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A Writer from a lost world, who seeks to bring about the birth of a new Age. He is marked to remain a mere spirit until his task is complete.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Sibylline Oracle


Gender: Male

Age: Immortal (appears to be 43)

Height: 178 cm (5' 10")

Weight: 153 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Grey

Species: Material Phantom of a Ronay

Personality: Holds a rather grim countenance, he could be seen as the archetypal knight in sour armor if it weren't for the fact that he truly believed there was hope in even the darkest of realms. Rather cantankerous at times, though he does have a fatherly outlook on those he respects. He takes care of others whenever possible, but not to the degree of total naivety. Not beyond using questionable tactics in either a negotiation or a fight, his only creed is pragmatism. Investigative and always vigilant, he may sometimes be considered a detective. Prefers to nod silently when showing his acquiescence. Often prefers discussing business over personal affairs, but is always willing to listen when others speak.

Abilities: Always carries an ancient tome with him. If touched by another, its pages are blank. However, To'raht can use it as a linking book to return to his own 'world' when needed.

Background: To'raht was born in the Age of Garternay, 137 years before the evacuation to Terahnee. He grew up with his mother, a priestess in the city-state of Klermac. When he was five, his mother disappeared, and he was taken in by an aging prophet named Tegren. On his twenty-third birthday, he saw the town destroyed by an earthquake and was forced to flee with Tegren to Gahropat, which used to be the center of a great empire. After settling down, he met a Writer named Armus, who met with Tegren over a matter of "grave importance". Shortly after, Tegren took To'raht to the noble Kli'net, who sponsored To'raht for the city's Guild of Writers. As a result, To'raht moved to the guild's headquarters in the coastal district and studied under the apprenticeship of O'pai and Janus, both Writers who were known to have written several Ages used for religious rituals.

Becoming a great Writer in his own right, To'raht's first Age was a garden world called Laia, named so after a girl that had caught his attention. Their first date took them to that world, against the warnings of the Guild. When they tried again a month later, they were stopped by the Guild commissioner, Fo'rah. After receiving a severe reprimand, To'raht was sent away to serve as an apprentice to Indrais in the newly-built city of Nemaht. While there, he buried himself in his work and refused to leave the temple for many weeks. Finally, when he heard of the arrival of Tegren in the city, he emerged but found himself distrusted by the rest of the community. In an incident where several citizens assaulted him, breaking one of his arms in the process, To'raht left the city and wandered into the mountains, where he hoped to become a hermit and live alone the rest of his days.

Instead, he met Ja'gon, a fledgling young man from a tribe among the People of the Rock. Together, they traveled north into the forests of Mi'ritrai and found Armus, who lived in a sanctuary called Agog. Armus' attempt to return To'raht to Gahropat included a reason To'raht couldn't accept. Disgusted by what he thought was "pure heresy", To'raht left Ja'gon behind to continue searching for a place to call his own. Instead, his journeys brought him to the door of O'lia D'ama, the Sibyl of the Shrine at Yir'va, a sanctuary located at the foot of a mountain some distance northwest of Agog. For the next fifty years, he served at the Shrine, even after O'lia left to help Ri'neref finish the Age of D'ni. During that time, he stayed in contact with Ja'gon and met his old friend many times in the village of Pa'mos, on the periphery of Lake Ilko.

Forty years into his service, To'raht learned of Laia's death after a plague had struck Gahropat and several other cities. He mourned for several years, but eventually had to move on when O'lia asked him to be her voice to the priests of the Sanctuary on Jel'ga Mountain. While there, he gained a new appreciation for the religious beliefs of his people, and when he returned, he held on to the belief that Laia was still alive in the Perfect Age, and they would meet again after death. Ten years following O'lia's departure, news reached To'raht of a miracle worker in Gahropat who cured many of the plague. Wishing to see for himself, he made the journey back to his ancestral home and found that the miracles were carried out by an otherworldly priest calling himself a Prior, who preached that the miracle was due to some gods called "the Ori".

Curious, but also skeptical, To'raht followed the crowd when they gathered at the foot of Mount Devokanth ("The Place of One Hope") and watched as the Prior debated with the High Priestess O'okta. Finally, when it appeared that the King wouldn't support any further proselytizing from the Prior, the mysterious benefactor raised his staff and apparently caused the sun to turn red. Most people didn't realize it at first, but as the plague began to ravage the city once more, astronomers confirmed their worst fears: the sun was now dying, and soon the world of Garternay would be no more. When the city erupted into chaos, To'raht was already back at Yir'va attempting to write an Age he could escape to. Instead, as the world was torn between supporters of the Ori and those still loyal to Yahvo (god of the ronay), Ja'gon traveled to Yir'va and revealed that Armus' work was at a crucial stage - all they needed was someone to protect it from the Ori's followers. Initially unconvinced of its importance, To'raht only accepted after visiting a world that had almost fallen to several chaotic 'deities': the Age of Hyrule.

To'raht took up the task Ja'gon handed him and first traveled to D'ni with the rest of Rineref's supporters in Gahropat. This was at the time the first Ori made themselves known, assaulting the city of Gahropat alongside their supporters. Once safely in D'ni, he rejoined the Guild of Writers with Rineref's support. O'lia eventually disappeared, leaving behind her youngest daughter, Tereh'sa, whom To'raht eventually adopted and treated as his own child. He also became the mentor and teacher of Ja'gon's grandson, R'ive, who joined the Guild the day he was old enough. During this time, To'raht visited the Age of Hyrule several times since Ja'gon fled there prior to the fall of the city. He monitored the development of Ja'gon's half-Hylian son, a boy named Selar, in the hopes he would be one of his successors in the project Ja'gon left him.

On the day that he sent Tereh'sa to join several other priestesses in an early colonization effort to the Age of Al'yon, To'raht also reluctantly dismissed R'ive from the Guild of Writers and sent him to live with his aunt O'kalah. Afterward, when the only link to Al'yon was lost, he involved himself in a conspiracy with D'ama's other disciples in an effort to restore Al'yon's linking book. Little did he realize, their leader, Da'rea, was being controlled by a parasite known as a Goa'uld. Angry with the Guild of Writers, D'ama's disciples began a revolt against Rineref, which caused the deaths of many Writers, including O'kalah, during their efforts to find and collect numerous Ages considered 'heretical' by the Guild of Maintainers. He only saved R'ive's life by revealing the existence of the "One Mandate" (the project he left in part to R'ive) to Da'rea. Whilst R'ive and Da'rea fled to the surface alongside several conspirators, To'raht was one of those captured and forced into exile on the distant Age of Sumaris.

After another thirty years, To'raht died during a cave-in. When he awoke, he'd been transported to a strange island existing in a mystic void. There, he found a renewed sense of purpose and agreed to assist the island's curator by traveling through the mortal realms in an immortal (but material) form in search of those with certain potential... the ability to complete the One Mandate and end the terror of the esoteric Omega and its Shadow.

So begins...

To'raht's Story