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Unitem Planetary Corporatocracy

0 · 621 views · located in Danu

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by EnigmaticallyEerie



I do not own any of the imagery used to portray the various portions whilst I did write the biography. All images used are of creation and property of St Theo, as linked to their profile on Deviant art.


The year is 4701 DE. The Earth had become completely depleted of all natural resources resulting in the new era of what is now called Depleted Earth, or DE. Mankind's hunger for resources has only grown over the millennia, forcing them into the solar system to harvest the many planets that were still rich with valuable minerals. This expansion only made for a greater appetite, and soon the Terrans found themselves deeper in space in search for more systems to satiate their hunger. This widespread search lead to the colonization of entire solar systems, and eventually the creation of new governments. As Terrans are well known for it, wars began breaking out between the colonies as unionization was no longer an ideal many of these colonies wanted to follow. What followed was the first intergalactic Terran war. This war in itself lasted a millennium due to the great distances between the systems in order to wage these wars. Earth, being the least resource capable, was unable to disagree with the terms and ultimately had to surrender its control over the systems. Eventually the systems came to a peaceful coexistence, offering trade of what resources they could muster. Eventually, interstellar travel was mastered. Speeds exceeded that of light speed, giving way to what was now called Hyper Space. Entire fleets could jump solar systems in mere hours as opposed to years, allowing for easier trade and deeper space travel. The nature of Terrans, however, has a habit of rising it would seem. Soon civil wars would break out from planet to planet. Solar systems became cut off from the main hub, too busy dealing with their own uprisings to maintain the unity. One such system was that of Krauskarian Sector. The system had formed under a rather extreme right wing government that was among the few to successfully branch out and create its own nation within the mass of the Galaxy. Due to its almost fascist ideals, they supported the growth of large companies so long as they supported the fascist government of which they operated under.

Unitem Planetary Corporatocracy, or the UPC, formed when the Krauskarian Nationalists failed to provide the protection of their people. The outer planets often engaged in conflicts with rogue Terrans having taken piracy as an occupation. The government sought it more important to protect its upper class rather than its foundation populace. The mining corporations did not agree with the lack of protection to their investments, despite receiving personal protection. Though they were rich, the CEOs of the industrial sanctums still had morals for those that worked for them. In response to this lack of interplanetary protection, the corporations banded together to create their own militia. This system formed militia was seen as a threat for possible uprising by the Krauskarian government and was lead to the war starting ultimatum, disband or be destroyed. The corporations strongly disagreed with the government's reaction towards the newly formed militia, doing their best to keep to peaceful negotiations in assuring their leaders that the militia was simply to ward off the rogue factions of Terran space. The Krauskarian parliament did not give in, and instead invoked a system wide martial law. The military moved in with the intent of forced submission. To the Krauskarian's surprise, the newly formed Unitem Militia was well equipped, and trained. Many of the corporation leaders were once military officials and had the necessary experience to form what would be a solid militant structure. To further bolster this formulating nation, they had majority control over the system's resources, which they utilized to amass their own weaponry. Each of the seven corporations had their own development and internal research teams, all of which they consolidated into the production of weapons tech. What would have taken a single corporation many years to create, the Unitem was able to do in a mere three cycles. Armies emerged, weapons were mass produced, and soon an internal government was formulated. If they could not have their own protective force, then they would eradicate their oppressive leaders and become a sovereign nation. This event was known in history as being the Krausk Civil War.

The civil war raged for a total of twenty three years, ultimately concluding with the dissolving of the Krauskarian Parliament. What few still followed the fascist ideals were driven out of the system. The fleeing survivors either went on to seek refuge in the neighboring systems, or even went so far as to build a new colony where they could regroup for a possible retake in the distant future. These ambitions were snuffed out by the everlasting raids of Terran pirates, an irony considering their past. Under the leaders of the seven corporations, the Unitem Planetary Corporatocracy was formed. The government was, in a matter of speaking, a form of hierarchy which utilized the structure of rank within each company to govern the people. No citizen opposed this, for the leaders were not oppressive and acted out of the people's interest. The economy flourished, setting base pricing on each specific necessity. Food was accessible to all so long as the populace was employed. Jobs were plentiful, whether it was bolstering of military power, the more usual mineral extraction, industrial production, financial balancing, scientific advancement, or medical training and personnel. What seemed to be a communist structure was actually a self sustaining Corporatocracy, thus the successful development of the Unitem Planetary Corporatocracy into a self sustaining, fully reformed, sovereign nation.


The UPC government consists of seven representatives, one from each corporation that makes of the Corporatocracy. These representatives are all owners of the individual companies that meet to vote upon nation affecting events and/or laws that govern the people. No one person within this seat of seven holds power over the other, as it is distributed evenly. This is maintained by the simple fact that no company truly relies upon another to function and may separate at any time. The entirety of the representatives, however, find it mutually beneficial to work together thus carry on in peaceful coexistence as a single corporate super structure to form the government.


Science under the suit
The UPC Armed forces are heavily trained in the use of exoskeletal frames that bolster the average human's strength, speed, and overall endurance. Through many prototypes, the UEML (Unitem Experimental Militant Laboratories) has developed what they have concluded to be the most ideal exosuits for combat against alien and Terran foes. The MKIV APU, or Armored Personnel Unit, was developed by the Malkrin Industries during the Kraus Civil war. The Krauskarian Government had its own battle suit but it could not match the versatility, or strength, of the Malkrin APUs. Each APU is equipped with numerous optics as well as personal defense measures. The suit emits both a kinetic barrier and an energy field that allow the wearer to take some hits before they themselves truly take damage.


The wearer first must have some sub-dermal implants installed to allow the suit to react flawlessly with the wearer's body. This allows the suit to receive, but not interrupt, the nerves transmission of electrical messages that encourage muscle movement, making the exoskeleton a true extension of one's own body. The exoskeleton itself is modular, and can be integrated into larger systems, such as tanks, mechs, aircraft, and even capital ships. However, the larger the systems, the more users need to be linked to share the work load. A single person attempting to assume control over a capital ship may find themselves over burdened, and could potentially become fried by the overly complicated circuitry. Numerous persons, however, can each be linked to accept a particular area of the ship such as weapon systems, life support, and other interior functions. The number of people required for each Sub system is also dependent upon the size of the craft they are piloting. For example, a corvette sized craft may only need one person to be able to monitor the entire weapons systems due to how few are all connected to the mainframe. The weapons system of a battleship, however, may require six or seven up-links at all times to prevent an overload.

All military personnel are integrated with the implants necessary to allow the linkage with the equipment, as all military gear has adopted this integration due to its seamless functionality. Whats more, These exoskeleton suits also assist those suffering from paralysis, assuming the responsibility of the non functioning limbs by receiving the messages directly from the brain and moving for the body. Those that were deemed incapable of active duty may now serve with equal capabilities as their comrades, with some modifications to bolster exoskeletal function of course. The project was initially started to provided functionality to those that had been crippled either through physical means in the environment, or were simply born without the use of their limbs. Realizing the potential, a division of scientists were subcontracted to the military portion of technological advancements. This giving rise to the suits implemented by the UPC today.


A recent development into the Exoskeletal mainframe is the addition of nano sensors that relay information back into the wearer's brain. This has been secluded to the use of small systems only due to the over complicated systems of larger crafts that could cause the frying of the operator. This new addition benefits the wearer in that should the suit, or mech, receive damage, the information is relayed to the wearer via electrical signals similar to that of pain receptors. In other words, this extends the wearer's nervous system to the suit to allow for system to wearer damage notification without the wearer having to consciously scan themselves at all times.

The reasoning for this implementation was caused by the first use of the suits during the Klaus Civil war. Soldiers felt they were invincible in the suits and often never ensured they were not receiving damage. This lead to over zealous soldiers that became trapped when the suit would power down from excessive damage, and ultimately their death or capture. This addition does not cause the wearer any true physical harm as all it does is send a signal to the brain indicating something is wrong, even if that something is not on the person’s actual body. One drawback, however, is that the constant pain of a suits damage has in the past caused the wearer's mind to take mental damage, and often left them in a vegetative state. Inhibitors in the suits allow for only a single notification signal to be sent to the wearer in the particular area, as to prevent an overload. As an example, a soldier that receives a shot to the suit on the left shoulder will receive a single damage message to the brain from that section. Another signal will be sent from the leg should it receive damage. This continues for each section but again, does not send a constant stream of messages, unless the suit receives constant damage to warrant a signal.

Shield Tech and Cloaking

Much of the scientific advancement of the UCP has been dedicated to two particular fields, weaponry and shields. All UCP military equipment is likely to have some form of their most advanced shielding systems, that are of course fully tested and stable. From the basic infantry to the might assault carrier, all have a shield of some sort to repel as much damage as possible. These systems vary in complexity as it does with the object it protects. During the Kraus civil war, most of the shielding technology was controlled by the Krauskarian Government, restricting it to the military force and capital planetary defense. The corporations that eventually over threw the government, however, were responsible for the shields production. During the war, the UPC implemented the shields into even the standard infantry, something the government neglected to consider doing. This gave a considerable advantage for the UPC when it came to planet side engagements. Image

The Shield systems, as mentioned, vary in complexity as the system supporting the projection becomes more complex. For large craft, the projection of the shield hovers off the the solid ship within. This often is determined by the power out of the shield. Since the larger craft are able to support a greater output of energy, the shield may project farther. This projection of the shield allows for much smaller craft, like frigates and corvettes, to be sheltered within the protective array. Unlike the vessel projecting the shield, the ships within the shield they are not projecting are incapable of firing out of the protective field. The shield can be redirected from covering the entirety of the ship to a concentrated section. This bolsters the particular zone projecting a shield substantially, but leaves the rest of the vessel exposed. Such a complex ability, however, is restricted to the larger crafts. Frigates and corvette class vessels lack the necessary directional projectors, or even the power to support them. They do, however have similar shields, though for obvious reasons do not compare to their larger counterparts.

The more advanced shields are known as DMAS, or Directional Magnetically Amplified Shield. The lighter shields are known as MAS.
Magnetically Amplified Personal Shields, or MAPS, are shields that are projected from a very small generator located within the core systems of the APU suits. These shields allow for protection against small arms in small doses. The larger the caliber, obviously the more the drain. The shields can, however, recharge should no further rounds deplete the energy sustaining said shield. The shields do however emit a strong heat signature upon thermals and are ill advised during special operations.
Should engagement be inevitable, the shields can be activated, as well as powered down, at the users discretion. These shield systems can, however, be replaced with personal cloaking fields.

ImagePersonal cloaking fields, also known as Chameleon Projection Fields, or CPFs. They do not protect against weaponry and simply distort the wearers appearance to give the illusion of invisibility. This is done by an holographic field that functions similarly to a lens. However, instead of light passing through it, it curves the light around an object, and displaying what is behind the cloaked object, or person. This does not require significant energy output and therefore produces next to nothing for heat, giving it the ultimate form of stealth. It cannot, however, work in tandem with a shield. Only one system maybe installed at anyone time. Fortunately, the systems are small, and modular, and can be carried on personnel for in field swapping.

Anti-proton bomb

Antimatter, one of the hardest forms of matter to replicate through man made means has always been long sought after for uses in weaponry. After many years of development, UPCL had managed to create the ideal circumstances to produce an antimatter that was successfully weaponized into what is known as an Anti-proton bomb. This was done in a vacuumed space and the use of two massive electromagnets. Protons are accelerated close to the speed of light, and then projected at a target. The ensuing collision is so violent, that part of the energy is transformed into particle-antiparticle pairs. The electromagnets are used to separate the anti-protons from the anti-electrons, also known as positrons. They are then suspended with a vacuum container before they can come into contact with other atoms that could set them off.
ImageThe entire process is remarkably dangerous and very time consuming. The UPC had constructed a station, which orbits the smallest moon of Talius. This vacuum container is then set into a supersonic missile frame with a small nuclear warhead for detonation. How the anti-protons work is that when they come into contact with a proton, they create a sudden burst of energy on an atomic level. Once this starts, a chain reaction ensues, causing other protons to erupt throughout the material the anti-protons come into contact with. The resulting reaction spread remarkably fast over the material. Whats more, the denser the material, the faster the reaction, as the packed atoms allow for easier reaction due to the proximity to one another. This ultimately leads to the utter destruction of the material the anti-protons come into contact with. The use of anti-protons is considered one of the closests ways that mankind has come to what would be considered 'erasing existence'. Due to the complexity of the procedure required to produce anti-protons, however, the anti-proton bombs are remarkably expensive to produce and therefore are very limited in number. At present, there are only four active anti-proton bombs. Two of which are aboard the flagship Sovereignty, contained within an adamantium casing to prevent any possible detonation within the vessel.


Titan Class Assault carrier




Fleet Carrier

Heavy Cruiser

Tactical Carrier


Ion Cannon Frigate




The UCP had devoted a significant amount of their time developing craft that could carry out operations both atmospheric and space. These craft are deemed part of the airforce but are capable in space combat as well. This also allows for remarkably high altitude operations, like orbital drop of troops, supplies, and ordnance, making the many crafts invaluable in planetary assaults or even special operations.

MSAF: Modular Support Aerospace Fighter

SOAB: Special Ops Aerospace Bomber

ASC: Aerospace Superiority Craft

ASF: Aerospace Superiority Fighter

MAG: Modular Aerospace Gunship



UPC Weaponry function as gauss weaponry for the significant punch that they deliver. This system is known as the Sheering. This system allows for greater munitions diversity, as well as granting the operator the option to decide on the projectile size. The weapons does not use combustion for firing, nor does it use cartridges altogether. A magazine is instead filled with a solid hunk of metal. These metals vary for different effects. The system, when fired, shaves of a sliver of the metal and fires it at high velocity using electronic coils within the carapace of the weapon. The longer the coils, the longer the range and velocity at which the rounds are fired. The mechanism uses an adamantium blade to perform the sheering of the munition due to its outstanding durability.

Tungsten - Used for its stopping power, Tungsten shards moving at over 2200 feet per second, due to its light weight, and has been known to puncture various materials, giving it quite the armor piercing ability.

Magnesium Zinc Alloy - Known to be flammable in small quantities, this metal allows for a dragon's breath like projectile that erupts into small flames upon impact. The zinc is added simply to allow the metal to become magnetic and projected out of the weapon. Due to its lesser magnetism, this particular round has very little stopping power.

Image GSAR-12 (Gaus Shard Assault Rifle): The basic automatic carbine of the UPC. The rifle is durable, modular, and reliable. The weapon's chassis is based off of numerous weapons that, in the past, have come to been known for their exceptional ability to deal death. This particular weapon, however, has the UCP's sheer-munition technology implemented to allow the projection of metallic shards. The system is light weight and maneuverable with a capable 750 rounds per minute. Whats more, the weapon can apply a secondary muzzle splitter that contains another blade of adamantium, this allows the projectile to be split into two to proved multiple points of contact to a target.

ImageAGCR-3 (Advanced Gauss Combat Rifle): A significantly higher 'caliber' than that of the standard GSAR. It is capable of longer ranges and significantly greater stopping power than its counterpart, and can be adapted into longer range roles with greater results. Very similar in build, it contains a larger sheer system and bore to allow for larger rounds. Though because of this significantly larger munitions, the rate of fire is slowed to a 500 rounds per minute. The overall system is rather bulky, to house the additional magnetic coils, and is not ideal for tight quarter situations. This system cannot include a splitter due to the velocity being too great.

ImagePSP-5 (Personal Shard Pistol): The standard issue for all military personnel. The weapon is of sheer tech and follows the same principles of all sheer weapons. The difference being that it obviously does not have the stopping power of higher caliber counterparts, and is usually used as last resort defense for infantry. These are carried by all personnel of whom are all trained in its use, disassembly, and its method of function.

ImageMSSG-12 (Multi-Shard Scatter gun): is the UPC's equivalent to a shotgun. This particular weapon, however, is capable of on the fly switching of spread and shard count per shot. This means that it may fire a buck style shot of many individual shards, or reduce the number for larger shard spread, even going to a solid 3/4 inch slug. The means in which this is done is by the Adamantium net selector on the forward mount of the weapon. A meshing of Adamantium slides into the front end main barrel from the under mounted secondary tube, just ahead of the stored munitions. This feature does have its draw backs. To be able to fire the weapon without causing damage to the barrel, the weapon has fewer coils, causing the weapon to be restricted to close quarters battles.

ImagePDSC-3 (Personal Defense Shard Carbine): Operating on the same caliber as the PSP, the PDSC-3 utilizes more coils in the gauss mechanism to give the material much needed punch. The carbine still does not compare to the assault variations of sheer weaponry, but it does offer a middle ground of power and mobility, often favored for tight quarters battles. This weapon is capable of supporting a secondary muzzle splitter.


Assault Class Exo-build

Sniper Class Exo-build

Support Class Exo-build

Engineer Class Exo-build

So begins...

UCP's Story


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