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Vircus The Shadowseer

[quote]Yes, I am here, And, My services are Free.[/quote]

0 · 978 views · located in Gambit's Hotel, 7th Floor

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RolePlayGateway



Basic details
Name: Vircus
Titles: The shadowseer, Troupe-leader

Vircus is not a tall eldar. Reaching only about 5.3, while his weight is only about 96ibs. His hair is akin to golden hair that reaches his shoulders, it is fair and very strong to the touch. His skin is pale and smooth. While his body is always wearing his signature armour. His movements are always fluid and dance-like. He is very lithe and subtle with his movements. He has solid green eyes and dark bags under his eyes. Giving him a sometimes disturbing look.

He always wears his mask unless noted. The mask ever changes, depicting more disturbing visages than the last. It is rare to see him without a mask, only removed when he feels it should be. His armour is of all colours. Purple, green, red. At most, it is ever changing. It has many pockets and pouches as-well as two sheaths and four holsters on his body.

He is a psyker. Naturally affinity to such power that allows him to use telekinesis or influence emotions. He is a master of said forces, using it battle freely. Not to mention he is a crack-shot with all of his weapons, his skill with a sword is almost matched with a banshee's.


  • Telekinesis:
  • Influence:
  • Psychic war:
  • Psychic tornado:


    Shuriken pistol.

    Shuriken weaponry is unique to the Eldar; its technology is extremely advanced and very difficult to replicate. Shuriken weapons fire a flesh-tearing hail of razor-sharp discs by means of a gravitic accelerator similar to the gravitic motors which power Imperial Land Speeders. The accelerator creates a peristaltic shift from the front to the rear of the firing chamber, hurling the shuriken missiles forward at a tremendous velocity. A burst of several missiles can be fired in a fraction of a second in this way.

    The shuriken missiles themselves are razor-sharp monomolecular-edged discs of plasti-crystal, and are usually star-shaped, triangular or circular. A shuriken disc can slice straight through flesh and bone, and can penetrate a considerable thickness of metal or Power armour.

    A single solid core of plasti-crystal material is used as ammunition. As the weapon is fired, high-energy impulses from the back of the weapon form the individual shuriken missiles by splitting the ammunition core.

    This weapon-principle produces a very high rate of fire, allowing the weapon to fire up to a hundred rounds in one or two seconds and each core is good for around 10 of these bursts. The downside is the lack of rifling in the barrel reducing the accuracy drastically, thereby reducing its minimum range to one well under that of its solid slug counterparts.

    Harlequin's kiss.

    The Harlequin's Kiss (Eldar: brathu-angau, "kiss of doom") also known as Sting, is a tubular wrist-mounted Mono-filament Injector used only the Eldar Harlequins. The Kiss is only effective in close combat. It contains a tightly-coiled retractable monofilament wire which is around 100 metres in length. When activated (often with a forward punching motion) the wire is violently released. Capable of piercing Armour, if the wire penetrates its victim it instantly uncoils and lashes around violently, liquefying bones and internal organs, and causing immediate death. The wire then retracts back into the Kiss.


    A Diresword is an Eldar Power Weapon with a potent spirit trapped within the blade itself. These spirits are Eldar spirits implanted with a Spirit Stone. When a blow is struck, the spirit will attempt to destroy the enemy's mind.

    Flip Belt

    A Flip Belt (Eldar: geirgilath, "belt of speed") is an anti-gravity belt used by the Eldar Harlequins.

    Flip Belts are suspensor, or anti-gravity belts which allows wearers to pivot effortlessly at hip level, as well as increasing the Harlequin's already considerable agility. A short range negative gravity field is generated, allowing the Harlequin to use their already prodigious acrobatic talent to greater effect, bounding across battlefields and performing killing blows that are too fast and complicated to be blocked by enemies in combat.

    Mask Of Fear&Rictus.

    The Mask of Fear is a small holographic device worn as a mask. It projects daemonic visages and scenes of death onto the mask and has a short-range psychic amplifier which increases enemies' sensitivity to fear and despair.

    Other versions of the Mask of Fear include the Rictus Mask, which projects an aura of death in the general vicinity of the wearer, or the Dread Mask, which acts as a mirror of an enemy's worst fears, along with a more potent psychic amplifier like the ones used on the Masks of Fear.


    Storm-glove (or Riveblades). The Stormglove is basically the Harlequin version of the Power Fist, or strength amplifier used by humans. It is a set of blades worn on the forearm, or more typically, on the hand as a glove.

    Power Armour.

    Slight of hand, and strong as a lion, is the creed Harlequins live by, as they prance around the battlefields, singing song, and dancing the dance of death, causing heavy casualties, while normal bullets just glance upon there colorful, and loud Armour.


    Holo-suits (dathedi in Eldar, 'between colors') are used by the Harlequins and contains a programmable holo field which breaks up the outline of the wearer as they move. Whenever anyone wearing this Armour moves, it appears that their outline explodes in a flash of light and when he stops the image reconstitutes itself. It is also known as a jigsaw field or domino field. Also, when the wearer stops moving his outline blends into the surrounding landscape. This makes them very hard to fight in combat, easily disorientating their enemies.

    Fusion Pistol

    Fusion Weapons are heat-based weapons which work by sub-atomic agitation of the air. Targets on the receiving end are heated to the point of being vaporised. The effect on flesh is fearsome to say the least, while vehicles can be reduced to molten slag. Most Fusion weapons use highly pressurized pyrum-petrol gases with a two part injection system which forces the gases into a molecular state, which will vaporize just about anything. Unfortunately, due to the high power consumption and range dissipation, the weapon is only effective over very short distances, but anything caught in the blast is likely to be destroyed.


    A Shimmershield is a piece of equipment used by the Eldar. It is an advanced force-field generator that is strong enough to protect the Wearer and the People around him from melee attacks.
    It takes the form, of being underwater, with reflections going down upon the skin, and Armour of said person.

    Neuro Disruptor

    The Neuro-disruptor is a weapon of unknown alien manufacture, used by the Eldar. It is a handgun made of a transparent crystalline material. It has no obvious power source, internal workings or mechanical trigger, but works by intent. It uses intricate psycho-crystalline circuitry to emit a wave of particles that disrupt the brain's neural pathways, turning the target into a drooling imbecile or killing them outright.

    Hallucinogen grenades:[/b]

    Are used as psychological weapons. They release a cloud of invisible gas which has strange and unpredictable effects on the minds of those inhaling it. These effects usually have the result of taking the victim out of combat or making him turn against his allies; effects range from turning victims into passive zombies or idiots, to producing delusions, paranoia and hallucination. Only those with armour which seals them from the local environment are unaffected by hallucinogen gas.

    Haywire Grenades:

    Are used by both the Eldar and for disabling enemy vehicles. Each one sends out a pulse of electromagnetic energy which shorts out electrical wires and disrupts many energy systems. They don't have any effect on biological creatures.

    Tangle-Foot grenades:

    Are a complex offensive grenade, A mechanism and only typically used by elite Imperial forces. Basically a small magno-gravitic reactor set to overload, they create very small, but relatively powerful gravimetric fields. The outcome of all this is that anything caught inside the tangle-foot field experiences localised higher gravity, with all the associated implications for movement, bodily operation and so on. Gravimetric fields can also create limited spatial warping and time distortions.

    Plasma Grenades:

    Are used by the Eldar, in replacement for the more crudely designed Frag Grenades used by Man-kind. They use a small amount of exploding plasma to blind the enemy and prevent them from properly using their terrain to defend their position against advancing enemy forces.

So begins...

Vircus The Shadowseer's Story


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Dances in, his feet barely touching the ground, a great series of flips, and dance-moves, his laughs echoing though his mask, sounding like an excited child. He landed on the tip of his toes, and smiled behind his mask.

"Ah, Thy face's i do not know."
he said loudly.

"And, I have arrived, Good people."
he announced, his tone happy, and carefree.

He danced on the spot, his movements incredibly fast, and agile, flipping on the spot, and laughing.

"It is i!, The shadowseer!"
he announced again.

He flipped again, and refused to sit down, smiling.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Stands before the door, stroking his chin, behind his mask, he smiles, and flipped on the spot, still scratching at his beard, he extends a leg, and nudges the door, his flip belt, causing the door to blast open, as if hit by a gale force, as he flips into the room, in flurry of colors, and flying clothes.

He lands on his feet, and smiles his feet glancing on the ground, almost like a ghost, his ribbon like hair flying in the projected wind, his feet slide to the ground, and smiles, laughing like a child, as he starts to say something.

"The entertainer is here!"
he announces proudly, flipped at a high speed, causing another blur, moving to fast for normal eyes.

He lands on his feet again, laughing like a excited child, he smiles again, and hums to himself.
The hum was cheerful, and brought good feelings.

He danced on the spot, moving at a great speed.
he flaunts around, he then giggles like a creepy little girl.

"I am here, my fellows, i cannot remember your faces however, why?"


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Was now a speedy blur, he leaped, and bounded across the room, at faster than a candle being set alight, a blur of the shadowseer where he previously was. Burning into the ozone, he smiles, and flips himself infront Of tyliana, standing on his hands, and he looked up at Tyliana, his mask projecting a smiling face.

A creepy eerie face, while the other was off a smiling angry face, a weird combination of smiling, and angry expressions, as he flips again, now standing on his tip-toes, he bright red, and green, and blue clothes, gleaming brightly.

"A while since, what milady?, Since you have seen a harlequin of the laughing god?"
he said brightly, sounding like an excited girl.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer A smiling face would look up, his blond hair reaching his shoulders, and a thin scar made it's weaving way across his nose, but other than that, unblemished, he giggled, like a creepy little girl, he flipped again, the Flip belt catching him, and holding him upside down for a second, before dropping him on his feet.

"It is called dancing yes, but my people, call it the dance of the heavens fall."
he said brightly, his casual green eyes darting around. They paused at her chest, before moving up to her eyes, he laughs again.

The mask within Tylianas hand, was constantly changing, from expression to expression.
Vircus, took the mask from her hand, and placed it on his belt.

"People, they call me Vircus, I used to lead my troupe, back then i was a death jester..."


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#, as written by Gasmask
 "But now, I am a shadowseer, i can see the shadows talk and play"
he continued, talking quite fast, he viewed humans, as sluggish and slow.
Another blur, as he now sat on her lap, grinning lightly.

"Death Jester, is a lamenter of death, they have dark humor.., But a shadow-seer, is a leader of a troup, i can see the future, and alike."
he shrugs, his brightly colored Armour was still shining brightly.


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#, as written by Gasmask
 "You can read minds too!?" he said excitdly, as if fidning the prospect of having another mind-reader around was exhilarating.
He smiled brightly, shaking his head lightly, causing his head to cascade, and spin.

He shuffled on her lap, putting his head on her shoulder, having no idea, on how 'Normal' courtesy went.
To him, this was just simple greeting, and talking, for the eldar, were highly enigmatic.

He extends an eyebrow at the explosions.
"Loud...Loud..Robot..Loud" he repeats shaking his head.

"Make big boom."
he said again, slightly childish.


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#, as written by Gasmask
 "Trickster Goddess?, Ohhh, this could be all a trick, consorted by the laughing god..." he said mysteriously, shrugging, and still lay his head on her shoulder, snuggling into her, enigmatic as always.

"My mask. Is my mask,it helps my plays."


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Purring slightly, he continues. His smile bigger.

"Impressed?, Do i get praise?"


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Character Portrait: Vircus The Shadowseer
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#, as written by Gasmask
 "The laughing god knows, he is the fool."
Vircus said bluntly, his tone still remained happy.


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#, as written by Gasmask
 "Then, i shall laugh, and prance away."
he said giggling, although slightly insanely.

he went back to purring as she toyed with his hair, feeling like satin, and silk.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Giggled like a creepy little girl, as he stood outside the bar, his hand poking the door open, he giggled again, as it slowly creaked open, he giggled again, and danced into the bar, as a blur, his blue,green,red patterned clothes, shining brightly his mask a double face, of a grinning face, and a grimacing face.

He giggled again, and flipped on the spot, turning on the spot, and flipping on his hands, steadily walking to the counter, leaping off his hands, he lands on a stool, making it spin rapidly.

Even though he was going extremely fast too human standards, he just sighed sadly, and said.

he said quitely.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Would suddenly appear from the roof, standing on it, as if defying gravity was trivial.
he giggled insanely, before leaning down, and staring right into Evalazaros face.

"I like tea." he said bluntly, yet cheerfully, before breaking out in giggles.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Giggling insanely, he turns around to face A. X-6

"I know."
"I foresaw this reaction."


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Giggles insanely once more, louder, and childish, he squats on the roof, and laughs. He blinks behind his mask, his mask changing to a angry/sad face.

"Well, That's too bad." he said sadly, before turning back to Eva.

"Something troubling."


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Blinks again, smiling behind his mask.



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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Would hold out a hand near a kettle, and some tea-bags, he watched them fly to his grip, he holds out his hand, causing Eva's mug to fly from her grip, and split into two, he boiled some water, and put two fresh teabags in, and poured some sugar in.

He tipped the kettle outside down, watching the now-crimson liquid fall upside down, in the gravity vortex caused by Vircus, he passed the drink back down Eva, before sipping his own.

"What about me?,the great shadow-seer?"
he said brightly.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Would notice Whisper, and giggle.

"Ohhhh..A shifter..."


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Sips his Tea, thoughtfully, he slowly strides on the roof, before flipping, and landing on his feet.

"Should i take my leave then, miladys?"


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Smiles behind his mask, in his [url=]Armour[/url].
He hesitates at the door, and pokes it, causing it to slide open, Vircus Giggled insanely, as he watched it slowly open, he giggled again, as he danced into the bar, just a blur, he flipped on the spot, landing on his hands, and cart-wheeling across the room, and leaping onto the roof, hsi fli-belt causing him to stick to it, as he takes a seat next to terry.

"Hello, there."
He said excitedly, sounding like an excited child.
He giggled again, crouching on the roof.


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#, as written by Gasmask
Vircus The Shadowseer Huffed Sadly, as he had no response, as he leaped off the roof, slightly flip his belt, and land on the floor, with the tips of his boots, as he giggles happily, he cart-wheels, over to Daylin. His motion a blur, and his brightly colored clothes, which were red, blue, and green looking like a motion-trip.

He smiles behind his mask, his mask's face changing to sad grimace, on the left side, the other a smiling face.
He was a random occurrence in the universe.

"You look, like you know, acrobatics?, Maybe you teach me something?"
he said excitedly, the notion of a another Person who knew acrobatics was extremely pleasing.