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Trooper Marcus Salazar

"'Serve the Emperor,' they said. 'Rest assured the Emperor's holy work will be waiting for you,' they said. What a crock."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by The 275th


Soldier's Particulars
To be completed on day of inauguration by attached Commissar.
Name: Marcus Salazar - Sex (M/F)
Serial Number: 1935728-6983251
Rank: Private
Grade: I
Height: 1.83 m
Weight: 85 kgs
Distinguishing Marks: Usually grimacing
Age: 24
Born (Place) (Date): Cadia Prime, Cadian Sector, Cadian Subsector, Segmentum Obscurus
Company Number/Name: The 275th Imperial Legionnaires
Watch code: Potato

Soldier's Medical Details
To be compiled after full examination by platoon chief medic, in conjunction with any existing and available medical archives.
Previous Ailments: Anger issues
Disabilities: N/A
Prosthetic/Mechanical Limbs/Organs/Compensators: Mechanical thumb
Time of Application: Five minutes
Assimilation Procedure: Cooking accident
Convalescence Duration: N/A
Psychosis Level: Unstable Minoris
Psychic Profile: Negligible




List of Attire

  • Combat Fatigues
  • Shirt
  • Undershirt
  • Underclothes
  • Greatcoat
  • Rain Overalls
  • Combat boots and laces
  • Full body flak armour
  • Webbing
  • Leg gaiters
  • Belt and holsters
  • Bandolier
  • Field rucksack w/straps
  • Helmet w/micro bead pick-up
  • Cooking Helmet w/micro bead pick-up & Morius Mk. VIII Filter

List of Arms/Ammunition/Maintenance of
  • Short pattern M-G standard Lasgun
  • Spare power packs X4
  • Long pattern bayonet/combat knife w/sheath
  • Autopistol w/5 spare clips and holster
  • Frag grenades X4
  • Blessed Range Finder
  • Lasgun maintainance kit, consisting of-
    • Blessed Sight Calibrator
    • Sanctioned cleaning agent
    • Oiling agent
    • Bottle of Sacred Unguent of Cleansing
    • Bottle of Sacred Oil of Lubrication
    • Tin of Blessed Sealing Wax
    • Blessed soft-cloth for swabbing
    • Muzzle rod and swab
    • Holy toolbox w/repair instruments
    • Spare lasgun stock (engraved with icon of faith)
    • Spare lasgun barrel (engraved with icon of true-shot)

List of Tools
  • 9-70 entrenching tool
  • Hand axe
  • Multi-purpose tool kit
  • Standard issue lamp-pack

List of Medical Supplies
  • Standard swabs
  • Salt tablets
  • Water purifying tablets
  • Food supplement tablets
  • Guard issue medi-pack consisting of-
    • Guaze/bandages (blessed)
    • Vein clamps (Sterilized)
    • Lotion of embalm
    • Phials of morphia X4
    • Sterilized fluid of cleansing
    • Cleansed surgical grapple
    • Synth-skin canister
    • Sanctioned insect repellant
    • Blessed lotions, acids, alkali, medical tonics, tablets and internal cleansers (for enema administration)

List of Other Items
  • Sand bags X4
  • Mess kit (spoon, knife, fork, mug, tray)
  • Canteen
  • Collapsible Water bag
  • Canvas sack
  • Blanket
  • Sleep bag
  • Field glasses
  • Gas respirator w/ Morius Mk. VIII filter
  • Spare boot laces
  • Dry rations
  • Dog tags
  • Tent w/pole, rope and pins
  • Whistle
  • Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
  • Adhesive tape
  • Tinder box
  • Grooming kit, consisting of-
    • White soap
    • Dry scrub brush
    • Shaving brush
    • Razors X2
    • Toothbrush
    • Tooth powder
  • Cooking kit, consisting of-
    • Knife kit (Boning knife, Chef's knife, Cleaver, Filet knife, Paring knife, Serrated knife, Carving knife, Steak knife, Utility knife X5)
    • Pots & Pans (X5, various sizes)
    • Portable Stove

So begins...

Trooper Marcus Salazar's Story


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar ends up grumbling to himself as he walks towards the counter, wishing he'd seen that pair coming. Of course he lost; he always lost at cards, no matter how good his hand seemed to be. The laughter behind him eventually died away as the men began their first real game, starting the betting off at ten thrones each. The Corporal usually won, the bastard.

But that was just Marcus being Marcus at that point, bitterly hating everything as he finally reached the counter. Looking around, he wonders if he should speak to one of the Servitors wandering around, or... what. It hadn't occurred to him. For a soldier in His glorious army, he looked positively lost at that point.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar seemed a bit surprised at the fact that a human- or what looked like one (he wasn't forgetting yesterday evening)- seemed to be acknowledging him. Resisting the urge to salute at being referred to as Soldier, he nods in place of the action. "Yeah, actually, I could use some help. Wanted to order some drinks for my squad, but... not really sure how to go about doing it here."

The young man was very obviously checking out the kindly bartender, either lacking the manners or intelligence to at least hide the fact. "Maybe you could help me out," he decides happily, recognizing at least the fact that she worked there.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar was only half paying attention to the assistance she was providing him, as after all, he was a young man and there was a woman leaning over the counter in front of him. Still, as a Guardsman he was quite adept at soaking up information, so he at least wouldn't have to have her tell him the whole thing again. "Huh," he responds as she finishes, actually looking at the machine. "Seems a bit... sophisticated. All the same, uh, do you have any Amasec?" Looking back towards the woman, and noticing she was looking at him, he decides not meet her gaze rather than catch another eyeful downward. His face, as it might be seen under his helmet, was rather soft looking but pale, with a pair of dark brown eyes over his long nose. "Oh, and, do you take Thrones as payment," he asks additionally, tilting his head and sticking a hand up the left side of his helmet to scratch idly.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

"Bloody hell," Marcus replies interestedly. He was never one for technology- always left that crock to the other lads unless it had to do with cooking- but this was something even the prospect of a lovely woman could not distract him from. With the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store given free reign, he decidedly punches in the number twenty for Amasec, then goes back to find a drink apparently called Wildsnake, which he orders five of. "Oh man, this is brilliant," he exclaims, grinning like a nut.

He then proceeds to look for food, going so far as to order a practical banquet of Grox steaks, mashed potatoes and various greens. "This'd solve all my problems with making food for the lads it would," he remarks gleefully. "How do I finish the order again?" He'd neglected to notice the combined order had reached a likely staggering threshold, but 'Galactic Standard Dollars' apparently had no meaning to him.

Meanwhile, back at the Guardsmen's table, the games were still going on with all the ruckus one would expect of a handful of soldiers on leave. Now that the Commissar had apparently gotten the stick out of his arse, he was just as rowdy as the rest of them, slugging shoulders and calling names.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar had a fair amount to react to at that time; there was his hand being grabbed, which was a sort of nice thing even if he was wearing gloves, so he wouldn't get the full feeling of it. Then there was the hundred and fifty thrones it would cost for the meal, which was a bit of a downer. Then of course after that was the random girl next to him, who was complaining about his lack of knowledge with the machine; and before he could retort, the bartender spoke for him.

Deciding to leave it at that and give his attention to the tender, for whom he was steadily gaining some respect, he smiles a bit. "Alright, yeah, I guess I'll have to. How do I bring it down to... uh, seven bottles of Amasec and one of Wildsnake," he asks, this time purposefully trying to sound like a cute idiot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar grins as he goes about making sure he didn't bankrupt himself, and more pleased with the bill, hits 'Confirm order' as he was instructed, while placing a bit more than the Thrones necessary on the counter; they were moderately sized coins with the visage of the Holy Emperor on one side, and the Imperial Aquila on the other. "A bit of a tip for you, too," he adds in a quasi-charming voice, leaning away from the counter and giving the woman an appraising look.

"So... I guess you'll want to go about helping your other customers," he decides, at least smart enough to not try directly to get in front of the line of duty. "But if you're not too busy, or get off work soon... maybe you could come see me and the other lads at our table," he offers with a poorly played wink as he gestures to the table where the other Guardsmen were still playing Cadia Hold'em. "Just ask for Marcus, if you can't tell us apart." It was hard to tell if he was joking, but something in his tone seemed to imply that he wasn't; though all things considered, he was the youngest man present, and the least scarred.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar smiled in return to the woman, intending to enjoy her visit to the table. Turning away as she scoops up the money and goes to fetch their drinks, he grins down at the woman who'd spoken up earlier, Kayla, and simply sticks his tongue out at her. "You're just jealous," he says with a dumb grin on his face.

After making his way back to the table, he would be sure to sit down and look as casual as possible; the others were in the midst of a hand already, but Sweepers took the time to glance over at him, noticing the self-pleased expression. "What is that about, Potato? Look like you did a line of Sniff-musk."
Marcus laughs in return, "No, just figured out some new technology is all, makes me happy."
Sweepers and a couple other soldiers simply laugh at him, able to see through him easily enough; especially when the waitress showed up, and Marcus proceeded to beam at her expectantly. The card game was put on hold for a moment as each man accepted their drink, some more dutifully than others.

As the topic of the Wildsnake came up, Marcus clears his throat. "That's for me to sample, and then deliver to base camp," he replies boldly. Sweepers snorts in amusement and slugs him on the arm, forcing him to wince in pain from the augmented muscular strength. "Right, tough guy. You can't handle even a swig of that, if my nose does not lie!"

"Oh yeah," Marcus responds challengingly, rubbing his wounded shoulder. "Give it here then," he orders of the bartender. When she hands it off, he puts the bottle to his lips, then nearly drops it and covers his nose to prevent a shot of blood covering the table. "Gaaagh," he shouts while the others laugh.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar was still covering his bleeding nose, glaring at the bottle of Wildsnake; it did have a real, venomous snake in it, but it was dead. The sheer power of the poison was what did that to him, he decided. "Bloody 'ell, fraggin' dring's strong," he decides, allowing the reflexive response of Sweepers next to him to plug his nose with swabs from his med-kit. Even now they were following training to some degree.

"Very impressive Potato," Sweepers teases as he plugs up the Guardsman's nose. The others had already begun to drink their Amasec, grateful for the flavour of it.
"Ahh, shuddup," Marcus responds dimly, taking a drink of his own bottle, carefully setting the Wildsnake aside to take back to base- it'd certainly please their Catachan companion.

The card game was seemingly going in favor of the Corporal at the time being, who was sitting with a completely blank expression, a considerable stack of thrones next to him. "I still don't know how the hell you do it," Dunkel remarks sadly, having just lost yet another hand.

"Just lucky I s'pose," Vidius responds with a simple shrug. His eye had been caught by the entrance of a man with his own set of cards, that curiously seemed to draw his attention. Marcus, having had his nose sufficiently plugged while he waited for the blood to stop, peered back over to the counter to see Valeria busying herself about. Sighing, he shrugs inwardly, and looks instead to the woman he'd mocked, wondering if his chances would fare better there. Such was the lot of a young, not-yet-jaded Guardsman.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar had by this time stopped bleeding out the nose, and so discarded of the cotton swabs and looked towards the new man who had yet to introduce himself. Seeing as he was looking to play cards- and considering that Marcus' intentions for the night had changed drastically- he excuses himself silently and makes his way back to the bar, walking as nonchalantly as he could- though he still looked like a well trained soldier, of course.

Gabriel laughs, not used to others actually using most of his full title. "You may call me Gabriel, if you'll give me a name to call you in turn."


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar mumbles something about not being a Corporal, while Charles also grumbles something along the same lines, though with less approval. "Yeah, staying in," Charles says speaking up. Similar answers crop up around the table as each man looks forward to the cards about to come up.

Aside from the Corporal, who was looking at the cards with a curiosity that seemed to suggest he was extremely interested in them, but that was just his strange level of sanity for you there. When the random woman entered the bar, he was the only man at the table who seemed particularly interested in her, though choosing between the interesting cards and the strangely alluring woman was difficult.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

"Me too," decides the Vox-trooper, who happened to be sitting to Patch's left. A similar chorus follows suit, with each man holding; such was usually how the first round went, waiting till the end to knock eachother out. "Might as well throw down the next two," Enrico, the man laden with weapons calls out in a gruff, deep voice. "These women never want to pay for the drinks."


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar grins. "Nope! Pair Jacks," he says triumphantly, throwing down his hand. "But at least now I know you don't have the last ten!" He watches eagerly as he waits for Patch to show his cards, and to claim his winnings. Andre, too, was watching with interest what the final show of hands would reveal.

Vidius seemed to pick up on Maelik's images of destroying him, as he looked up at the terrifying form of the Daemon lord with the light of fear in his eyes. Then, however, he had that pressuring from the Warp, or so he thought it was; and that was not usually something to ignore, as it had helped him out of worse in the past.

"Hey, wait," he decides, reaching out and grabbing Rydia's hand- it wasn't particularly hard of a grab, but it was enough to prevent her moving away unless she struggled particularly. This would prove to be a bad idea, given the events that were likely to unfold.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar laughs triumphantly. "Yes, those are the rules exactly! I win! Oh, by the Glorious Emperor!" With another laugh, he begins to collect the coins; which really all things considered weren't that big on the winnings, but it was clear Marcus was not a man who won very often.

Andre, for his part, seemed to have confirmed his thoughts for the time being and starts collecting the cards to let Sweepers shuffle. "Lucky lad, just lucky," Sweepers says, shoving Marcus playfully. "Luck nothing! I've skill, is all it is."

The sudden influx of power sent Vidius stepping back a few paces, which was fortunate as the Daemon lord stood between him and the woman. "Oh no. Now there are three of you," he says haltingly, clutching his helmet. In a quiet, whimpering tone, he continues. "Sir. I believe there has been a breach of judgement." Of course, none of the soldiers at the table would hear the cry for help. Instead, Vidius' eyes were locked on Maelik, with a curious defiance in his eyes. For the benefit of Maelik and Rydia, the Guardsman seemed to have three conflicting powers in his aura at that time, were their senses acute to it.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

"You're on," Marcus says without hesitation. Andre laughs, thinking he might have an idea of what was going on, while Gabriel drifts his eyes away from Vipteri, the strangely Inquisitor-like woman, to smile at Patch. "Sure, I'm sure it will be fun." And so, rather than let Marcus deal, the deck returns to Patch's hands. "Let's get this started."


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar snickers. "Not in the least." The first round of betting took place with little action, everyone placing the eight chips required for blind, so it would come back around to Patch with gratifying speed.

"You order me," Vidius asks, as if actually confused by it. "You... dare to order me? A simple fledgling of power to the almighty that is..." He pauses as the word comes out like 'Khtch.' At that point he seems to realize himself again, falling to one knee and making the sign of the Holy Aquila on his chest and muttering the Oath of Loyalty, to no-one in particular.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar somehow managed to keep a straight face. "Yeah, s'pose so," he decides. Of course, it wasn't his bet yet. Deciding to stay in the game for now, Dunkel places down his eight Thrones, followed in suit by the rest of the Soldiers, until it once again reached Patch. Despite his show of face, Marcus was quite obviously pleased with his hand, though some of the others felt they had a chance at least, apparently.

Vidius was meanwhile still lost in his litanies, and by that point either fighting inwardly or else completely lost to the world in general, though he was steadily growing more quiet, and the power flow within being subdued to some degree by one.

Gabriel, while still in the game, was noticing with some degree of interest that the woman he had been eying was paying no small attention to his group, as well. He also began to realize that he had not heard of Vidius in some time, and so his gaze shifted momentarily to the Daemon towering over him. His shift in attention then attracted that of Charles, who bristles somewhat and looks to the Commissar for orders, which for the time being, he did not give.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar gave no attention to anything else at that point, as he was intent on winning. With the next card on the table, the people between he and Patch simply checked; but he boldly put in eight Thrones, which prompted most of the others to bail out, excluding Enrico, back to Patch's turn.

Vidius had finally managed to calm himself enough to stand; and as he stood, he appeared stronger in himself, with a furious glare at Maelik borne of a hatred deeper than could have been acquired from such small interactions. "You have no power over me, Slave of Chaos." The clarity with which he spoke was perhaps a bit unsettling, if one was familiar with the usual broken speech pattern he used. "But I will stay my hand and allow you to depart unscathed... Both of you," he adds, flicking his gaze to Rydia before turning away as they depart.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

"Eight thrones," Marcus throws in before even allowing the three between he and Patch to fold; of course, they did after that, and thus the game would reach a sound conclusion. "Read 'em and weep," Marcus shouts, throwing down his pair kings. "Full house, ace high." He seemed quite pleased with himself with that, though as he finally looked at the cards on the table he realized the possibility of defeat... slim as it was.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar snickers to himself as he gathers up all the winnings, at first ignoring the cards placed in front of him. "Man, I'm on a roll tonight," he decides, chuckling merrily. The others at the table were similarly impressed, if only that he had actually won twice in a row. "Alright, let's get the next round started," Marcus says with a grin. Picking up the cards, he decides to look at the pair his foe had had... and blinks. Simply blinks.

The change in expression was enough to draw Sweeper's attention, who looks at the cards and raises a brow. "He gave you the game," he asks with bewilderment. Looking towards the stranger, they realize the man had left his cards, so he was certainly going to return. "Well, I did still win," Marcus decides with a bitter-sweet tone.

Around this time Vidius finally returns to the table, sitting and looking positively serious. "What's got you Dancer," Charles asks him quietly. He simply throws the Sergeant a glance, which says enough, apparently.


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Character Portrait: Trooper Marcus Salazar
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0.00 INK

Trooper Marcus Salazar gives Lillea a rather dashing smile, or so he thought; might come off as a bit strange, considering his lack of social grace. Walking up to her table, he salutes her by placing his right hand on his left shoulder in the vague shape of a wing. "Ma'am. Mind if I share your table," he asks, keeping his stance of saluting, while idly eying her dogtags- and subsequently her chest. Whether he was just oblivious or lecherous, it would look bad, surely.