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Uriel Spencer

A once cursed man who now has something he seeks.

0 · 2,248 views · located in The Undermarket

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Marcus


Uriel Spencer


Full Name:Uriel Spencer
Nicknames: Ur to some who know him best but would still like to be called by his first name.
Prefered Names: Uriel
Aliases: Uriel the Restless.
Titles/Honorifics: Lord of Night, and Master of arms

Gender: Male

Main Species:Human
Sub Species: Ancient Mortal.

Apparent Age: 38 years old
Actual Age: 5469 years old.
Birth Date: August 7th

Sexual Orientation/Preference: Heterosexual
Marital Status:Single

Skin Color/Shade: pale white.
Markings/Scars: Were there was none now a single scar runs deep across his face moving down from his left eye to his lips.
Tattoos/Piercings: None.

Weight: 123 pounds
Body Build: Muscular, like that of a swordsmen but a little less in build than most.
Disabilities: None.

Eye Color:Pale Blue.
Eye Wear: None.

Hair Color: Black but with a slight tinged of red that is not noticeable in the dark of night.
Hair Style/Length: past his shoulders down to his midsection
Hair Wear: none

Languages: English, French, German, Hungarian, and bits and pieces of the native languages that are apart of Terra.

Family/Relatives: What family that Uriel had left is now dead and gone from the world which has left him rather bitter sense he has obtained what he wanted for so long now. At the news from one of the Dead gods that his son had been slayed in battle by a wolf with certain ties to a certain family Uriel promptly destroyed the plan that he had help visiting. Upon arriving back in the real world he found his sons ashes and moved those to the graveyard within the city kept safe under lock and key.

Personality and Other Characteristics:

Overall Personality: Quick and decisive when the need arrives for such but rarely acts on his own unless a clear path has been set before him. Dark and secluded from the world at times Uriel will tend to stay away from others who he has no interests with.

Goals/Ambitions: To take what is rightfully his in the world.
Life's Ambition: To sit over the world known as Terra and keep it in eternal darkness.



Prized Possession (Emotional/Personal Value): Uriel has in his possession a timeless blade, a dagger some would call it, that has been at his side for the centuries that he has lived. This dagger is made of the refined ores of his homeland and the metal takes on the appearance and feel of mitheral. Besides that the dagger has a small depiction of a single tree upon its flat.
Prized Possession (Material Value): Uriel has two pistols which are a custom design all of his own which he calls the Gale Ordinance, or a GO-7, which has several customizable rounds that can be used depending on the situation at hand. Several of the different forms of rounds consist of Gale Rounds, Alchemical silver bullets, and for the special the Spark Mages. Each of these bullets has a specific effect and can be altered in advanced if the need arises. The Gale Rounds are effectively normal bullets just with Uriels insignia upon the butt end of the bullet and can only be modified slightly due to several design flaws in remaking the bullet due to the already heavily transmuted materials that are consumed upon making the Gale Rounds. The Alchemical Silver rounds are really special as they provide a warhead of silver dust that ignites in fire as soon as it hits its target; the silver still remains afterword as to leave a reminder on the person who was shot with the round as it leaves scars behind. Finally the Spark Mages round are something of a master piece as each round when fired gives off a large thunderous crack of raw energy for every shot fired.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Primary Weapon: His two GO-7’s
Secondary Weapon: His dagger which he keeps around his right ankle.

Side Weapons (Throwing knives, chains, and etc.): Uriel has come to a point in his new life that just carrying around three weapons does not have the same impact as it used to. Now the former vampiric lord keeps on his possession two “Gate Bound” sheaths, each sitting right above his two holsters for his pistols. The Gate Bound sheaths hold a number of daggers that materialize to his hands when he is in need a little extra help.

Racial Traits and Abilities

Gifted Strength
-Uriel when he drank from the blood of a fallen elven deity was granted his vampiric strength when he became human as It was a parting gift when Nimsirril allowed the vampire to feast from him when he was about to pass on into the Fray. The gift was passed on to Uriel when he learned of the gods knowledge as to the location of the book that he was seeking and in turn Uriel promised to give onto the elven deity a body as to roam Terra and seek out his people.
Gifted Speed
-During his journey into the realm of the dying gods Uriel needed to feed once more to stay tangible in order to continue his journey and came across a god of death who was taking up old souls in order to keep itself going. Uriel begged and pleaded and in turn when he grew to groveling and praising the creation before his eyes the being told his name to the vampire and allowed him to feed off from him to receive a blessing of his speed when he came to achieve what he wanted. This gift was granted onto him once he acquired the book and handed a page to the god of death. Now Uriel can move as fast if not faster than before when he was a vampire.
Granted Mortality
-When Uriel read from the book of truth he was granted the choice to become mortal once again and to walk among the humans he once fed from in order to have a normal life. Due to the power of the old tome Uriel sealed the pact he made and became a mortal man but found that he still held all of his life experiences and powers so long as he held onto a piece of the book.
Cursed Blood
-As when he was still a vampire Uriel can still learn information from the blood that he consumes but as a human drinking such things can make one sick.
Illusion Mastery
-Uriel in his undeath was a master of Illusion spells and as such was able to conjure the most complex maze to confuse the senses to the simplest things as creating a floating orb made of light.
Book of Truth
-The book of truth was torn into three halves, each containing some form of divine origin enhancing or aiding in some way. Uriel tore one half of the book as it contained the lore of magic and its original origin to a young wizard named Roy Cullens. He himself still has the other two halves consisting on the knowledge of godhood and another on the secrets of both life and death. Both are extremely useful and consist of text that are not only mixed in knowledge but can illuminate on other things.

Personal Background:

Work in progress I swear.

Prized Possession (Material Value): Uriel has two pistols which are a custom design all of his own which he calls the Gale Ordinance, or a GO-7, which has several customizable rounds that can be used depending on the situation at hand. Several of the different forms of rounds consist of Gale Rounds, Alchemical silver bullets, and for the special the Spark Mages. Each of these bullets has a specific effect and can be altered in advanced if the need arises. The Gale Rounds are effectively normal bullets just with Uriels insignia upon the butt end of the bullet and can only be modified slightly due to several design flaws in remaking the bullet due to the already heavily transmuted materials that are consumed upon making the Gale Rounds. The Alchemical Silver rounds are really special as they provide a warhead of silver dust that ignites in fire as soon as it hits its target; the silver still remains afterword as to leave a reminder on the person who was shot with the round as it leaves scars behind. Finally the Spark Mages round are something of a master piece as each round when fired gives off a large thunderous crack of raw energy for every shot fired.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Primary Weapon: His two GO-7’s
Secondary Weapon: His dagger which he keeps around his right ankle.

Side Weapons (Throwing knives, chains, and etc.): Uriel has come to a point in his new life that just carrying around three weapons does not have the same impact as it used to. Now the former vampiric lord keeps on his possession two “Gate Bound” sheaths, each sitting right above his two holsters for his pistols. The Gate Bound sheaths hold a number of daggers that materialize to his hands when he is in need a little extra help.

Racial Traits and Abilities

Gifted Strength
-Uriel when he drank from the blood of a fallen elven deity was granted his vampiric strength when he became human as It was a parting gift when Nimsirril allowed the vampire to feast from him when he was about to pass on into the Fray. The gift was passed on to Uriel when he learned of the gods knowledge as to the location of the book that he was seeking and in turn Uriel promised to give onto the elven deity a body as to roam Terra and seek out his people.
Gifted Speed
-During his journey into the realm of the dying gods Uriel needed to feed once more to stay tangible in order to continue his journey and came across a god of death who was taking up old souls in order to keep itself going. Uriel begged and pleaded and in turn when he grew to groveling and praising the creation before his eyes the being told his name to the vampire and allowed him to feed off from him to receive a blessing of his speed when he came to achieve what he wanted. This gift was granted onto him once he acquired the book and handed a page to the god of death. Now Uriel can move as fast if not faster than before when he was a vampire.
Granted Mortality
-When Uriel read from the book of truth he was granted the choice to become mortal once again and to walk among the humans he once fed from in order to have a normal life. Due to the power of the old tome Uriel sealed the pact he made and became a mortal man but found that he still held all of his life experiences and powers so long as he held onto a piece of the book.
Cursed Blood
-As when he was still a vampire Uriel can still learn information from the blood that he consumes but as a human drinking such things can make one sick.
Illusion Mastery
-Uriel in his undeath was a master of Illusion spells and as such was able to conjure the most complex maze to confuse the senses to the simplest things as creating a floating orb made of light.
Book of Truth
-The book of truth was torn into three halves, each containing some form of divine origin enhancing or aiding in some way. Uriel tore one half of the book as it contained the lore of magic and its original origin to a young wizard named Roy Cullens. He himself still has the other two halves consisting on the knowledge of godhood and another on the secrets of both life and death. Both are extremely useful and consist of text that are not only mixed in knowledge but can illuminate on other things.

Personal Background:

Work in progress I swear.

So begins...

Uriel Spencer's Story


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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel Spencer gladly stepped out of the way of Markuss and was all to willing to smile as the poor fellow stood up and took his shot at the Aschen. Uriel was impressed that this squishy bastard had the balls to act like that and he most definitely deserved a round of applause once this was all over.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
"Then again maybe just a handout would be nice." Uriel began to question how he was every going to get back home in time to watch the episode of Family Ties that he had been wanting to see for at least seven years now sense he had to deal with this mess. Suddenly however the old vampire simply began to clap his hands as he looked down at the poor fellow named Markuss and glanced over at the Aschen. "You know I am willing to bet that you have this kind of trouble with even the nicer ladies to."


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
The bar was as it usual appeared to be and that was a chaotic mess hidden under supposed civility at times, something that could be used for capital gain as well as a few new friends and finding powers that were hidden away. Uriel appeared within one of the booths in the bar only to look over the patrons but did nothing as he was a shadow of what he used to be. Stomped upon and ruined as the walls of his universe simply fell in around him as the part of the book he had held onto so dearly burned before his very eyes that night and there was not a damned thing he could do. Uriel was now just a lowly vampire with nothing to gain or loose except for his sanity as he sat and watched over the people within the bar. He simply waited for something or anything to spark his interest in the world only to close his eyes and simply wait for his end to come once and for all.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
It was strange to even be back in this place. Once the most notorious vampire of history to be alive and then cursed to a deathless existence yet again. Uriel was trapped to live his life as it was and with nothing to claim his existence of superiority anymore. This vampire was useless and for the most part unable to help himself in this situation. The immortal just opened his eyes to look around at the bar just to recall the days when it was filled with elves and dragon like beings and he watched it house all kinds. "I miss teaching." Uriel spoke finally as he stood up from his booth only to then over hear the patrons. There was a time when speaking with the dead and that voodoo shit was a commonplace within these very halls but not any more. "I miss even more the old days." Soon the old vampire stepped into the back room to vanish.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
"Well, well, look what what we have here. Visitors and the party is not even ready for me yet. I should surely fix this entire mess up right now." The vampiric lord who has been touched by madness for being around to long simply pulled out one of his custom guns and fired out one of the windows in the bar only to laugh harder than he has ever done sense the day of his undeath. "This is fucking great I am laughing myself to death. Get it? Because I am already dead."


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
"Zombies! My god I have not seen this much rotten flesh sense....." Uriel could not think of a time he had actually seen this much undead rotten flesh and began to grow bored with the problems of wing city. "This is an Aschen problem. Not my own." With that the demi god vampire simply turned away from it all only to walk out of the bar through a wall and out of this realm.


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Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
A sudden portal would open up from the wooden planks and out would shoot Uriel guns ablazing with a wicked grin upon his face. "Fuck it. There was nothing to do in the last million systems I just visited before I left this one. Zombies you will just have to do!" The vampiric god shouted as several rounds went straight through the zombies skulls and into the surrounding furniture. "Fuck the zombies are having a picnic and not a single one of them brought the potato salad! Someone is going to be very unhappy!"

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Undermarket


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
From the stalls to the deepest shadows stalked the lone figure. Always out of eyesight and simply keeping to the edges of what reality offered to those who could be privy to such things as eldritch creatures and abominations walked among the crowded undermarket pathways. As Brandon went about his business looking for contacts and possible something seemed to shadow him from a distance.

Every step the young man took so to did his pursuer. Every chance he would have to confront the elusive hunter only silence and empty air would be his surprise. The Fell beast simply remained ever evasive and hidden only to watch and wait for the young man to make a mistake. One foul move and it would be over in an instant for the young fellow.

Marioto himself could not move as gracefully as this creature though something began to seem awfully familiar about this dark presence.

"Do my eyes deceive me?"

A whisper on a non-existent breeze would pass poor Brandon leaving a shadowy figure towering above him and looking down with glowing red orbs. A pale hand clenched a strange cane whilst another slowly reached out for Brandon's shoulder.


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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The voice and the presence were enough. Brandon turned and he met Uriel's gaze most curiously. "Please do not touch me." He said simply, then took in who it was. The man's lips quirked and he smiled. "Though if any other of our kind would, it would be you, wouldn't it?" He couldn't help the warmth in his voice.

"It's been some time Uriel." He said. "And your eyes don't deceive you, though I go by Brandon now." And he would prefer it if the other called him just that, and not Parson. "It was my birth name on record, after all." He had always been Brandon underneath it all, Brandon Hammerstine. He had merely gone by Parson when he lived on the streets, and once he was picked up as a child, well. Everyone already knew him as Parson. He had only admitted to having a different name when circumstances changed.

Still, those sensitive to it would note that Brandon still felt like a necromancer, lacking the beads he wore when he wanted to suppress any hint of that heritage from others.

"You seem different, somehow. Perhaps it's the change in my own height." He no longer had to sit on someone's lap or be held up to feed, though he had occasionally made others kneel to him as well.


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
Uriel recoiled for a moment at the pleading command from the young man. Parson had grown though it seemed by some miracle or dark blessing it mattered not.

"Brandon, a name I'm not familiar with, but fair enough." Uriel took a step back only to judge his former student for what he was now. It was only when Brandon pointed out that the vampire before him was different somehow that a wicked smile came to Uriel. "It could be your height. I recall a time a small fledgling came to my mausoleum only to receive lessons. Though it could be something entirely different."


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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Brandon laughed. "You'll be happy to know I'm fully literate now." He teased. "And well educated. I ended up attending a private school for the magically inclined, since I was behind. No fault of yours of course." He had been ten and unable to read when Uriel found him. Compressing 12 years of schooling into what he had left involved him being put into a class with students two years younger than him, and working his way up to his age mates skill. He had tutors galore at that school, on top of private lessons for his skill set.

"I was rather small, wasn't I?" He still was in comparison to the rest of his family at least. "The other Lessards are all dead, Bethany as well. I am the sole survivor as far as I can tell." He hadn't been able to verify the status of any of the retainers either. It was good to see Uriel. "I have restarted my business as well, if you recall it, though on a commission only basis." His business being the sell of human body parts. If you needed it, Brandon could find it, and you would recieve the part, rather fresher than his competitors.


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
"Indeed and pleased." Uriel interjected as he listened about the schooling the young man attended. It filled him with a calm dread that a monsters like himself would sully a good child at a young age for twisted needs and desires. Again if it had been done in the manner that Uriel would approached the situation Parson Lessard would have been shown to the next world, a considerable kindness. "I recall how very different you seemed to me the first time I saw you. Your family ordered me from my home and gave me the explicit orders to educate you. It was difficult but I did my best." Uriel took a moment to contemplate something before he simply smile a little. "Though I see in the end you found a suitable place of education to grow mentally and physically."


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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"It was good for me. I will never be a scholar but I'm no longer stunted." He smiled, amused. "Though physically...we're uncertain how that came about. At some point, I was cured of my vampirism. As an adult, a local court decided to turn me against me will. And now, I live on my own." Courtless, with no companions but his familiar, occasionally fulfilling orders, but for now, nothing of the sort.

"Periodically, my blood relatives will speak with me, but we're on...different sides of the law, and they aren't particularly comfortable with my choices." The Lessard family had made quite the impression. "However, the manor is now habitable again, and no trace of necromancy there to be seen." though it was still performed at times. Still, the house looked much more like a home now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Marcus
Uriel listened to the young man who was once Parson Lessard and began to ponder something rather peculiar. Brandon's words washed over the elder vampire giving the monster time to contemplate what to do with this newfound façade that the young boy now took.

"They know nothing of what you are in this time. A man who can simply make choices for himself instead of a pawn to be used for family intrigue and plot." Uriel interjected finally as he turned about with his back to the young man. The shadows around the elder vampire grew dark as a gnawing feeling began to draw upon the edges of his drifting humanity. A hunger seemed to chew through his will but was quickly quenched as he produced a strange flask and took a swig of the contents within.

"Brandon Hammerstine, a unique name, a proper name, I think you will find that change sits easily upon the winds before you my boy." Uriel began to chuckle to himself as he turned his attention back to his former protégé. "I doubt you need not worry about anything these days. I consider you family and shall not allow anyone to bring harm to you."


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Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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"My name at birth." He corrected gently, amused. "Though I did change my middle name to Alexander, after my aunt's husband. They are good people, Uriel. So long as I keep the appearance of being on the right side, the proper side, of the law, I'll be fine. It means less killing, but..." He considered how to put it.

"I no longer need to kill. I no longer need to destroy. I've changed a lot." He shrugged and smile. "You'll have to come to the manor, to see how much." He said, pleased. "There's plenty of room there to stay awhile." He glance to the flask, more than a little curious. "And I get fresh blood delivered daily." From the vein, if he wanted it, though usually he accepted it bottled. That was the preferred manner regardless, though he had no shortage of willing donors.

He would not mention who his new sire was, or what court he was, however unhappily, considered a prince of. He rejected much as one could reject the suppliers of your blood. They held a minor monopoly over the product in the area, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer
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#, as written by Marcus
"So it is." Uriel interjected once more only to pocket his flask as he continued to listen to the young man. "Though I should not remind you how hard keeping appearances can be. Some circles make it a habit to hide with masks and costumes. So long as you know who you are......" The Elder vampire began to trail off only to dismiss his line of thought as if it was nothing.

Uriel stepped away from the boy and seemed to vanish for almost an instant before reappearing once more to the young mans side. "The offer is special though I must sadly decline. I returned to find my sons ring within these damp catacombs and passageways only to ring the life from those who kept from me what should be rightfully buried. I will stop by for a visit though I assure you." His final words seemed to fall upon the empty hall alone as he suddenly vanished once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Bombalurina Character Portrait: The Rats Character Portrait: Kuze Watanabe
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0.00 INK

The Red Somali Cat woman wandered aimlessly around the market, looking for a potential pick up. If she didn't (and subsequently failed to bring Tesslar his money) then there would be Hell to pay! The last thing she wanted was to see another prisoner killed, least of all herself! (As it was, their numbers had more than halved over the years, due to Tesslar's murderous rampages!) So she staked out a particularly busy market stall, one paw on her shapely hips, the laces on her top straining in their attempts to contain the endowments they had been given the task of supporting, as she attempted to titillate one of the gentlemen by trying to catch his eye.
At the same time, she also kept a hawk-like watch on the other ladies who were hanging around, dressed similarly in their tight corset tops, fishnets and thigh high boots. Kuze the Pokemon girl had already attracted the attention of some lecher in filthy overalls and had followed him around a corner.
But there was no way any of them could escape. Tesslar had put everything he could think of in place to prevent that from happening. There were Rats creeping about all over the place, but if the prisoners managed to evade them, then the mind control switch in their brains would force their feet to return to Tesslar at his beck and call, no matter how far they strayed. And even if one of them were to somehow break through that, then there were always the tags. The metal devices that had been sewn into each of their arms meant that Evelyne was always watching, and could eliminate them at the touch of a button!
However, with her help, one had managed to crack the system. Immune to Tesslar's mind control, and with three failed escape attempts already under her belt, Jazzimoré had finally used her surgical skills to extract the chip from her own arm, enabling her to escape for good and find help. At least, that was what Bombalurina had initially thought (or rather, hoped!) “Now she is dead,” thought the ex Spartan Queen with a glimmer of regret leaking through her inhibited mind. “Now there is no hope of any of us…!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Bombalurina Character Portrait: The Rats
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  1. Umm. Did you get permission from Lobos?

    by Anonymous

0.25 INK

The Penance Tavern now open. Under new management! Welcome all! ➡️


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Fenrias Hallvard Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm
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Fenrias Halvard leaned against the entrance to a darkened alley. He watched the happenings of the Undermarket with keen eyes from the shadows as he searched for a potential mark or client.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine Dumitrescu Character Portrait: Fenrias Hallvard Character Portrait: Brandon Hammerstine Character Portrait: Uriel Spencer Character Portrait: Xiaolian Boyuan Character Portrait: Zacariah Grimm
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Remy "Gambit" LeBeau straightened his coat as he noticed several suspicious patrons entering the market. This place had sure become popular since it was confirmed to have existed... damn those pesky news reporters! Wing City had always been a place of change, but... his precious respite!

Finishing up his transaction with the final vendor he'd come here to see, Gambit then began to make his way back towards his age-old home.
