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White Rabbit


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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Guest, as played by FizzGig


pic not mine, will remove if asked


With great power comes great responsibility.
But without self-control, creates a monster worth reckoning.

So begins...

White Rabbit's Story


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#, as written by FizzGig
Jaida sniffed, putting her hands at the base of her skull as she regarded the pair. "The kinds of missions that we get called on are usually high-end requests, the kind of stuff that other groups won't or can't take care of...legally." At this, she smiled. "The missions often require team efforts, and more often than not will involve injury of some degree. But we have spells, healers, and practical medicine to help along with the process of getting you guys back into shape to work in the field."

"It does require following orders, giving reports, and there will be biannual assessments to make sure that you stay in shape. If you can't meet physical requirements then you're out, usually with a memory wipe, because that's how we roll here. Identities stay within the group, not to be shared with outsiders. If anyone asks you what you do for a living, you tell them you're a pest control specialist." At this, she smirked.

"But we don't kill our targets. They're relocated, utilized for research. That sort of stuff isn't our job to meddle in. We just bag em and tag em." She looked from Nafy to Evan. "Questions?"

The setting changes from Master's Dojo to Main Street 1


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
A different door opened, this one at the head of the dojo, rather than at the back, where they had walked in. Though his steps were near-silent on the padded floor, there was no mistaking the light clink that accompanied his movements.

Dressed crisply in pressed pants, black, pointed boots, and a white button-up completed with suspenders, the Blasian man came out of the shadows, his massive, metal-encrusted dreadlocks swaying behind him as he approached the two. His fingers were steepled, eyes glittering with amusement as he regarded first Jaida, and then Max.

"Ah yes, he will do quite nicely wif us."

He threw an arm over his chest, bowing so profusely that his dreads brushed the floor. They glittered with metal parts, most notably razors, catching the light and scattering it as he rose to stand. "I am White Wabbit. But, fwum now on, you must call me Mastah."

He threw his arms out wide, practically giggling. "Okai?"

Elliot appeared after him, clasping her hands in front of her as she watched Max for his reaction.


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
Rabbit's smile was razor-thin as his eyes flicked over Max's figure. Elliot, behind him, had her face carefully arranged so that it showed nothing. Beside Max, though, Jaida snorted.

"Imprimus, eh? I heard of dat. Quit deh impressive resume you have. No mattah! Calling me by title of honor would make you a pussy, no less, howevah, you mus' remembah who it is dat will be paying you, yes?"

He put his hands behind his back. "So you good to follow orders, Misser Captain?"

Ellie's eyes lit up as she watched Max. Jaida fixed him with a side-long glance.


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
"Jes Wabbit." he replied with a dismissing wave of the hand. "And no, I'd like tah send you off wif Jaida for the night. Let her see how well you work wif demons, and wif her." He smiled somewhat fondly at the white-haired merc. The woman in question simply glowered.

"She is mos difficult to work wif."

"I told you about the creature, Rabbit," Ellie spoke up from the back. The other turned to her, looking amused.

"Yes, you did, but you are not a field agent are you? I need other eyes."

Ellie smiled, though it was a tad stiff, and nodded. Jaida ignored the interaction and reached to elbow Max's side.

"Think you could fight alongside a necromancer, pretty boy?"

The setting changes from Main Street 1 to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
How often could a person say that they saw an Asian man with dreadlocks?

Not all that often, my friends.

If his appearance was missed, it would be harder for the observer to ignore the sheer amount of noise the man made as he wandered into Gambit's bar. The heels of his custom-made boots clicked. The tip of his curious umbrella clicked the floor with his steps, and the metal increments that he had woven into his hair clicked together like the sound of someone dropping and shifting a large amount of pins and needles. His angled eyes were squinted with his smile, a sharp, three-inch needle protruding from the corner of his mouth. He appeared to be playing with it.

Other than his metal accesories, he was dressed rather professionally, in a crisp button down and a vest, with the slacks tucked into the tops of his boots. "One must never be late." he murmured, pulling a pocket watch from the front of his vest.

White Rabbit had, indeed, arrived just in time.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to The Ruins


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
"I has...suspected as much."

Rabbit stepped out from behind a pillar, dressed in a lime green suit. His dreads shifted, jangling with his movement while his umbrella-tip tapped idly against a nearby stone. He was smiling so wide that his eyes were squinted, but there was a cold glint, a silent fury.

Elliot startled, pulling away only slightly as she looked towards their boss.

"Rabbit, hey..."

Her hand, against Max's chest, tightened in the fabric of his shirt.

"I did not know dat either of you were training togevah. Espechully so far away from evyone else. Don't you worry about enemies?"

His eyes, sharp as razors, flickered to Max. "Don't you worry about how your past might catch up wiff you?"


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
Rabbit lifted a brow, watching as Max rose to his feet, before grinning one of his sharp, serrated smiles. He lifted a hand, waving dismissively towards the fire mage. "Welax," he all but purred, shifting to cross his arms over his chest. "I fought the man might make anovuh good addition, since you have pwoven to be vewy...talented yoursewf." He slid his gaze over to Elliot.

"I know evewyfing there is to know about my employees. Wiff this particular group, you could understand why I'd want to thowoughly check evewyone's backrounds." He pointed at Max. "You were no exception. I discovewed this Jegun, and used Miss Bordeaux, and the medawion you gave her, as a lure."

He smirked.

"The man pwomised to help you find and capture the kisune, did he not?"

Elliot could only stare, but the look she delivered to Max was a warning.

Don't do it.

The setting changes from The Ruins to Canti's Diner


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
Tap. Tap. Tap.

Up the stairs to Canti's diner, the clean tapping of well-polished dress shoes echoed against the outside walls of the modest establishment. Coming to a stop at the door, the man with the strange, embellished dreadlocks slipped inside the building with an odd, wide smile fixed to his face. His eyes were large and round, seemingly fixed that way as he looked from patron to patron, the umbrella in his hand dragging noisily against the floor in a grating screeeeeeee.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He spied Vidious last of all, his smile widening (if that was physically possible). His smart dress, dinnerwear minus the coat, hinted that the visitor took care of himself, even if he looked a bit eccentric.

"Sucha...chahming pace you chose." He spoke as he approached, his voice unusually high, with a strange lisp to boot.

"Ah we wait for someone else?"


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
Rabbit giggled, both hands coming to rest on top of his umbrella as the tip of it rested against the ground, still and quiet for once. He tilted his head to the side, the jingle of his metal-encrusted dreadlocks the only noise he made for the time being.

"Fwends call me Baws." He replied in that same, high tone. "Enemies call me Wabbit."

He looked towards the young man, one pale brow lifting.

"Wut do you call yosewf?"


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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#, as written by FizzGig
His eyes narrowed dangerously at the youth, before looking to Vidious.

"Wut gives you the powah to offer us such grandiose pwizes for our cooperation?"

Perhaps that was what he wanted.


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
So this man simply wanted him to make a mess? And he'd get paid to do so?

This was too good to be true.

"I wequire little." He promised as he stepped forward to extend a hand, the other grasping his umbrella. "Perhaps in time I will decide what pwice I desire for my services, but for now, consider the distwaction someting of a sinch. It will be wemembered."

Yes. It certainly would be.

The setting changes from Canti's Diner to Gambit's Bar


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
How often could a person say that they saw an Asian man with dreadlocks?

Not all that often, my friends.

If his appearance was missed, it would be harder for the observer to ignore the sheer amount of noise the man made as he wandered into Gambit's bar. The heels of his custom-made boots clicked. The tip of his curious umbrella clicked the floor with his steps, and the metal increments that he had woven into his hair clicked together like the sound of someone dropping and shifting a large amount of pins and needles. His angled eyes were squinted with his smile, a sharp, three-inch needle protruding from the corner of his mouth. He appeared to be playing with it.

Other than his metal accesories, he was dressed rather professionally, in a crisp button down and a vest, with the slacks tucked into the tops of his boots. "One must never be late." he murmured, pulling a pocket watch from the front of his vest.

White Rabbit had, indeed, arrived just in time.


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
He snapped the pocket watch closed, slipping it back into the front pocket of his vest before walking over to the bar counter. He ignored Quill and Cynthia, aiming straight for another computer a few feet down from where they were sitting. After tinkering with the touch-screen for just a moment, he looked up in amusement as one of the bar bots deposited his order of Seltzer water on the counter in front of him. His smile widened, eyes squinting curiously.

His twitchy fingers reached around to the back of the console, digging and scratching until he was able to remove the plastic paneling, exposing the spaghetti formation of wiring underneath. The man set to work, oblivious to those around him (or simply too belligerent to care what they thought), tearing apart the console and causing the screen up front to fade to black.


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Character Portrait: White Rabbit
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
"I don unnastan." the man muttered to himself as he angled his head to have a better look at what he was working with. "Dis tech, it not like what I used to." Unaccustomed to feeling confused, he sat back, crossing his arms over his chest and tapping his foot rapidly on the floor.


"Oh!" One finger flew into the air, the man's face returning to that fox-like smile. "But of course.." He pulled out his umbrella, aiming it at the computer console, and twitched his index finger.


A puff of purple smoke clouded his portion of the bar counter, the console collapsing on the floor with a clatter. The man swore loudly, flailing his hands around to clear the smoke before approaching the decapitated console, practically salivating as he observed the electronics underneath. This was the good stuff!