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Vox Knight

The threads of the metaverse give in to its power, opening a rift for the hunter's arrival...

0 · 359 views · located in The Infinite Void

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Safisan


Name: Vox Knight
Name at birth: Seeker no. 45
Alias(es): “The Faceless demon”
Title(s): Bounty Hunter for a metaversal connection, no particular division.

Age: N/A
Gender: referred to as a male for the sake of easier identification, Vox has no gender however.
Orientation: N/A, there is no attraction when reproduction takes place amongst the enlightened.
Species: enlightened, an ascended being, achieved so through specific patterns in bloodline allowing immortality and capability of existing within the metaverse’s connections.
Race: seeker enlightened, usually handed the tasks of taking down those threatening the metaverse’s connections, otherwise students under the arts of magic.
Ancestry: seeker enlightened only.

Height: 6’0 in this form.
Weight: 209
BMI: 28.1
Blood type: AB
Diet: N/A, save for the rare meal to fake being a normal being in a particular universe.

Birthplace: unknown, thought to be a metaverse connection.
D.O.B.: unknown as well.
Residence: varies within each universe, usually a street but within the metaverse’s connections, he calls a particular one home, the one caring for all of the Earth’s eras.
Universe: metaversal connections
Planet: N/A

Ageless: yes
Immortal: yes, death will not happen to an enlightened by any means, however enough damage will force one to retract into a comatose state and teleport unconsciously to the closest metaversal connection for healing.

Age ranking-
Physical age: 20
Mental age: N/A, Vox will generally adapt to the universe.
True age: N/A

Father: Seeker no. 37
Mother: Seeker no. 42
Brother(s): N/A
Sister(s): N/A
Children: N/A
Adoptive: N/A
Other: N/A
Marital status: N/A for enlightened, seekers in particular.

Occupation: bounty hunter for the metaverse’s connections.
Previous employment: N/A
Religion: ‘Light’, belief in achieving perfection through a delicate mind-body-soul balance, as such seekers are forced to train in all three fields as opposed to body, lest they be dubbed atheist.
Alignment: whatever brings him more power.
Social class: discarded for the actual society within the metaverse’s enlightened, Vox is called only to take care of a task.
Economic class: N/A

Skin color: olive tan
Hair color: pitch black
Hair style: kept fairly long and messy, with the bangs cut off below the brow and brushed to either side, then tied into a mix of a ponytail and a bun.
Eye color: grey
Facial hair: N/A
Facial features: small in proportion to his size, with a ball-shaped nose, slightly protruding eyes and cheeks, pointy ears and thin lips.
Body build: even growth in body fat, if there were any; it’s mostly well-placed muscle.

The accursed mark on his left, inner wrist: a letter ‘S’, signaling the enlightened’s use as a seeker, it’s a snake in said shape, with its mouth open and the fangs showing. The snake appears to be biting a book and its tail wraps around a bitten apple.


Head: a white bandana, folded into a single strip and tied around the middle of his head downwards (wrapping around the center of the back area.)

Neck: a moonstone-silver necklace, enchanted to ease the traveling between metaverse connections to universes.


Lightweight anti-mana mist vest (AMM for short): made of enchanted silver and a rare ore named dyo, it weighs in at 5kg the entire vest and provides optimal protection against most magic attacks targeted at the user. It gets its name not only for the light weight on the person carrying it, but for the effect it has upon receiving too much damage: dissipating into mist. If a certain part is injured more than the others, it may dissolve into the air sooner and the rest of the vest will stretch to cover it – the material may actually cover Vox’s entire upper body from a square centimeter of the vest, but sacrifices protection in doing so.

Cotton robe top: under the AMM, Vox wears this to keep a light equipment and be able to adapt to a particular universe with it easily, it’s white and offers no real protection save for cold.


Dyo bash-reflectors: a species of plate covering going over his thin trousers, there’s a plate on the thigh area, one on the knee that’s got bending film to connect to the last plate going from his shin to a little above the ankles. Also a lightweight model at 3.5kg, but there’s no mist transformation from this piece.


Warring boots: a faded tone of silver to go along with the rest of the outfit, they’re a dyed and enchanted set of dragonskin boots. Reflecting the model of modern combat boots, in a lighter wayl to emphasize on speed and footwork as opposed to protection.


Personality: a drama-infested romantic to the end, Vox believes in certain things other beings (far, far younger beings at that) would laugh at. Love and purity are some of them (the former only amongst those he knows capable of it), regardless, he takes the job as a hunter seriously, striving to become a better one with every passing day as only that will bring him the stability he so desires.

Intelligence- (in comparison to the average hunter)

Bodily-kinesthetic: 120
Interpersonal: 110
Verbal-linguistic: 100
Logical-mathematical: 115
Naturalistic: 100
Intrapersonal: 90
Visual-spatial: 120
Musical: 90
Systems: 75
Social: 90
Emotional: 90
Overall I.Q.: 100

Dominant brain hemisphere: both
Primary arm: either, but both have a particular function in battle.

Likes in General: power, stability, universes in a relative peace.
Dislikes in General: universes at war, unfair match ups.
Hobbies: reading whatever literature universes hold for him in spare time.

Words-Per-Minute: 130, full comprehension.
Education: basic courses taught in metaverse academies, up to the equivalent of high school. Professional end-courses in assassination and connection manipulation.

Phobias: N/A
Allergies: N/A

Plague of the accursed: so nicknamed by the higher hierarchy within the metaverse’s connections, all seekers are born with the desire to grow, in one way or the other. Basically, it’s the feeling of thirst towards a particular sector of the aforementioned trio: soul, mind and body. Because of this, most enlightened’s seekers aren’t particularly powerful or even renown, as they focus into one aspect and become brittle in the rest. The effects on Vox thus far have only made him desire growth in all three aspects, feeling withdrawal symptoms if any of their training is removed.

Primary Language: thought-language used by the metaverse connections.
Secondary Languages: English as it’s the one most frequently in his job.
Friends: N/A
Enemies: the next task.
Rivals: N/A

Battle Information:


Genesis: directly from the definition of the enlightened’s bible. It is said to be the hilt of the blade held by the Angel guarding the garden of Eden. From it, the upper two meters were cut and the majority of the hilt was shaped into a sword. 30” in size at the blade and the rest (4”) left as a hilt. It’s curved at a very low angle, less than 10º. Half an inch thick, it’s made of an unknown material dubbed ‘Cylus.’ A hand-guard protects Vox in the form of a square, inch thick tube that protrudes from the first inch of the hilt up and to the end of the fourth. A short length of rope extends from the pommel and ties around his right wrist.

Synthesis: inspired on the former, it’s Vox’s side weapon, representing man made creations. Crafted from a specific tribe amongst ‘creator’ enlightened, it is made in dyo and enchanted to increase durability. It’s a long dagger, arguably a shortsword that’s 14” at the blade, with an equally sized hilt at four inches. Blade a quarter inch thick, it’s mostly a stabbing weapon as it has no curve with which to focus a slash on.

Natural Abilities-

Seeker magic: a specialized type of magic art that centers around damaging the opponent, either directly or indirectly. Used mostly by bounty hunters and the overall lower-middle classes in the metaverse, as its cheapness and difficulty of learning made it pointless to the higher races, or even species. It involves specific spells branched out from a more ample spellbook or spell. Vox’s current use magic includes:

Calling: summoning of metaverse: through an increase in focus, Vox calls forth more energy from the metaverse, opening a rift within himself for the energy to appear inside of. This portal may also be opened elsewhere, but the energy is only for the use of someone specialized in the type.

Lightning: the soft thunder of Seeker: focusing metaversal energy within either sword or his hands, a beam of roughly 15cm in diameter is launched at the foe. Its effects numb out the hit body part, making it unusable for 30 seconds on average, with every following shot lasting longer due to weakening in the opposing structure.

Rush: sight to body enhancer: by loading metaversal energy inside himself, an increase in speed happens, proportional to the energy stored. The aftermath of using this spell will cause Vox to feel a species of lag, mainly physically as post-Rush his ability to detect movement and percept detail is heightened.

Other Abilities:

Genesis: healer of Eden: metaversal energy runs inside the Genesis sword, transforming into a benevolent, spiritual form of force that then proceeds to mend flesh and heal both external and internal damage.

Illusion: death through sight: Vox performs eye contact on the foe at the same time he passes metaversal energy through Synthesis, effectively creating an illusion of himself, cloaking the real Vox invisible (though not invulnerable by any means, and incapable of performing any direct damaging spells) The illusion’s arsenal consist of Vox’s spells and the Synthesis blade. Clone Vox is destroyed upon being dealt enough damage or hitting the caster.

Illusion: death through sound: Vox begins to chant at the same time metaversal energy is channeled through Synthesis, creating an illusion of himself, at the same time he turns invisible (again, not invulnerable and also incapable of casting direct damage through spells) The illusion may not use Vox’s spells and instead consists of its own illusions, mainly using sound. Clone Vox is destroyed upon being dealth enough damage or hitting the caster.

Usable Energy Types:

Metaversal energy: this energy has the particular effect of being usable in any universe, though it will not adapt to serve the same purposes common energy types serve there. It is unique to those living outside of a universe and serves different uses: in Vox’s case, it powers his spells and enhances the abilities of his weapons.

Amount of energy (in respect to the average hunter): 1.8:1
Regeneration ratio (in respect to the average hunter): 1.4:1
Spiritual Battle Attributes: wielding Genesis adds to Vox’s overall defense by lessening damage – absorbing the pain behind attacks slightly.

Combat Styles-

Hunter style no.7: Assassination of Gomorrah: the style focuses on the use of advanced hunter swordsmanship, with certain intermediate and beginner moves thrown in using an alternate version to surprise opponents. Geared towards physicality, it explains Vox’s single long range attack (not counting the illusionary techniques.)

Teleportation: yes, but only applicable to move from universe to universe once outside the connections – unusable in battle unless it’s to flee entirely, it will not teleport Vox to another spot to attack. Also usable to teleport from metaverse connection to a universe and vice versa.

Flight: no

Battle Theme: Unknown Soldier – Breaking Benjamin
Performed By: Breaking Benjamin
Album: Phobia
Record label: Hollywood Records

Theme Song: Adema – All These Years
Performed By: Adema
Album: Kill With The Headlights
Record label: Immortal Records

Quote: “Us hunters are not heretics, merely neutral in this plethora of choices; destroying that which may pose a threat to existence.”

So begins...

Vox Knight's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slyantar Thomas Copper Character Portrait: Kinea Character Portrait: Issuka Character Portrait: Liesha Kennicot Character Portrait: Jared Johnson Character Portrait: Ruhe
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Sibael Rhodwyn looked around, finally staring one of the strangers in the face, "I don't remember you. Any of you, to be frank."