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Vegeshin Kanahashi

Vegeshin Kanahashi, A Hybrid being. Half Youkai, and half Saiyan. [quote]Hn, and to think, I was convinced I'd be fighting a warrior. All I see before me is trash.[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Vejisama



Vegeshin first appears before the eyes as a six foot majestic being. With vivid violet locks that stand in lazy spikes and two long locks on either side that fall to his chest, his violet eyes cast out upon the many who spy him. He is typically seen in an elegant, draping, outfit of sorts, completed by crisscrossing belts that hold Shissaiga, his Chusshin blade. Aside from that, his body is slim, slender, and yet well-toned and fit.


C - Dim-Serenity ; DeviantArt


Vegeshin is one typically very silent. He prefers to remain in silence, and speak only when necessary...than idly chat nonsensical words. Though, he can be found speaking casually once in a while, simply for sanity's sake. He's geared more toward a darker side of emotions, one whom has never healed over a past event that happened to scar him. Since then, he's been rather stoic, blunt, and moody. Though, he is one whom is very protective over the few friends, and family, he has...and will go to any lengths to protect them. He also holds justice deep in his heart, though perhaps a wrong sense of he takes into his own hands. He despises all that with nefarious, cruel, intentions and goes out of his way to smite such efforts. He doesn't hesitate to seek justice against those, and instead cross justice by committing the very evils against said beings he swore against.


Vegeshin is known as a Hybrid, or halfbreed, in simple terms. His father was a Saiyan, and his mother was a Daiyoukai. That in itself grants him a phenomenal bloodline with many gifts.

Vegeshin's Saiyan genetics give him some special attributes.

Saiyan Genetics:
-Usage of Ki
-Daunting strength; Transcendental speed; and a great Stamina
-Bukujutsu (Flight)
-Energy signature perception

Saiyan Regeneration: Each time a Saiyan comes close to death, they completely heal...and more focus is placed on their bodies attributes to increase their strength, stamina, speed, and resistance. This is no different with Vegeshin.

The secondary genetic that comprises his DNA happens to be that of Daiyoukai. With a Daiyoukai's genetics come even more abilities, and gifts.

Daiyoukai Genetics:
-Further enhances Vegeshin's physical attributes: Speed, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina. But, this blood adds to his Flexibility as well; allowing him to perform strange movements usually normal human beings aren't gifted with.
-Condensed muscle mass is granted with this blood; slimming his body, and trimming it into pristine condition, as to move fluidly like with each graceful motion. It is what adds to his speed, and as well, allows his body to withstand heavy attacks
-Health Regenerative abilities comes with this blood, just like with Saiyan blood; thus it is doubled, and sped up, with Vegeshin.
-Keen senses are granted with this bloodline. Sight, Scent, Hearing, Touch. All multi-folded.
-Yoki; The energy used by Youkai, and Daiyoukai, alike. Vegeshin is blessed with a massive quantity of the energy naturally manifesting within his body. It doubles, and triples, into several uses; be it attacks, or regenerative abilities.
-Toxin Immunity; The ability to fully process, and dissolve, any toxins that enter his body via airbourn, or physically inflicted. As such, any toxins used against him are instantly processed, dissolved, and resisted leaving him unharmed.
-Psionics come with the Daiyoukai bloodline. Telepathy, and Telekinesis, are accomplished by this bloodline. The use of Telekinesis is limited, due in part to his half blood, but Telepathy is something greater in him than thought. Though it is rare for him to use such, it is not beyond him to do so, and it is something that he utilizes when necessary. The ability to protrude the minds of others has been used before in dire situations.

Shissaiga: A legendary blade made of Xzenonite. The Xzenon in it is a rare, essentially one of a kind, material infused into countless other molten alloy's and stone to create what is known as the Chusshin Blade. Scientific thought would have it that fusing such materials together would make a rather weak, unstable, blade...but with the addition of Xzenon on the molecular level; all the materials come together to form a more solid; stable; and perfect creation: Xzenonite.

-The blade itself is able to utilize, and form, a blanket of whatever energy the wielder so chooses to use around the blades edge; giving it that much more power in its strikes.
-The blade is, as stated before, made of the material Xzenonite. Only another blade (Or Armor) constructed of Xzenonite, can break the sword making it an ultimate defense in some aspects.
-Xzenonite, thanks in part to the material Xzenon, is very able to rend through certain materials and energies. Magic is no exception; Xzenon is much like a shield toward the energy. Those who cross the ethereal plane as well are susceptible, for the material see's past realms; cutting through each with ease.
-Those who hold a Chusshin blade are not affected by age; leaving them immortal. With that immortality comes several additions; such as immunities to toxins and such.
-The blade itself is feather-light, making it a very quick weapon to use. Like lightning, it can sear through the air in swift speeds.


Vegeshin's history is mottled with Tragedy and Loss. Born upon a sister planet to the Planet Vegeta, Vegeshin loses his parents because of a strict law against inter-racial consemation. His father was a Saiyan, and his mother a Demon. A forbidden love, due to the Saiyan's hatred for Demons.

Sent to earth, Vegeshin grew up alone, learning everything on his own. Growing up, he meets a young girl, developes a simple crush. He see's her day after day, and then...she's gone. He see's her no more, breaking his young heart.

Slightly older, he moves from his original home, silly enough; a forest, into the city, due to his forest being destroyed and developed into a residential area. Moving into the city, he learns to adapt to realistic life. No more barbarianism for him, one could say. He enrolls in a Martial Arts academy, to test his skills, and ascends in ranks quickly.

His last year, he enters a tournament, and defeats all the competition aside from the last opponent, a girl, in which they both plummet out of the ring. A double ring-out. He comes to befriend her, and the friendship flourishes.

A couple years pass, and Vegeshin decides it's time to leave. Wander. Explore the world. His friend chooses to stay, start her own Dojo. Vegeshin parts, but as he's leaving, he runs into the same girl from his youth. Reintroducing themselves, old feelings resurface. It continues on, until Vegeshin becomes around twenty two, in human years. He still resembles that of an eighteen year old.

They marry, and live happily within the city, Vegeshin forsaking his wandering plans. Living a usual life, Vegeshin treats her to lunch one day. They were expecting a young girl, and Vegeshin simply wished to give her a decent time. That day, things changed. An old enemy from his fathers past arrives in the form of a Saiyan space pod. Crashlanding in the city, he states that he was sent to finish off the Saiyan/Demon hybrid children from Hiroshi. He was to purify the Saiyan race, and purge it of it's tainted filthy halfbreeds.

Vegeshin refuses to battle, and his enemy instead chooses to invoke an anguished feeling over Vegeshin. He takes the life of Vegeshin's love, which also ends Vegeshin's unborn daughters life. This envelopes Vegeshin in such a despair, that he had thought his mind had snapped. An anger, so untamed, awakens within him. His blood nearly boils. And he takes after his enemy.

A long, grueling, confrontation begins. And after some hours, and Vegeshin's power continually growing from his heart-consuming despair, Vegeshin exacts his revenge. doesn't quite his heart. His emptiness was still there, and it was overwhelming. With nothing left, he takes care of the things he must...and begins an aimless, fateless, journey. Merely wandering. Seeing the world, like he so desired the first time, but through emotionless eyes. Vivid violet eyes, but eyes that held no warmth to them. A beautifully empty glass, so to speak.

So begins...

Vegeshin Kanahashi's Story


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "Very well, then be weary of how much you consume, should you believe what you tell yourself. Though, I find it hard to tell myself 'no' sometimes as well." He gently states back, swirling the wine around in his glass. This had to have been his third glass; but the stuff was so exquisite, and wonderful.

"As for my sense of style; I must state a thank you. Thinking back to my youth, I remember some very... far-fetched outifits..." he softly says with a light smile.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi Gently glancing up upon her, he studies her for a quick moment, tracing his memories. They may have, per se, since this place managed to lure past incarnations of himself. His younger self just may have ran into her before.

"It may be a likely possibility, but, there is no concrete memory that I possess. Perhaps I may have misplaced them, though, in my age..." he softly replies, taking yet another sip of his wine, finishing the glass.

"..As for my eyes; yes, a wonderful shade, but I've noticed them begin to dull over the years. Seemingly as if that spark of purpose has faded; I'm sure you understand..." he simply adds, pouring another glass for himself.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "Something troubling you?" Vegeshin merely inquires, his voice seemingly dull; yet still polite. It was as was more than just that vibrant glow in his eyes had vanished. It was as if the life was literally stripped from him. In his age; he'd been through far too much. He no longer even carried his weapons upon him. He had but his suit, and that was it.

"You be in heavy contemplation? Is there something about me?" He then inquires.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi With a soft nod, Vegeshin manages a minute smile. An old friend of hers he reminded her of. Maybe it was a wonderful thing; on her part that was. As for him; all his close friends had passed. He was the only one to remain. That, and his son, and grandchildren. But, aside from that, nothing. Though, he'd come to terms.

"I see. Well, I am sorry if it is something you wish not to recollect." He softly states, noticing a possible twitch about her. Was she in pain? Perhaps. Everyone was in pain, somehow or another.

"True, I have not come across your name yet; but I haven't asked it. Unless you wish to divulge upon me such information; I won't bother you with the question." He softly says with a smile.

With that, he then tilts his head a bit, arching his brow once more.

"You are sure there is nothing else wrong with you? You seem to be...hiding pain." He merely states, knowing such things, since he hides his as well.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi nods towards her as she graces him with her name. With a soft smile, before taking another sip of his delectable wine, he casts his violet hue's upon her.

"A pleasure Liesha; Vegeshin Kanahashi, Veji for short." He softly replies, before watching her unfolding actions. So, she was in pain. Such a miserable thing to live with. Though, her's was physical.

"Hm, I see. If I could offer you help with that, I'd gladly do so, but I wouldn't know how to go about it. I can only wish you the best, and that one day, that pain ceases its agonizing effect upon you." He adds, before managing a small chuckle.

"As for the constant 'griping', I am sure I can handle it. It poses naught a problem. I am used to such things..." He softly finishes; taking note of how his own mind constantly chose to claw at his conscious, and scream at him about his past.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi With a passing glance, Vegeshin's hue's come to land 'pon Rage. Gently closing them, he softly replies.

"Hello, Rage. What mischief are you up to this eve?" He gently questions.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi suddenly clenching his teeth, Vegeshin closes his hue's with a frown. Did Rage not see the difference in age before his very own eyes? Sometimes, this guy could be such a fool.

"You misinterpret, Rage. You see me here before you in my mid-fifties. This conversation I am having has nothing to do with what you are assuming..." He merely states; not a waver in his voice about his age, as if he wasn't afraid of growing old; whereas, in truth, he was completely frightened...


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Vegeshin Kanahashi Turning back towards Liesha, Vegeshin nods in understanding. An office full of idiots. He could associate himself with her on that. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was surrounded by fools in this bar. He couldn't see it in his youth, of course, but his wisdom was beyond comprehensible now. His intellect far-surpassing what it once ever was.

"I see; I over my apologies for that. Though, I am sure that you have found a way to deal with that..." he softly says, with a small smile.

Feeling the pat upon his back, though, Veji turns to face Rage, a more than disapproving look upon his face.

"That was uncalled for. Completely unnecessary. It did nothing, Rage. In fact; it has Clock loathing me, if it is even capable of feeling such emotions. I'm sure it won't go anywhere; well, with my youth self that is. Look at me now. This is the present me. I think I would know if it had went anywhere.." he says, matter-of-factly.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi Turning from Liesha back to Rage, he simply nods slightly.

"You could say that. We were friends in my youth; as of now, though, I assume us acquaintances." He gently states. It wasn't to put down Rage, but it was simply the fact that a fifty-six year old Veji would have a difficult time attempting to understand the young-ish Vampire.

With that, he suddenly whirls on Rage, standing before the being. He was far different from his youthful self.

You are wrong, Rage. Though something may happen differently in the past; it doesn't affect the future, for a different event will then come to pass; the same consequences brought about. You cannot change fate; destiny. It is impossible.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi simply strides back towards Liesha. Without even a passing glance at Rage, he parts his delicate lips ever so gently.

I am positive. Mine has already been decided for me.
he simply states.

Coming back upon the female, he takes a careful seat upon a bar-stool, bowing slightly. "I apologize for that..." he softly says to her.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi suddenly frowns as his mind continues to trace over his past. Something he didn't like to recollect; ever. Tracing an elongated nail upon the counter-top, he sighs, then grabbing the bottle of wine and drinking straight from it. Less mannered, of course, but it did the trick. Placing it down upon the counter, he glances over at Liesha.

"Is there anything else you'd wish to discuss? Or am I being a hindrance?" he inquires softly...


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "As are you interesting to me. You seem to be more...realistic, as opposed to the morons here..." he truthfully states, gently removing a violet bang from before his hue's with a delicate digit.

"...Though I am running low upon topics. The only thing I know that is left to the ever 'fearful' 'tell me about yourself' inquiry. And, you've already stated your work. Thus, I know nothing else to ask..." he softly says, slightly tongue twisted, with a chuckle.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi nods with understanding. She was indeed wrapped up in something heavy, it seemed.

"I...see. Well, if I had information; I'd gladly give it to you..." he says; the only decent reply he could think of...

"...As for myself, I would tell you of myself, but it would more than likely either depress you, or bore you..." he merely says with a loll of his eyes.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi shrugs lightly. She asked for it.

"Very well. I'm a being bred of two species. Saiyan, and Demon. My father fell in love with a demoness, but from my home planet, such inter-relations or forbidden. They were both put to death for 'treachery'. A friend of my fathers sent me and my brothers to earth. I grew up alone, since the three of us were separated. I was a fairly happy child. I grew up. Fell in love. Had a child, then my past caught up with me. A being was sent to eliminate the 'remnants' of the filthy 'half-breeds'. Instead, this being eliminated my love, to get to me. I exacted my revenge, accordingly, but it left me empty and scarred. I chose to protect this world, only to fail miserably one day. I couldn't save the ones I vowed to protect. And I lost all of my close friends in the process; they were killed. Thus, without a purpose, I wandered aimlessly, seeking knowledge..." -C


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "...Only to come upon the realization that my elder brother had been polluted by twisted visions of perfection. He saw it that our own race betrayed us. Saw that no one could be trusted. Chose to dedicate his life to the undoing of all that was pure. Swore to plunge the 'multiverse' into chaos, and despair. I stood in his way, and he inevitably killed me one day. I was lucky to be brought back, only to succumb to his wrath once more. Upon this time, my son brought me back. And now, I sit here before you, without a purpose. An empty shell of a proud man. I know not where to go, where to turn. What to do. I have nothing left, and nothing ahead of me..." He softly states, without even a quiver in his voice; he'd accepted this fact long ago...


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "I find you interesting, because you live a life much more purposeful than my own. You have a duty to perform. My duties ended long ago; the day I failed. I cannot ignore the shame that rests upon me, thus I cannot look at the beings I swore to protect without guilt. I spend my time avoiding others..." He softly says.

", it is impossible to do that. Thus I socialize to the best of my abilities." He finishes, then catching the word 'mortal'.

"Do not confuse me with an immortal. I live, and I will die, much like others do." He says, oblivious to the actuality of his impending fate that was to come to pass...soon.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "I understand what you are saying..." He softly murmurs, though he still viewed it differently. It was his fault. He wasn't powerful enough. Wasn't smart enough. Simply couldn't do it. He wasn't 'thrown' from his position of prestige. He voluntarily stepped down from the guilt.

"As of lately, I try not to avoid others as much. But, it is still hard sometimes..." He says, almost more-so to himself than her.

With a sigh, he then drums his nails upon the counter-top. "As for a purpose; I have none, that I have found yet. It still eludes me..." He softly says with a frown.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "...I don't have any either..." he slowly states, taking to his feet. Straightening his tie, and smoothing out his suit, he gently offers a wave.

"It has been a pleasure, Liesha." He softly says, offering a mild wink, before taking strides towards the door to make his exit.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi sits upon the edge of the bar. Seemingly his memory tells him he was in a fight, though he couldn't remember the outcome, or if there was even an outcome. Running his delicate digits through his violet spiked hair, he spies Rage, and merely gives a wry grin towards the man.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi gently makes his way through the door of Gambit's. Wearing his usual black suite, and violet tie, he comes to take a seat at his usual bar-stool; violet hue's glancing about in mild interest.