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Valentine Taikuus

A young mage who may be a little to confident in his abilities.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Medic


Name: Valentine Taikuus
Age: 23
Gender: Male

Race: Human Mage. Specializes in a single ability.

Ability:Valentine’s ability is that he can absorb and control electricity. He can absorb electricity whether it is being directed at him, or if he is attempting to drain the power of a city. There isn’t a hard limit to how much electricity can be absorbed and stored but it does dissipate over time when not used. Also because of his ability to absorb electricity he is somewhat immune to electricity. Being able to resist a higher amount of volts and amps than the average person, but if Valentine is caught off guard he can be subdued using electricity.

He can also control electricity being able to deliver a shock from a gentle tickle to a heart stopping death shock. There are limits to how he can attack someone. In order to shock someone he needs to have some kind of physical contact or connection between him and his target. This can be through skin to skin contact, a metal wire connecting to the two or even if they are both standing in a puddle of water. But it all depends on how conductive the material is between the two of them. He won’t be able to shock you through rubber for example.

Appearance: Valentine is fairly ordinary person except for two aspects. First he has blue hair and secondly he has Icterine colored eyes. Besides those two traits he is ordinary. Being of an average height standing at about 5’10” and being just under the average weight for his age and height. As well he is not very muscular though he maintains an average fitness.

Equipment: Relying solely on his ability he carries no other weapon with him. His clothing is fairly simple just consisting of simple black robes. He does have a few unique items that he carries with him one is a blue scarf wrapped around his neck it does not have any special abilities but it does have a high sentimental value. Lastly he has a silver necklace that goes around his neck and contains a sapphire gem with a silver mechanism below it. This item is unique in its ability that it can extend the length of the necklace up to fifteen feet giving him a very good reach for the unsuspecting person.


So begins...

Valentine Taikuus's Story

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#, as written by Medic
Valentine just nodded as he examined the tree further curious about it now. It seemed that the elves were very in tune with nature and their natural magic. It did bring a slight fear in him that she might possibly be able to manipulate someone’s emotions but he didn’t let it show on his face.
“I’m not exactly normal either
” Valentine trailed off as he walked closer to Leila and took one hand in hers and began to give her a light shock. It wouldn’t be painful though it may frighten her by the suddenness of the electricity. “I can control and manipulate electricity. It is a fairly useful skill for resolving violent situations peacefully. Not even the best trained men can stop their muscles from convulsing when shocked.” He explained. It was the reason why he had no fear of the man from earlier.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine smiled as her face flushed, it made her look cuter. “Well I cannot shock you through the air. But if we have contact through a substance that conducts electricity then I can shock you. Such as water, a metal necklace, or even a thin wire.” Valentine explained there were some other limits and effects to his powers but he didn’t want to tell her everything at least not yet. But he couldn’t help but smile a bit more, he had learned how to use his powers for both pain and pleasure.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“I disagree. At least you are able to perform multiple kinds of magic. All I am stuck with is my electricity.” Valentine sighed. He had dreamed about being able to control more than just electricity but it would never happen. He arched an eyebrow as she crossed her arms and began to study him carefully. “Is something wrong?” He tempted he didn’t know what she was doing.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“Ah I have some friends who call me Val so that is available if you wish.” Valentine suggested as she moved closer to him touching his hand gently. “Yes that is fine. After all we were closer than holding hands earlier.” Valentine added as he took her hand within his and smiled. It seemed that she had already gotten over the dispute between them and her apparent stalker.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine let a grin spread across his face as she pulled his arm around her pressing her body tightly against hers. “Lenty? I think I would rather just be called Valentine. But I guess I have no say in what you decide to call me.” Valentine then began to attempt to think of a nickname for her but gave up.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
huh?” Valentine tested as he ran it over in his mind a dozen times. It was certainly better than Lenty and he would consent to the nickname. “V it is then. And no we weren’t exactly this close. But I wanted to be a bit closer to you.” Valentine said giving her a gentle smile he could tell that she was falling for him if only slightly.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“Damnable cold. Damnable snow. Damned witch better not be a rumor.” Valentine muttered angrily as he pulled his cloak tighter around his body he hadn’t dressed appropriately for the weather as he had not expected the rumors about how aggressive the blizzard actually was. His nose had already achieved a cherry red coloring and he could barely feel his fingers and toes and he had only spent around thirty minutes in the blizzard. Valentine was about to give up and turn back before he lost any fingers or toes but then he spotted it the first marker on the path to the witch.

It stood on the ground no higher than his knees and no wider than four hands across but it was obviously the marker he was looking for. The stone itself was covered in snow and was undisturbed by the fierce blizzard that engulfed it. Now a left at the rock and soon I should see another. Valentine thought now in a better mood than before.

His mood only improved as he passed three more stones making the exact same decision at each one. Then he spotted the final stone but this one was different instead of being covered in snow the rock itself was not covered in a single speck of snow and the ground around it was left undisturbed as if no snow dared tread on the ground. As he passed the final rock he found himself blinded by light and felt as if his body was being transported to a new location. Before he knew it the blizzard was gone and he was standing before a simple house surrounded by undisturbed white land spread out in all directions for what seemed to be forever.

“Did I find you witch?" Valentine questioned to himself as he glanced around.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine’s vision immediately locked onto the figure that appeared from the house. From what he could see it looked to be a woman who favored the color red. Then she began to laugh as if she didn’t believe that someone had been able to pass her barrier and as her laughter traveled by Valentine he couldn’t help but feel a chill spread through his body which he barely managed to suppress. He tightened the black cloak around his body and began to make his towards the home breaking the smooth white landscape before him as he watched the house with careful yellow eyes.

Valentine eventually had made his way across the landscape and carefully came to the doorway. He had heard many different rumors about this witch and each one was worse than the one he heard earlier. Valentine was not planning on becoming some poor fool that was kidnapped by a witch or turned into some kind of slave.

“So you are the witch then?” Valentine asked bluntly as he stepped into the home as if he was passing from one world to another. He was happy to be out of the cold and attempted to hide his relief but it probably didn’t work.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine was a little awestruck as he followed the witch into a new room that contained a large window as a wall and beyond that was what seemed to be an amazing garden full of hundreds of different flowers. Valentine was about to question how that was possible, but stopped as the witch spoke explaining the different names she has had. It appears that your ego has only grown as you have aged witch. Valentine luckily thought instead of voicing. His mouth had got him into trouble numerous times and he was hoping to avoid irritating the witch before receiving his gift.

Carefully Valentine picked up the cup of tea that he was told to take the entire time he eyed the witch curiously unsure if this was some kind of trick or ploy. He gave it a few quick testing sniffs before he set it back down on the table. “No thanks Witch.” Valentine said as he took the seat opposite of her. He wasn’t going to let himself drink some kind of poison. “So are the rumors true then or are you just a lonely witch who likes to trap stupid humans?” Valentine questioned candidly. He was doing better at containing his mouth than he had expected so far.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
The Witches laugh unnerved him slightly as he wasn’t exactly sure how powerful this woman was or exactly what she could do. Sure he had heard the rumors about how she could turn men into flowers, or how she could destroy the brain turning them into a mindless slave and even that she would devour those that were weak. But Valentine tried not to put any stock in the rumors so that he could provide himself with a false sense of security.

“I have found that if all you do is pray and call for someone or something you will not receive anything. You need to take what you want by force.” Valentine had been speaking of the gods and while he wanted to say it, he wasn’t going to liken her to a god and further inflate her ego. “You call yourself the devil then?” Valentine asked curious as he may have found a new name for the witch.

“I do not fear the devil or anyone for that matter.” Valentine spoke bravely and possibly stupidly as he sat up straighter in his chair his confidence growing.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
This time it was Valentine’s turn to laugh as she seemed displeased by his apparent ignorance of the devil’s power. “Listen Devil. It is very simple.” Valentine said as he began to lean forward slightly from his chair. “I desire the power to kill a god.” As each word fell out of his mouth his face stayed serious, he was not joking.

“And while I have the power to kill devils and demons a god is above those lowly creatures and they cannot harm him directly. But I am not a devil or a demon. I stand above them.” Valentine was only growing bolder and more confident and it was apparent in his voice.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“I do not need to love again, and I already know my destiny.” Tendrils of anger were spread throughout his speech. “And the power to kill another is something I do not shy away from.” He brought a hand out and slashed it through the smoke figures and waved it away.

“When you can hold the life of an immortal being in the palm of your hands fate is no longer something that is given to you. It is something you can take.” Valentine leaned back into the chair and sat there. He was wondering why the witch was delaying, he wasn’t going to change his mind. Nothing would. And if she refused it would just be another person he would have to destroy on his way towards the gods.

“I am not seeking power because I want it. Power is just a means to an end for me.” Valentine didn’t know why this woman cared what he was going to do, she would be getting another soul out of it so she should just smile and nod. “If I believed I could achieve what I needed by myself I wouldn’t have come for you, Devil.” Valentine voiced his words laced with venom.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
When they appeared in the study Valentine frowned he wasn’t fond of being teleported to places unknown but then he had no choice in the matter. It didn’t help that there appeared to be no end of the books as if they expanded indefinitely both outwards and upwards.

“I’ve heard different rumors. But it may be best to hear it straight from the Devil herself.” Valentine said as he got up from his chair and moved to stand before the woman. He wasn’t sure what her price was but he was willing to pay almost anything to get the revenge he desired.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“Agreed.” Valentine agreed as he stood before the witch mentally preparing himself for whatever sick ritual she would have to go through to grant him what he wanted. “One question. What do you mean by possibilities?” He didn’t care what it was as long as he was able to exact the vengeance he craved, but he couldn’t deny his curiosity.

Glancing down at his right hand he clenched it into a fist and then released it slowly. Besides who isn’t to say that I won’t just kill you when you come for your toll? Valentine thought to himself as he looked back up at the witch awaiting an answer.


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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine listened as the Witch explained to him exactly what his payment would be but he couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face that only grew as she explained more and when she finally finished and began to laugh he only stood there smiling. She wasn’t the one who should be laughing right now. It was him and so he began to laugh slowly and quietly at first and it only grew louder until it drowned out her laughter.

“Witch you said that there was no need to explain myself further but it may have been better for you if I had.” Valentine began still laughing the entire time. “Have you not questioned why it is I wish to kill a god?” He asked rhetorically. “My love has already been made and taken from me. My happiness destroyed. There is no one left to shed tears for me.” His eyes were a flame with anger and destruction. “I desired to kill the gods because they have already taken from me, what you desire.” Valentine once again broke into a hysterical laughter. He could not believe that this so called Devil had been this brainless.

The setting changes from The Cold Plains to The Abandoned Slums

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
Valentine was oblivious to his surroundings as he stared up into the sky. It had been raining earlier and it was still cloudy as if the gods hadn’t decided if they were finished crying yet. If Valentine had the power he would force the gods to create a perpetual rain. Dropping his gaze down from the sky and to the slums he immediately noticed a woman who he was sure hadn’t been there before.

“What are you doing here in the slums?” Valentine questioned. The woman looked too well off to be traveling alone in the slums, it didn’t sit well with him.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
“Ask me the same thing?” He muttered to himself, disgruntled. His clothes were barely managing to keep themselves together and while he wasn’t dirty he looked to be more in place than this woman. With his eyes studying the woman he smiled, “What would I get out of walking with you?”

He wasn’t the type of person to do something unless it benefited him in some form. But he would go a long with this woman either way. His curiosity had been sparked as to what someone of her class was doing here, and he would follow it.

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Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
"Not good enough." He quickly answered shaking his head. He already had his own life to deal with, and he already had his own goals. He wasn't about to deal with anyone elses.

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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
"Power." He responded letting the word ring out in the silent slums. But as she began to glide towards him Valentine took a step backwards. His mind immediately screamed trap and he began to search for others who might be helping her but found no one. He wanted to question how she did that but he restrained himself.

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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Valentine Taikuus
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#, as written by Medic
As the wolf moved out into the open Valentine glanced at it confused. A wolf shouldnt be wandering the slums, especially one that looks well kept and beautiful. But it seemed the animal was on neither side, so that meant it was less of a threat. "If you are offering power then tell me how." Valentine wanted to get straight to the point. If this woman couldnt deliver power then there was no point in him staying.