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Vince Galven

He never seemed like a mystery.

0 · 1,420 views · located in Wing City

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Moonscar


A brotherhood committed to the relocation of demons and other hazardous creatures. WARNING: Members are armed and extremely spontaneous.
Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


Occupation: Employed with the Invictus

Age: 22
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180 lbs

Species: Human
Race: Chinese Caucasian
Condition: Cyborg

Birthplace: Earth
Nationality: TNG
Current Residence: Wing City

So begins...

Vince Galven's Story


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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It was convenient, then, that there was someone stalking below. Too many of his sensors were absolutely freaking out, for lack of a better word, and he just could not find out why. There was a large slab of metal, or a magnet, or...something that was interrupting his sensors, particularly his mech eye. The young man raised her head, squinting in exasperation as he muttered under his breath.

That's when it all came together. Normal, untainted vision brought his eyes to the startling redhead standing on a pinnacle, throwing rocks. His eyes darted about her, one zooming in to her position. What in the world? A woman was doing this to him? Blast it all! How!?

Too curious to care for much of his safety (for he felt he could take on this woman, at the very least) he walked closer, trying to get a definite read.



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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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There was surprise as this polar bomb smashed into the opposite pillar, but it was now clear to the man what this woman could be now. He was not expecting one of her kind here, but the way his sensors were cracking made it obvious. He was not sure if it would be the best choice to engage her, but she did not seem menacing, just...mad.

"I wonder if there was an actual city here before you came around," he jested, though his voice was low and dark, "Or maybe you feel like the job wasn't done well enough the first time."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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The man stood still, his hands folded as she hopped down. The display of strength was impressive, but with someone who harbored so much high technology himself, it was not surprising. He had seen it all before, just not in someone who looked so normal. Usually, cyborg women were built to look either terrifying or breathtaking. This woman was neither. Just interesting.

"Oh, no. I don't see any use in stopping someone trying to ruin a ruin. Makes sense. S'not like there's anyone living here, save for a stray hobo," he said, looking her over, mostly with the inbuilt sensors. "You been borg'ed something crazy, haven't you?"


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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The lad shrugged, "Makes no difference to me. Got a good friend who's borg'ed up his spine. You could say I'm one, too. It's a bit different." he informed her, raising a brow. "I suppose you're make for dusting. You don't look like a JoyGirl." he said casually, using the normal street slang of a cyberpunk kid.

"If you must know, just call me Vince. Might you want to introduce yourself, as well?"


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

"Well, I can't speak for him. We both had our reasons," he said, arms slinging down to his side. The black scarf hid part of his face, which he was grateful for. He had always been able to hide behind his alias. It was useful.

"I think the same could be said for myself, but I have no room to speak. I don't know what your own circumstances are. Alien abduction? Evil company? Hell. Like I know." he told her, eyes now on her face. "The eye was a sort of...collaboration, you could say. What about those plates? Your doing? I see them clearly on you."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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This discovery had the man smiling, though it was evident only within his eyes. He flexed his fingers and mused. "So you are like myself. Interesting. And here I thought someone forced you down and shoved 'em inside your skin. Borgs like that aren't usually very effective." he informed her, tapping his elbows with his fingers. This information wasn't going anywhere important, so there was no harm in telling her a few things.

"I was human, once upon a time. I suppose you were, as well. Most of us were. I'd like to think I still am. Just a little different than some. Eases the mind."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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"Hazardous to who's health? Mine? Or that of a normal human?" he asked, leaning against a broken wall. "My sensors went off when I was walking around the 'hood. Led me deeper. What I was doing before that isn't really any of your business." he said, lightly chuckling.

"And you? Seem like you're venting. A kludge of a solution. But if it works whats the matter, right?" He sighed. Meeting another cyborg was interesting, he had to say. Especially out of the random.

Wing City was weird.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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"Sounds like your company isn't the cleanest of them all. Or your aliens. Whoever they are," he said, hair ruffling in a breeze that tossed by. "It's hard to take someone's emotions when you're trying to preserve their thought. They can try, but something'll always come through. It's a good thing, really. Even bots tend to get a personality after a while. So is the way of the world." he said, voice lowering.

"So. Jaz Conner. Sounds like a normal name. Strange for a borg."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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"Ah. So that's sort of an alias, too," he said. He never remembered anyone he knew being particularly close. Growing up was an apathetic journey most times. As she turned, he noticed the numbers behind her ear. "Got a serial number too? So you're owned. Big time."

He did not seem particularly shy, this boy. His words flowed without any restraint or care for the other person. He spoke his mind. "Society needs to learn there's more enhanced around them than they'd have time to care for. Every other human seems to have a sort of implant somewhere. From the simplest electronic pacemaker to a mechanical heart altogether."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

"If I went back into town, I certainly wouldn't be looking like this," he told her, gesturing to the dark outfit and the mechanical eye. He stifled a laugh. He then turned, looking to the other side of the ruins. He wondered if the spine-boy was close by.

"Glitch readings are important. I'm sort of here on a job anyway." And she would not know about it at all. Not one bit.


The setting changes from The Ruins to Side Alley


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

There was oil in the alley, dripping down the gutters and into the unknown of Wing City's sewage system. With a job like this, it probably should have been blood, but that left too many traces with a murder. He would have to use a heap of nanobots just to clean it up, and that was just a waste when all he needed to do was sever the oil tubes with a fierce tug with his hands.

Vince stood in the alleyway, wiping his hands off from the oil that had splattered everywhere after he'd deactivated the other cyborg below him. It sprayed on his face, dotting across her brow. "Annoying." he muttered, leaving the bot there as he began to walk out. There was another one, right? It had run out of the alley. How was he even going to begin to chase that one down?


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

As Vince walked calmly into the other alley, wiping the oil from his forehead, he turned to face Trenton, who had already busted his other target. He made his way to them, watching the disassembly of the bot. "Still going the extra few steps, ah?" he asked, smirking beneath the scarf of his outfit.

"I suppose you're being more useful than I am. Still working for that...Pan guy? Completely forgot his name." he told Trenton, watching the man's spinal implant go to work. He always thought that thing was slightly creepy, but hey, who was he to talk? His blood was running on trillions of nanites.

"Looks painful."

The setting changes from Side Alley to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

A handsome dark haired youth would come into the bar, freshly out of the haze of awkward teenage years. His bangs flopped over one eye, concealing it from view, though it was far from any Gothic or Emo-esque fashion. He wore bright clothes and none of his tech garb. A soft white button-down and a pair of brown cargo pants were casual enough for a bar without being sloppy.

Though the nanobots still ran through his veins, they were not currently active, and he was not on a job. If one were to try and detect them, sensors would only indicate a very high level of iron in his blood, as if he ate too much red meat. He certainly wasn't anemic in any way.

He caught the sight of several people, but said nothing as he made his way to the counter, shoving his hands into his pockets.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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At the sight of the sparklepire, Vince averted his gaze. No need to damage the only functioning eye he had left. Not that the other didn't function. It was just...a little deformed. Yeah, that was the best word for it.

He scratched the back of his head, paying some attention to the vampires and the dark elf over the other way. He squinted through the disco ball-esque light coming from the sparklepire, but still managed, somehow, to watch them. He laughed to himself.

"Well, you think you've seen everything, then..."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

The cyborg watched as the greedy vampire pawed for blood. He could not help but chuckle lightly to himself, holding back the bulk of the laugh that gnawed at him. He tapped in a drink, watching the screen buzz for a half moment before taking his order. Eh. He'd have to find a way to stop things like that from happening. Machinery did not act horribly around him, but the light interference did get annoying.

"You've got nerve asking a woman with a sharp knife for some blood," he said to Rowen, never turning his head to look at them completely, "But I guess you must be a bit desperate."


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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Vince brought his eye down to the counter, then to his drink that had come. It wasn't anything ever seem on normal, modern-day earth. Vince was from a time past that, where everything had broken and fixed up in all the wrong ways and all the wrong places.

"Not that I'm against vampires, but personally, I don't see the charm in sapping up someone else's blood. Most likely because I'm not a leech, but maybe because I try so hard to keep the blood inside people at any chance I get."

True, Galven was a sort of healer, though not by magical means. He had had to use bandages and the sort in the past.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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Vince lifted a brow. "Never said anythin' about killing, really," he replied, picking up the small mug with his drink. The liquid was thick and black. It looked like oil, and smelled horrid, but it wasn't quite what people would think it was. It was also perfectly healthy, minus the alcohol.

He turned his head briefly to spot the next patron who decided to enter. He said nothing, however. Not to them. He did speak to Rowen. Interesting fellow.

"Vampires being healers? Sounds funny, if you think about it. Unless you guys have some kind of...numbing saliva, like real vampire bats do. Then it's understandable." he said.

"Tried to cure the plague? Why is that particularly funny?" Because he currently had an incurable disease as well? Not that it was going to shorten his life the way it was under control, but still.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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Vince, who had watched his current conversation partner depart, returned to the thick, grotesque, black liquid in his cup, tipping it over into his mouth and downing it slowly. In the reflection of some spilled drink on the counter, he saw the image of a rather giant, slender woman come in. He did not lift his eyes or turn to look at her. The small reflection was good enough.

"Looks like everyone and everything comes into this place," he said to himself, combing, with his fingers, his bangs back over that one eye. Not that it was the most important thing in the world if someone saw it, but he really rather not to have it in view all the time.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

The touch-screen menu's, indeed, had about a million choices of food and drink upon them. From blood to soda, and dragons to cheeseburgers, Gambit's had it all. In fact...a dragon steak did not sound so horribly bad.

He watched the girl in the drink's reflection still, curious about her make. Completely skinny, though most girls who came here were. Almost every woman was a perfect being int his place. Rare was it to see an ugly monstrosity or a zit-ridden teenager. Nothing was normal here.


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Character Portrait: Vince Galven
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0.00 INK

"Contraption?" said Vince to himself, listening to the woman mutter and speak to herself. As he downed the rest of his drink, he looked up to a large plastic mug on the other side of the counter. Her reflection was on that, too. This way, he didn't have to force his neck in an uncomfortable position.

He briefly looked to Hans and Ryoko as they came in, said nothing, and focused attention, once again, on Coletta. There was something so off about her that he couldn't place.