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Vegeshin Kanahashi

Vegeshin Kanahashi, A Hybrid being. Half Youkai, and half Saiyan. [quote]Hn, and to think, I was convinced I'd be fighting a warrior. All I see before me is trash.[/quote]

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Vejisama



Vegeshin first appears before the eyes as a six foot majestic being. With vivid violet locks that stand in lazy spikes and two long locks on either side that fall to his chest, his violet eyes cast out upon the many who spy him. He is typically seen in an elegant, draping, outfit of sorts, completed by crisscrossing belts that hold Shissaiga, his Chusshin blade. Aside from that, his body is slim, slender, and yet well-toned and fit.


C - Dim-Serenity ; DeviantArt


Vegeshin is one typically very silent. He prefers to remain in silence, and speak only when necessary...than idly chat nonsensical words. Though, he can be found speaking casually once in a while, simply for sanity's sake. He's geared more toward a darker side of emotions, one whom has never healed over a past event that happened to scar him. Since then, he's been rather stoic, blunt, and moody. Though, he is one whom is very protective over the few friends, and family, he has...and will go to any lengths to protect them. He also holds justice deep in his heart, though perhaps a wrong sense of he takes into his own hands. He despises all that with nefarious, cruel, intentions and goes out of his way to smite such efforts. He doesn't hesitate to seek justice against those, and instead cross justice by committing the very evils against said beings he swore against.


Vegeshin is known as a Hybrid, or halfbreed, in simple terms. His father was a Saiyan, and his mother was a Daiyoukai. That in itself grants him a phenomenal bloodline with many gifts.

Vegeshin's Saiyan genetics give him some special attributes.

Saiyan Genetics:
-Usage of Ki
-Daunting strength; Transcendental speed; and a great Stamina
-Bukujutsu (Flight)
-Energy signature perception

Saiyan Regeneration: Each time a Saiyan comes close to death, they completely heal...and more focus is placed on their bodies attributes to increase their strength, stamina, speed, and resistance. This is no different with Vegeshin.

The secondary genetic that comprises his DNA happens to be that of Daiyoukai. With a Daiyoukai's genetics come even more abilities, and gifts.

Daiyoukai Genetics:
-Further enhances Vegeshin's physical attributes: Speed, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina. But, this blood adds to his Flexibility as well; allowing him to perform strange movements usually normal human beings aren't gifted with.
-Condensed muscle mass is granted with this blood; slimming his body, and trimming it into pristine condition, as to move fluidly like with each graceful motion. It is what adds to his speed, and as well, allows his body to withstand heavy attacks
-Health Regenerative abilities comes with this blood, just like with Saiyan blood; thus it is doubled, and sped up, with Vegeshin.
-Keen senses are granted with this bloodline. Sight, Scent, Hearing, Touch. All multi-folded.
-Yoki; The energy used by Youkai, and Daiyoukai, alike. Vegeshin is blessed with a massive quantity of the energy naturally manifesting within his body. It doubles, and triples, into several uses; be it attacks, or regenerative abilities.
-Toxin Immunity; The ability to fully process, and dissolve, any toxins that enter his body via airbourn, or physically inflicted. As such, any toxins used against him are instantly processed, dissolved, and resisted leaving him unharmed.
-Psionics come with the Daiyoukai bloodline. Telepathy, and Telekinesis, are accomplished by this bloodline. The use of Telekinesis is limited, due in part to his half blood, but Telepathy is something greater in him than thought. Though it is rare for him to use such, it is not beyond him to do so, and it is something that he utilizes when necessary. The ability to protrude the minds of others has been used before in dire situations.

Shissaiga: A legendary blade made of Xzenonite. The Xzenon in it is a rare, essentially one of a kind, material infused into countless other molten alloy's and stone to create what is known as the Chusshin Blade. Scientific thought would have it that fusing such materials together would make a rather weak, unstable, blade...but with the addition of Xzenon on the molecular level; all the materials come together to form a more solid; stable; and perfect creation: Xzenonite.

-The blade itself is able to utilize, and form, a blanket of whatever energy the wielder so chooses to use around the blades edge; giving it that much more power in its strikes.
-The blade is, as stated before, made of the material Xzenonite. Only another blade (Or Armor) constructed of Xzenonite, can break the sword making it an ultimate defense in some aspects.
-Xzenonite, thanks in part to the material Xzenon, is very able to rend through certain materials and energies. Magic is no exception; Xzenon is much like a shield toward the energy. Those who cross the ethereal plane as well are susceptible, for the material see's past realms; cutting through each with ease.
-Those who hold a Chusshin blade are not affected by age; leaving them immortal. With that immortality comes several additions; such as immunities to toxins and such.
-The blade itself is feather-light, making it a very quick weapon to use. Like lightning, it can sear through the air in swift speeds.


Vegeshin's history is mottled with Tragedy and Loss. Born upon a sister planet to the Planet Vegeta, Vegeshin loses his parents because of a strict law against inter-racial consemation. His father was a Saiyan, and his mother a Demon. A forbidden love, due to the Saiyan's hatred for Demons.

Sent to earth, Vegeshin grew up alone, learning everything on his own. Growing up, he meets a young girl, developes a simple crush. He see's her day after day, and then...she's gone. He see's her no more, breaking his young heart.

Slightly older, he moves from his original home, silly enough; a forest, into the city, due to his forest being destroyed and developed into a residential area. Moving into the city, he learns to adapt to realistic life. No more barbarianism for him, one could say. He enrolls in a Martial Arts academy, to test his skills, and ascends in ranks quickly.

His last year, he enters a tournament, and defeats all the competition aside from the last opponent, a girl, in which they both plummet out of the ring. A double ring-out. He comes to befriend her, and the friendship flourishes.

A couple years pass, and Vegeshin decides it's time to leave. Wander. Explore the world. His friend chooses to stay, start her own Dojo. Vegeshin parts, but as he's leaving, he runs into the same girl from his youth. Reintroducing themselves, old feelings resurface. It continues on, until Vegeshin becomes around twenty two, in human years. He still resembles that of an eighteen year old.

They marry, and live happily within the city, Vegeshin forsaking his wandering plans. Living a usual life, Vegeshin treats her to lunch one day. They were expecting a young girl, and Vegeshin simply wished to give her a decent time. That day, things changed. An old enemy from his fathers past arrives in the form of a Saiyan space pod. Crashlanding in the city, he states that he was sent to finish off the Saiyan/Demon hybrid children from Hiroshi. He was to purify the Saiyan race, and purge it of it's tainted filthy halfbreeds.

Vegeshin refuses to battle, and his enemy instead chooses to invoke an anguished feeling over Vegeshin. He takes the life of Vegeshin's love, which also ends Vegeshin's unborn daughters life. This envelopes Vegeshin in such a despair, that he had thought his mind had snapped. An anger, so untamed, awakens within him. His blood nearly boils. And he takes after his enemy.

A long, grueling, confrontation begins. And after some hours, and Vegeshin's power continually growing from his heart-consuming despair, Vegeshin exacts his revenge. doesn't quite his heart. His emptiness was still there, and it was overwhelming. With nothing left, he takes care of the things he must...and begins an aimless, fateless, journey. Merely wandering. Seeing the world, like he so desired the first time, but through emotionless eyes. Vivid violet eyes, but eyes that held no warmth to them. A beautifully empty glass, so to speak.

So begins...

Vegeshin Kanahashi's Story


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Vegeshin Kanahashi frowns as he tilts to the side in his chair. Did this person take him for a fool? The disturbances within the air were noticeable enough, as well as the odd muffling of sounds coming from behind him; thus establishing a sudden object being behind his form.

"What are you doing..." Vegeshin mutters, leaning to the side on his stool; his body blurring from the speed.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi merely adjusts in his seat, coming to turn on the being.

"Rage, correct?" He inquires. This was the only Vegeshin that could not be touched; nor fooled with. His destiny was set. This was the present Vegeshin Kanahashi; well, so to speak. It didn't matter. Come the next day, he was to die.

"And, what are you speaking about?" He further inquires.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "Define that; explain; further enlighten me on what you're talking about?" He states, dryly.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi frowns.

"I am Vegeshin Akurei Kanahashi. I am forty two years old. I have had a very long past. I am sorry if I cannot remember the face of one I should. I am sorry..." He apologetically states before holding out a hand to shake; some sore of compensation possibly.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi frowns furthermore.

"I would rather not take my leave. Things as there are, now, require a break...." He says, with an arch of his brow. He wasn't feeling the best...


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Vegeshin Kanahashi continued to frown, and place his face within his hands; his elbows resting on the bar-counter. Even the least bit of company left him; though the being didn't like him. But that wasn't why he had his face within his hands. He could feel his bodies functions slowly ceasing.

Dying at the age of forty two? That wasn't natural. He was suppose to nearly one thousand years. Why so soon? The only drawback of the Chusshin blades. Once you give them up; you are set to die soon. A being that has held such power, and knows such knowledge, is un-allowed to live much longer after bestowing the blade on another.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi takes a moment to lift a hand; flicking the popcorn kernel from the air before it hit him. With that, he resumes his thoughts, before shrugging, taking to his feet, and glancing upwards.

"A simple couple of words for you. Despite who I am, and how you see me, you know very well how I was in my youth. You many not like the way I am, but look at yourself as well. Though my memories are harsh, and vague, and seemingly untrue in places, they tell me that as a younger boy, I did the best I could to help you through your troubles and miseries. I could not see why you do not understand my own; the miseries of your 'friend'; even though he is a much older version you are not used to..." he says with a frown.

With that, he takes his leave; only to pass away during the eve in his chamber-room bed.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi "Rage, take it away for me..."


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Vegeshin Kanahashi blinks, checking his scouter, before grinding his teeth. "It's...It's..."

It's over Nine Thousand!!!!
he screams, before crushing his scouter...

...then grunts.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi takes a look about, unable to scream his meme anymore since..well, he broke his scouter... he leaves...


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Vegeshin Kanahashi slams his fist into the face of another; the impact riveting, and pulsating with a sonic explosion of power. The cheek of the other contorts as the fist proceeds to plunge into it; sending the poor being careening through the upper skyline of Wing City. Without hesitation; Vegeshin pursues. Transcendental speed carries him faster than the other; bringing him to arrive behind the being, before he laces the fingers of both fists together to execute a devastating axe-handle slam upon the figure arriving to his position. The force of it sends this being hurling downwards; speeds beyond comprehension. The bludgeoned 'foe so to speak' collides with the roof of Gambit's before proceeding to continue through it; floor after floor, before finally coming to burst forth from the ceiling of the bar; coming to a halt only upon reaching the floor of the establishment. Twitching, the violet haired teen leans up a bit; looking as if he'd been through hell and back, before laughing gently, and falling unconcious. -C


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Vegeshin Kanahashi arrives seconds later, coming through the various holes in created in the building, only to come and land beside the downed 'opponent'. Snorting, he folds his arms across his chest; his illuminated golden locks swaying from side to side from the outpouring of energy being released. With a snap; he shouts.

"You have to fight harder! Train your body to the limits! This is all you can offer? At this rate; by the time you're my age, you'll never be as close as you should be..." Vegeshin his younger AU counterpart... -F


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Vegeshin Kanahashi blinks upon Hellshine before looking down at his younger AU self. The kid was...out. Out cold. Damnit. He'd have to resume tomorrow. But, strangely enough, he'd remain in his current state. Training with his younger self had...strangely enough, brought about the transformation. Earlier; the young teen had given him a run for his money. But age; and years of battles, had proved the older one more of a challenge. The young teen had quickly grown winded; tired. He'd not yet learned how to...ration his energy supply yet.

"Hnn. Tomorrow is a new day..." he spits out, before looking about. Slightly dead tonight. Yes. Indeed. Was there even a point in staying? Maybe. Wait till the brat wakes up to lecture him some more.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi frowns, before glancing upon Rage.

"He's done for this night. And; I'll gladly let you know, thirty-two is not old..." Vegeshin snaps, narrowing his eyes slightly.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi then glances towards Shad.

"He will be fine. No medical attention is necessary. His body is not like a human's. He'll be quite alright within the coming hours. In fact. He'll awaken far more stronger than before..." He says.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi is then suddenly adressed. Who the fuck was he? He was him. Upon the floor.

" Vegeshin Akurei Kanahashi." Vegeshin states; blandly, before turning upon Shad once more.

"Well; then you are welcome for such an appearance. Mind you; such a state won't be held for much longer; unless I am able to surpass the limits my own body holds." He states with a chuckle.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi turns to face Shad with an arch of his brow.

"Ah; there aren't many like myself, so to speak, but I can understand what you are stating." He says, before glancing upon Rage.

"...And this is my dilemma...why?" He simply inquires, before then casting his now emerald green hue's upon Hellshine .

"I...Am Vegeshin Akurei Kanahashi. The true personification of the being. The 'kid' on the floor. That is me, when I was a teenager. But, ughh. This is a very difficult plot to explain. When the 'kid' chose to fall in love with you. He created what is known as an Alternative Reality. Or an Alternate Universe. Thus, he split off from the true events that came to happen; thus creating his own story separate from my own. He is me. And I am him. One in the same. But in different realities. essance, we are the same, yet different. Hard to comprehend. Thus I shall have explained this only once." He says with a frown.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi facepalms, clenching his teeth.

"The Vegeshin upon the floor. Is of this reality. The Rizukumei you see; is of this reality. The Kazura you see; is of this reality. Any others, you see, are of this reality. The only one that is not of this reality; is myself. The True Vegeshin." He mutters, before looking upon the strange little child that manifests blue fire.


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Vegeshin Kanahashi *realizes he can with photoshop; and does*


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Vegeshin Kanahashi simply frowns. Two blue fireballs? Was that it? Childs'play.

"This is nothing..." He spits, holding up a hand to deflect one off to the side; whilst with his second hand; he simply directs his palm outward before launching a massive Ki-induced cannon-blast to vaporize the attack. Violet Damnation; as he calls it, though in his current form, instead of it being violet in hue, it would glow an intense golden yellow.