the evening alone." He would say as he put out his cigarette thinking it rude to have it encase they disliked such things.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Grinning charmingly he waved at the air almost dismissively "Perhaps I'm just well-prepared?,Or extremelly lucky" He would say,offering a hand out to her in a gentlemanly manner "The names Theodore,Theodore Stein but you can call me either Theo or Stein"


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Gently pulling at her hand in a simple gesture,as if to ask her to come closer. He bowed slightly "It's a pleasure to meet you White Crow and You have arrived at the perfect moment,When I was seeking good company" smiling gently he rose from the bow.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Releasing her hand he shrugged "I had enough of my lab for atleast a day and I heard this place has quite the reputation,besides,If my experiments can succeed when I didnt even kniw they were expirements surely I can handle a conversation" smiling gently he fiddled with his tie out of impulse to making his outfit symmetrical "What abiut you?"


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
"Aaah,I see. i apologise for taking you away from the fire then,even if for but a moment," moving after her towards the fire he offered another smile "Am I bothering you at all?"


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Taking the out-stretched hand he gave a small querky smile as he sat by the fire,Releasing the hand once he had sat properly. "I'm not sure what tales I can tell,I spend most of my time in my lab experimenting,inventing,discovering. I'm abit of a Science Geek I spose. I did invent these recently though!" He would say,flicking a pair of golden and Black-leather goggles over his eyes,several frames shifting and flickering rapidly over the lenses,distorting the actual air infront of the frames in various way's,From giving it a blue-ish hue to just making it wave a little. "They help me see in almost every situation imaginable...I think,I haven't really tested them yet" He would say grudgingly as he flicked them back ontop of his wild and unkempt hair.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Theodore Stein allow's her to touch the goggles,happy someone was even interested in his inventions. Most seemed bored by his rambling's "I suppose I am in a way,Although I basically haven't left my lab since the day I was born,I mean the occasional trip outside for resources but...This is my first real interaction with anyone besides my father or my sister. The lab is wondrous for me but..Not so sure about others" Offering an extremelly shy smile he awkwardly fiddled with his tie again,trying to get to sit perfectly in the centre of his outfit.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Frowning as she messed up his tie,he hit himself in the side of the head like he was an utter idiot before pressing his finger to the top of his tie,Causing it to automatically centre itself absolutely perfectly "Aaah...Much better,and no I sadly do not. I haven't seen another single living person since I turned ten,My father was obsessed with making me study,and experiment. I'm his legacy so...he decided what I did with my life,When he left this world I just,continued on with it...It's all I've ever known after all" Smiling happily as he finished the sentence,apparently unphased by his childhood experience "What about you? How do you spend your time?"


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Stroking his chin,Theodore placed his palm under one elbow,leaning on it in thought before he spoke "I see,I do much the same on the odd occassion I leave my lab,Although as I said I havent seen another living person since I was ten. Plenty of animal's however,a few of them talked but..I might just be going a bit insane from all those years spent inside"

Noticing her smile had vanished,he tried to think of something,anything to say to make her feel better "Why do you have to wander?,If you want to help people you can become a druid. Commune with nature,help people and still adventure in the local area. I'm not sure how good the idea is's an option I guess?" Shyly ruffling his hair after he suggested the idea,his goggles were knocked from the back of his head causing him to turn around and frantically fiddle with them incase they had broken.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Finding his goggle's intact he raised an eye-brow as he turned to her "In what way?...No house?,No world?..No realm?...I can help you know,If you want me to. All I do is invent and experiment I'm sure given the right time materials and workers it's possible to fix it. Anything can be fixed." Offering a kind smile he slipped the goggles back onto his head.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Blushing heavily as she placed her hands onto his,He smiled briefly before fumbling quite embarrasingly with his word's,followed by a similar fumble with his vest and shirt "I-I maybe, I,I mean..It's..ummmm,possibly..May-Maybe,Umm..." After giving up on speaking he finnally managed to undo his vest and shirt,Revealing a long cut across his chest,intersecting his heart and careering across his ribs. Stitched shut by some form of black-wire. "My Great Grandfather...umm...he did it didn't end well but that...that was hundreds of years ago! Maybe I can..I can do better?...maybe?" Blushing extremelly brightly and his arm's waving about as he tried to talk. He fell silent eventually and awkwardly stared.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
"But...It's not fair...There are thing's running around that aren't apart of life and..They..." Blushing heavily when he realized she had leaned in towards him he couldn't really speak anymore just mouth words and stare as he attempted uselessly to get the ability to speak back.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
Theodore Stein blushes insanely brightly as she kisses him on the cheek,Flailing rapidly and falling onto the floor,before recomposing himself and scooting over to her again,Re-buttoning his shirt and vest "I'm...I'm sorry for your loss...Nobody should ever lose a loved matter who they are" Grimacing outside of her view he morphed it into a sad smile instead when he moved a little closer to the fire.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Awakening by the fireplace was a teenager,Wiping the drool from his mouth awkwardly and seeming to search around for someone. Dissapointed to not find them he simply stood looked around the room with an extremelly nervous look upon his face and then found a chair near the middle of the bar to sit in.

"Uuh...Hello fellow patron's!..I guess.." He would say as he leant back in his chair,cupping his hand around the cigarette he had produced from his pocket and lighting it. Taking a long drag from his cigarette he would quickly put it out,realizing that this might be a no smoking bar.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Falling off his chair as he leant to far back,He rolled into an upright position as if he tottally meant to do that,Strolling over to inspect the skull of the now dead man. Wanting to see the effect's of a pick-axe on the brains function's.

"May I?,I mean,May I take the body? It would make for good research." He would say as he approached the man who had done the killing before turning to the apparently one normal man in this bar "Oh! We have a universe hopper it seems,Welcome to Gambit's. Atleast one person dies per day apparently,and fights are expected regularly. It's almost tradition" Offering a charming smile he turned back to the body and probbed at the loose pieces of skull.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by duramon
Noticing the drunk man's entrance and his meander over to the corpse,he had gladly decided to move away. Prepared for the fact that drunk as he looked he WAS going to urinate on that body he wanted so badly. Sadly accepting the fact as the man unzipped his pants he turned and stalked away,over to the one normal man in the bar. Pulling up a chair near him and wiping the blood off his hand's onto a small hankerchief he had produced from his pockets.

"Well..That was dissapointing,But hello!,Don't worry about that kind of thing. Aslong as you don't annoy anyone or sit in the center of the bar you'll be fine. It IS possible to just enjoy an evening by the fireplace aswell but,it might be a bit toasty during heat days" Smiling charmingly he offered his now clean hand "Theodore Stein at your service."


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Smiling he would lean back in his chair yet again,obviously used to falling off of it enough that he didn't care for the danger of it happening again.

"I'm a Scientist,Artificer and a tid bit insane by normality standard's. I like experiments,and interesting things." He would say before pushing off the table and crossing his legs as the back of the chair hit the floor. Still perfectly in the position as if he had been sitting upright but he now looked at the ceiling and Ipecac.

"Hello there friend,Was the body still good after that?,and How did you eat it so quickly? I apologise but I haven't seen your kind yet."


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Theodore Stein shoots back up on his chair,apparently having attached wires to the leg's and table in-which to do so "A book store! Did they have any book's on Necromancy?,The effects of elongated exposure to dragon fire on draconian scale armour?,Perhap's a list of species discovered in The Butcher's Teeth?!" Obviously excited his arm's waved back and forth as he spoke before turning the chair around and adressing the creature again.

"A dragon?!,You can do that?..I wonder..May I get a DNA sample from you? Or an interview? Maybe I can make some armour for you,or Alter your DNA to give you natural armour or...Oh! Clone you! Those jaws are amazing,Were you born with them?" Obviously extremelly happy with both conversation's he grinned widely and frantically looked back and forth between the two.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Stein
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#, as written by duramon
Pondering the offer for a moment he glanced toward's Tim,An inquisitive look upon his face before he dismissed the thought,Tim was far too fleshy and besides he had just wasted that man's money on steak it wouldn't entirely be fair.

"Hmm...Someone for you to eat...Hmm..You could eat..Hmmm...Tim is definetely too fleshy uuuh...I'm afraid I can't think of anyone besides one of the servers or perhaps a random patron who doesnt have the ability to level this building." He would say as he shrugged and offered a small smile.

"Blah Magic rings..I'm a Scientist,Magic is for study and replication in a technological manner,Observe" He would say as he turned directly to Tim holding Razor-Sharp wire in an intricate pattern between his now closed hand's. Sending a charge of electricity through them via a device attached to his palm's causing the wire to glow a luminent blue and sparking eletricity wildly around his hands.